考编后合约没到期怎么办理 考编后合约没到期怎么办啊

① 特岗去了以后如果没有到合同期走了的话有什么后果,会有违约金要交吗


② 教师考编后什么时候签合同







③ 合约没到期但不想用了怎么办


④ 我考上公务员了,但是我之前在上学的时候签过兼职合同,现在兼职我已经不会去做了,但合同还没到期


⑤ 我是合同工老师,合约没有到期,学校不要我了。而且学校不愿意支付应该的赔偿金,我该怎么办


⑥ 我在私立学校任教,但是是签了合同,合同没到期,我现在考编制,但是学校不给出知情证明怎么办


⑦ 幼儿园合同制的工作,合同未到期可以继续考编制吗


⑧ 签了教师控制数,五年合约,这期间内就算学校有空编我也不能参加考核,总之是不是五年期间都不可能得到








① What will be the consequences if you leave before the contract period after joining the special post? Will there be liquidated damages to be paid?

There is no liquidated damages, but this experience cannot be used for the exam. It can be regarded as experience in a special position, which is equivalent to working for nothing

② When does a teacher sign a contract after taking the examination?

Generally, after the probation period, after passing the physical examination, it will enter the publicity stage, 7 days, after the publicity is over Some have to choose a position, while others have to wait for the employer to call you to inform you of the report. After the report, you will sign an employment contract with the employer according to regulations, and implement a probation period system. The probation period for first-time employees is 12 months. For other employees, the probation period is 12 months. The probation period is 6 months and is included in the employment period.

The establishment of teachers on staff is public sector staff, that is, teachers on staff are staff of public institutions. Non-employed teachers are temporary staff or contract workers.

As employees of public institutions, teachers are required to sign a contract for five years in accordance with relevant regulations after joining the job (in practice, the contract is generally only signed once) and enjoy the benefits of working in public institutions in accordance with relevant regulations, but The contract workers we talk about generally refer to temporary personnel. Teachers who are not on staff are generally called substitute teachers.

Advantages of teacher establishment

The establishment of teachers belongs to the establishment of fully funded public institutions and enjoys the benefits of working in public institutions. However, in actual practice, due to the different economic development levels of various regions, some local education systems only pay part of the social security payment and do not pay maternity insurance and pension insurance.

The salary composition of established teachers consists of basic salary, allowance, professional title salary, etc. The salary of professional title can increase with the increase of professional title, and the salary of seniority also increases as the length of service increases. The salary of unestablished staff is fixed, and there is generally no guarantee in terms of professional title promotion and length of service. Although there have been reforms in recent years, there are still big differences between the actual operation and the current teachers.

③ What should I do if the contract has not expired but I no longer want to use it?

If the contract has not expired, you generally have to continue to use it until the end of the contract. If you forcibly use it, you will need to pay liquidated damages.
How to cancel a mobile phone card:
Step one: Prepare personal information and account opening credentials. If you really can’t find it, bring your ID card.
Step 2: The number you want to cancel is best not to be in arrears. If you cancel the number in arrears, you need to pay the outstanding amount. Therefore, some mobile phones have high credit limits, so it is best not to use too much force. If you overdraft too much and want to cancel it, you still have to make up the balance. If you don't make up the balance, you will be blacklisted, which will affect your personal credit record.
Step 3: If you want to cancel your mobile phone card, you must find a mobile phone account opening point to cancel it.
Step 4: Bring your personal information and account opening voucher to the designated business hall and directly ask customer service for help with the cancellation business.

④ I was admitted to the civil service examination, but I signed a part-time contract when I was in school. Now I can no longer do part-time work, but the contract has not expired yet

Process Okay, it shouldn't have any impact. He and KaneCoordinate with the company where you are employed and strive to obtain an understanding of the dissolution contract. If it doesn't work, just follow the contract and pay liquidated damages if you should.

⑤ I am a contract teacher. My contract has not expired and the school no longer wants me. What should I do if the school is unwilling to pay the due compensation?

Generally, this kind of thing cannot be forced, but since you asked about it, find out your contract first and read it carefully.
You should have to pay 3 months salary as compensation. I’m not sure about the other things. There are very few lawyers doing labor services now, and no one wants to look at this kind of services, because they generally have no business and no money.

⑥ I teach in a private school, but I signed a contract and the contract has not expired. I am now taking the examination for establishment, but what should I do if the school does not provide proof of knowledge

Even if the school cannot To obtain an execution certificate, you can also take the exam first. When the contract expires, if you pass the establishment examination, you can directly terminate the contract. If the contract has not expired, you can also pay compensation and force a breach of contract, so that you can go to work. As long as you meet the requirements for the establishment examination, you will be eligible. If you haven't passed the examination yet, there is no need for your unit to issue you an execution certificate. If you fail the examination, you may still have to work here.

⑦ For a kindergarten contract job, can I continue to take the staff examination before the contract expires?

Of course you can. The contract is considered a temporary job. If you are accepted, you can resign from the kindergarten job. Pay liquidated damages and continue working if you fail the exam, killing two birds with one stone without delaying things.

⑧ I signed a teacher-controlled number and five-year contract. During this period, even if the school is free, I cannot participate in the assessment. In short, it is impossible to get it during the five-year period

Yes Yes, I signed a five-year contract. Only after expiration can I participate in other assessments. Please wait patiently.

Teacher control numbers must also participate in the annual assessment of professional and technical personnel. Many local public institutions have gradually eliminated staffing after reform. Many schools adopt a controlled staffing method when recruiting teachers, and the Establishment Bureau will not increase the school's staffing.

So schools generally do not have vacant positions. Teachers with a controlled number of teachers are treated the same as other teachers. During the five-year contract period, they can also take the civil service examination and recruitment examinations for other public institutions. , you can change units after passing the exam.

The difference between teachers with and without establishment is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Those with establishment can be transferred, have corresponding professional titles, salaries and can be promoted , enjoy corresponding social security and occupational annuity after retirement.

2. Unestablished school teachers are often temporary personnel who cannot be promoted or transferred. That is, you are only a temporary employee of a certain school (commonly known as a substitute teacher), and often do not have a professional title, let alone a professional title. Salary (unless you have a professional title, you often cannot be hired).

After retirement, the contract will be handled according to the contract signed with the original unit. In private schools, because the school must help its staff pay social security according to relevant laws, they generally enjoy social security after retirement.treatment. Temporary employees in public schools, due to financial difficulties and other reasons, generally do not pay for social security or only pay part of it, such as work-related injury insurance.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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