币圈 nft 币圈fil

A. 「曝光」近期“交易所”跑路名单,这些你是不是玩过


“IDEX Global”交易所

"IDEX global"交易平台声称耗巨资布局了数字矿业。拥有云南,贵州等多地25万T矿场,占据得天独厚的资源优势。其实都是耍嘴炮包装的,假的不能在假。发 了平台币10000枚,搞起了矿机挖矿。操盘手易兰为了圈钱招数用尽,不光割投资者连自己人都割。













CWV,KM,BSS,这几个币都是Bicc币交所发行的,套路都是一样,CWV以 游戏 公链的幌子吸引会员投资,辣锅 游戏 、诸神之战 游戏 就是套路,很多会员被套其中。其实这就是俞凌雄他们搞得星云计划。BSS平台币,KM空气币上线后制造利好后直接收割。




尚币数交易所称获知名投资机构前火币CTO巨建华创立的BHEX生态投资基金 、HKDT 生态投资基金、星耀资本、向量资本、利市基金、想象力基金等千万级战略投资。号称拥有数千名期货市场从业人员,同时战略合作数十家数字资产合约社区及上百位合约KOL。这么牛逼的团队搞了个平台币也是疯狂割韭菜,


































“betaex”交易所虽说不是多知名,但是背后的团队却是有点名气的FOR原力协议,“betaex”交易所CEO是Max·M,其实Max·M真实名字叫麻哲,是原力协议核心团队成员,也是原力协议主体公司(北京和链金科 科技 有限责任公司)的监事。“Betaex”交易所背后团队就是原力协议,而原力协议的背后就是所谓的共识实验室还有block vc 发行的一些空气项目,目的也是很明确,为了割韭菜。






HCoin创始人刘江,公司主体北京超星链 科技 有限公司,Hcoin交易所被爆出无法提币,据说提币需要排队,有点情绪还被踢出群。可见Hcoin交易所已经没有币供投资者提了,又是一家资不抵债,乱动用投资者一家交易所诞生。























B. 全民农场中Nfcoin的存在形式是怎样的


C. 哪家数字货币交易所最安全,这三家你需要了解下




D. Fcoin上有什么价值币百倍币SEC社交电商链怎么样


E. fcoin创始人


FCoin曾宣布于2020年2月10日23:50(GMT+8)临时停机维护,据张健介绍,FCoin目前面临的最大问题不是系统无法恢复的问题,而是资金储备无法兑付用户提现的问题。FCoin面临的内部问题和技术困难,都是资金困难导致的结果。预计无法兑付的规模介于7000-13000BTC之间。 FCoin创始人张健发布公告称,正按照《关于加快FCoin重启进度的声明》全力推动工作落实。

FT (FCoin Token)是FCoin交易平台发行的通证,是交易平台自身所有权益的代表(交 易所平台币)。FCoin 成立后迅速成为交易量世界第一的交易所。原因在于,它的新概念模式:100% 免手续费,交易即挖矿,持币即可分红。

FCoin 平台会将 80% 的手续费分配给 FT (FT 为 FCoin 平台代币) 持有者,另外 20% 用于平台的开发及运营。

FCoin 平台 51% 的 FT,(FT 的总量是 100 亿)通过交易手续费返还的形式奖励给用户。

这样的交易规则,使得交易手续费越多,分红也越多。对于前期 FT 入场者,每天坐等分红就有不错的收入。除了 FCoin 交易规则有吸引力外,FCoin 还有个要求好友的裂变活动。消费者邀请的好友每天挖矿产出多少 FT,额外分其中 20% 给消费者,这中间存在一个套利空间。

F. 谜渡话题:FCoin《碟中谍:全面瓦解》终局篇




青衫隐: 我分享一下我的感受吧。在Fcoin作推广2个月左右了,一共收获3-4万FT,大概4-5K元。说实话吧,Fcoin其实我是有私心的,我经常使用它的杠杆,毕竟一年只要10%左右的利息。相比于火币、okex这些年利率达到36%,确实很低!





一棵杨树: 杨树听一ExinOne内部人员称,ExinOne在这次事件的波及影响中,可能连“前50都不一定排的进去”,连锁反应,可见一斑。



同时这次事件对DEX而言也未尝不是一场机遇,鲸交所的创始人赵翼就在朋友圈明言:不要相信任何一家中心化交易所。与传统中心化交易所“不要做恶”相比,区块链的核心价值是can’t be evil 不能做恶,优势显而易见,2020年,DEX方向应该值得期待。

行走: 对于币圈交易所,其实系统性风险是一直高悬的,特别是在国内94之后。没有机构充当央行和股市里证券交易所的角色,导致数字货币交易所的权力无法装进制度的笼子。


赤腾: 币安创始人cz早在18年就提醒说交易挖矿是一种变相、高价的ICO,是一种ZJP的玩法,如今来看,不无道理。



岩浆桶: 币圈交易所模式是对传统交易所模式的复制,只不过交易的品种是具有去中心化特征的加密数字货币而已。中心化决策加上黑箱操作,在没有中立方监管的框架下,作恶的难度和成本都降低了很多,大几个亿的资金黑洞,不是一句对不起就能被人所接受的。


韭菜王: 1.会迎来一波中心化交易所信任危机,小交易所更加难以获得用户信任,去中心化交易所迎来发展良机。



Caos: 不健康的模式始终跑不久,这里我要纠正一下张总所说的通证经济,通证经济在设计之初就要考虑其持久和连续性,像激励用户刷量并返还手续费的机制就是变相的平台融资,加上CX式的邀请激励,本身就是ZJP的模式,项目很难平稳落地,这些结果并不是无法预料,毕竟 Fcoin 不是最早上线的项目,那么他就很难洗清做短期没有价值观的刷量融资操纵资金的嫌疑。

没有实际价值的通证经济也可以说是张总最后的托词,搞到现在才出问题,也只能说币圈的兄弟们包容心太大,这个圈子给了 fcoin 太多,就怕会其连锁反应,但这之后市场会应该轻松很多。

骆驼君有话说: 从这次事件中,又一次证明了“鸡蛋不要全部装在一个篮子里”的理念是正确的。我认为大家不要嫌麻烦,手上还是要有3-5个主流交易所的账户,资金分开管理,很有必要。此前听到一个段子说:“是谁让我鸡蛋不要装一个篮子里的?现在所有篮子都跑路了!“如果真的发生这种情况,对此,我只能说,这并非是策略出了问题,而是行业或者圈子出了问题。

渡友5626: 近日Fcoin的公告是给大家提了个醒:我们买卖币还是要挑大交易所,考察交易所交易所的资金安全,冲提币到账和结算的快捷度,保障自己的资金安全,不受损失。


每日一词: 之前和一个小合约交易所朋友聊,他说,如果用户赢太多,就会和他聊,如果他继续赢,直接冻结,瑟瑟发抖。还有个朋友,他们平台也是交易挖矿,我问,送这么多平台币用户赚大了,他说,给用户撸,平台币不要钱的。fcoin给的这2条理由是不能信服的。平台币做恶,这是币圈的惯例,平台币是印出来的,换真金白银不好?


雨日: FT的出现带笑了一批人,张健的真相带哭了一批人,我肯定是被带哭的那一批人。在币圈时间长的小伙伴应该都记得当年张健可谓是风光无两,大有拳打OK,脚踢火币,顺带还能撞一下币安之势。最狂的时候FT一家的交易量竟然是三大的总和,连素以稳重著称的赵长鹏都不得不连连发文抨击FT的不可持续性和阐述币安的安全性,各个交易所不得不马上研发并推出自己的去中心化交易所来对抗FT。


岳麓大拿: 今天Fcoin 事件给我的感觉就是:





胡纳绫9813: 这家交易所曾在2018年靠着交易挖矿与80%的收入分红成为当时的黑马,一时风头无两。但是步子迈得太大,发展过快难免会闪到腰。对后端技术不重视造成的数据漏洞终于拖垮了这家诞生仅仅不到两年的交易所。2018年就暴露出的问题,直到现在才彻底对外公布,前几天各大平台币的爆发也让其平台币FT回暖,这可能是FCoin割的最后一波韭菜了吧。曾经缔造百倍神话的FT也随着这次事件烟消云散,大量散户被迫为此买单,张健最后留下一句话称有生之年,负责到底。这件事的背后可能是中心化交易所的信任问题,众多散户的资产都存放在交易所中,但是却有很多交易所会私自挪用这些资产,反正用户也不知道,这就是隐患。

城南花已开: 想跑路,怕被抓,只能变相跑路,给了时间和期限,证明人物内心的矛盾和冷血,不干脆,不彻底,就是让你纠结,让你睡不着觉。


老马: FCoin面临的最大问题是资金储备无法兑付用户提现的问题。早期FT的暴涨,导致为后面的长期下跌埋下伏笔。记得后来很多媒体形容FT暴跌了95%。FT长期下跌+社区化,带来了灾难性的后果。FCoin太早熟了,在他还没有发育好的时候,没有人给他机会让他慢慢成长。所以,最终一切的一切都集中在了两个字“币价”。

区块链系统分析员: fcoin美轮美奂的开局,起于交易挖矿,终于交易挖矿,自视通证大师,终究是痛失大势,再见,fcoin。


G. 币安充冷钱包地址能退回来吗


H. 火币和币安哪个好用


I. 数字货币如何解决会员问题










1、 币圈的无涨跌限制就决定了币圈多数参与者需要的并不是小恩小惠,对用户显然缺乏足够的吸引力。

2、 除了割一刀就跑路的小平台,其他多数平台其实也在做实事,项目的进度、项目的落地披露及时性都是决定一个交易所优劣的基本条件。

3、 光靠优惠吸引来的用户就像羊毛党一族那样,对交易所毫无黏行可言,遑论流量入金之说。


而这, CG世纪交易所已经抢跑,据报道,作为全球首家会员制现货交易平台,正面向全球公开招募创始会员,众人拾柴火焰高,让会员以平台参与者的身份共同推动交易平台前行。



1、 通过会员的个人关系,免除了用户对于平台的信任问题,能迅速积累用户群体,并裂变式增长。

2、 相比于入金买卖优惠,会员制更加有利可图,动力十足,造成的效应将是指数级的。

3、 熊市阶段,投资热情低迷,通过友情转换对交易、行情的不信任度将大大降低,将会带来除现有存量用户以外更多的增量用户入场。



J. fcoin交易所打不开了,昨天晚上10点左右,手机页面总是显示数据连接异常,一直到现在还是这样!


A. "Exposure" of the list of recent "exchange" escapes. Have you played with these?

The survival of the fittest and the survival of the fittest in the financial market. Only with the continuous disappearance of pheasant exchanges can we Stronger exchanges remain. As the exchange is at the top of the currency food chain, security and operational problems will cause the exchange to run away. The real victims are innocent investors. I said that it is difficult for exchanges that have not experienced a real bull or bear market to survive in this market. This is why investors are not recommended to choose small exchanges for trading. Below I have compiled the pheasant exchanges that I have written about recently.

"IDEX Global" exchange

The "IDEX global" trading platform claims to have spent huge sums of money to lay out digital mining. It has 250,000 tons of mines in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places, occupying unique resource advantages. In fact, they are all packaged in a pretentious manner, and the fake ones cannot be fake. 10,000 platform coins were issued and a mining machine was set up for mining. Trader Yi Lan used all his tricks to make money, not only cutting off investors, but also cutting off his own people.

Asia Exchange a.top

Zhang Peng’s Asia Exchange A.TOP issued a platform currency for private placement, and used various tricks to trick investors into participating in wallet financial management, raising hundreds of millions of yuan. , and then Zhang Jian transferred the raised money and prohibited withdrawals. The investors' money also turned into numbers, but the exchange did not give any reply. Although the exchange is still there, it can only be entered but not exited. Investors stay away from such unscrupulous exchanges.

DragonEx (DragonEx)

The DragonEx (DragonEx) platform "cannot make ends meet" and is unable to operate, announcing its network shutdown. It did not say to run away directly, but tactfully told investors what happened and what the consequences would be. If the reorganization is unsuccessful, it means that the platform will never be open for re-listing.

Aishang Exchange

"Aishang Exchange" is also a way to induce investors to participate in financial management by using zero tokens. Holding platform coins can get dividends. It is the so-called holding currency to earn interest, which allows promoters to obtain higher promotion rewards. It is actually a fund disk packaged by an exchange. At present, the three exchanges "Aishang", "Co-governance" and "Chuangxiang" have both declared collapse and run away. Nanshan Public Security Bureau also formally opened a case for investigation.

Golden Shield Exchange

' Golden Shield Exchange “claims to build a completely decentralized exchange and adopts a mining pool model that holds currency for mining. This model is also used today. Most of them are relatively popular, and most of them are fake fireworks. The Joule Exchange that ran away some time ago is one of them. These exchanges use decentralization to lure investors. In fact, they all have no open source code and no real decentralization. .

The Golden Shield Exchange announced on September 24th that it would upgrade to a new system, and then said that the new system would be online on September 30th (the so-called announcement was made in the group, informally), but the new system was not online. Golden Shield ExchangeThe institute's Hangzhou headquarters was empty. It turned out that they had been busy moving away these days instead of upgrading.

MTG0X Exchange

The fake Mentougou Exchange uses the fund-raising method to attract people. You must use an invitation code to register. You cannot register without an invitation code. Use the old method of "depositing coins to earn interest" and "combination of dynamic and static" capital disks to get unlimited rewards. Looking at the income model below, we can see that the income of the model is still very high. In fact, some people are trying to restart Mentougou to harvest domestic novice investors.

Bicc Exchange

CWV, KM, BSS, these coins are all issued by Bicc Exchange, and the routines are the same. CWV uses the guise of a public game chain to attract members. When it comes to investing, hot pot games and Clash of the Gods games are just routines, and many members have been trapped in them. In fact, this is the Nebula Project created by Yu Lingxiong and others. BSS platform currency and KM air currency will be harvested directly after creating positive results after being launched online.

Bitgogo Exchange

Li Ming, founder of Bitgogo Exchange, forced to freeze investors’ digital asset management. The reason given is that in view of the current large fluctuations in market conditions and the maintenance of long-term stable development of the exchange, in order to ensure the safety of user assets to the greatest extent possible, some mainstream assets of investors will be directly frozen for 180 days. This is the overlord clause. This is just to make more money before running away. Moreover, many coins of IEO projects launched recently have also returned to zero.

The exchange of "Shangbi"

Shangbi Exchange said that it has received support from BHEX Ecological Investment Fund, HKDT Ecological Investment Fund, Xingxing Ecological Investment Fund founded by well-known investment institutions and former Huobi CTO Ju Jianhua. Multi-million-level strategic investments such as Yao Capital, Vector Capital, Lishi Fund, and Imagination Fund. It claims to have thousands of futures market practitioners, and at the same time strategically cooperates with dozens of digital asset contract communities and hundreds of contract KOLs. Such an awesome team created a platform currency but they were also cutting leeks like crazy.

BKEX BKEX Exchange

The BKEX Exchange was established in June 2018. When the mining industry was relatively popular, it was founded by Ji Jingyan, Ji Bohan, Yuan Jinxing and others. They launched the ICO platform currency BKK to play financing tricks, and then frequently launched air coins to cut leeks. After the cuts, they ended the relationship. He still doesn’t admit that it’s his own project. The main company is cancelled.

Biss Exchange

This membership-based exchange operated by Biss Exchange not only used the platform to cut off investors, but also launched multiple IEO projects. They were all cut. The highest point of the platform currency BISS was 3.2 yuan. In just a few days, it fell below 3 cents, plummeting more than 10 times. Then he was investigated by the police. Officially quit.

Fcoin Exchange

FCoin Exchange was the most popular exchange in 18 years, trading at that timeThe volume is the sum of multiple exchanges, but two years have brought FCoin from glory to demise. Although it is planning to restart now, there is little hope. Even if the restart is successful, the collapse of the credit system will not allow FCoin to continue to maintain.

CoinMex Exchange

CoinMex Exchange issued an announcement stating that all trading pairs will be offline and operations will cease. This exchange, invested by many well-known institutions, also announced that it would shut down.

Sandalwood Exchange

Sandalwood Exchange is a third-rate exchange, a fighter among pheasants, and has many shady secrets. It used model currency to cut off many investors, and now it has announced that it will stop Operations can be considered a good thing, but those investors who are suffering are the ones who are cut off.

The New Zealand Dollar Exchange ran away

Some time ago, the New Zealand Dollar Exchange also cut leeks and prepared to run away. However, as a sub-platform of OK, the withdrawal restrictions did not allow the New Zealand Dollar to directly Run away, but the occurrence of this farce can also declare the death of the New Zealand dollar exchange.

Bingo Exchange

Bingo Exchange emerged in November 2019. The fund trading method attracted many investors to participate. Why do so many people participate? In fact, they trade with Fcoin. Likewise, multiple communities jointly call for orders, and the stimulation of high profits makes some greedy investors take risks to gamble. In March of this year, the benefits continued to be released, and the "Bi Zhui En" community-based unlimited accountability system model was proposed to prevent the exchange from going out of business. However, at this time, the founder of Bingo Exchange went overseas.

"Chaoke.com" ChaoEx Exchange

"Chaoke.com" was launched in August 2017. The founder, Jin Jingguo, is known as Lao Jin in the circle. He was previously on Yuanbao.com Stayed. The news that Chaoke.com ran away this time was because Chaoke.com did not allow users to withdraw cash, and a large number of investors began to form rights protection groups. Chaoke.com is also awesome, you can recharge. But you can't withdraw cash, you can only enter and exit to play stand-alone transactions.

Coinstar BitSG Exchange

Coinstar is known as the largest exchange in Singapore, and CEO Yang Jianbo uses the ChainUP exchange. Last year, the publicity was very hot. Dujun Platform, a compliant exchange in Singapore, did not expect to start harvesting after issuing the platform currency. After the operation of the exchange, I could not make any money. Now I am making money by changing the chain to STO. Now it is suspected that there is a transaction. All have run away.

Aidi Exchange

Aidi Exchange is the pheasant among pheasants. The entire exchange only has three coins, one platform currency, two air coins, and even mainstream currencies. No, I don’t know what some investors think. It’s possible that a novice who just entered the currency circle was fooled into trading on such a pheasant exchange.

DDEX Exchange

DDEX Exchange is a decentralized exchange.The reason given for making money by directly banning profitable users' accounts is also bizarre. Investors conduct contract transactions on the DDEX exchange. After making profits, the platform bans the account saying: unfair means were used, so the account was frozen and the principal was not allowed to be withdrawn.

Pizza Dog Exchange

The founder of Pizza Dog Exchange, Da Kongyi, was nicknamed "The King of Stud" by people in the currency circle. After Da Kongyi became famous, he established a PIEXGO Pizza Dog The exchange issued the token PXG. It deceived investors. The market was bleak, and the exchange could not continue to operate, so it announced a soft exit.

"Fubit", "UEX" and "LMEX" exchanges

Hong Kong Fubit Capital was insolvent and announced that it would cease operations, and the UEX and LMEX exchanges were hacked and announced that they would cease operations.

Mangoex (Mango) Exchange

Mangoex (Mango) Exchange claims to be the first index contract trading platform and has obtained six financial licenses. An exchange that claimed to be so awesome actually sold out its position.

QBTC Exchange

The reason why QBTC was investigated was because of the launch of the BMJ project. Some people also speculated that it was because of the previous "Fire Bull Project". According to the announcement, it is most likely that BMJ project. BMJ claims to have pioneered the burning mechanism (ipob), and miners must destroy a certain amount of BMJ to obtain permanent mining rights and extraction rights. The bragging is quite impressive, and it is simply because of the rise of IPFS hard drive mining. BMJ is using the blockchain IPFS hard drive mining brand to attract investors to participate. At present, the investigation has not stopped, and the network shutdown is a foregone conclusion. Investors still need to pay attention to the currency withdrawal process.

Iran Exchange

"Iran Exchange" claims to be the most powerful exchange in the Middle East. The team members are all early investors and senior blockchain practitioners. Research and development Technical team members come from the world's top financial institutions and Internet companies. It is to use the arbitrage trick to promote and attract investors to deposit coins to participate in arbitrage. In fact, it is a very simple process. Recharge Bitcoin to get IRRT through currency exchange, and then use IRRT to subscribe. The subscription only requires 1% procedure. If you want to reduce the fee, you must recommend 3 users to get a certain reduction, and then subscribe for the exchanged currency, sell it after the subscription is completed, and eat the price difference in the middle, which is the so-called arbitrage of the Iranian exchange.

“Betaex” Exchange

Although the “betaex” exchange is not well-known, the team behind it is the somewhat famous FOR Force Protocol. The CEO of the “betaex” exchange is Max·M, in fact, Max·M’s real name is Ma Zhe, is a member of the core team of The Force Agreement and a supervisor of the main company of The Force Agreement (Beijing Helianjinke Technology Co., Ltd.). The team behind the “Betaex” exchange is The Force Protocol.Behind the Force Protocol are the so-called Consensus Lab and some air projects issued by block vc. The purpose is also very clear, to cut leeks.

XMEX Contract Exchange

The contract exchange has begun to harvest investors. Fans can read the above article about XMEX. It is the same model and the same routine, and the purpose is to make you money.

KMEX Exchange

I took a brief look at KMEX Contract Exchange without much introduction. It is well known that it has received a strategic investment of US$3 million from BiKi Industry Fund. There was no announcement before, only a contract introduction. In other words, this KMEX is also an exchange that started operations after BIKI announced its investment.

Hcoin Exchange

Liu Jiang, the founder of HCoin and the company’s main body, Beijing Super Star Chain Technology Co., Ltd., Hcoin Exchange was revealed to be unable to withdraw coins. It is said that withdrawals need to be queued, and I am still a little emotional. Kicked out of the group. It can be seen that the Hcoin exchange no longer has coins for investors to withdraw, and another exchange was born because it was insolvent and used investors arbitrarily.

Benson Exchange

Benson Contract Exchange, recharge and transfer transactions on Benson Exchange are all normal, but when profits are withdrawn, the exchange will directly review and reject it and ask the exchange for the reason for the rejection. Just pretend to be dead and not reply. When I asked customer service several times, I found that my account had been deleted directly by the platform. Although the restricted user assets were not many, they could restrict small withdrawals, not to mention the entry of large assets.

IG Exchange

This IG Exchange plays a very good trick. The so-called personal income tax is nothing more than a trap. The exchange deliberately lets you make money, but you need to pay personal income tax when you want to withdraw cash. You may pay this fee because you are tempted, but when you do, you will definitely fall into the trap of IG Exchange. If you choose not to pay, the principal cannot be withdrawn. Anyway, the exchange will make your money no matter what.

ZG Exchange

ZG Exchange often lists air coins, and scam coins are well known in the industry. I once knew that someone had made a ZG that put all 5 coins online, and he would make a new one after the cut. Some time ago, Cdp Everything Cloud was one of them. The project side ran away and investor coins became worthless. The exchange also pretended to be mute and did not say anything.

CoinTiger Exchange

Everyone should have an impression of the CoinTiger BTB exchange. Miner legends and the Mars Project were created by this exchange. When CoinTiger was first established, Several air currency models were launched, and later due to a large number of investors defending their rights, the exchange traffic became less and less.Later, the capital market was also used to attract Leeks again, but the investors never expected that they would not make any money, and they would not be able to withdraw the principal they deposited.

Jasmine Exchange

Related articles: [Exposure] Harvest as soon as it goes online, this exchange is preparing to run away again! ! !

Jasmine Exchange is a purely packaged copycat exchange. It issues its own coins and launches its own exchange and cuts off its own users. In recent times, air coins have been frequently online and harvested immediately after they are online. After harvesting, the responsible party is passed on to the project. square. Investors in exchanges without credit endorsement need to be cautious when investing, because the risk of such exchanges running away is extremely high.

C Network Exchange

When C Network Exchange stopped the fusion mode last year, the person in charge at the time said: It has to stop. If it doesn’t stop, the platform will It's over. Maybe there was a funding problem at C Network. Think back to FCoin Zhang Jian. At that time, he also said that problems with the mining model made the platform insolvent, and he finally chose to shut down the network. Today's C network may also be struggling to support itself, and the large number of coins that cannot be withdrawn speaks for itself.

OOEX Exchange

OOEX Contract Exchange uses high commissions from customer losses to attract customers. Their agents have independent agency accounts. If you throw away customer losses, it is just commissions. They are all very violent. The platform has been suffering from high-frequency hacker attacks recently, coupled with the pressure of malicious competition in the market and technical and other issues. I regret to inform you that OOEX will close platform trading and stop operating services at 8:00 pm on July 31, 2020. During this period, users can withdraw funds to other platforms.


In May 2020, Chen Wei, the boss of Zhongshu Public Chain, began to hang the national emblem in Room 1105, Building D, Building D, Nanshan Dachong AM Center, Shenzhen Under the guise of the Ministry of Finance (China Public Chain), the company illegally raised funds and defrauded 140 million yuan, and opened the exchange Shunbi.com. There are more than 7,000 victimized members, and more than a dozen rights protection groups of 500 people have fled.

CRDex Exchange

CRDex Contract Exchange, this exchange has harvested countless leeks for a month or two. Currently, the trader has been arrested. Write a warning to other contract scams. Prisoners. The CRD contract exchange is divided into two sections, one is order placing and the other is custody. Taking orders to lose money and then letting investors take custody of them is actually a routine.

Bybit Exchange

Bybit Exchange will not provide services to mainland users until September 30, 2020, which is the end of this month. So when everyone sees this news, investors who have assets in Bybit quickly withdraw their assets. Everyone should understand that not providing services to mainland users actually means running away and preparing to shut down the network. Even if you don't run away, there are ghosts, and it is impossible to suspend the service for no reason.

In any industryFacing a reshuffle, the strong will survive. This is a constant truth. Small exchanges have the possibility of speculation, but not all small exchanges can. The risks far outweigh the returns. You must invest within your own tolerance. Don't be greedy. Investors are advised to stay away from small exchanges as all it takes is an announcement for them to run away.

B. What is the existence form of Nfcoin in National Farm

It is circulated in the currency circle in the form of Nfcoin pass. Here, in addition to being circulated in the currency circle, the pass can also be circulated in the currency circle. It can be used as a carrier of value to leverage value beyond games

C. Which digital currency exchange is the safest? You need to know these three.

Have experienced " "Thousands of Exchanges War" Now exchanges are in a stage of unsaturated competition, because the head moat is not wide enough, the competition barriers are not hard enough, and everyone wants to win. The competition is very fierce. Globally, the total number of digital asset transactions is increasing. Market, exchanges, as the top of the entire industry's food chain, are entering a "new continent in the digital world" and the market is large enough; with the continuous iteration of technology and the increasing number of application scenarios, user needs are constantly diversified, and a hundred flowers are blooming. , a hundred schools of thought contend, each with its own characteristics. But after all, "safety comes first."
The security issue of exchanges is an eternal topic.
As a gathering place of interests, the game of interests behind the scenes may create evil links at any time. Looking back at the development history of digital currency exchanges, we see a history full of glory and darkness. Fortunately, it continues to provide users with more and more trading services and categories. Unfortunately, the industry lacks systems in its early stages, and most traditional exchanges are highly centralized. As vested interests, there are opaque assets, unfair distribution of benefits, weak underlying architecture, backward security protection technology, and currency listing rules. Chaos, even behind closed doors. In order to promote the global blockchain industry to enter a healthy development state, the market urgently needs an innovative, democratic, transparent, equal, free and safe trading environment to cope with the upgrading and iteration of the blockchain industry and promote global exchanges to form a healthy competitive landscape.
Endless events tell us: History will never forget the industrial revolution and innovation mission of the blockchain industry, as well as the hope that blockchain brings to the global trust mechanism and the beautiful vision of redefining the world. Because of this, based on our deep understanding of the blockchain revolution and our goal of making key contributions to the global blockchain industry, we strive to "select one from a thousand" the most trustworthy blockchain asset trading platform.

As an investor in the currency circle, the knife of asset security is always hanging over your head. We all realize that the currency circle is a place where risks gather, so we don’t even have the courage to recommend investment opportunities to our relatives and friends. Not to mention the violent fluctuations in token trading, I don’t even dare to boldly recommend buying and hoarding coins on the exchange. Because in the current stage of relatively weak supervision, many exchange accident safety news are emerging one after another, which means that an inadvertentAll friends' assets will be swept away. When this bear market came, we saw too many exchanges go bankrupt due to poor profitability. At this time, conscientious exchanges will return tokens to users, but most exchanges directly declare bankruptcy and run away with the tokens. There is "Mentougou" in front and "FCOIN" in the back. Only then did the user realize: you want to make trading profits, but they are interested in your principal. After seeing too much news like this, I rarely recommend channels to buy coins to friends who are interested in investing in the currency circle.

It wasn’t until I also experienced the “312” currency disaster in 2020. Fortunately, the exchange I worked for promptly adopted a circuit breaker mechanism to respond, which reduced my panic and cutting. Until now, the market has recovered and experienced In order to recover the capital and make a profit, I seriously considered recommending this exchange; during this currency disaster, this exchange LOEX Thunder Shield took correct and timely response measures to protect the interests of users and won a good reputation among users. , only after it withstood the test did I really take action and recommend it to my friends.
This exchange, which has maintained a record of zero security failures for two years, has captured the rigid needs of many investors since its emergence: asset security. LOEx always adheres to the principle of user first and safety first, provides users with a safe, stable and convenient digital asset trading platform, and is committed to becoming a leader in the digital economy era.
First of all, LOEx Thunder Shield operates publicly through smart contracts
Each user's transaction can be clearly observed through the EOS browser, ensuring that your transaction is a real transaction. At the same time, because your assets are no longer in the hands of the LOEx Thunder Shield official team, but are placed in a place called a "smart contract", public rules ensure that your assets can enter and exit your EOS account freely. Ensure the safety of your assets. This is a safe transition to decentralization.
Then, LOEX also has AI program automatic detection
Fault handling: supports cluster expansion and active and backup eagerness;
Monitoring and warning: real-time monitoring of functional modules and timely warning of abnormal modules;
/>Operation and maintenance center: a complete server cluster and database maintenance platform
Protection measures: DDoS protection, intelligent banning, off-site disaster recovery,
Risk control management
We have cross-chain hosting cooperation System;
The security system cooperates with well-known companies such as Manwu District and Zhizhi Chuangyu;
It has reached in-depth cooperation with the above-mentioned well-known institutions in terms of security. The security agency provides a series of code audits for smart contract projects. services, and continue to provide security audit services after the project team’s code is upgraded. At the same time, the institutional team will also provide long-term safety testing services to LOEx.
Therefore, what LOEx can achieve is safe asset protection, risk screening of currency-listed projects, and security behavior inspection of exchange users.
Financial management cooperates with the well-known Wall Street AA-level quantitative team;
In the future, LOEx exchange can be made more secure and trustworthy. LOEx cross-chain custody can bring a large number of application scenarios to customers. LOEx exchange can provide shared depth for all Loex.io partners, allowing customers to have everything they need in the exchange. Have good circulation and transaction depth, and complete safe startup.

D. What are the valuable coins on Fcoin? How about the SEC social e-commerce chain?

I am not a follower of trends. I usually do my own research to see if it is reliable before I start. , after all, it is better to avoid becoming a leek. To be honest, there are many potential coins on FCoin, and the SEC social e-commerce chain is one of them. Although it is not as popular as EOS, Ethereum, etc., it still stands out compared to a bunch of air coins. After all, the project developers in the currency circle who do not aim to cut leeks are already very good

E . Founder of fcoin

The founder of fcoin is Zhang Jian. Zhang Jian officially launched the encrypted digital currency exchange FCoin on May 24, 2018, issued the platform currency FT, and launched a new model of "trading is mining, holding currency is dividends".

FCoin has announced a temporary shutdown for maintenance at 23:50 on February 10, 2020 (GMT+8). According to Zhang Jian, the biggest problem facing FCoin currently is not the unrecoverable problem of the system, but funds. The reserve cannot redeem the user's withdrawal. The internal problems and technical difficulties faced by FCoin are all the result of financial difficulties. It is estimated that the amount that cannot be redeemed is between 7,000-13,000 BTC. FCoin founder Zhang Jian issued an announcement saying that he is fully promoting the implementation of the work in accordance with the "Statement on Accelerating the Restart of FCoin".

FT (FCoin Token) is a token issued by the FCoin trading platform and represents all the rights and interests of the trading platform itself (exchange platform currency). After its establishment, FCoin quickly became the world's largest exchange in terms of trading volume. The reason lies in its new concept model: 100% fee-free, transactions are mining, and holding coins can earn dividends.

The FCoin platform will allocate 80% of the handling fees to FT (FT is the FCoin platform token) holders, and the other 20% will be used for the development and operation of the platform.

51% of the FT on the FCoin platform (the total amount of FT is 10 billion) is rewarded to users in the form of transaction fee refunds.

Such trading rules make the more transaction fees, the more dividends. For those who entered FT in the early stage, they can make a good income just by waiting for dividends every day. In addition to the attractive trading rules of FCoin, FCoin also has a fission activity that requires friends. No matter how much FT the friend invited by the consumer mines every day, an additional 20% will be distributed to the consumer. There is an arbitrage space in this process.

F. Mystery Crossing Topic: FCoin's "Mission: Impossible: Fallout" Finale

"It's time to reveal the truth. No matter how cruel the truth is, it's better than a beautiful lie. Especially if it's public Lies will sooner or later be exposed under the eyes of everyone."

FCoin, a virtual token exchange once known as the "first trading platform in the universe", officially announced its suspension. The founder of the exchange, Zhang Jian's long article broke the illusions of countless players in the currency circle and made people sigh

This week Midu (52mi.com) launched a topic discussion on the announcement released by Fcoin. The following is a summary of Mystery Crossing’s reviews from fellow travelers. I hope it will be inspiring to you.

Qingshan Yin: Let me share my feelings. I have been promoting Fcoin for about 2 months, and I have earned a total of 30,000-40,000 FT, about 4-5K yuan. To be honest, Fcoin actually has my own selfish motives. I often use its leverage. After all, the interest rate is only about 10% a year. Compared with Huobi and Okex, the annual interest rate reaches 36%, which is indeed very low!

Moreover, its USDT financial management income has always been higher than 15%, which should be said to be a very high platform in the currency circle.

The collapse of Fcoin cost me almost 10,000 yuan this time, which is quite uncomfortable.

However, I think Fcoin’s “runaway” reflects the current situation of the currency circle. The snowballing gameplay + the limited number of users in a bear market environment have resulted in many financial models not being able to proceed at all. "Run away" may be the best option for the project side.

Be sure to invest within your own affordability. Life has to go on, right?

A poplar tree: Yangshu heard from an ExinOne insider that ExinOne may not even be "in the top 50" due to the impact of this incident. The chain reaction is evident. .

I am afraid that after Zhang Jian’s announcement, Fcoin will be like a butterfly flapping its wings. A bigger storm will follow, and it may even stage a currency circle version of the "subprime mortgage crisis." According to Understand that many large quantitative investors and institutions, including some financial management platforms, use Fcoin as their main battlefield...

As the Fcoin incident continues to ferment, it is expected that currency exchanges will be strengthened The Matthew Effect between the It will cause a run or even a stampede, and the domino effect is not even ruled out, so ferry friends must also pay close attention to their assets.In terms of safety, it is most secure to take it back to your own hands.

At the same time, this incident is also an opportunity for DEX. Zhao Yi, the founder of Whale Exchange, made it clear in the circle of friends: Do not trust any centralized exchange. Compared with “don’t be evil” in traditional centralized exchanges, the core value of blockchain is can’t be evil. The advantages are obvious. In 2020, the direction of DEX should be worth looking forward to.

Walking: For currency exchanges, systemic risks have always been high, especially after 94 in China. There is no institution that plays the role of a central bank or a stock exchange in the stock market, resulting in the power of digital currency exchanges being unable to fit into the cage of the system.

To put it simply, both the central bank and stock exchanges (there are only two in China, Shanghai and Shenzhen) are non-profit institutions, managed and supervised by the State Securities Regulatory Commission, and do not participate in securities transactions themselves. It cannot determine the price of securities, but commercial banks and securities firms act as buying and selling intermediaries between users, investors, the central bank, and stock exchanges, providing intermediary services. If exchanges could take over users' property control rights, regulatory rights, coinage rights, securities issuance rights and intermediary trading rights, there would be no complex system designs that are common in banks and stock markets today. .

Chi Teng: As early as 2018, Binance founder cz reminded that transaction mining is a disguised, high-priced ICO and a ZJP gameplay. Looking at it now, it makes sense.

Boss Zhang attributed all this to data errors + decision-making errors. He spoke sincerely and seemed to have the guidance of an expert behind the scenes. He easily resolved a criminal case into a civil dispute. As for whether the debt repayment was due, it was still What an unknown.

In any case, the Fcoin incident has discredited the entire industry and caused more small and medium-sized exchanges to fall into a crisis of trust.

Magma Bucket: The currency exchange model is a copy of the traditional exchange model, except that the types of transactions are encrypted digital currencies with decentralized characteristics. Centralized decision-making coupled with black-box operations, without the supervision of a neutral party, makes it much easier and cheaper to commit evil. A black hole worth hundreds of millions of dollars is not something that can be accepted just by saying sorry.

Any so-called commitment to assume debt without follow-up plans and actual actions has little practical significance. Although the regulatory system of the traditional financial system has developed to the present, there are various problems, but time has also proven its effectiveness, so we still need to look at many things dialectically. Although decentralized exchanges are also a direction, there are still countless pitfalls waiting for us on the way forward. I hope the FCoin matter can have a good ending, although it is difficult.

Leek King: 1. There will be a wave of trust crisis in centralized exchanges, and it will be more difficult for small exchanges to gain the trust of users.Decentralized exchanges are embracing development opportunities.

2. Openness and transparency will become a basic requirement for centralized exchanges in the future. Without openness and transparency, it is difficult to compete with decentralized exchanges.

3. I wish Zhang Jian will be captured and brought to justice as soon as possible!

Caos: Unhealthy models always run for a long time. Here I would like to correct what Mr. Zhang said about the token economy. At the beginning of the design of the token economy, its durability and continuity must be considered, such as motivating users. The mechanism of brushing volume and returning handling fees is a disguised platform financing, coupled with CX-style invitation incentives, which is itself a ZJP model. It is difficult for the project to land smoothly. These results are not unpredictable. After all, Fcoin is not the first project to go online. So It will be difficult for him to clear himself of the suspicion of manipulating funds through short-term wash financing without value.

The token economy with no actual value can also be said to be Mr. Zhang’s last excuse. The problem has only occurred now. It can only be said that the brothers in the currency circle are too tolerant. This circle has given fcoin If it's too much, I'm afraid it will have a chain reaction, but the market should be much more relaxed after this.

Mr. Luotuo has something to say: This incident once again proves that the concept of "don't put all your eggs in one basket" is correct. I think everyone should not find it troublesome. It is necessary to have accounts with 3-5 mainstream exchanges and manage the funds separately. I heard a joke before: "Who told me not to put all my eggs in one basket? Now all the baskets are gone!" If this really happens, I can only say that this is not a strategy. There is a problem, but there is a problem in the industry or circle.

Duyou 5626: The recent announcement of Fcoin is a reminder to everyone: when buying and selling coins, we still need to choose a major exchange, inspect the exchange's fund security, deposit and withdrawal of coins, and settlement. The speed ensures the safety of your own funds and avoids losses.

There is not much money these days, so you have to be cautious when investing.

Word of the day: I was chatting with a friend from a small contract exchange before. He said that if a user wins too much, he will chat with him. If he continues to win, he will be frozen directly and trembling. There is also a friend whose platform is also trading and mining. I asked if the users made a lot of money by giving away so many platform coins. He said that the platform coins are free for users. The two reasons given by fcoin are unconvincing. Platform coins do evil. This is a common practice in the currency circle. Platform coins are printed, so why not exchange them for real gold and silver?

If it is really a loss, I believe it is an investment loss. Fcoin’s financial plan has circled a lot of funds and the interest rate is very high, but the investment in fcoin cannot keep up with the interest rate growth. This may be true. s reason. This incident has further deepened the reshuffle of exchanges. Users will panic about small platforms. This wave of Mavericks has almost stopped

Yuri: The appearance of FT made a group of people laugh, and Zhang Jian’s truth made a group of people cry. I am definitely one of those people who was made to cry. Friends who have been in the currency circle for a long time should remember that Zhang Jian was unparalleled in those days. He was able to punch OK, kick Huobi, and incidentally bump into Binance. At the craziest time, the trading volume of the FT family was actually the sum of the three major ones. Even Changpeng Zhao, who is known for his stability, had to publish a series of articles criticizing the unsustainability of FT and explaining the security of Binance. Each exchange had to immediately develop and implement Launch your own decentralized exchange to compete with FT.

Looking back now, I really echoed those words. I watched him build a tall building, watched him entertain guests, and watched his building collapse. Zhang Jian’s post once again brought the security of exchanges to the forefront. The tokens of various exchanges instantly fell to varying degrees. Some big V even posted a post saying that it is safest to put all the coins in your wallet quickly. . In my opinion, it is completely unnecessary. As long as it is not a small exchange, at least the three major exchanges are safe. You cannot pour water on your own house just because someone else's house is on fire. BM’s inappropriate remarks before and the truth about Zhang Jian’s original intention have caused quite a shock to the currency circle, but these are probably all episodes. Against the background of the halving expectation, the overall upward trend should remain unchanged. , so friends in the currency circle should just wait for the flowers to bloom and the horses to wear bright clothes.

Dana Yuelu: Today’s Fcoin incident gave me this feeling:

The goddess that many people once pursued cannot catch up with you and ignores you. Suddenly one day, the goddess stripped naked and stood in front of you, and you were so frightened???

Those who support it, believe that Zhang Jian can reverse it, and those who do not support it, the rights protection groups are shaking and shouting.

The sun will rise as usual tomorrow. Eat and drink when you should. Take care of yourself, avoid the epidemic, and contribute more to yourself, your family, and the country. I believe that under the leadership of the party, things will pass quickly and it will soon have nothing to do with the capital market. After a while, it will return to normal, and you may not remember it. People are always so forgetful.

Another project is needed, continue to keep up with the buying until the limit.

Huna Ling 9813: This exchange became a dark horse in 2018 by relying on transaction mining and 80% of revenue dividends, and it was in the limelight for a while. But if you take too big a step and develop too quickly, you will inevitably slip up to your waist. The data loopholes caused by the lack of attention to back-end technology finally brought down this exchange that was born less than two years ago. The problems that were exposed in 2018 have not been fully announced to the public until now. The outbreak of major platform currencies in the past few days has also made its platform currency FT recover. This may be the last wave of leeks for FCoin. FT, which once created a hundred-fold myth, disappeared with this incident, and a large number of retail investors were forced to pay for it. Zhang Jian left a final sentence saying that he would be responsible for the whole life of his life.Responsible to the end. Behind this incident may be the trust issue of centralized exchanges. Many retail investors' assets are stored in exchanges, but many exchanges will misappropriate these assets privately. Users don't know it anyway. This is a hidden danger.

The flower in the south of the city has bloomed: If you want to run away, but you are afraid of being caught, you can only run away in disguise. Time and deadline are given to prove the inner contradiction and cold-bloodedness of the character. If you are not quick and thorough, you will be let go. The confusion keeps you awake.

People around me have always disliked small exchanges, and I don’t like them too much. Their ability to resist risks is too low. What other regulatory issues are there? Who knows if they can fly by bragging?

Lao Ma: The biggest problem facing FCoin is the inability of fund reserves to pay for user withdrawals. The early surge in FT paved the way for the subsequent long-term decline. I remember that many media later described FT as plummeting 95%. FT's long-term decline + communityization has brought disastrous consequences. FCoin matured too early. Before he was fully developed, no one gave him a chance to grow slowly. Therefore, in the end everything is concentrated on two words "currency price".

Blockchain System Analyst: fcoin’s magnificent start started with trading mining and ended with trading mining. I thought I was a master of tokens, but in the end, I lost the momentum. Goodbye, fcoin.

For more topic discussions, please add the comments of Midu official customer service WeChat Vicky52766 to join the group to learn more.

G. Can the Binance cold wallet address be returned?

No, it is impossible to return it if it is irregular. So please use regular places to buy things in the future to be safe.

H. Which one is better, Huobi or Binance?

Binance has half the role of a weathervane in the currency circle. The hot spot in 2018 was dominated by the mining transaction fcoin. In 19, Binance launched an IEO and dominated the hot spot in 2019, at least in the first half of the year.
Binance’s first IEO project is called BTT. BTT was issued after Justin Sun spent 1 billion to acquire bittorrent. According to Boss Sun’s method of operating trx wave field, the starting strategy is to spend the money at the beginning. Earn the money back. After all, Binance and Sun Chenyu have had in-depth cooperation on "Tron". When Tron was released, Binance had just come out. Later, both Tron and Binance "succeeded". The two parties have a deep " "Revolutionary Friendship" (the depth of friendship can be seen from the recent incident in which Binance used users' coins to vote for Justin Sun). It is relatively simple to combine the "strength" of both parties to operate a popular project. Then BTT went online and increased 20 times, and the IEO became an instant success.

I. How digital currency solves membership problems

Data show that as of November 26, the number of global digital currency exchanges has grown to 15,699. Undoubtedly, this is a huge number.I know there are many exchanges, but so many are simply unimaginable. How many projects and users are needed to support such a large number of exchanges?

Taking the domestic financial stock market as an example, the number of registered users in the two cities (Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange) is around 120 million, and according to According to statistics, there are about 60 million active users with actual transaction records, and this is already far higher than the 50 million users in the global digital currency market. You don’t have to think about how much water there is in these 50 million. . From this perspective, the current user volume of the entire digital currency market actually only needs one or a few exchanges to support it, and more exchanges may be eliminated in this baptism.

So how to stay ahead and survive in such an exciting competition and seize share is an issue that all exchanges urgently need to solve. There are too many monks to eat, so you can only rob, but the rob must be justified and legal. The final result of those who are walking on the tightrope of fraud can be imagined. Even if there is a temporary outbreak, it may be just a flash in the pan like FCoin, and you can face it at any time. Possibility of collapse.

In such a general environment, FCoin, once the most qualified challenger to break the monopoly of the top exchanges, also failed. Those unknown exchanges just cut a handful of leeks and left. , it can be said that the hope is even slimmer, so what hope can there be? This is a common view from the outside world.

Actually, this statement is correct or not. Indeed, FCoin once set off a storm of exchange counterattacks in the digital currency market, which really refreshed our values. However, its death is also foreseeable. FCoin's target user group is in China, and the policy direction is not clear. However, Huobi and OKCoin have obtained upper-level resources. It was once rumored that the state was behind these two major exchanges, and The country certainly does not want to break this pattern, so it will not support it.

The "transaction is mining" advocated by FCoin is indeed a fresh and sustainable development idea. With the popularity and rise of "transaction is mining", traffic and transaction volume continue to grow explosively. It can be said that he has a good hand. However, under the temptation of huge profits, FCoin resorted to stupid tricks. FT continued to issue additional issuances, which gave people a hint of conspiracy. When it found that something was wrong and stopped the additional issuance, it also officially announced the end of "trading is mining". It can be said that it has become a success. Xiao He is also defeated. Xiao He is also defeated.

The short-lived rise of FCoin has given small exchanges hope, proving that the model gameplay can have a place, and they have followed suit, whether it is "transaction is mining", "pending order is mining", "encourage "Gold rebate" even waives the "handling fee" that exchanges rely on for survival. Various novel ways of playing are emerging in an endless stream, but no exchange has ever reached the heights of FCoin again.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the mode gameplay itself. It is indeed a common means of competing with each other for survival., FCoin has confirmed that, however, these gameplays are also based on interests, and the biggest beneficiary is still the exchange. This inevitably makes people suspect that it is another way of cutting leeks similar to FCoin.

To put it simply, these models and gameplay have entered a misunderstanding. It is true that trading must make money, but it must be earned reasonably and in a timely manner.

1. The lack of price limits in the currency circle determines that most participants in the currency circle do not need small favors, which obviously lacks enough appeal to users.

2. In addition to small platforms that run away after just one cut, most other platforms are actually doing practical things. The progress of the project and the timely disclosure of the implementation of the project are the basic conditions that determine the quality of an exchange. .

3. Users attracted by discounts alone are just like the wooly people who have no loyalty to the exchange, let alone traffic deposits.

In the current currency circle, small exchanges must survive in the cracks of the crowded exchange army. In addition to having a technical core that is not inferior to that of the leading exchanges, they must have the largest number of users in the world. The relationship with users should go beyond the simple buying and selling relationship between traditional merchants and customers. Only by working together can we complement each other. The interests of the financial market are king, but in the end it is still a transaction. What if we change our thinking from merchants to partnerships?< br />
And this, CG Century Exchange has already taken the lead. According to reports, as the world’s first membership-based spot trading platform, it is openly recruiting founding members from around the world. Everyone is adding fuel to the fire, allowing members to participate on the platform. Their identities jointly promote the development of the trading platform.

In other words, whether you are an individual or an institution, whether you have funds or connections, you can apply to become a platform member and receive millions of commissions. It is worth noting that the platform implements a maximum 100% speedy commission rebate, which simply means full distribution according to work.

Once the membership model is implemented, the benefits will be huge:

1. Through the personal relationship of members, users’ trust in the platform will be eliminated. , can quickly accumulate user groups and grow fissively.

2. Compared with deposit and trading discounts, the membership system is more profitable and full of motivation, and the effect will be exponential.

3. In the bear market stage, investment enthusiasm is sluggish. Distrust in transactions and market conditions will be greatly reduced through friendship conversion, which will bring more incremental users to the market in addition to existing existing users. .

This is a brand new mode of gameplay. This move is undoubtedly a bold and innovative attempt, but it is also a manifestation of strength. After all, the survival of the platform requires funds. 100% commission rebate is undoubtedly not an act of subsidizing money to make a profit. The funds that need to be subsidized are huge. Compared with the general interests-first approach, in a world where exchanges are crowded together and the market is bearish, it is not difficult to see its determination to survive from the launch of the membership system of CG Exchange.It cannot be said that we are not resolute. This is a long-term vision and ambition, and a battle that requires long-term persistence. At least it proves that the platform must not be a bad exchange that just cuts and runs, otherwise it would not be so patient in seeking survival.

Nowadays, many exchanges are contending. Many exchanges are still competing within the industry, eating the existing market capital, and focusing on the same group of old people. This is very important for expanding new users. It is not very helpful to open up new market areas. As an indispensable medium for the digital currency market, exchanges should continue to extend outside the industry to touch more asset digitization markets, allowing more ordinary people to understand blockchain and digital assets, instead of "squeezing out" the currency circle. elder.

J. The fcoin exchange cannot be opened. Around 10 o'clock last night, the mobile phone page always showed an abnormal data connection, and it still does so now!

The virtual currency itself There is a huge risk, and fcoin trading is not a formal transaction, so it is normal that it cannot be opened suddenly. If the link displayed on the mobile phone page is abnormal, it may be that the relevant department has blocked it. It’s better not to invest in such industries.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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