期货与币圈哪个好做一点 期货与币圈哪个好做些

A. 外汇和期货那个比较好做





外汇市场是一个 24 小时永不停滞的全球市场,交易者可以根据自己的生活习惯安排交易时间。这也是为什么众多上班族选择炒汇的原因之一。同时,越来越多的人开始利用股市休市的时间交易外汇,把其当作一项分散风险的渠道。


外汇交易中提供的杠杆比率通常是股票交易的50-100 倍。外汇交易以小博大的效力,是远胜于股票的。当然,我们必须认识到,杠杆比率是一把双刃剑,它能使交易者迅速获利,同时也很容易增加风险。




没有印花税,没有高额佣金、没有中介费用,外汇经纪商的利润仅从报价点差中来。如 EUR/USD 1.4226/1.4228,其中2个点的点差就是交易者的成本。期货交易通常会收取一定的交易佣金,买进卖出一个来回,佣金将被收取两次。相对而言,外汇的交易成本要小得多。



B. 炒外汇,股票,期货哪个更好点




C. 炒虚拟货币和期货,哪个可以暴富


D. 一个币圈新韭菜,现货好还是合约期货阿那个交易适合新手不是太明白。


E. 比特币与外汇期货哪个赚钱难度大


A. Which is easier to do, foreign exchange or futures?

Which is easier to do, foreign exchange or futures? This choice varies from person to person, and there is no fixed answer. Then Huichacha lists the differences between the two:

First: Regardless of the bear market or the bull market, the profit opportunities are equal

The two-way transaction of foreign exchange is It is very flexible and has no restrictions. Forex traders can freely take advantage of the rising and falling trends of the market to make profits, while the stock market and futures have certain restrictions.

Second: 24-hour global trading

The foreign exchange market is a 24-hour global market that never stops. Traders can arrange trading time according to their own living habits. This is one of the reasons why many office workers choose to speculate in foreign exchange. At the same time, more and more people are beginning to use the stock market closing time to trade foreign exchange as a channel to diversify risks.

Third: High Leverage

The leverage ratio provided in foreign exchange trading is usually 50-100 times that of stock trading. Foreign exchange trading is far better than stocks because of its small and large effects. Of course, we must realize that the leverage ratio is a double-edged sword, which allows traders to make quick profits while also easily increasing risks.

Fourth: Unlimited instant delivery

The foreign exchange market is a paradise for short-term traders, because traders can freely enter and exit the market within a day, transactions can be completed in an instant, and profits can be cashed in at any time. If futures traders want to conduct short-term trading, they will face many restrictions.

Fifth: Low transaction costs

There is no stamp duty, no high commissions, and no intermediary fees. The profits of foreign exchange brokers only come from the quotation spread. For example, EUR/USD 1.4226/1.4228, the spread of 2 points is the trader's cost. Futures trading usually charges a certain transaction commission. For one round trip of buying and selling, the commission will be charged twice. Relatively speaking, the transaction costs of foreign exchange are much smaller.

Which one is better, foreign exchange or futures? After reading the differences between the two above, and based on your own preferences and needs for trading, I believe everyone will probably know which one is more suitable.

If investors want to achieve the ultimate profit goal in this market, they need to adapt to this market, learn relevant knowledge, and form their own trading style.

B. Which is better to speculate in foreign exchange, stocks or futures?

Foreign exchange is a monetary administrative authority (central bank, monetary management agency, foreign exchange stabilization fund and Ministry of Finance) with banks Claims held in the form of deposits, Treasury bills, long-term and short-term government securities, etc. that can be used when the balance of payments is in deficit.
Just after graduation, I joined the sales department of a futures company. Over the past few years, I have been exposed to many products, including funds, stocks, futures, etc., and I have made money and lost money. It’s a little bit of insight, so today I’m going to talk to you about the difference between futures and stocks. As usual, I will first share the bull stock rankings that I just analyzed some time ago. Welcome to exchange and discuss ideas with the seniors. [Bull Stock List] Latest TechnologyAnalysis is out
The difference between stocks and futures
Stocks are the certificates that the company gives you when you buy shares of a company; while futures are based on the current price expectations of both parties to the underlying object. contract signed at the price.
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Now that the concept is understood, let’s analyze the differences between these:
1. Subject matter
The subject matter is Trading partners. In the vegetable market, vegetables are the underlying objects. Similarly, in the stock market, they are individual stocks. In the futures market, the underlying objects are even more diverse, including bulk products (agricultural and sideline products, metals, crude oil), financial assets (stocks, bonds)

2. Investment direction
Investment direction, to put it simply, is how you make money. The law of the stock market is that you can make money by doing more, which means that once the stock market falls, we are completely helpless; this is not the case in the futures market. The futures market is a two-way transaction. The way to obtain profits is not only to do more at low prices, but also to do more at low prices. Make profits by shorting the highs. But no matter what the investment direction is, information is definitely the key factor in whether you make money or not. It can be said that as long as you have faster and more reliable information channels than others, you will have a greater probability of making profits in the market. Here I have also prepared a stock market broadcast for you, so that you can obtain information that may affect the financial market in a timely manner: [Stock Market Barometer] First-hand information broadcast on the financial market
3. Trading mechanism
Stocks are traded on T+1. Buy today and sell tomorrow. Now you have a problem, what should you do if the one you bought today is too expensive? Is it possible that even if it plummets, we can only watch it fall? Haha, however, you can use follow-up methods to dilute the purchase cost on the day. Continue to follow the senior sister, and there will be a column in the future to teach you how to operate. Back to futures, futures are T+0 transactions, which means you can sell them after buying them.
4. Fund Efficiency
Stocks are fully traded. How many stocks you buy depends on how much money you have, while futures are margin transactions. Even if you only have 10,000 yuan, you may buy something worth 100,000 yuan. futures contracts.

Response time: 2021-09-23. The latest business changes are subject to the data displayed in the link in the article. Please click to view

C. Which one can speculate in virtual currencies and futures? Getting rich

Speculating in virtual currencies is a pyramid scheme, and usually results in losing all your money
You can’t get rich by speculating on a regular platform like futures. If you want revenge, you’ll have to plummet. Mental preparation.

D. I am a newbie in the currency circle. I don’t know whether spot or contract futures is better. Which trading is suitable for novices?

You are indeed a big leek. The currency circle, spot, and so-called contract futures are not formal trading tools. They are all black dealers and speculators. It is not recommended for novices to participate.. If you want to learn futures, it is recommended to practice your skills in several major domestic futures markets. It is recommended to start with agricultural product futures.

E. Which one is more difficult to make money, Bitcoin or foreign exchange futures?

You can consider learning about external futures, company capital allocation, 5,000 can be operated, real offer orders, Hang Seng Index The average daily profit is more than 50 points,

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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