建筑合约方面专业英文怎么写的 建筑行业的合同与合约的区别

1. 请帮忙翻译一下几个建筑专业的英文!~谢谢咯

1 中级工程师
Intermediate Engineer

2 造价工程师
Cost Engineer

3 执业资格证书
Registered Qualification Certificate

4 国家注册一级建造师证书
Registered Certificate of Constructor The People’s Republic of China 简称为 RCCPRC

5 施工图纸
Construction Drawings

6 土建投资
Civilwork Investment

7 预应力钢筋混凝土结构(后张法)
Pre-stressed Reinforced Concrete Structure(Post Tensioning Method)

8 建筑物抗震等级为四级
Earthquake-proof strength of buildings are categorized into 4 levels.

9 胶粉聚苯颗粒保温砂浆外墙粉刷及面砖饰面层
Adhesive Polystyrene Granule and Insulation Mortar Stucco and Facing Brick Finishing

Adhesive Polystyrene Granule and Insulation Mortar External Rendering and Facing Brick Finishing

10 保温与节能型建筑
Thermal-insulating and Energy-saving Buildings

Heat-and-energy-preservation Buildings

2. 英文翻译(建筑专业)

楼上 你不确定就不要回答呀 要是人家 用了你的 不正确 怎么办呢?
主创建筑师General Architect
参考 主任建筑师Architecture Conceptual Designer-柏景(广州)园林景观

主任建筑师 Principal Architect
参考:招聘Principal Architect-Airport 主任建筑师-机场英国阿特金斯集团

首席设计师Chief Designer

参考 Chief Architect X1 (首席建筑师v11.0)

3. 建筑图纸相关专业字母代号是什么词的缩写

给排水water supply and drainage
暖通Warm ventilation
弱电Weak current

4. 建筑 建筑学 英文怎么说

第四个是对的, 不过他把建筑拼错了, 应该是Building才对(如果你说的建筑是指建筑物的话)。 第一个的如果是Construct也是对的(不过是正在施工的建筑)。 同时Achitect是建筑学不过也是建筑师的意思(大多是建筑师的意思, 但是建筑学的简称), 而Architecture者是建筑学而已。

5. 建筑设计专业英文词汇:方案、初步设计、施工图分别怎么翻译阿


初步设计Draft Design
施工图Construction Design

6. 建筑工程合同中的发包方、承包方用英语怎么说


7. 各种各样的建筑工程师英文都怎么说的谢谢了

生产/营运/工程 Manufacturing/Operations/Engineering
工厂经理/厂长 Plant/Factory Manager
总工程师/副总工程师 Chief Engineer
项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor
项目工程师 Project Engineer
营运经理 Operations Manager
营运主管 Operations Supervisor
生产经理/车间主任 Proction Manager/Workshop Supervisor
生产计划协调员 Proction Planning Executive/Officer
生产主管/督导/领班 Proction Supervisor/Team Leader
技术/工艺设计经理/主管 Technical/Instrial Design Mgr./Spvr.
技术/工艺设计工程师 Technical/Instrial Design Engineer
实验室负责人/工程师 Lab Manager/Engineer
工程/设备经理 Engineering/Facility Manager
工程/设备主管 Engineering/Facility Supervisor
工程/设备工程师 Engineering/Facility Engineer
电气/电子工程师 Electrical/Electronics Engineer
机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer
机电工程师 Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
维修工程师 Maintenance Engineer
质量经理 QA Manager
质量主管 QA Supervisor
质量工程师 QA Engineer
质量检验员/测试员 QA Inspector
认证工程师 Certification Engineer
安全/健康/环境经理/主管 Safety/Health/Environment Manager/Supervisor
安全/健康/环境工程师 Safety/Health/Environment Engineer
工程绘图员 Project Drafting Specialist
机械制图员 Drafting Specialist
化验员 Laboratory Technician
技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee
电工 Electrician
服装打样/制版 Clothing/Apparel Sample Proction
建筑/房地产 Construction/Real Estate
建筑工程师 Architect
结构/土建工程师 Structural Engineer
电气工程师 Electrical Engineer
给排水/暖通工程师 Drainage/HVAC Engineer
工程造价师/预结算 Budgeting Specialist
建筑工程管理 Construction Management
工程监理 Engineering Project Supervisor
室内外装潢设计 Decorator
城市规划与设计 Urban Design/Planning
建筑制图 CAD Drafter
施工员 Construction Crew
房地产开发/策划 Real Estate Development/Planning
房地产评估 Real Estate Appraisal
房地产中介/交易 Real Estate Agent/Broker
物业管理 Property Management

8. 建筑工程用英语怎么说

construction engineering

9. 100分 建筑专业 短文 翻译成英文

Completion of settlement construction is the contractor in accordance with the provisions of the contract by the contractor completed the project, the experience of land quality and in accordance with the contract after the contract works were carried out in the final settlement price. Clearing the completion of the works commissioned by the contractor or by the relevant qualification of the preparation of construction cost consultants, contract review or commission who has the appropriate qualifications advisory body to the construction cost review, the Government investment projects, by the peer review of the financial sector. Economic Development accounts, signed and sealed by the contractor after the effective.

The completion of settlement, should be based on relevant state laws, regulations, rules and regulations and related judicial interpretations, the construction works BOQ-denominated contract specifications and construction contract for the preparation of such information.

BOQ existing valuation methods, the project completed by the contract price settlement in general, materials transfer and visa poor claim is composed of three parts.

Completion of the project, clearing, building construction enterprises to collect projects unit price basis.

Construction enterprises in the economic management activities, project billing is an important part of management. Do a good job clearing the management of projects, establish and improve the billing system, the promotion of proction and management of construction enterprises, rece the cost of the project to improve the economic efficiency of construction enterprises of great significance.

1. Please help translate some English for architectural majors! ~Thank you

1 Intermediate Engineer
Intermediate Engineer

2 Cost Engineer
Cost Engineer

3 Professional Qualification Certificate
/>Registered Qualification Certificate

4 National Registered First-Class Constructor Certificate
Registered Certificate of Constructor The People's Republic of China, abbreviated as RCCPRC

5 Construction Drawings
Construction Drawings

6 Civilwork Investment
Civilwork Investment

7 Pre-stressed Reinforced Concrete Structure (post-tensioned method)
Pre-stressed Reinforced Concrete Structure (Post Tensioning Method)

8 Earthquake-proof strength of buildings are categorized into 4 levels.

9 Rubber powder polystyrene Adhesive Polystyrene Granule and Insulation Mortar Stucco and Facing Brick Finishing


Adhesive Polystyrene Granule and Insulation Mortar External Rendering and Facing Brick Finishing

10 Thermal-insulating and Energy-saving Buildings


Heat- and-energy-preservation Buildings

2. English Translation (Architecture Major)

If you are not sure upstairs, don’tYou have to answer. What should I do if someone uses yours incorrectly?
General Architect
Reference to Chief ArchitectArchitecture Conceptual Designer-Parkview (Guangzhou) Garden Landscape

Chief ArchitectPrincipal Architect
Reference: Recruitment of Principal Architect - Airport Chief Architect - Airport UK Atkins Group

Chief Designer

Chief Architect Architect
Reference Chief Architect X1 (Chief Architect v11.0)

3. What is the abbreviation of the professional letter code related to architectural drawings

It is the corresponding English initial letter
water supply and drainage
Warm ventilation
Weak current

4. Architecture in English How to say?

The fourth one is correct, but he spelled building wrong. It should be Building (if you mean building). The first one is also correct if it is Construct (but it is a building under construction). At the same time, Achitect means architecture, but it also means architect (mostly it means architect, but it is the abbreviation of architecture), and Architecture means architecture.
by Yanzi~

5. English vocabulary for architectural design: how to translate plan, preliminary design, and construction drawings


Preliminary design Draft Design
Construction Design

6. How do you say the contracting party and the contractor in the construction project contract in English?

The contracting party is usually the owner or employee. ,client,
customer, propietor, but sometimes it is the general contracting company sole
contractor, or the entrusted management company administration
entrustment, so the contracting party is usually called buyer in English in business contracts , the contractor is called seller

7. EachHow to say thank you in English for various construction engineers

Plant/Factory Manager
Chief Engineer/ Chief Engineer
Project Manager/Supervisor
Project Engineer
Operations Manager
Operations Supervisor
Production Manager/Workshop Director Proction Manager/Workshop Supervisor
Production Planning Executive/Officer
Production Supervisor/Team Leader
Technical/Instrial Design Mgr. /Spvr.
Technical/Instrial Design Engineer
Lab Manager/Engineer
Engineering/Facility Manager
Engineering/Facility Manager Engineering/Facility Supervisor
Engineering/Facility Engineer
Electrical/Electronics Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
>Maintenance Engineer
QA Manager
QA Supervisor
QA Engineer
QA Inspector
Certification Engineer < brSafety/Health/Environment Manager/Supervisor
Safety/Health/Environment Engineer
Project Drafting Specialist
Mechanical Drafting Drafting Specialist
Laboratory Technician
Technician / Engineer Trainee
Clothing/Apparel Sample Proction
Construction/Real Estate
Structural Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Drainage/HVAC Engineer
Budgeting Specialist
Construction Management
Engineering Project Supervisor
Indoor and outdoor decoration design Decorator
Urban Design/Planning
Architectural drawing CAD Drafter
Construction Crew
Real Estate Development/Planning
Real Estate Appraisal
Real Estate Agent/Broker
Property Management< /p>

8. How to say construction engineering in English

Architecture engineering
construction engineering

9. 100-point construction professional essay translated into English

Completion of settlement construction is the contractor in accordance with the provisions of the contract by the contractor completed the project, the experience of land quality and in accordance with the contract after the contract works were carried out in the final settlement price. Clearing the completion of the works commissioned by the contractor or by the relevant qualification of the preparation of construction cost consultants, contract review or commission who has the appropriate qualifications advisory body to the construction cost review, the Government investment projects, by the peer review of the financial sector. Economic Development accounts. , signed and sealed by the contractor after the effective.

The completion of settlement, should be based on relevant state laws, regulations, rules and regulations and related judicial interpretations, the construction works BOQ-denominated contract specifications and construction contract for the preparation of such information.

BOQ existing valuation methods, the project completed by the contract price settlement in general, materials transfer and visa poor claim is composed of three parts.

Completion of the project, clearing, building construction enterprises to collect projects unit price basis.

Construction enterprises in the economic management activities, project billing is an important part of management. Do a good job clearing the management of projects, establish and improve the billing system, the promotion of proction and management of construction enterprises, rece the cost of the project to improve the economic efficiency of construction enterprises of great significance.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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