币圈小白入门知识 币圈基础入门知识

⑴ 武林外传从菜鸟到剑圣的最佳加点法是什么








一. 剑圣练级方法




70-80:70-72组队做破关 72-80与高防枪系组满队拉怪刷盟主旗专做绿色时间任务

80-90:80-82组队做破关 82-90与高防枪系组满队拉怪刷盟主旗专做绿色时间任务,其中不得不提一个极品传说任务“记得当年草上飞”超正点,组多个枪系职业群刷获得经验十分丰厚,最理想的位置为夜郎村,如果与枪系关系够铁能够允许你只在群怪的时候上线吸道具,半小时任务经验能破3000万,本人最高记录半小时任务做成1小时,获得经验3400万

90-100:两种方法——一种是组满队嗑双倍刷圣火令任务,经验比较稳定1小时3000万+,这种方法比较消耗金币,另一种方法是组队专门刷3个沙漠任务:刺客之首 骑兵之首 巫师之首,配合好的话高防职业可以每人拉顶得住数量的怪到任务NPC,一边打一边交任务,运气好几个就出,交好任务继续砍怪,减少来回跑时间,经验累加起来每小时经验也是十分可观

二. 剑圣PK技能点加法










亢龙决:施放后空到剩下1点血,360度群攻周围4米范围,满级亢龙决攻击=本身攻击+牺牲血量75%,以我GF后(没有神算加血上限)血量12774本身攻击3934来计算,我的群攻最高攻击输出为12774×0.75+3934=13514 减去被攻击人的防就等于其掉血值,基本上群秒,当然,我这样的攻击输出是需要装备支持,相关装备为:+7加血90绝世装备1套+8九十剑



太虚龙壁:减少伤害25% 持续15秒 在被较多人打的时候十分实用,群P时手指灵活能兼顾释放太虚龙壁的剑圣一般都不会死得很难看,至少可以保证在多人围殴的情况下不至于毁容







1. 升龙决:无话可说,再次流泪……

2. 剑魔警戒:实用性不如剑魔斗志,OUT!

3. 北溟秋水剑:攻击太低,加满附加属性为吸40%对方蓝,正如两军对阵往人家脸上吐口水一样,无用且无道德,OUT!

4. 剑气斩:秒放及快速冷却技能,攻击太低,练级稍微有用,PK完全无用,其猥琐的技能施放动作更有损剑圣俊郎滴偶像气质,OUT!

5. 元灵归心:防迟缓及解迟缓技能,本来是满实用的,奈何完美给的技能点太少,只能OUT!要怪怪完美!




三. 剑圣PK方法


1. 1对1单P

2. N对1 群殴

3. N对N 对峙PK

4. 1对N 受制PK












之所以把此组毁灭级技能组合放在最后,是因为真龙圣体与亢龙决的冷却时间分别为10分钟 5分钟,作为剑圣的“夺命一击”毁灭组合,能不用尽量不用,用多了技能回复不过来不要紧,要是人家一个个给你秒到没自尊了,以后不跟你玩了,那岂不是要玩自己?



1. 尝试远程“天山神芒”是否可以秒杀或者出爆秒杀

2. 使用“吸星之纯阳剑+天崩地裂“作为主攻击技能搭配,缓慢+瞬间大量伤害一般的法系斗招架不住

3. 当你遇到减益技能等级较高的法系,比如蛊王的远程沉睡,远程眩晕,远程沉默,使用轻功靠近再发“吸星之纯阳剑“因为法系的属性攻击冷却时间较长,对于过分BT的法系,只能杀鸡用牛刀鸟,靠近之后……毁灭技能组合:)

4. 以上剑圣单P分析完毕,相信剑圣同胞们对剑圣PK能够有比较详细的了解了,对于第二种“N对1群殴“无需多言。至于“N对N”群P实际上就是单P的升级版本,最爽之处在于找好机会在敌人密集的地方放毁灭技能组合,爽到无与伦比,昨晚敌对帮派御林军3个90+的人在骚扰我80+队伍练级,仗于高级开黄欺负偶小号,偶让小号开黄+血跟他们耗,等偶赶过去的时候,一个亢龙决,3个全秒杀,那种感觉……谁用谁知道!



⑵ 魔塔50层到20层要怎么攻略

23F:将墙全部撞出(不然29F的小偷无法完工),为“GO 0F”(幸运金币),注意“F”的坚到底,和老头对话。

⑶ 懂炒股的进 急!!!!!!!!!!!!

一、开户 1.到证券公司开户,办理上证或深证股东帐户卡、资金帐户、网上交易业务、电话交易业务等有关手续。然后,下载证券公司指定的网上交易软件。 2.到银行开活期帐户,并且通过银证转帐业务,把钱存入银行。 3.通过网上交易系统或电话交易系统把钱从银行转入证券公司资金帐户。 4.在网上交易系统里或电话交易系统买卖股票。 5.手续费在100元左右(每家证券公司是不同的)。股市低迷时,一般免费开户。 6.买股票必须委托证券公司代理交易,所以,必须找一家证券公司开户。 买股票的人是不可以直接到上海证券交易所买卖的。这跟二手房买卖一样,由中介公司代理的。 办理开户手续的步骤:开立证券帐户 ——> 开立资金帐户 ——> 办理指定交易 注意: 1. 务必本人办理开户手续。首先,要开立上海、深圳证券帐户;其次,开立资金帐户,即可获得一张证券交易卡。然后,根据上海证券交易所的规定,应办理指定交易,办理指定交易后方可在营业部进行上海证券市场的股票买卖。 2. 开立证券帐户须持本人身份证原件及复印件,开立资金帐户还须携带证券帐户卡原件及复印件。如需委托他人操作,需与代理人(代理人也须携带本人身份证)一起前来办理委托手续。 3. 一张身份证只能开立一个证券帐户。如果已在其他证券公司开户,那么,需要在该证券公司办理了撤销指定交易和转托管手续之后,再办理开户,开户时仅需开立资金帐户和办理指定交易即可。 二、委托 作为一个股民是不能直接进入证券交易所买卖股票的,而只能通过证券交易所的会员买卖股票,而所谓证交所的会员就是通常的证券经营机构,即券商。你可以向券商下达买进或卖出股票的指令,这被称为委托。 委托时必须凭交易密码或证券帐户。这里需要指出的是,在我国证券交易中的合法委托是当日有效的限价委托。这是指股民向证券商下达的委托指令必须指明:①股东姓名②资金卡号③买入(或卖出)④上海(或深圳)⑤股票名称⑥股票代码⑦委托价格⑧委托数量。并且这一委托只在下达委托的当日有效。股票的简称通常为四至三个汉字,股票的代码为六位数,委托买卖时股票的代码和简称一定要一致。 委托的方式有四种: 1.柜台递单委托:就是你带上自己的身份证和帐户卡,到你开设资金帐户的证券营业部柜台填写买进或卖出股票的委托书,然后由柜台的工作人员审核后执行。 2.电脑自动委托:就是你在证券营业部大厅里的电脑上亲自输入买进或卖出股票的代码、数量和价格,由电脑来执行你的委托指令。 3.电话自动委托:就是用电话拨通你开设资金帐户的证券营业部柜台的电话自动委托系统,用电话上的数字和符号键输入你想买进或卖出股票的代码、数量和价格从而完成委托。 4.远程终端委托:就是你通过与证券柜台电脑系统连网的远程终端或互联网下达买进或卖出指令。 5.反欺诈委托加盟:为了帮助加盟投资商尽量减少加盟风险,由伦琴反欺诈加盟网推出的反欺诈委托加盟业务,就是从加盟创业、维权、店铺经营这三个方面进行整体策划。 注意:除了柜台递单委托方式是由柜台的工作人员确认你的身份外,其余3种委托方式则是通过你的交易密码来确认你的身份,所以一定要好好保管你的交易密码,以免泄露,给你带来不必要的损失。当确认你的身份后,便将委托传送到交易所电脑交易的撮合主机。交易所的撮合主机对接收到的委托进行合法性的检测,然后按竞价规则,确定成交价,自动撮合成交,并立刻将结果传送给证券商,这样你就能知道你的委托是否已经成交。不能成交的委托按“价格优先,时间优先”的原则排队,等候与其后进来的委托成交。当天不能成交的委托自动失效,第二天用以上的方式重新委托。 三、交易规则 买卖股票的数量也有一定的规定:即委托买入股票的数量必须是一手(每手100股)的整倍数,但委托卖出股票的数量则可以不是100的整倍。买入或者卖出的价格必须是在昨日收盘价上下浮动10%的范围才有效。 股票交易实行价格优先、时间优先:股票连续竞价时段,因为有许多投资者可能同时买卖同一只股票,所以交易所制定了“价格优先、时间优先”的原则。如某只股票现价5.66元,如果甲投资者此时输入5.66元的买入价,而乙投资者同时输入5.67元的买入价,则乙投资者的申报优先于甲投资者的申报成交。如果大家申报的买入价格相同,则谁先输入买单谁先成交。卖出股票亦如此。某只股票如果现价是5.66元,甲输入5.66元的卖出价,而乙同时输入5.65元的卖出价,则乙的申报优先于甲的申报成交。如甲、乙输入的卖出价相同,则谁先申报谁先成交。这种情况在某只股票股价突然飚升或突然急速下探时更加突出。

根据上市地区可以分为: A股:也称为人民币普通股票、流通股、社会公众股、普通股。是指那些在中国大陆注册、在中国大陆上市的普通股票。以人民币认购和交易。 B股:也称为人民币特种股票。是指那些在中国大陆注册、在中国大陆上市的特种股票。以人民币标明面值,只能以外币认购和交易。 H股:也称为国企股,是指国有企业在香港 (Hong Kong) 上市的股票。 S股:是指那些主要生产或者经营等核心业务在中国大陆、而企业的注册地在新加坡(Singapore)或者其他国家和地区,但是在新加坡交易所上市挂牌的企业股票。 N股:是指那些在中国大陆注册、在纽约(New York)上市的外资股。 另外根据业绩分为: ST股:ST是指境内上市公司连续两年亏损,被进行特别处理的股票;*ST是指境内上市公司连续三年亏损的股票。摘帽是指原来是ST的,现在去掉ST了。 垃圾股:经营亏损或违规的公司的股票。 绩优股:公司经营很好,业绩很好,每股收益0.5元以上。 蓝筹股:股票市场上,那些在其所属行业内占有重要支配性地位、业绩优良,成交活跃、红利优厚的大公司股票称为蓝筹股。
将股票投资分析过程分为八个步骤进行。在分析汇总栏目中对各项分析进行综合,形成比较全面的分析结果。以下为“八步看股模型”的主要内容: 1.优势分析:公司是做什么的?有品牌优势吗?有垄断优势吗?是指标股吗? 2.行业分析:所处行业前景如何?在本行业中所处地位如何? 3.财务分析:盈利能力如何?增长势头如何?产品利润高吗?产品能换回真金白银吗?担保比例高吗?大股东欠款多吗? 4.回报分析:公司给股东的回报高吗?圈钱多还是分红多?近期有好的分红方案吗? 5.主力分析:机构在增仓还是减仓?筹码更集中还是更分散?涨跌异动情况如何?有大宗交易吗? 6.估值分析:目前股价是被高估还是低估? 7.技术分析:股票近期表现如何?支撑位和阻力位在哪里? 8.分析汇总:分析结果如何? 存在哪些变数?
牛市:股票市场上买入者多于卖出者,股市行情看涨称为牛市。 熊市:与牛市相反。股票市场上卖出者多于买入者,股市行情看跌称为熊市。 开盘价:指某种证券在证券交易所每个营业日的第一笔交易,第一笔交易的成交价即为当日开盘价。按上海证券交易所规定,如开市后半小时内某证券无成交,则以前一天的盘价为当日开盘价。有时某证券连续几天无成交,则由证券交易所根据客户对该证券买卖委托的价格走势,提出指导价格,促使其成交后作为开盘价。首日上市买卖的证券经上市前一日柜台转让平均价或平均发售价为开盘价。 收盘价:指某种证券在证券交易所一天交易活动结束前最后一笔交易的成交价格。如当日没有成交,则采用最近一次的成交价格作为收盘价,因为收盘价是当日行情的标准,又是下一个交易日开盘价的依据,可据以预测未来证券市场行情;所以投资者对行情分析时,一般采用收盘价作为计算依据。 报价:是证券市场上交易者在某一时间内对某种证券报出的最高进价或最低出价,报价代表了买卖双方所愿意出的最高价格,进价为买者愿买进某种证券所出的价格,出价为卖者愿卖出的价格。报价的次序习惯上是报进价格在先,报出价格在后。在证券交易所中,报价有四种:一是口喊,二是手势表示,三是申报纪录表上填明,四是输入电子计算机显示屏。 龙头股:指的是某一时期在股票市场的炒作中对同行业板块的其他股票具有影响和号召力的股票,它的涨跌往往对其他同行业板块股票的涨跌起引导和示范作用。龙头股并不是一成不变的,它在同行业板块股票的地位往往只能维持一段时间。 大盘股、小盘股:一般流通股本在1个亿以上的个股称为大盘股;5000万至1个亿的个股称为中盘般;不到5000万规模的称为小盘股。就市盈率而言,相同业绩的个股,小盘股的市盈率比中盘股高,中盘股要比大盘股高。特别在市场疲软时,小盘股机会较多。在牛市时大盘股和中盘股较适合大资金的进出,因此盘子大的个股比较看好。由于流通盘大,对指数影响大,往往成为市场调控指数的工具。投资者选择个股,一般熊市应选小盘股和中小盘股,牛市应选大盘股和中大盘股。 涨跌幅限制:是指在一个交易日内,除上市首日证券外,证券的交易价格相对上一交易日收市价格的涨跌幅度不得超过10%;超过涨跌限价的委托为无效委托。 反欺诈委托加盟:为了帮助加盟投资商尽量减少加盟风险,由伦琴反欺诈加盟网推出的反欺诈委托加盟业务,就是从加盟创业、维权、店铺经营这三个方面进行整体策划。 多头、多头市场:多头是指投资者对股市看好,预计股价将会看涨,于是趁低价时买进股票,待股票上涨至某一价位时再卖出,以获取差额收益。一般来说,人们通常把股价长期保持上涨势头的股票市场称为多头市场。多头市场股价变化的主要特征是一连串的大涨小跌。 空头、空头市场:空头是投资者和股票商认为现时股价虽然较高,但对股市前景看坏,预计股价将会下跌,于是把借来的股票及时卖出,待股价跌至某一价位时再买进,以获取差额收益。采用这种先卖出后买进、从中赚取差价的交易方式称为空头。人们通常把股价长期呈下跌趋势的股票市场称为空头市场,空头市场股价变化的特征是一连串的大跌小涨。 洗盘:投机者先把股价大幅度杀低,使大批小额股票投资者(散户)产生恐慌而抛售股票,然后再把股价抬高,以便乘机渔利。 回档:在股市上,股价呈不断上涨趋势,终因股价上涨速度过快而反转回跌到某一价位,这一调整现象称为回档。一般来说,股票的回档幅度要比上涨幅度小,通常是反转回跌到前一次上涨幅度的三分之一左右时又恢复原来上涨趋势。 反弹:在股市上,股价呈不断下跌趋势,终因股价下跌速度过快而反转回升到某一价位的调整现象称为反弹。一般来说,股票的反弹幅度要比下跌幅度小,通常是反弹到前一次下跌幅度的三分之一左右时,又恢复原来的下跌趋势。 买空:投资者预测股价将会上涨,但自有资金有限不能购进大量股票于是先缴纳部分保证金,并通过经纪人向银行融资以买进股票,待股价上涨到某一价位时再卖,以获取差额收益。 卖空:是投资者预测股票价格将会下跌,于是向经纪人交付抵押金,并借入股票抢先卖出。待股价下跌到某一价位时再买进股票,然后归还借入股票,并从中获取差额收益。 多杀多:即多头杀多头。股市上的投资者普遍认为当天股价将会上涨是大家抢多头帽子买进股票,然而股市行情事与愿违,股价并没有大幅度上涨,无法高价卖出股票,等到股市结束前,持股票者竞相卖出,造成股市收盘价大幅度下跌的局面。 轧空:即空头倾轧空头。股市上的股票持有者一致认为当天股票将会大下跌,于是多数人却抢卖空头帽子卖出股票,然而当天股价并没有大幅度下跌,无法低价买进股票。股市结束前,做空头的只好竞相补进,从而出现收盘价大幅度上升的局面。 跳空:指受强烈利多或利空消息刺激,股价开始大幅度跳动。跳空通常在股价大变动的开始或结束前出现。 补空:是空关买回以前卖出的股票的行为。 套牢:是指进行股票交易时所遭遇的交易风险。例如投资者预计股价将上涨,但在买进后股价却一直呈下跌趋势,这种现象称为多头套牢。相反,投资者预计股价将下跌,将所借股票放空卖出,但股价却一直上涨,这种现象称为空头套牢。 关卡:股市受利多信息的影响,股价上涨至某一价格时,做多头的认为有利可图,便大量卖出,使股价至此停止上升,甚至出现回跌。股市上一般将这种遇到阻力时的价位称为关卡,股价上升时的关卡称为阻力线。 支撑线:股市受利空信息的影响,股价跌至某一价位时,做空头的认为有利可图,大量买进股票,使股价不再下跌,甚至出现回升趋势。股价下跌时的关卡称为支撑线。
每日9:15分可以开始参与交易,11:30-13:00为中午休息时间,下午13:00再开始,15:00交易结束。 深沪证交所市场具体交易时间为每周一至周五,上午为前市,9:15至9:25为集合竞价时间,9:30至11:30为连续竞价时间下午为后市,13:00至15:00为连续竞价时间。其中深圳市场为避免人为做市,在下午收盘前最后3分钟,即14:57分开始,再次进入到集合竞价时间,直到15:00收市,这一点与沪市有所区别。 休市日:周六、周日和上证所公告的休市日(一般为五一、十一、春节等国家法定节假日) 不交易.

炒股的费用通常包括印花税、佣金、过户费、其他费用等几个方面的内容. 一、印花税:印花税是根据国家税法规定,在股票(包括A股和B股)成交后对买卖双方投资者按照规定的税率分别征收的税金.印花税的缴纳是由证券经营机构在同投资者交割中代为扣收,然后在证券经营机构同证券交易所或登记结算机构的清算交割中集中结算,最后由登记结算机构统一向征税机关缴纳.其收费标准是按A股成交金额的4‰计收,基金、债券等均无此项费用. 二、佣金:佣金是指投资者在委托买卖证券成交之后按成交金额的一定比例支付给券商的费用.此项费用一般由券商的经纪佣金、证券交易所交易经手费及管理机构的监管费等构成.佣金的收费标准为:(1)上海证券交易所,A股的佣金为成交金额的3.5‰,起点为10元;债券的佣金为成交金额的2‰(上际,可浮动),起点为5元;基金的佣金为成交金额的3.5‰,起点为10元;证券投资基金的佣金为成交金额的2.5‰,起点为5元;回购业务的佣金标准为:3天、7天、14天、28天和28天以上回购品种,分别按成交额0.15‰、0.25‰、0.5‰、1‰和1.5‰以下浮动.(2)深圳证券交易所,A股的佣金为成交金额的3.5‰,起点为5元;债券的佣金为成交金额的2‰(上限),起点为5元;基金的佣金为成交金额的3‰,起点为5元;证券投资基金的佣金为成交金额的2.5‰,起点为5元;回购业务的佣金标准为:3天、4天、7天、14天、28天、63天、91天、182天、273天回购品种,分别按成交金额0.1‰、0.12‰、0.2‰、0.4‰、0.8‰、1‰、1.2‰、1.4‰、1.4‰以下浮动. 三、过户费:过户费是指投资者委托买卖的股票、基金成交后买卖双方为变更股权登记所支付的费用.这笔收入属于证券登记清算机构的收入,由证券经营机构在同投资者清算交割时代为扣收.过户费的收费标准为:上海证券交易所A股、基金交易的过户费为成交票面金额的1‰,起点为1元,其中0.5‰由证券经营机构交登记公司;深圳证券交易所免收A股、基金、债券的交易过户费. 四、其他费用:其他费用是指投资者在委托买卖证券时,向证券营业部缴纳的委托费(通讯费)、撤单费、查询费、开户费、磁卡费以及电话委托、自助委托的刷卡费、超时费等.这些费用主要用于通讯、设备、单证制作等方面的开支,其中委托费在一般情况下,投资者在上海、深圳本地买卖沪、深证券交易所的证券时,向证券营业部缴纳1元委托费,异地缴纳5元委托费.其他费用由券商根据需要酌情收取,一般没有明确的收费标准,只要其收费得到当地物价部门批准即可,目前有相当多的证券经营机构出于竞争的考虑而减免部分或全部此类费用. 五、交易佣金的重要性:佣金的多少在一定程度上,影响到您的交易成本,见下表,以股票为例 1、假如您资金量为10万元,每月交易20次,佣金为0.1%、0.2%、0.3%等三种费率情况下的交易成本节约一览表:

⑷ 入门菜鸟如何选择单反相机



1,笔记本。里面必须装四个软件:Exiftool GUI(用来查新机的快门数)、Dead Pixel Test(用来检测CCD或COMS坏点),ACDSee 10(浏览RAW),Photoshop



5,将全黑图导入电脑,转JPG格式,用Dead Pixel Test软件,每张照片测一遍。
7,把Dead Pixel Test里面“坏点界限数值”分别调成200、150,再重复5、6的过程。


■使用Exiftool GUI 来查相机的快门数
具体Exiftool GUI 这个软件如何使用,如何查快门,可在网上自己搜一下。相关内容很多,也很简单。这里不废话了




⑸ 菜鸟物流县级代理怎么加盟














⑹ 我从未接触股票,想请问下学习炒股,从哪里开始扫盲哈,有些什么书或者什么网站之类的推荐涅













⑴ What is the best way to gain points from a rookie to a swordsman in Wulin Gaiden?

Juggernaut, as the name suggests, is the saint of swords, also known as the humble saint.

Swordsman, as a profession in the martial arts warrior class, can only rely on single-target attacks to level up, and its upgrade speed can only be compared to that of the gun class. Because of this, the game gives swordsmen who sacrifice leveling efficiency more Strong single target damage output, higher critical hit frequency and critical hit damage, this is destined that a top swordsman will be the king of any PK; a team of top swordsmen will be the overlord of any PK, and a pile of top swordsmen will be the king of any PK. The swordsman will be a bystander in any PK, because he is invincible, no one can beat him, and no one dares to fight, so he can only wait and see:) and so on... A large number of top swordsmen will be any one. The reason for being a dazed person in the PK field is the same as above.

After the 3rd turn, the swordsmen were divided into two directions: the Evil Emperor and the Sword Master, both from the same famous family, complementing each other.

The Evil Emperor sacrificed part of his offensive and defensive capabilities to gain the capital to play with people - the ultra-short cooldown of stun + silence is enough to make any melee opponent helpless, and is currently the most powerful PK support. The character is particularly easy to weaken the opponent's instant damage output ability in a confrontational PK with a balanced number of people, making it difficult for members of the team to be killed instantly by a group fight. At the same time, it provides more possibilities for containing the opponent to kill the opponent instantly. It is really a good choice for home travel, PK to grab BOSS, and killing people. Arson requires a profession.

The Juggernaut has strengthened his offensive and defensive capabilities. He has thicker chest muscles, stronger abdominal muscles, and fuller gluteus maximus. There are so many things about his power...but these are not the point. The point is What? The key point is that the guy is big enough... These days, the chest muscles, abdominal muscles, and gluteus maximus are all in the dog's shape. Everyone over the age of 18 understands that talent is king, and talent is the only criterion for measuring whether a man is strong and a woman is beautiful. I originally chose the Sword Master because the guy was big enough.

I am very glad that I chose the Sword Master. I am even more honored to become the first 100-level Sword Master in the martial arts world.

Practice hard from 60 to 100, including washing all skill points 3 times, washing 3 skills individually 5 times, + several sneak attacks, several counter-sneak attacks, and several wild PKs, and summarized some The Sword Master’s experience in various aspects is divided into three parts. I hope it can be helpful to the Sword Master comrades who are struggling on the first front in the capital, grasslands, southern Xinjiang, and deserts. Please digest it carefully. If you can digest it smoothly, , you will suddenly realize that as a Sword Master, even if your level is not enough, even if the equipment is terrible, your heart is already strong enough, because I will give you a goal to strive for and let you see the hope of the Sword Master in the future. Let’s cheer you up:)

1. Juggernaut leveling method

Speaking of leveling, let me talk about my opinion. It is silly to worship the advanced level too blindly. To put it bluntly, leveling in online games is just the accumulation of time and not very good. A clever method. Players who are more advanced than you just start from the same starting line at the same time.I just do more keyboard and mouse repetitive operations than you do, it’s no big deal.

Currently, the most efficient way to level up the Sword Master is as follows:

60-70 leveling method: Team up to kill 6 people individually and brush up the Imperial City Swordsman in a group to complete the mission
br />
70-80: 70-72 form a team to complete the level 72-80 and form a full team of high-defense gun series to pull monsters and brush the leader flag to complete the green time task

80- 90: 80-82 team up to complete levels. 82-90 team up with a high-defense gun system to pull monsters and brush the alliance leader flag to do green time tasks. Among them, I have to mention the top legendary task "Remember the Flying on the Grass", which is super on point. Grouping multiple gun-type professions to gain experience is very rich. The ideal location is Yelang Village. If you have a strong relationship with the gun-type profession, you can only go online to collect items when you are in a group of monsters. You can earn more than 30 million experience points in half an hour. , my highest record is to complete a half-hour task in 1 hour, and gain 34 million experience points

90-100: Two methods - one is to form a full team and do double the task of completing the Holy Fire Order, the experience is relatively stable 30 million + per hour. This method consumes more gold coins. Another method is to form a team to complete 3 desert missions: Assassin’s Head, Cavalry’s Head, and Wizard’s Head. If you cooperate well, each person with a high-defense profession can be able to handle it. As many monsters as mission NPCs, you can fight and hand in missions at the same time. You will be lucky if you have a few. After handing in the missions, you can continue to kill monsters and reduce the time of running back and forth. The accumulated experience per hour is also very considerable

2. Juggernaut PK skill point addition

Speaking of skills, let’s talk about some opinions. The opening of 3-turn skills is a change in the martial arts, and it is also a catastrophe in the martial arts. It attracted too much criticism. The most bizarre phenomenon is that most level 3 professions use level 2 skills as their main attack skills. Why is this so? I think the biggest problem is that the official did not balance the relationship between monster attack and defense, character health, and skill damage when designing the game, because according to the current second-turn skill attack, if the bonus is further improved, it can be transformed into a third-turn skill. In other words, all PKs are mutual kills with one move, no suspense and no skills at all. So everyone can only use the 2nd transfer skill. From the perspective of a game company, why don’t we want games to be better and more popular? And major modifications can affect the whole body, so updates must be done cautiously. So we players can only wait slowly. Those who still like to play don’t seek development amidst changes, but seek survival amidst catastrophes. If you don't like playing, just avoid them.

Juggernaut’s PK skills are excellent in offense, defense, and containing enemies. The tasteless skills are even more remarkable! Before classifying and analyzing the advantages of Juggernaut's skills, please be quiet for a moment...be quiet! Silence, silence! ! ! Comrade Sword Masters, please take off your hats if you have a hat, shave off your beard if you have a beard, and put on pants if you have a bare butt... Let us bow our heads together, observe 3 minutes of silence for "Shenglong Jue", and recite "Shenglong Jue" silently 3 times in our hearts The skill description of "Jue" is "The flying dragon is in the sky, extremely powerful.Lun, a powerful attack skill..." Then look at the skill attack... Next... No need for me to continue to sensationalize... Are tears bursting from your eyes? Such a majestic skill name, such a radiant skill description... 14 skills What you get after spending 10 points is a single target skill attack of over 1,000 after the defense is lowered. It’s really outrageous! It’s outrageous!!!

Okay, I’m done crying, the game will continue, let’s Let’s take a look at what practical skills the Juggernaut has in PK,

Attack skills——

Tianshan Divine Light: 2-turn remote single target, essential for long-range magic
br />
Heavenly Collapse: 2 turns and 3 attacks, a must for opponents who are slow to respond to sneak attacks in melee. It is also a powerful skill for leveling up to defeat BOSS

Hui Feng Wu Liu: 2 turns swordsman A powerful single-target PK skill, because its attack value is calculated based on a percentage. It takes 2 seconds to cast and has a 1-second cooldown. The attack frequency is fast. It is also the main skill after 3 turns

Star-Absorbing Pure Yang Sword: Attack and Returning Wind Dancing Willow is evenly matched, it is released for 1 second, and the additional slowness is 197 for a full-level swordsman. It is necessary to contain and pursue the enemy. Although the cooldown time is as long as 4 seconds, in the current PK situation where at least 3 skills are used in combination, 4 seconds The cooldown is acceptable

Dragon Subduing: The highest single-target attack skill of the full-level sword master. Its attack value, cooling interval, casting time, self-abuse damage and other messy data are perfect for those who pursue handsomeness and striking eyes. For the murderous "cheap saint", nothing is important. Just look at its gorgeous posture and vigorous casting movements. You don't have to think about it, just fill it up directly.

Kang Long Jue: Empty after casting When there is 1 point of blood left, 360-degree group attack will take place within a 4-meter range. Full-level Kang Long Jue attack = self-attack + 75% sacrifice of health. Based on my post-GF (no upper limit of blood bonus by divine calculation) health volume of 12,774 and self-attack of 3,934. Calculated, the maximum attack output of my group attack is 12774×0.75+3934=13514. Subtracting the defense of the attacked person is equal to its blood loss value. Basically, the group attacks in seconds. Of course, my attack output requires equipment support, and the relevant equipment is : +7 + 90 blood, 1 set of peerless equipment +8 + 90 swords

Sword radiance: Passive skill, top up to increase 385 attack, just one word cool

Defensive skills——

Taixu Dragon Wall: Reduces damage by 25% and lasts for 15 seconds. It is very practical when being hit by many people. During group P, sword masters with flexible fingers and the ability to release Taixu Dragon Wall are generally not able to It's an ugly death, but at least it can guarantee that it won't be disfigured when multiple people attack it

True Dragon Sacred Body: Invincible for 4 seconds, not affected by any negative damage or negative status, complementing the Super Dragon Jue , the greatest actual combat value is to cooperate with the Dragon Fighter to protect yourself in seconds, which is very cool!

Sword Demon Fighting Spirit: Increases dizziness and weakness resistance, passive skills, improves the fight against the Evil Emperor to a certain extentP ability

Containment skills——

Star-absorbing Pure Yang Sword: Slow level adds a slowness value of 197, the shot is sure to hit, and it is necessary to use light skills to chase down the fleeing enemies
< br />――――――――The above are all shortlisted for advanced sword master PK essential skills. In order to help novices understand why the other 3 transfer skills

are not shortlisted, I will briefly explain the other 3 below. Reasons why useless skills cannot be shortlisted——————————

1. Sheng Long Jue: Nothing to say, I shed tears again...

2. Sword Demon Alert: Not as practical as Sword Demon Fighting Spirit, OUT!

3. Beiming Qiu Shui Sword: The attack is too low. When the additional attribute is increased, it absorbs 40% of the opponent's mana. It is like spitting in someone's face when two armies are fighting. It is useless and immoral. OUT!

4. Sword Qi Slash: Instant release and rapid cooling skills, the attack is too low, slightly useful for leveling, completely useless for PK, and its wretched skill casting action even damages the idol temperament of Sword Master Toshiro, OUT!

5. Yuan Ling Gui Xin: Anti-slowness and anti-slowness skills are originally very practical, but Perfect gives too few skill points, so it can only be OUT! Be weird and perfect!


After the introduction of tasteless skills, when the word "tasteless" was mentioned, another Thinking of the bird "Sheng Long Jue"...

Crying for the third time...

Three. Juggernaut PK method

PK is the purpose for most people to play martial arts, and it is also one of the greatest joys of the game. Before talking about Juggernaut PK, let us first summarize the situation where we are competing with various gangs for fame. Several common PK situations that players in power disputes need to face:

1. 1 vs. 1 single P

2. N vs. 1 group fight
< br />3. N vs. N confrontation PK

4. 1 vs. N controlled PK

Below I will analyze the PK method in the first situation in detail, for everyone It presents the Juggernaut’s various skill combinations and various countermeasures in actual combat. After reading this, you can basically understand the other three situations below.

The first situation is divided into two small situations: melee combat or long range combat with the opponent——

A: Assume that the opponent is melee combat

One , two, three, Action... Slowly walk up to the opponent and glare for 1 minute... At this time, the psychological activities of both parties are very rich and tense. Be sure to pay attention to capture the opponent's facial expressions and some special small movements, such as whether there is touching. Bad actions such as touching the back of the head, picking at the feet...or just paying attention to what the other person is wearing.Picky points: For example, wearing underwear outside, wearing a tie as a belt, using a bra as a mask, and other obscene combinations...if any! Congratulations, you are three-quarters of the way there! Immediately put away your sword, brush your ears, and launch a large-scale personal attack. The intensity of the attacks should exceed that of the "Tokyo Bombing"... until the opponent leaves his armor in ruins and kneels in front of you and sings "I am conquered by you..."

However, if the other person is as gentle and well-behaved as you are, impeccable and impeccable! So, get ready for battle!

Step1: "Heaven and Earth Shatter" can be used in the first round of attack. If the opponent does not pay attention to pressing blood, it will basically be an instant kill

If this demo is pressing blood, Then...

Step2: Start the second round of continuous skill attacks: "Returning Wind Dancing Willow + Star-Absorbing Pure Yang Sword + Dragon Subduing Art". The order of these three skills is based on their cooling time and additional It depends on the effect, so be sure to compile it into a combo. After all, PK is not playing the piano. If you need to press too many buttons, it will only affect the operation and delay the fighter. The reason why this group of skills is arranged like this is because the cooldown of Return Wind is very short. Even if the skill is interrupted due to tension, you can immediately use Return Wind to continue attacking. However, if you use other skills with long cooldown, it will be too easy. Nothing happens when pressed. "Star-Absorbing Pure Yang Sword" ranks second due to its additional slow effect. This group of consecutive skills has a super high single-target attack. If the weapon is good enough, a full-level sword master can easily kill shoes below 90 with a critical hit. Not a particularly good opponent

For 90+ opponents, unless the opponent's equipment is too bad or the opponent's health is not very good, it will be difficult to kill him in seconds. What should I do? ...

Step3: The destructive level skill combination makes its grand debut - "Star Absorption + True Dragon + Super Dragon Art". Please note one point. These 3 skills must not be combined into consecutive skills, because the True Dragon Both Holy Body and High Dragon Skills consume very much Qi. True Dragon consumes 3700 Qi, and the full level High Dragon Skill consumes around 5300 Qi. In other words, to use True Dragon, you have to fill up the Qi before you can use Super Dragon. Jue, if compiled into a continuous skill, it is easy to interrupt and release the True Dragon Holy Body in vain due to lack of true energy. After making sure that the opponent's blood volume is within the damage range of your Super Dragon Jue, start the attack: a star sucker passes over , the opponent is slow for 8 seconds. When you use the Dragon Skill on a turtle, you don't have to consider whether it will escape from your 4-meter group attack range. The next skill use requires relatively high operation, because it must be completed within 4 seconds. The steps are as follows: "Use the True Dragon Holy Body - own the true energy to the end - take medicine to fill up the true energy - release the Dragon Art - 1 point remaining Blood - take medicine to fill up the blood." Then, the world becomes pure...

The above are the 3 steps of the invincibility of Juggernaut PK. If the opponent's blood volume is outside the damage range of your Kanglong Jue, just You can only ask people to develop "1 vs. 1 single P" into "N vs. 1 group fight". If the opponent is the Evil Emperor, use stun + silence to play with you. If the destruction skill combination is in the state, you can directly activate it. Invincibility drops instantly. If it is still within the cooldown, thenIt doesn't matter how many times you are silenced to resist the stun. The damage output of flat slashing is also huge. The sword master's equipment is required to have higher resistance. For example, if I chase 6 kang stuns all over my body and wear a set of kang halo jewelry, the kang stun will be close to 180. The success rate of being stunned is no longer 100%. The explosion damage of a flat slash against the Evil Emperor is around 4500. The attack speed is fast and it is easy to kill him with a few hits. If you encounter someone who can kill you based on blood, continue to upgrade the single P to a group fight. .

The reason why this destructive level skill combination is placed at the end is because the cooling time of True Dragon Holy Body and Kanglong Jue are 10 minutes and 5 minutes respectively. As the "deadly blow" of the Juggernaut "Use the destruction combination as much as possible. It doesn't matter if you use too many skills and you can't recover. If someone beats you one by one to the point where you lose your self-esteem and won't play with you in the future, wouldn't that mean you're playing with yourself?"

B: Assume that the opponent is a long-range legal system

PK steps are similar to those of the melee system, but there are a few points to note

1. Try to see if the remote "Tianshan Divine Light" can kill instantly or explode instantly

2. Use "Star-Absorbing Pure Yang Sword + Earth-shattering" as the main attack skill combination. Slow + instant massive damage can't be resisted by ordinary magic fighting

3. When you encounter a magic system with a higher level of debuff skills, such as Gu King's remote sleep, remote stun, and remote silence, use Qinggong to get closer and then use "Star-Absorbing Pure Yang Sword" because the attribute attacks of the magic system have a long cooldown time. For legal systems with excessive BT, you can only kill the chicken with the ox-dagger bird. After getting close... the destruction skill combination:)

4. After the above analysis of Juggernaut single P is completed, I believe fellow Juggernauts can have a more detailed understanding of Juggernaut PK. There is no need to say more about the second type of "N vs. 1 group fight". As for the "N vs. N" group P, it is actually an upgraded version of single P. The most enjoyable part is to find good opportunities to use destructive skill combinations in areas where enemies are densely packed. Harassing my 80+ team for leveling, bullying my trumpet with the help of high-level yellow, and letting my trumpet turn yellow + blood to consume them. When I rush over, I will kill all 3 of them instantly with one Dragon Strike. That feeling... …Who is who knows!

In the disadvantageous PK of "1 vs. N controlled PK", which is called "unresponsive PK every day", if N = N melee professions, then the best swordsman, such as even: ) Withstand the pressure and use the "Taixu Dragon Wall + Destruction Level Skill Combination" at the right time will be the only profession that can counterattack and instantly turn the world around. Of course, if N = N Celestial Masters or = N Gu Kings, then Hurry up and start the invincible run. In this situation, no matter how strong a single player is, he will be killed. Fortunately, the chance of it happening is as far away as +10.

To sum up, in the case of any equipment with the same attributes, a level 100 sword master is also the PK king!

⑵ How to conquer the 50th to 20th floors of the Magic Tower

21F: Talk to the old man.
23F: Knock out all the walls (otherwise the thief on 29F will not be able to complete the task) to get "GO 0F" (lucky gold coin). Pay attention to the firmness of "F" and talk to the old man.
27F: No need to talk nonsense to that old man.
28F: The merchant in red can sell yellow keys for 100 gold coins/key, which can be used later, 29F.
29F: Talk to the thief, 30F.
30F: Kill 6 slimes [L=888, G=821]
Easy pass.
Warrior status: [L=888, A=82, D=82, G=821], yellow key × 9, blue key × 1.
Thirty-one to forty floors:
31F: Kill 2 orc warriors [L=736, G=881], 32F.
32F: As soon as you go upstairs, you are attacked by the knight captain [L=464, G=981] Open the upper left blue door and eat the red and sapphire stones [L=464, A=86, D=86, G=981] , the ghost-killing warrior on the lower right [L=182, G=1016], with 1 attack and 1 defense [L=182, A=94, D=102, G=256], 33F.
33F: Open the door downwards, eat blue blood [L=982], 17F.
17F: Eat red blood [L=1082] on the lower right, 16F.
16F: Open the door to the left, kill 1 big bat [L=1082, G=268], get 3 keys, 11F.
11F: Open the door on the lower right, kill the big bat, eat blue blood [L=1482, G=280], 28F.
28F: Sell 3 yellow keys [G=580], 32F.
32F: Upgrade 1 attack [L=1482, A=102, D=102, G=0], 33F.
33F: Fight 2 Ghost Warriors and 2 Warriors [L=34, G=160] in the middle right, and get the Knight Sword [L=34, A=142, D=102, G=160].
20F: Eat 1 blue blood [L=434].
31F: Kill the ghost warrior in the middle right, open the door upward, kill 1 ghost warrior, talk, eat red blood, kill the warrior [L=282, G=275], open the door downward, eat the ruby ​​[L=282, A =146, D=102, G=275].
19F: Eat red blood [L=382] on the lower right, kill the orc warrior [L=364, G=305] on the upper right, take the blue key, 2F.
2F: Open the blue door on the upper left, kill 2 intermediate guards [L=52, G=405], talk to the old man in blue, get 1000 gold coins [G=1405], talk to the thief, get 3 keys, 32F.
32F: Upgrade defense by 1 time [L=52, A=146, D=118, G=665]. At this time, forFor a knight, upgrade defense to 8 points (2 sapphires) and save 24 points. After taking the knight shield, you will save 120. In order to save more than 100 points of blood, I started to take the knight shield, which consumes more than 2100 blood points.
7F: Kill the skeleton soldier in the middle right, go down to eat the blue blood [L=252, G=673], get 2 keys, 33F.
33F: Open the door to the left at the top, kill the ghost, eat red blood [L=408, G=703], take the key, and use the dialogue wall-walking method above the old man to go through the wall to the left.
34F: Go down to kill the ghost [L=364, G=733], open the door, go down to open the door, kill the ghost warrior [L=302, G=768], open the door to the right, open the door down to the right, kill Warrior [L=138, G=813], take the key, eat red blood, ruby ​​[L=338, A=150, D=118, G=813], kill the two-handed swordsman on the lower left, eat blue blood [L=1138 , G=868].
Floors 41 to 50:
41F: Press "J" after going upstairs to jump to the lower entrance.
42F: As soon as I went upstairs, I saw the knight captain being killed.
34F: Eat the upper left red blood [L=236].
42F: Open the door to the right from the top of the middle, go right and down, and you will be deducted 100 [L=36] by 2 junior wizards and half [L=18] by the magic guard respectively. Take 5 yellow and 1 blue keys, press " J” Jump to the 43rd floor entrance, 43F.
43F: Go down to the left and open the blue door and yellow door, 45F and 46F.
46F: 14F.
14F: Kill the giant squid [L=18, G=2464] and get the pickaxe.
40F: Eat 1 blue blood [L=818], 45F.
46F: Go down to the right and open 3 yellow doors. The junior wizard who passes by will be deducted 100 [L=718], 47F.
47F: Press "J" to jump to the 47th floor entrance, 48F.
48F: Press "P" to dig a wall next to the holy sword wall, take the holy sword [L=718, A=220, D=190, G=2464], 43F.
43F: Kill King Slime [L=598, G=2504] in the middle left, open the door downwards, go to the right to kill King Slime, eat blue blood [L=1478, G=2544], go right Open the door, and the junior wizard passing by will be deducted 100 [L=1378]. Open the door upwards, kill the magic guard [L=1118, G=2644], and get the holy shield [L=1118, A=220, D=240, G=2644] , eat red blood [L=1368] in the middle right, take the key (be careful not to be deducted by the junior wizard), open the door downwards, take the blue key, go back to the stairs, and be deducted 100 [L=1268] by the junior wizard, 46F.
2F: Eat 3 blue blood [L=1868], 46F.
46F: (Go downstairs from 47F, otherwise you will beThe wizard's blood will be deducted 100 more), open the door from the lower right to the left, and the junior wizard passing by will be deducted 100 [L=1168]. Stand on the left side of the old man and use the dialogue to pass through the wall to the left. The junior wizard will deduct 100 [L=1068]. , kill the junior wizard [L=938, G=2724], take the magic key, 41F.

⑶ Understand the urgency of stock trading!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stock trading process
1. Open an account 1. Open an account at a securities company and apply for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Or related procedures such as SZSE shareholder account card, capital account, online trading business, telephone trading business, etc. Then, download the online trading software designated by the securities company. 2. Go to the bank to open a current account and deposit money into the bank through bank-securities transfer business. 3. Transfer money from the bank to the capital account of the securities company through the online trading system or telephone trading system. 4. Buy and sell stocks in the online trading system or telephone trading system. 5. The handling fee is about 100 yuan (each securities company is different). When the stock market is down, it is generally free to open an account. 6. To buy stocks, you must entrust a securities company to act as an agent, so you must find a securities company to open an account. People who buy stocks cannot go directly to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to trade. This is the same as second-hand house sales, which are represented by an intermediary company. Steps for opening an account: Open a securities account ——> Open a capital account ——> Conduct designated transactions Note: 1. Be sure to complete the account opening procedures in person. First, you need to open a Shanghai or Shenzhen securities account; secondly, you need to open a capital account to get a securities trading card. Then, according to the regulations of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, designated transactions should be processed. Only after completing the designated transactions can stock trading in the Shanghai Securities Market be conducted at the business department. 2. To open a securities account, you must bring the original and copy of your ID card. When opening a capital account, you must also bring the original and copy of the securities account card. If you need to entrust someone else to operate, you need to come with your agent (the agent must also bring your ID card) to handle the entrustment procedures. 3. Only one securities account can be opened with one ID card. If you have opened an account with another securities company, you need to go through the procedures for canceling the designated transaction and transferring custody before opening an account. When opening an account, you only need to open a capital account and handle designated transactions. 2. Entrustment As a stock investor, you cannot directly enter the stock exchange to buy and sell stocks. You can only buy and sell stocks through the members of the stock exchange. The so-called members of the stock exchange are common securities operating institutions, that is, brokers. You can give a broker an order to buy or sell a stock, which is called an order. You must present your trading password or securities account when entrusting. What needs to be pointed out here is that the legal orders in my country's securities transactions are limit orders that are valid on that day. This means that the entrustment instructions issued by shareholders to securities firms must specify: ① Shareholder name ② Fund card number ③ Buy (or sell) ④ Shanghai (or Shenzhen) ⑤ Stock name ⑥ Stock code ⑦ Commission price ⑧ Commission quantity. and thisThe order is only valid on the day the order is placed. The stock abbreviation is usually four to three Chinese characters, and the stock code is six digits. The stock code and abbreviation must be consistent when entrusting transactions. There are four ways to entrust: 1. Order delivery over the counter: You bring your ID card and account card to the counter of the securities business department where you opened a capital account to fill in the authorization form to buy or sell stocks, and then the counter will Implemented after review by staff. 2. Computer automatic entrustment: You enter the code, quantity and price of buying or selling stocks in person on the computer in the lobby of the securities business department, and the computer executes your entrustment order. 3. Automatic telephone entrustment: Use the telephone to dial the automatic telephone entrustment system at the counter of the securities business department where you opened a capital account. Use the number and symbol keys on the phone to enter the code, quantity and price of the stock you want to buy or sell. Complete the commission. 4. Remote terminal commission: You place a buy or sell order through a remote terminal connected to the securities counter computer system or the Internet. 5. Anti-fraud entrusted franchise: In order to help franchise investors minimize franchise risks, the anti-fraud entrusted franchise business launched by Roentgen Anti-Fraud Franchise Network is an overall plan from the three aspects of franchise entrepreneurship, rights protection, and store operation. Note: Except for the counter delivery order method, which requires the staff at the counter to confirm your identity, the other three authorization methods use your transaction password to confirm your identity, so be sure to keep your transaction password well to avoid leakage. , causing you unnecessary losses. After confirming your identity, the order will be sent to the exchange's computer trading matching host. The exchange's matching host tests the legitimacy of the received orders, then determines the transaction price according to the bidding rules, automatically matches the transaction, and immediately transmits the results to the securities firm, so that you can know whether your order has been completed. Orders that cannot be filled are queued up according to the principle of "price priority, time priority", waiting to be filled with orders that come in later. Orders that cannot be executed on the same day will automatically expire and can be re-ordered the next day using the above method. 3. Trading rules There are also certain regulations on the number of stocks bought and sold: that is, the number of stocks entrusted to buy must be an integral multiple of one lot (100 shares per lot), but the number of stocks entrusted to sell does not need to be an integral multiple of 100. The buying or selling price must be within a range of 10% above or below yesterday's closing price to be valid. Stock trading implements price priority and time priority: During the continuous stock bidding period, because many investors may buy and sell the same stock at the same time, the exchange has formulated the principle of "price priority, time priority". For example, the current price of a certain stock is 5.66 yuan. If investor A inputs a purchase price of 5.66 yuan at this time, and investor B inputs a purchase price of 5.67 yuan at the same time, investor B's declaration will take precedence over investor A's declaration. If everyone declares the same purchase price, whoever enters the purchase order first will be placed first. The same goes for selling stocks. If the current price of a certain stock is 5.66 yuan, A enters the selling price of 5.66 yuan, and B also enters 5.If the selling price is 65 yuan, B’s declaration will be completed before A’s declaration. If the selling prices entered by A and B are the same, whoever declares first will be the first to complete the transaction. This situation is even more prominent when the stock price of a certain stock suddenly rises or drops suddenly.
Edit this paragraph Stock classification

According to the listing region, it can be divided into: A shares: also known as RMB ordinary shares, tradable shares, public shares, and ordinary shares. Refers to those common stocks registered and listed in mainland China. Subscription and trading in RMB. B shares: also known as RMB special stocks. Refers to those special stocks registered and listed in mainland China. The face value is indicated in RMB and can only be subscribed and traded in foreign currencies. H shares: also known as state-owned shares, refer to the stocks of state-owned enterprises listed in Hong Kong. S shares: refer to the stocks of companies whose main production or operation and other core businesses are in mainland China, and the company is registered in Singapore (Singapore) or other countries and regions, but is listed on the Singapore Exchange. N shares: refer to those foreign shares registered in mainland China and listed in New York. In addition, according to performance, they are divided into: ST shares: ST refers to stocks of domestic listed companies that have suffered losses for two consecutive years and have been subject to special treatment; *ST refers to stocks of domestic listed companies that have suffered losses for three consecutive years. Taking off the hat means that it was originally ST, but now the ST has been removed. Junk stocks: stocks of companies with operating losses or irregularities. Blue chip stocks: The company is operating very well, has good performance, and has earnings per share of more than 0.5 yuan. Blue chip stocks: In the stock market, those large company stocks that occupy an important dominant position in their industry, have excellent performance, active transactions, and generous dividends are called blue chip stocks.
Edit this paragraph to select stocks
Divide the stock investment analysis process into eight steps. In the analysis summary column, various analyzes are synthesized to form a relatively comprehensive analysis result. The following are the main contents of the "Eight-step Stock Viewing Model": 1. Advantage analysis: What does the company do? Is there a brand advantage? Is there a monopoly advantage? Is it an indicator stock? 2. Industry analysis: What is the prospect of the industry you are in? What is your position in this industry? 3. Financial analysis: What is the profitability? What's the growth momentum? Is the product profitable? Can the product be exchanged for real money? Is the guarantee ratio high? Does the major shareholder owe a lot? 4. Return analysis: Is the company’s return to shareholders high? More money or dividends? Are there any good dividend plans in the near future? 5. Main force analysis: Are institutions increasing or reducing their positions? Are the chips more concentrated or dispersed? How are the changes in prices rising and falling? Are there any big deals? 6. Valuation analysis: Is the current stock price overvalued or undervalued? 7. Technical analysis: How has the stock performed recently? Where are the support and resistance levels? 8. Analysis and summary: What are the results of the analysis? What variables exist?
Edit this paragraph on basic terms for stock trading
Bull market: There are more buyers than sellers in the stock market, and a bullish stock market is called a bull market. Bear market: The opposite of bull market. When there are more sellers than buyers in the stock market, a bearish market is called a bear market. Opening price: refers to the first transaction of a certain security on each business day on the stock exchange. The transaction price of the first transaction is the opening price of that day. According to the regulations of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, if there is no transaction of a certain security within half an hour after the market opens, the previous day's price will be the opening price of the day. Sometimes there is no transaction for a certain security for several consecutive days, and the stock exchange will put forward a guide price based on the price trend of the customer's order for buying and selling the security, and then it will be used as the opening price after the transaction is completed. The average price or average offering price of securities traded over the counter on the day before listing on the first day of listing is the opening price. Closing price: refers to the transaction price of the last transaction of a certain security before the end of one day's trading activities on the stock exchange. If there is no transaction on that day, the latest transaction price will be used as the closing price, because the closing price is the standard for the current day's market and the basis for the opening price of the next trading day, which can be used to predict future securities market conditions; therefore, investors are optimistic about the market situation. When analyzing, the closing price is generally used as the basis for calculation. Quotation: It is the highest purchase price or the lowest bid price quoted by traders in the securities market for a certain security within a certain period of time. The quotation represents the highest price that buyers and sellers are willing to pay, and the purchase price is the buyer's willingness to buy a certain security. The price quoted is the price at which the seller is willing to sell. The order of quotation is customary: the price quoted first, the price quoted last. In the stock exchange, there are four types of quotations: one is spoken, the other is expressed by hand gestures, the third is filled in the declaration record form, and the fourth is entered on the computer screen. Leading stocks: refers to stocks that have influence and appeal on other stocks in the same industry sector during the stock market speculation during a certain period. Its rise and fall often play a guiding and demonstrative role in the rise and fall of other stocks in the same industry sector. Leading stocks are not static, and their position among stocks in the same industry sector can often only be maintained for a period of time. Large-cap stocks and small-cap stocks: Generally, stocks with a circulating capital of more than 100 million are called large-cap stocks; stocks with a circulating capital of 50 million to 100 million are called mid-cap stocks; stocks with a circulating capital of less than 50 million are called small-cap stocks. In terms of P/E ratio, for stocks with the same performance, small-cap stocks have a higher P/E ratio than mid-cap stocks, and mid-cap stocks have a higher P/E ratio than large-cap stocks. Especially when the market is weak, there are more opportunities for small-cap stocks. In a bull market, large-cap stocks and mid-cap stocks are more suitable for the entry and exit of large funds, so stocks with large market caps are more promising. Due to its large circulation, it has a great impact on the index and often becomes a tool for market control of the index. When investors choose individual stocks, they should generally choose small-cap stocks and small- and mid-cap stocks in a bear market, and large-cap stocks and mid- and large-cap stocks in a bull market. Price limit: means that within a trading day, except for securities on the first day of listing, the trading price of a security shall not rise or fall by more than 10% relative to the closing price of the previous trading day; orders that exceed the price limit are invalid. Anti-fraud entrustment franchise: In order to help franchise investors minimize franchise risks, the anti-fraud entrustment franchise business launched by Roentgen Anti-Fraud Franchise Network is based on the franchise creationCarry out overall planning from three aspects: business, rights protection and store operation. Bull, long market: Bull refers to investors who are optimistic about the stock market and predict that the stock price will rise, so they buy stocks when the price is low and sell them when the stock rises to a certain price to obtain the difference in income. Generally speaking, people usually refer to the stock market where the stock price maintains a long-term upward trend as a bull market. The main characteristic of stock price changes in the bull market is a series of large rises and small falls. Short position, short market: Short position means that investors and stock traders believe that although the current stock price is relatively high, they are not optimistic about the future of the stock market and predict that the stock price will fall, so they sell the borrowed stocks in time until the stock price drops to a certain price. Buy again to get the difference. This trading method of selling first and then buying to earn the price difference is called a short position. People usually refer to the stock market where the stock price shows a long-term downward trend as a short market. The characteristics of the stock price changes in the short market are a series of big drops and small rises. Washing: Speculators first drive down the stock price significantly, causing a large number of small stock investors (retail investors) to panic and sell stocks, and then raise the stock price in order to take advantage of the opportunity. Retracement: In the stock market, the stock price shows a continuous upward trend, and finally reverses back to a certain price due to the rapid rise in stock price. This adjustment phenomenon is called retracement. Generally speaking, the retracement range of a stock is smaller than the rise range. It usually resumes its original upward trend when it reverses back to about one-third of the previous rise. Rebound: In the stock market, the stock price shows a continuous downward trend, and finally reverses and rises back to a certain price due to the rapid decline in the stock price, which is called a rebound. Generally speaking, the rebound amplitude of a stock is smaller than the decline amplitude. It usually resumes its original downward trend when it rebounds to about one-third of the previous decline. Short buying: Investors predict that the stock price will rise, but their own funds are limited and they cannot purchase a large number of stocks, so they first pay part of the margin and obtain financing from the bank through a broker to buy the stocks, and then sell them when the stock price rises to a certain price. to obtain differential income. Short selling: Investors predict that the stock price will fall, so they pay a mortgage to the broker and borrow the stocks to sell them first. When the stock price falls to a certain price, the stock will be purchased, and then the borrowed stock will be returned, and the profit difference will be obtained. Many kill many: that is, many heads kill many heads. Investors in the stock market generally believe that the stock price will rise that day, so everyone rushes to buy the stock. However, the stock market situation backfires, and the stock price does not rise significantly. The stock cannot be sold at a high price. Until the end of the stock market, stock holders compete to sell. , resulting in a sharp decline in the closing price of the stock market. Short squeeze: That is, short sellers squeeze out short sellers. Stock holders in the stock market unanimously believed that the stock would fall sharply that day, so most people rushed to sell short stocks. However, the stock price did not fall significantly that day, and they were unable to buy stocks at a low price. Before the end of the stock market, short sellers had no choice but to compete to cover their losses, resulting in a significant increase in the closing price. Gap: refers to the stock price starting to jump sharply due to strong positive or negative news. A gap usually occurs at the beginning or end of a large stock price move.appear before. Short covering: the act of short buying back previously sold stocks. Hold-up: refers to the trading risk encountered when trading stocks. For example, investors expect that the stock price will rise, but the stock price has been on a downward trend after buying. This phenomenon is called long hold. On the contrary, investors expect the stock price to fall and sell the borrowed shares short, but the stock price keeps rising. This phenomenon is called short holding. Checkpoint: The stock market is affected by bullish information. When the stock price rises to a certain price, long sellers think it is profitable and sell in large quantities, causing the stock price to stop rising or even fall back. In the stock market, the price level when it encounters resistance is generally called a checkpoint, and the checkpoint when the stock price rises is called a resistance line. Support line: The stock market is affected by bad information. When the stock price falls to a certain price, short sellers think it is profitable and buy a large amount of stocks so that the stock price stops falling and even shows an upward trend. The level when the stock price falls is called the support line.
Edit this section of business hours
You can start trading at 9:15 every day, 11:30-13:00 is the lunch break, restart at 13:00 in the afternoon, and end at 15:00. The specific trading hours of the Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchanges are from Monday to Friday every week. The morning is the pre-market, 9:15 to 9:25 is the collective bidding time, 9:30 to 11:30 is the continuous bidding time, and the afternoon is the after-market, 13: 00 to 15:00 is the continuous bidding time. In order to avoid artificial market making, the Shenzhen market will enter the call auction time again in the last three minutes before the afternoon closing, that is, at 14:57, until the market closes at 15:00. This is different from the Shanghai market. Closed days: Saturdays, Sundays and closed days announced by the Shanghai Stock Exchange (generally May Day, National Day, Spring Festival and other national statutory holidays) No trading.
Edit the cost of stock trading in this paragraph

The costs of stock trading usually include stamp duty, commission, transfer fee, other expenses and other aspects. 1. Stamp duty: Stamp duty is levied on investors from both buyers and sellers after the transaction of stocks (including A shares and B shares) in accordance with the provisions of national tax laws. Taxes levied separately according to prescribed tax rates. Stamp tax payment is deducted by the securities operating institution during the delivery with investors, and then centrally settled during the clearing and delivery between the securities operating institution and the stock exchange or registration and settlement institution, and finally by the registration The clearing agency pays the tax uniformly to the taxing authority. Its charging standard is based on 4‰ of the transaction amount of A-shares. Funds, bonds, etc. do not have this fee. 2. Commission: Commission refers to the amount charged by investors after the transaction of entrusted securities is completed. A certain proportion of the transaction amount is paid to the securities firm. This fee is generally composed of the brokerage commission of the securities firm, the transaction handling fee of the stock exchange and the supervision fee of the management agency. The charging standard of the commission is: (1) Shanghai Stock Exchange, The commission for A-shares is 3.5‰ of the transaction amount, with a starting point of 10 yuan; the commission for bonds is 2‰ of the transaction amount (upper limit, can be floated), with a starting point of 5 yuan; the commission for funds is 3.5 of the transaction amount ‰, the starting point is 10 yuan; the commission for securities investment funds is 2.5‰ of the transaction amount, and the starting point is 5 yuan; the commission standards for repurchase business are: 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days and more than 28 days repurchase The varieties fluctuate according to the transaction amount below 0.15‰, 0.25‰, 0.5‰, 1‰ and 1.5‰ respectively. (2) Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the commission for A shares is 3.5% of the transaction amount ‰, the starting point is 5 yuan; the commission for bonds is 2‰ (upper limit) of the transaction amount, and the starting point is 5 yuan; the commission for funds is 3‰ of the transaction amount, and the starting point is 5 yuan; the commission for securities investment funds is 2‰ of the transaction amount .5‰, the starting point is 5 yuan; the commission standards for repurchase business are: 3 days, 4 days, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days, 63 days, 91 days, 182 days, 273 days for repurchase types, respectively according to the transaction The amount fluctuates below 0.1‰, 0.12‰, 0.2‰, 0.4‰, 0.8‰, 1‰, 1.2‰, 1.4‰, and 1.4‰. 3. Transfer fee : Transfer fee refers to the fee paid by the buyer and seller to change the equity registration after the transaction of stocks and funds entrusted by investors. This income belongs to the income of the securities registration and clearing agency and is deducted by the securities operating agency during the clearing and delivery with the investor. The transfer fee standard is: The transfer fee for A-share and fund transactions on the Shanghai Stock Exchange is 1‰ of the face value of the transaction, with a starting point of 1 yuan, of which 0.5‰ is paid by the securities operating institution to the registration company; Shenzhen Securities Exchange Transaction transfer fees for A shares, funds, and bonds are exempted. 4. Other fees: Other fees refer to the entrustment fees (communication fees), order cancellation fees, and inquiry fees that investors pay to the securities business department when entrusting them to buy or sell securities. , account opening fees, magnetic card fees, and card swiping fees and overtime fees for telephone entrustment and self-service entrustment. These fees are mainly used for expenses in communication, equipment, document production, etc. Among them, the entrustment fee is generally used by investors in Shanghai, When buying and selling securities on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges locally in Shenzhen, an entrustment fee of 1 yuan is paid to the securities business department, and an entrustment fee of 5 yuan is paid to the securities business department in other places. Other fees are charged by securities firms at their discretion according to needs. Generally, there is no clear charging standard. As long as the fees are Approval from the local price department is sufficient. Currently, quite a few securities operating institutions have reduced or exempted some or all of these fees for competitive reasons. 5. The importance of transaction commissions: The amount of commissions will affect your transactions to a certain extent. Cost, see the table below, taking stocks as an example 1. If you have a capital of 100,000 yuan, trade 20 times a month, and the commission is 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, the transaction cost savings list is as follows:

⑷ How to choose an SLR camera for beginners

SLR cameras are, after all, a product that combines electronic technology and precision optical technology. Careful and detailed inspection is necessary when purchasing, and there are absolutely pros and cons. Remember – you can never be too careful.
■Given that SLR cameras and lenses are relatively expensive optical equipment, and their inspection process is cumbersome. Unless absolutely necessary, it is strongly not recommended to purchase SLR products and other products onlineLens
■For friends who buy second-hand cameras, this post can also be used as a reference. But there are still many differences between buying a used camera and inspecting a new one. I also hope that friends with experience in buying second-hand cameras will add to the specific methods
■I only have experience in buying licensed cameras. For friends who buy parallel imports, this post is for reference only

Here are the entire steps:
===================== =================

■Things to bring before going:
1. Notebook. Four software must be installed in it: Exiftool GUI (used to check the shutter number of new phones), Dead Pixel Test (used to detect dead CCD or COMS pixels), ACDSee 10 (browse RAW), Photoshop
2, no laptop Yes, bring a USB flash drive and the installation programs for the above four software. You can use a computer with JS then
3. A friend (it doesn’t matter if he knows cameras or not, but his eloquence should be better)
4. RMB
5. White gloves (it is best to wear them when inspecting the machine. To avoid unnecessary trouble for JS)

■Before inspecting the machine, tell JS first (the following conditions are mine) General practice, for reference only):
1. If the CCD has any bad pixels, do not use it
2. If there are more than three bright spots on the LCD screen (including three), do not use it
3 , If there are obvious dust, fingerprints, or even other marks on the lens, do not
4. If there are obvious fingerprints on the LCD screen of the body, do not
5. If the battery contacts are obviously bright, do not
/>6. If there are fingerprints on the reflector of the fuselage, or there are obvious strange marks, don’t do it
7. If the shutter number exceeds 300, don’t do it (this rule is only valid for Pentax machines)
8. If I can Provide clear evidence to prove that this machine is a parallel import (such as the warranty card number in the box does not match the machine number), no
9, other major defects (can be agreed with JS)

■ Machine inspection process:
1. Bring the box over and briefly check the packaging of the case, mainly to see if there are any signs of disassembly
2. Don’t let JS unpack it, let JS stand far away and unbox it by yourself.
3. Open the box and check the documents, warranty cards, and accessories inside one by one. . . Wait for a lot of miscellaneous things. Don’t move the fuselage and lens for the time being
4. Wear gloves and check the fuselage. Mainly check whether there are fingerprints on the LCD, and whether there is obvious dust in the viewfinder, battery compartment, and card compartment.
5. Open the fuselage cover, quickly check the reflector and lens mount, make sure there are no problems, and close the fuselage cover (note that this action should be done as quickly as possible, because the reflector will be exposed for a long time. It's easy to get dust inside, and JS won't do it. In addition,Do not scratch the reflector with your hands or other objects. I guess JS won’t work either)
6. Unpack the lens and check the lens. Mainly check whether there are any obvious marks on the mirror surface and lens barrel (the mirror surface of a new lens is quite clean). Aim the lens at the light source and check whether there are any obvious foreign objects inside. Gently shake the lens twice and listen to see if there is any obvious loose sound. Check the lens mount to see if there are obvious signs of use on the mount contacts
7. Check the battery, mainly to see if there are obvious bright marks on the contacts. If there are obvious bright spots, you can suspect that it is not a brand new battery

■ Now start installing the battery, turn on the phone, and check the CCD bright spots
1. Turn on the phone, take a few random pictures, and let the machine warm up 2-3 minute.
2. Close the lens cap and switch to full manual mode.
3. Set the machine to the maximum aperture, set the shutter speed to 2 seconds, turn off the in-camera noise reduction, and turn off the anti-shake.
4. Starting from ISO800 to the highest ISO (usually ISO1600), take one picture at each ISO value. Save to RAW maximum format.
5. Import the all-black pictures into your computer, convert them to JPG format, and use Dead Pixel Test software to test each photo.
6. If there are bad pixels in the test results (note, it is not noise points. Noise does not matter), write down the coordinates of each bad pixel. See if the bad pixels in each picture are displayed as coordinates.
7. Adjust the "dead pixel limit value" in Dead Pixel Test to 200 and 150 respectively, and then repeat the process of 5 and 6.

8. In a well-lit environment, face a piece of white paper, exposure compensation +1, and then repeat steps 3 and 4
9. Import the all-white image into the computer and edit it in Photoshop , invert the color of the hundred pictures into black pictures, and save. Repeat steps 5, 6, and 7 again.

■Use Exiftool GUI to check the shutter number of the camera
For details on how to use the Exiftool GUI software and how to check the shutter speed, you can search it online. There is a lot of relevant content, and it is also very simple. No more nonsense here

■ Let’s start checking the LCD highlights (this is relatively simple)
1. Put on the lens cap and take a completely black picture
2. Zoom in on the LCD Browse through it again and use your naked eyes to see if there are any bright spots

■If there is no problem with the above process:
1, take a few random pictures
2, first put everything ( Pay attention, put everything in the box and seal it before paying (to avoid JS changing the accessories when you pay)
3. Pay the money
4. Invoice
5. Ask for the store’s business card
6, leave

Finally, add one point:
Many netizens say that if it is a new phone, plug in the battery and turn it onAfter that, the "Language Selection" and "Date and Time Setting" screens should be displayed first. Otherwise, it can be suspected that it is a used machine.
Now it seems that this statement is not entirely true. I have bought machines with my friends several times. After plugging in the battery and turning it on, the "Language Selection" and "Date and Time Setting" screens are indeed correct, but the merchants often do not let you set the language and date. You skip these two screens. The reason is: the merchant is worried that if you don't want it after setting it up, the machine will be difficult to sell.
Therefore, after turning on the computer, the first thing you see is the "Language Selection" and "Date Time Setting" screens, which may be used machines or even prototypes.
Be sure not to be careless.
Hope to adopt

⑸ How to join Cainiao Logistics county-level agent

1. Jack Ma Cainiao Logistics joining conditions

1. Honesty and trustworthiness, must be a franchisee Store operator.

2. Have entrepreneurial spirit, love to learn, and have the drive and perseverance to continue operating.

3. Understand the consumption structure, business district distribution and business relationships of the city.

4. What are the conditions for joining Ma Yun Cainiao Logistics Township Agent? Have brand management awareness, a certain market vision and long-term development management plan.

5. Identify with the company’s corporate culture and obey the company’s unified management.

6. Have certain financial strength and certain ability to resist risks.

7. Have good personal qualities and business reputation.

Now do you know what are the conditions for joining Ma Yun Cainiao Logistics Township Agent? Ma Yun Cainiao Logistics has always attached great importance to the continuous improvement of service quality, providing customers with modern concepts of integrated logistics and supply chain services. At the same time, it uses advanced logistics concepts, logistics technology, information systems and logistics management models to provide customers with timely business operation dynamic information. and professional analysis reporting functions.

2. Cainiao Logistics franchise store location requirements

1. Store opening area: cities at or above the county and district level across the country;

2. Regional conditions: local prosperity clothing shopping streets or cities with a large flow of people.

3. Store area: more than 60 square meters for stores in provincial capitals and municipalities; more than 50 square meters for stores in lower-level cities; more than 20 square meters for stores in county- and district-level cities; area of ​​specialty offices: between 60 and 100 square meters. between.

⑹ I have never been exposed to stocks. I would like to ask you where to start to learn how to trade stocks. Are there any books or websites that you can recommend?

They say no matter what you do, Efforts are in vain if you choose the wrong direction, and the same goes for the stock market. If you don't read the right books at the beginning and choose the right path, then it will be a bit fanciful to get profits in the future.

After entering the stock circle, I read a lot of books on theory + practice, made some money, and gained a lot of experience. These 10 books I have summarized are worth reading. Never mindWhether you are a novice or an experienced investor, you can get what you want from it. Please read it carefully.

Before that, I will give you a gift first. I have compiled a list of leading stocks in various industries this year and give it to you for free: the most complete list in 2021

1. Top ten recommended stock books

1. "Memoirs of a Great Stock Operator" by Edwin Lefebvre

This book This book is highly praised by most investors, and it can be regarded as the best interpretation of the Chinese version of value investing.

This person named Qiu Guolu is one of the representatives of domestic price investment practitioners. He helps partners clear obstacles on the investment road and smoothly move towards the right path. Therefore, he There will be no tendency to be biased, or to be attracted by the temptation to chase the rise and kill the fall, sell high and buy low.

In addition to these two books, there are also the last eight. The space here is limited. You can check it here. These 10 books will be packaged and sent to you: 10 must-read books for getting started with stocks (read online)

2. Recommendation of stock analysis tools

As the saying goes, if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. Newbies should not only read books on this field, but also have appropriate investments. Concept, it is best to learn to use some stock analysis tools that can help people analyze stocks.

Proficiently mastering a useful stock analysis tool will be very helpful for you to speed up stock valuation, understand the latest changes, and make you even better.

The school sister asked Amway to give you 9 magic tools for stock trading. I feel good about these tools after using them. They are professional, refined, and have a lot of data. They give you first-hand information about the stock market. They are worthy of Amway: super practical. Nine magic tools for stock trading, it is recommended to collect them

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