比特币现货合约利弊分析 比特币现货合约利弊有哪些

❶ 比特币合约对冲:理性与贪婪





































❷ 比特币屯币好还是合约好


❸ 有做比特币合约亏钱的吗


❹ 问一下,比特币合约交易选哪个比较好

您好,比特币合约,是指无需实际拥有比特币也可进行交易的合约。 它与必须实际持有数字货币才可进行的币币交易有很大不同。比特币合约使你能够预测比特币的价格走势和对冲风险。 这种交易方式,意味着你投资的是价格趋势,而非资产本身。在交易比特币合约时,你可以决定做空还是做多。 选择做多,表明你预计比特币价格将会上涨。 另一方面,选择做空表明你预计价格将会下跌

❺ 比特币现货和合约区别


❻ 虚拟货币交易平台中为啥说合约比5S或5L风险大






❼ 比特币合约和现货的区别是什么哪个更值得投资



❽ 什么是比特币合约








❾ 比特币合约真的能赚钱吗


❿ 玩虚拟货币(比特币等)合约,从小资金翻到百万级别难度有多大




















❶ Bitcoin contract hedging: rationality and greed

Some customers always ask: What is the contract on your trading website?

In one sentence: Use the relevant virtual currency as margin to go short (buy down) and do long (buy up). Spot prices can only be bought up, not down. The contract can be bought or sold. If you feel that the future trend is not good, you can go short. It can also amplify the principal and increase the profit. Of course, there are good things and bad things. Once you lose all your money, you will lose everything.

On the road of leveraging, countless martyrs have been telling the world since ancient times that it is the devil, hell, and the god of death who kills without blinking an eye. Why are more and more people still Choosing to use it is irrational, no. There are all kinds of opinions, some good and some bad. In the end, nothing has any effect, because nothing happened to me.

I heard that someone jumped off a building or committed suicide. , no matter what, they are too greedy, I can't.

Of course, bad consequences are based on being too greedy? Also, what's more, the lack of correct and reasonable values, the distortion of values, the uncontrollable behavior, and finally coupled with the fear of human nature, will produce a chain reaction, and ultimately make all prosperity like a waterfall in an instant. It poured down, no rescue, any protective measures were ineffective, and in the end the people were filled with grief.

A slight fluctuation can lead to several times the profit, or the position is forced to be liquidated and nothing is gained. This is the normal state of Bitcoin contracts or futures. Especially in recent days, Bitcoin has surged, which has made many people cry and make many people laugh, including myself, because luck has also gained a little.

As for myself, I have done stock allocation before, but when I didn’t understand anything, my position was liquidated easily, and I haven’t done any allocation since. I tried out the company's products in the past few months, and also made a Litecoin contract once, but when I woke up, it was empty. In addition, I have read many books and taken many courses on value investing. Why did I start using leverage again this time?

One advantage of the contract is that it can hedge risks. No matter whether Bitcoin rises or falls, the price at which the position was opened can be maintained. Of course, hedging can also make money. If you use it well, you can make huge profits. Just look at the internationally renowned hedge funds. Soros Quantum Hedge Fund is famous in the world.

So, I started a small experiment of hedging, looking for profit opportunities from hedging. From the thought experiment of my own structure, I found that the probability of profit is very high. Anyway, a week has passed, except Apart from occasionally not strictly following the rules and being greedy, I have never lost money.

1. Simple method:

1. If a Bitcoin position is opened with 10 times leverage, 1,000 contracts, and a long position of 250 contracts at the current price (if you are optimistic about the overall market trend, you can Open more long positions, 300 contracts-350 contracts is no problem), 250 contracts are short positions, forming a hedging state.

2. Then look for opportunities and room for fluctuations. For example, if there is a fluctuation of 200 US dollars, you can open a position. If the price rises by about 200-300 US dollars, you can open short positions one after another, usually 50-100. Zhang left and right. If the price falls by about US$200-300, you can open long positions one after another and close short positions one after another.

3. Because there is not much difference in the number of long and short positions, under normal circumstances, the position will not be liquidated; even if the market falls sharply, it will not rise sharply. There will always be free positions in hand, so open long positions when prices fall sharply and short positions when prices rise sharply.

4. If you don’t want to watch the market, just set up long and short positions or open long and short positions. For example, if the price rises by 300-500 US dollars, you can open a short position and close some long positions. If the price falls by 300-500 US dollars, you can open a short position. Long positions are closed at the same time as some short positions, and positions are strictly controlled.

2. Principles:

1. We must be optimistic about the macro situation and the overall market trend, and do not miss big opportunities.

2. Strictly control positions and don’t be greedy, because the contract itself is amplified and risky.

3. Strict hedging will not result in liquidation unless the product has no value. With extra margin, you can also open long positions to earn profits.

4. It is definitely only a small amount of funds used to add leverage. (Even if the liquidation has no impact, I just use a small amount of money to gain profits and experience the struggle of human nature)

3. My gains:

1. Use 0.2 on October 29 Coins started when it was now 0.35 coins.

2. I originally had 0.4 coins, but I didn’t strictly follow my own steps, so I went back a little bit. However, this part is a position. As long as the price fluctuates by 200 US dollars, you can go back. (I’m stupid, I read the contract after the article was published, haha, it’s 0.42 coins)

3. Due to the fork in November and the recent cessation of direct RMB trading, China has opened a lot of OTC transactions, as well as USDT exchange transactions, judge that the probability of Bitcoin's recent rise is greater than the probability of decline.

4. Reflection:

1. Operate strictly according to the rules, it is a program, it is a robot, but you are still a human being, and you have not practiced to the point of absolute rationality. So, sometimes I am still greedy, but lucky people have given me countless opportunities.

2. It takes too much time to play this game. The time I spent reading in the previous two nights was spent watching the market. Today was fine. After setting it up, I started reading.

3. Recently in itsWhen it came to capital investment, he still failed to control himself and made repeated operations. As a result, he missed doubling the profits.

4. I still don’t study enough, I lack self-discipline, and I haven’t formed my own investment principles.

5. Summary:

1. Investment is secondary, the most important thing is to polish your own human funnel through investment and let yourself grow.

2. After forming your own investment principles, it is better to iterate in action to form a better method.

3. Take action. After the transaction is completed, unless there are special circumstances, you must not move until you have achieved your goal.

4. Struggle with greed and cultivate yourself.

6. Thoughts

1. If you read the digital asset market for a long time and are optimistic about eth, bcc or others, consider using contracts for 2-3 times leverage.

2. Use leverage rationally, which is to go from death to angel, so that you can get better faster.

❷Which is better, Bitcoin Tuning or Contracts?

Bitcoin contracts have more advantages than Tuning.
When the same amount of Bitcoin is expected to create value, contract trading is undoubtedly more advantageous from a cost perspective.
In the current Bitcoin market, people who have coins in their hands are anxious, and those who don’t have coins in their hands and want to buy spot coins are also anxious. The main reason is that the current price fluctuations of Bitcoin are not large.

❸ Has anyone lost money doing Bitcoin contracts?

Yes. I downloaded it accidentally during the 2021 Spring Festival and signed a contract directly. Opened a full position of 125 times. It exploded for me in just one minute. I didn’t expect the fluctuation to be so big. Later, I recharged money, the multiple remained unchanged, and the position was very low. Slowly you found some patterns, and so far you have been losing money anyway, because you have tasted the sweetness. It's hard to control. If you win, you want to wait for a while. When it finally comes down, you run away and win a little bit. When you lose, you keep resisting the order, and finally your position is liquidated. When playing with Bitcoin, I recommend spot trading. Treat it as an investment, not a gamble. If you gamble, you will lose. I lost money doing Bitcoin contracts

❹ May I ask, which Bitcoin contract transaction is better?

Hello, Bitcoin contracts mean that you don’t need to actually own Bitcoins. Contracts that can be traded. It is very different from currency-to-crypto trading, which requires physical possession of the digital currency to proceed. Bitcoin contracts enable you to predict Bitcoin price movements and hedge risks. This type of trading means that you are investing in price trends rather than the asset itself. When trading Bitcoin contracts, you can decide to go short or long. Choosing to go long indicates that you expect the price of Bitcoin to rise. On the other hand, choosing to go short indicates that you expect the price to fall
Contract exchange screening criteria: First, look at the index price mechanism. A good exchange will comprehensively use the spot index of multiple major exchanges.To represent the overall level of the market, and secondly, the price will not be manipulated artificially, making it safer. Second, look at the direction of positions in the same currency. Good exchanges allow two-way positions to reduce risks. Most exchanges only allow one-way positions. For example, you cannot go long BTC while shorting BTC in the same account. However, good exchanges allow investors to hold positions in both directions. This For those who do hedging, it can effectively hedge risks. Third, look at the contract type. Good exchanges have a richer variety of contracts to meet the operational needs of different people. They are generally divided into two types: delivery contracts and perpetual contracts. The most notable feature of delivery contracts is that they have a delivery and settlement date, while perpetual contracts do not. Fourth, see through the warehouse mechanism. Good exchanges have platform insurance funds to make up for the loss of liquidated positions, but the liquidated liquidation mechanism of most exchanges is full profit account sharing or ADL position reduction mechanism. Full profit account apportionment is an operating mode that combines and counts the liquidation losses generated by the liquidation orders of all contracts, and allocates all the profits of all profitable users as the apportionment base. To put it bluntly, the money you earn based on your skills has to be divided. Wiping the butt of those who have shorted their positions; the ADL position reduction mechanism means that when investors are forced to liquidate their positions, their remaining positions will be taken over by the exchange’s liquidation system. If the forced liquidation position cannot be closed in the market and when the mark price reaches the bankruptcy price, the automatic position reduction system will reduce the positions of investors holding positions in the opposite direction. The order of position reduction will be determined based on the leverage and profit ratio. To put it bluntly, if your opponent is too weak, your leverage ratio and position may be reduced, and your profits will also be reduced. The insurance fund mechanism is more objective and will not touch the profits of the profit makers. Instead, the platform fund will fully bear the loss of the position. Fifth, look at the leverage ratio. Many exchanges only have 10x or 20x leverage. For new investors, there is no low-leverage practice. For experienced investors, there is no opportunity to use higher leverage to leverage huge wealth. Okay. The exchange will provide investors with a variety of leverage ratio options, such as 2/3/5/10/20/33/50/100 times. These common ratios will be provided. Sixth, look at transaction fees. This is a fee that cannot be underestimated. Many exchanges have a wide range of relatively high transaction fees, such as handling fees, delivery fees, capital fees, etc. The handling fees range from high to low, with most ranges between Around 10,000 to 10,000 and 70,000, one or two transactions are nothing, but a small sum adds up. Especially for investors with quantitative trading needs, the fewer types of fees and the lower the fees, the more advantageous it is. It can be done more conscientiously. Those who can do it are basically the conscience of the industry.
Basically, these criteria can already be used to select good exchanges, and 58COIN perfectly meets the above criteria. Its contract index price comprehensively adopts the spot prices of multiple leading exchanges, and there will be no artificial manipulation; two-way positions in the same currency in the same account can be a good hedge against risks in extreme market conditions; existing delivery contracts and digital perpetual contracts There are three major contract types: USDT perpetual contract, among which the USDT contract only needs to be heldWith USDT, you can perform multi-currency long and short operations without the hassle of currency exchange; it adopts a liquidation mechanism fully borne by the platform’s insurance fund, which does not harm the interests of the profiteers; 2/3/5/10/20/33/50/ More than 100 leverage multiples to choose from, allowing new and old investors to have more flexible and diverse choices; there are only handling fees and no other fees, and the handling fee is as low as 1.5 million, no position interest, strong liquidity, strong depth, and sustainability There is no cost to hold, no amortized losses, and no pins to close the position. It can be said to be the conscience of the currency circle.
I hope the answer will be helpful to you.

❺ The difference between Bitcoin spot and contract

Bitcoin spot means that no matter how much Bitcoin falls or rises, if you have a Bitcoin in your hand, it is a Bitcoin. For contracts, it has economic leverage, and the system will automatically liquidate and liquidate positions, which is very risky.

❻ Why is it said that contracts in the virtual currency trading platform are riskier than 5S or 5L?

Consider its risks from the following aspects.
First, the general investment and financial risks associated with futures trading. Bitcoin futures contracts naturally carry the risk characteristics of all derivatives, including investors’ knowledge threshold, risks arising from high-leverage investment in futures, extremely high risk volatility leverage, rolling margin and settlement risks related to the Bitcoin price, Risks to market orderliness.

Second, risks related to the Bitcoin contract mechanism. 12B22Exchange rate risk. The value of Bitcoin contracts based on BR may deviate significantly from the public quotation of Bitcoin. After all, as futures, Bitcoin reflects the expected value of BR at a certain point in time in the future. Uncertainty about risk exposure. Since Bitcoin is a new product, the extent to which it may provide exposure to Bitcoin price movements cannot yet be determined.

Third, component exchange risks. Different jurisdictions around the world have their own regulations regarding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency exchanges. The pricing of Bitcoin on this exchange varies based on domestic market conditions for cryptocurrency trading and may create price risks.

Fourth, specific risks as an alternative investment product. As the underlying asset of a special investment product, Bitcoin is a digital currency and a virtual asset. It has not yet been officially recognized by most governments around the world, and there may be risks of price volatility that is difficult to value.

Fifth, liquidity risk, counterparty risk, trading time and price limit risk, uninsured loss risk.

❼ What is the difference between Bitcoin contracts and spot currencies, which one is more worthy of investment?

A simple example shows how to profit from spot currency. For example, the current price of Bitcoin is around US$12,000. If you feel that this is also the bottom, pay 12,000 US dollars to buy one Bitcoin, and then wait for the Bitcoin to increase in value. If the market does rise, for example, if it rises to 13,000 US dollars and sells it, the net profit will be 1,000 US dollars. This It is also the only way to make a profit on spot prices, buy low and sell high, similar to stocks. That fitsWhat is the profit method of contract trading? To put it simply, a mechanism that allows short selling is added to the spot profit method.

The main reason is that currently Bitcoin prices fluctuate very little, and the market is in a bear market for spot prices. Because there is a bearish mechanism in contract trading, there is no such thing as a bull market or a bear market in the spot market. If you have enough time to wait for opportunities that fit your quantitative trading strategy (the methods for long and short are the same, you can use them in reverse), and the fluctuation level in a month should not exceed 100 points, then in contract trading, you can trade at a high level Go short, open long at a low position, and get double profits from the trading spread. As long as the market still exists, it will always be a "bull market" and there will always be opportunities.

❽ What is a Bitcoin contract?

Bitcoin contracts refer to contracts that can be traded without actually owning Bitcoin. It is very different from currency-to-crypto trading, which requires physical possession of the digital currency to proceed.

Bitcoin contracts enable you to predict Bitcoin price movements and hedge risks. This type of trading means that you are investing in price trends rather than the asset itself.

When trading Bitcoin contracts, you can decide to go short or long. Choosing to go long indicates that you expect the price of Bitcoin to rise. On the other hand, choosing to go short indicates that you expect the price to fall.

What are the practical differences between contract trading and spot trading?

Spot transaction: If user A invests 200,000 (cost) to buy Bitcoin, the purchase price is 2,000 yuan, and 100 BTC can be purchased in spot. If the price rises to 3,000 yuan, a profit of 100,000 yuan. Profit rate: (100,000/200,000)*100%=50%.

Contract trading: You can open 100 long positions (full position mode). If you use 5 times leverage, you only need a margin of 20 BTC, which is approximately equivalent to 40,000 Yuan (cost), you can get a profit of 100 Bitcoins. Similarly, if you sell when the price rises to 3,000 yuan, you can also make a profit of 100,000 yuan. Profit rate: (100,000/40,000)*100%=250%.

Of course, contract trading also has certain risks. The profit is 5 times and the loss is also 5 times. If the loss exceeds the deposit, then you will be forced to sell all Out means "liquidation". Therefore, it is necessary to set up stop-profit and stop-loss, and to replenish margin in time to prevent liquidation.

❾ Can Bitcoin Contracts Really Make Money

No! Bitcoin has no practical value and can only be used for speculation. They repeatedly emphasize how much money they can earn in a year and what the rate of return is, but they never mention how these profit returns come from.

❿ How difficult is it to play virtual currency (Bitcoin, etc.) contracts from a small amount of money to a million level?

Prepare to make big gains with a small amount, which shows that you still have a certain understanding of the risks of contracts, and you are not so reckless as to use the big to win the small. However, it is still very difficult to earn hundreds or even hundreds of times the income through the futures contract and use the small to win.

This is because under high-magnification leverage, even if you guess the result correctly, you may be blown away by an up and down vibration in the process of reaching the result, which is the so-called long and short Double kill can be said to be the banker's usual method of harvesting leeks.

So it is not recommended to try it, because this kind of speculative thing is very easy to become addicted. Once you become addicted, you may not be able to stop it. It is better to save your money and participate in Double Eleven.

Of course, if you must try, you can try options contracts. There is no risk of liquidation with options. As long as the result is predicted correctly, it is correct. No matter how it fluctuates during the process, it does not matter. .

For example, for example, Zhang San spent 100 dollars to buy a Bitcoin call option for that week when the price was 11,000 dollars. The exercise price was 11,500 dollars, so no matter how the market jumped up or down in the middle, , as long as Bitcoin is above 11,600 points when the weekend contract expires, Zhang San will be able to make a profit. On the contrary, Zhang San will lose $100 in option premiums. Of course, no matter how the market changes, Zhang San’s biggest loss will always be that $100 option fee.

In general, the risk of options is relatively controllable compared to futures, but it is not advisable to use them only as a tool for speculation. The correct approach should be to use them as a hedging risk. Or it is a means of hedging.

It’s not difficult if you know how to do it, but if you don’t know how, it can cost you to death. Also remember, the liquidation rate is calculated based on 50, when you lose 50% of your principal. , since the position is liquidated and all is lost, but 50% of the profit is calculated according to today's eth price. The profit of 50% for 100 times the full position is equal to 1.48 times the principal profit. The loss of about 50% is liquidation. According to today's calculation , that is, the position will be liquidated after a drop of about 2 yuan, and the probability of success is 25%, so don’t listen to those fools who say that Stud is a hundred times Stud, it is all nonsense. I have been trading for 6 years now, and I have always done 20 times to 50 times. I have done 100 times a lot of times, and I have only made money once. Once you make a mistake in the operation, the position will be liquidated 100 times, and you will not have the chance to stop the loss. I did it 100 times and lost a lot of money

Whether it is difficult or not, it often depends on luck. The important thing is to have a strict operating strategy.

The risks of Bitcoin contracts are very high, and there are many trading platforms. Playing with contracts is equivalent to gambling. Sudden rises and falls are common, which requires you to have a strong psychological endurance.

Let me take myself as an example. My operation strategy is to buy a large amount of spot at a certain position. The contract ratio is generally 20 times, and the risk is controllable. I once made a profit with a principal of 20,000 200,000, yesThe experience of being liquidated with a principal of 20,000.

In my opinion, the skyrocketing and falling prices of Bitcoin contracts are all artificially manipulated. They can skyrocket or plummet in an instant, and they are traded 24 hours a day, which requires you to stare at your phone all the time, which is very troublesome.

Once you are familiar with the banker's strategy, as long as you have a principal of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan and don't open too high a magnification ratio, it is not difficult to make 1 million. The key is to look at your mentality, be able to hold on, and be firm in taking profits and losses. Don't be greedy, there are many opportunities. Trading 24 hours a day, don't worry about running out of opportunities.

125X is in the wrong direction. Last night, 1W could earn 125W

With a principal of 10,000, the contract multiple should be controlled at five to ten times. Do not play with stop-profit and stop-loss at high times. Well, you can still earn 30,000 to 50,000 yuan a month

It depends on your luck in wealth! Life!

If you have such a plan, first of all, how is your technology? Secondly, how much capital is there? Are these two points clear? Difficulty is relative. Playing with coins, contracts or leverage is more exciting, just like a roller coaster. It can make you experience sudden wealth, and it can also make you climb to the top of the building. It can withstand psychological pressure. Well, the question is can you do it?

Reasonable position control, good risk control, and a quantitative robot to keep track of the market are basically OK. Don’t be cruel. If you don’t have a robot, don’t touch the contract. You can’t afford it at night, unless you Strictly stop loss, otherwise if there is no robot to open orders and close positions for you, you will be Smecta when you wake up

Through reasonable position arrangement and excellent technology, you can make money with just a few thousand dollars. Earn millions in a short time!

Just like whether you can win five million, there is a chance to enter [yeah][yeah][yeah]

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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