币圈短线套利是真的吗 币圈短线套利怎么算

① 币圈搬砖如何快速找到差价

1、因为是赚取平台之间的差价,所以你要对比各个平台的价格比特币搬砖,找到差价最大的两个,所以首先你需要在很多交易平台上注册账户,比如Binance 、OKCoin、火币等;


② “炒币”内幕有哪些










从4月初到5月14日,TRUE以不到3元的价格涨到24.4元(参考“中国 比特币 ”平台价格)。







月哥:我们所有交易的最低原则是不亏钱,至少2倍 收益 撤出,控盘前期你们要先打过来保本的约1000万的币。如果最后亏500万,你们需“平”这500万。











众所周知,目前币圈山寨币泛滥,90%以上的数字货币没有任何 区块链 技术,发币都是靠庄家拉盘出货,击鼓传花。“坐庄是基本套路,赚钱是根本。”





针对市场上持有数字货币量较少的散户,一些所谓的“量化”投资公司应运而生。它们通常会和散户签订代客 理财 合同。






在一位 网贷 行业的资深专家看来,没有市场公共规则,所谓“创新”都是耍流氓,而且,这些还都是懂技术、有文化的新款流氓。












③ 什么是比特币套利交易


④ “套利”在区块链里是什么意思




⑤ 经过反复实践,发现投资数字货币找到适合自己的投资策略太重要了





经过几年在这个行业的积累,我指导过500+人,帮助了很多伙伴开启了数字货币投资的大门,实现从小白蜕变成大咖,发现绝大多数普通人最适合的虚拟货币投资方式是 定投 ,因为能做好中短线交易、套利的人,其实是极少数,因此! 总结了一篇非常适合小白入手的定投体系,不能让你“一夜爆发”却可以让你稳稳的搭上区块链行业发展的红利,慢慢变富!















1. 闲钱投资,小成本练习










#比特币[超话]# #欧易OKEx# #数字货币#

⑥ 币圈从不缺机会,就看你该如何把握


1. 多去研究新兴事物,保持开放心态





2. 找到属于你自己的机会

币圈看似很小,实则很大,你看,光比特币都养活了多少人,有挖矿的、做交易所的、搬砖交易的等等,方方面面,每个人自身情况不同,其实完全可以根据自己的特点和喜好来选择。不一定每一个机会都赶着上,选择最适合你的 。



3. 币圈从不缺机会,多点耐心




⑦ 盘点小白在币圈需要了解的基本玩法

区块链概念仿佛一夜之间火遍全球,伴随区块链而出现的币圈,更是成为造就无数财富神话的沃土。一时间,无论是大户还是小散,几乎所有人都把目光投向了这个圈子,带着大量资金前赴后继地涌进来,生怕慢人一步便会错失良机。 事实上,作为一个新兴行业,许多投资者在对区块链几乎是一无所知的情况下便贸贸然进了场,最终自然也就逃不过被“收割”的命运。既然我们进入币圈都是奔着赚钱而来,那你是否真的认真想过,怎样才能在币圈赚到钱?或者说,怎样在币圈更稳定地赚钱?方法一:项目众筹在币圈,项目众筹无疑是最让投资者感到兴奋的玩法。通过这种方式,许多投资者的资产在短时间内翻了数十倍乃至数百倍,想象空间无限巨大。然而今时不同往日,如今市面上出来众筹的项目数量急剧增加且良莠不齐,当前众筹的项目,破发风险极大,一旦投资失败,极有可能导致投资全部归零。方法二:短线炒币短线炒币,也叫做波段。在币圈,短线炒币是最普遍的玩法,也是大多数人进入币圈解锁的第一姿势。然而,在区块链世界做短线投资无疑就是在赌运气,风险极大。如果你以为跟着某些“短线大神”的K线分析就能在币圈无往而不利,那么恭喜,你离一个合格的韭菜已经不远了,三年之内不亏完算我输。方法三:搬砖套利所谓搬砖,其实就是利用各个币种在不同平台的交易价格不同,从价低的平台买入,再转到价高的平台卖出,这中间的差价,自然就是搬砖所得利润。讲到这里,你以为搬砖就是稳赚不赔的赚钱方法吗?Too young too simple!搬砖其实是一门技术活,由于不同交易所处理提币速度不同,在提币的这段时间,两个市场的价格极有可能发生反转,加上在不同交易所之间提币需要手续费,事实上稳赚不赔的只有交易平台。

方法四:领空投领空投,也叫薅羊毛。为了让潜在投资者获得代币相关信息,一些项目方会经常性地进行空投,往用户的钱包地址打币,由于空投一般是免费领取,这种方式也受到相当一部分用户的热捧。空投看似是一种零成本赚钱的方法,实际上,一些诈骗团伙经常会以高额的空投奖励诱惑人,再诱导用户输入私钥,最后把用户钱包地址上的代币全部转走。由此可见,空投也并非绝对的稳赚不赔。  方法五:投资Kssbtc平台,做稳定理财。


⑧ 币圈合约稳定套利的方法

套利( spreads): 指同时买进和卖出两张不同种类的期货合约.交易者买进自认为是"便宜的"合约,同时卖出那些"高价的"合约,从两合约价格间的变动关系中获.套期保值,是指企业为规避外汇风险、利率风险、商品价格风险.月份相同或相近原则 该原则要求投资者在进行套期保值操作时,所选用期货合约的.
一、区块链的确是大势所趋,投资区块链可以从以下几个方面进行:1、进入区块链行业. 2、与区块链相半而生的是数字货币市场,各种数字货币如比特币、以太坊、莱特币等.
(1) 不抛补套利。即利用两国资金市场的利率差异,把短期资金从低利率的市场调到高利率的市场投放,以获取利差收益。
(2) 抛补套利。即套利者在把短期资金从甲地调到乙地套利的同时,利用远期外汇交易避免汇率变动的风险。套利活动会改变不同资金市场的供求关系,使各地短期资金的利率趋于一致,使货币的近期汇率与远期汇率的差价缩小,并使资金市场的利率差与外汇市场的汇率差价之间保持均衡,从而在客观上加强了国际金融市场的一体化。

⑨ 币圈大跌 发点小牢骚





















2018年后,高位接盘者眼看行情低迷 ,大多数其实早已割肉离场,认亏。








⑩ 一文搞懂币圈量化套利策略




量化交易策略里面包含配币,配参,配机等一系列动作,这套配置好的量化交易策略包能够让客户手中的数字货币资产稳定增值。机械化操作,24 小时监控,程序自动化,根据事先制定好的策略严格执行,稳定盈利,不受市场涨跌影响。‍


UXBTC 量化基金



(三)收益表现 :以下为我们交易策略基于bitmex的BTC/USD交易对从2019年1月1日至今原始报价数据产生的回测结果.,历史数据基本维持在20个点左右每月。

(四) 合作模式:


(五) 亏损保护:


(六) 收费模式:

前期不收任何服务费,只会在客户盈利后我们会从盈利部分抽取 30%作为技术服务费用,除此之外没有任何隐藏费用。

    对新用户还可以免费测试一周,所得利润全都归客户。 等测试后正式合作后才和客户分成。

(七) 结算时间:每半月一结算。操作完后,客户需要将属于我们该得的利润转给我们,我们收到利润后才会帮客户继续操作。

目前支持操作的交易平台: BITMEX, OKEX  火币等主流平台。









4 :风险提示


① How to quickly find the price difference in the currency circle

1. Because you are earning the price difference between platforms, you have to compare the prices of various platforms and find the largest price difference. There are two of them, so first you need to register an account on many trading platforms, such as Binance, OKCoin, Huobi, etc.;
2. For newbies in the currency circle, asset allocation must be done before moving, that is, in advance Deposit some Bitcoin or Ethereum on the exchange as the base currency to move Bitcoin, just like you can use RMB to buy things in China, but you have to exchange it for U.S. dollars when you get to the United States. Only by exchanging your coins for the benchmark coins of each market on the exchange can you move bricks as quickly as possible. Generally speaking, Ethereum transfers are faster than Bitcoin, but it is recommended for beginners to use Bitcoin as the base currency.

3. High liquidity.

② What are the inside stories of "coin speculation"

"Buddha-type coin speculation makes 200,000 while lying down!"

"Making 130,000 in 2 days is just sleeping It happened in one sleep!"

"My 1 million principal was almost lost in the currency circle! ... Dr. Beautiful Girl teaches you the correct posture of bargain hunting!"

"The Leek Heart Sutra, the essential method to defeat the banker!"


If you search for four words in the currency speculation diary, there will be a flood of all kinds of tricks and secrets. At first glance, people thought they were talking about A shares. In fact, the chaos in the currency circle is no worse than that of the previous A-shares, and there is even the same phenomenon of sitting on the bank and cutting leeks.

The recording scandal exposed the tricks of the banker

On May 27, the audio of “The voice of the True-Chain trader cutting leeks was exposed” spread throughout the currency circle, causing a stir. Thousand waves.

According to the Chulian white paper, Chulian is a high-performance public chain that combines POW and PBFT. It can be used in medical, insurance, gaming and other industries. Its issued token is TRUE. .

From early April to May 14, TRUE rose from less than 3 yuan to 24.4 yuan (refer to the "China Bitcoin" platform price).

According to media reports, the recording scandal involves three parties on both sides. On one side is "Dayong", the chief strategy officer and founder of Chulian, and on the other side is "Yue Ge", a speculator who once traded digital currencies, and his technical analysts. What the recording content reveals is that the Chulian project party used good news to cooperate, combined with the financial side's pull and other methods to manipulate prices.

At 2 pm on May 28, Chulian quickly held an online media conference to provide clarification. The Chulian team stated that the recording was authentic, but “the recording was incorrect and had ulterior motives.”

NetworkSome of the recording shorthand circulating:

Brother Yue: What is the exit mechanism of Chulian dealers?

Dayong: One is that we will receive the goods at a low price for the dealers , the opportunity to sell at a high price; another kind of dealer will give us a part of the funds, and when we operate to a certain price point, we will share the profit; another kind is that when the dealer reaches a certain price, we will give a certain coin reward .

Dayong: We hope you will participate in the core node election plan that will be launched on May 11 at the latest. By then, there will be nearly 28 million locked up, and it is planned to issue 100 million initial chain application points, which will be listed on the exchange. Depending on how many Ethereum wallets the user has, the initial chain will be distributed on a 1:1 basis, and will also be given to public chain users. 40% will be distributed, 30% will be given to the team foundation, and 30% will be given to the successful candidate for the election node.

Brother Yue: The minimum principle for all our transactions is not to lose money, at least 2 times the profit. Withdrawal, you must first pay about 10 million coins to protect the capital in the early stage of market control. If you end up losing 5 million, you need to "even" the 5 million.

Dayong: Currently, 36% of Chulian’s liquidity is in the hands of retail investors. The large investors probably have tens of millions. Most of them are early investors and will basically not sell. During the node election planning period, prepare to lock up 10 million to 28 million for 7 months.

Brother Yue: The trading method of ONT and BTM is to pull back after reaching a certain level, and then attract some users to come in, so that everyone’s currency cost is different in the funnel model, so that retail investors will not sell out easily. There will be no crashes.

Dayong: Most of the cost of Chulian is between 4-8 yuan. At this stage, the selling pressure is the greatest. We have a series of measures, including airdrops, node elections, mainnet launch, etc. Don't sell at 8 yuan.

Yuege Fang Analyst: This stage happens to be a good stage for market control. Can you get detailed data?

Dayong: OK platform has less than 8 yuan of coins. One-tenth, about 2 million, accounting for more than 4 yuan at most, accounting for 70%-80%, maybe 90%.

The silly game of cutting leeks

Everyone who steps into the currency circle will not think that they are cut leeks.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that 99% of the air coins in the current currency circle are air coins. First touch your conscience and say, do you care whether these ICOs are air coins? How many nonsense white papers can be Isn’t this wave of money cultivated by everyone’s belief that ‘it doesn’t matter if it’s an air coin, there will always be a taker, just grab it and run away’?” Ms. Chen, an observer in the currency circle, lamented.

One player put it bluntly:

"We also know that virtual currency has no value, and the chance of making money is the chance of making money. For me, I can't understand the ICO white paper and I don't want to understand it. I just want to know that once this kind of virtual token is listed, it can have 5 times 10 If I can get twice the profit, I am willing to gamble.”

As we all know, there are currently a proliferation of altcoins in the currency circle, and more than 90% of digital currencies do not have any blockchain technology, and the issuance of coins relies on bankers. Ship the goods, beat the drum and pass the flowers. "Being a banker is the basic routine, and making money is the foundation."

From the perspective of pure currency speculation, retail investors in the currency circle mainly make arbitrage in two ways:

The first is through futures prices arbitrage the premium between the spot price and the spot price. It is said that this state is very crazy, and the leverage is usually 5 to 10 times.

The second method is to use bricks and mortar, taking advantage of the fact that the same digital currency has different prices on exchanges in different countries, buying from a low price and selling at a high price. However, the threshold for this method is extremely high. First, you must be able to pass the exchange of foreign exchange. In addition, there must be traders of corresponding nationalities in the target country.

"Investing in tokens is very similar to stock trading in the past. Those who make money are the bankers, who buy low and sell high, and small traders are all takers." The above-mentioned player emphasized.

For retail investors who hold a small amount of digital currencies in the market, some so-called "quantitative" investment companies have emerged. They usually sign financial management contracts with retail investors.

In terms of profit distribution, the principal (number of coins) is guaranteed but the bottom line income is not guaranteed. If the annualized return is less than 50%, the team will not charge any service fee. For the portion exceeding 50%, the team will charge 50% of the excess profit. The participation threshold usually starts from 3 ETH, the lock-up time is more than half a year, and there are also upper limits on the total amount and the total number of people.

In the opinion of a senior currency speculator, due to serious banker behavior, a currency can easily double, 5 times, 10 times or even a hundred times. A small number of lucky retail investors stepped on a few points correctly and achieved financial freedom; more unfortunate ones lost all their money.

It is understood that with the proliferation of ICO projects, the price of ETH has soared, and the phenomenon of altcoins being broken upon listing is becoming more and more serious. In the past, bookmakers jointly engaged in private equity and went to exchanges to cut leeks in the secondary market. After I had no choice but to cut leeks, I started cutting leeks directly in the private equity market.

The hooligan culture of the organization

The hooligans are not to be feared, but the hooligans have culture.

In the opinion of a senior expert in the online lending industry, without market public rules, so-called "innovation" is just hooliganism, and these are new types of hooligans who understand technology and are educated.

“Those who invest on behalf of ICOs and speculate on coins in the secondary market are essentially little leeks.Those who really have a big appetite are those who want to issue coins and sit in the market for exchanges. These people have a greater sense of smell and wolfishness for money than ordinary people. "Ms. Chen said.

On May 11, 2017, digital currencies plummeted across the board. Some investors wanted to stop their losses in time and opened the exchange platform, but found that the server was down and they could not close their positions. Some investors prepared tens of thousands of funds to buy the bottom, but they could only watch the market plummet and were unable to operate.

According to some rights defenders:

Certain digital currencies Trading platforms have suffered huge losses through operations such as unplugging network cables, abnormal transactions, deleting user data, and customer service problems. Rights defenders suspect that there are very serious cases of robot brushing orders on these platforms.

May Around 14:00 on the 12th, on the Huobi trading platform, IOST, BTM, DTA, ONT and other currencies plummeted for a short period of time, with a drop of more than 50%, and then quickly pulled back, causing a large number of margin trading users to liquidate their positions and suffer heavy losses. .At this time, the prices of the same currencies on exchanges such as OKEX and Binance did not fluctuate significantly in a short period of time. As a result, Huobi fell into the question of "fixed-point blasting and malicious liquidation".

A more cruel and bloody method of cutting leeks has also been circulated on the Internet - pulling the plate and smashing the plate group, which uses the artificial information time difference to carry out financial fraud.

The legendary pulling process is This is like this: first publish the message in the core group, and then in the advanced group, ordinary group, etc. The interval between groups of different levels publishing messages is usually 6 seconds. After reaching a high level, the core banker group will first announce the message "smash the market" ", sell"; wait until this group of people have finished selling coins, and then tell the second batch, which has a larger number of people than the first batch. When the leeks who joined the group without paying knew the so-called inside information, it was actually the 6th to 7th batch. The game is not over until the leeks find that their coins can no longer be sold.

This kind of operation routine is exactly the same as the way of manipulating the stock price in the stock market.

According to the relevant provisions of the Securities Law:

It is prohibited to use funds and shareholding advantages to manipulate securities transaction prices, it is prohibited to collude with others to agree on mutual sales to affect the transaction price and volume, and it is prohibited to buy and sell by oneself. Selling affects the transaction price and volume, and it is prohibited to use inside information or false information to manipulate transaction prices, etc.

At present, the digital token field is still outside of regulatory supervision. Therefore, the phenomenon of market manipulation is not There are no corresponding legal punitive measures. Once they are included in the supervision in the future, these behaviors will be illegal.

③ What is Bitcoin arbitrage trading

Just run if you make money, you need a download address I can provide

④ What does “arbitrage” mean in blockchain

UtilizationThe price difference of the same commodity on two or several different exchanges.

Arbitrage occurs when the same asset is listed on different exchanges at different prices. When this happens, an arbitrage trade can occur, in which an asset is simultaneously purchased on one exchange (lower price) and sold on another exchange (higher price). This generates profits that are often small but guaranteed risk-free. Opportunities for arbitrage exist due to market inefficiencies.

Due to technological advancements and computerized trading systems, arbitrage in traditional centralized markets such as stocks, bonds, foreign exchange and commodities is extremely difficult. Typically, any price differences between exchanges are corrected within seconds, or even less. However, in the cryptocurrency market, it is still a viable strategy because computerized trading bots are not yet widespread on cryptocurrency exchanges and price differences may persist for a longer period of time.

⑤ After repeated practice, I found that it is very important to find an investment strategy that suits you when investing in digital currency

Let’s talk about me first. , I have been in the currency circle for 6 years, and I have really stepped on all kinds of pitfalls along the way. I was cheated by a certain market, my contract was exposed, and I was cut off when I bought altcoins. After a lot of learning, research, training and iteration, I was able to make it. The investment system is complete, asset appreciation is on the right track, and the compound interest model has started!

After repeated practice, I found that it is very important to find an investment strategy that suits you when investing in digital currencies! Because there are many ways to make money by investing in digital currencies, anyone who gives you investment strategy advice step by step may lose money!

Only by finding the right direction and using the right method can you make a profit. To put it bluntly, you have to be clear about "whose" money you want to make when you come to this market? How to make money! Are you an investor or a speculator or an arbitrageur?

If you can’t understand this most basic thing, let alone becoming a rich person, it will most likely make you even worse off if you are not already rich. It’s just such a reality.

After several years of accumulation in this industry, I have mentored more than 500 people, helped many partners open the door to digital currency investment, and transformed from novices to big names. I have found that most ordinary people are the most The suitable way to invest in virtual currencies is fixed investment, because there are actually very few people who can do short- and medium-term transactions and arbitrage, so! This article summarizes a fixed investment system that is very suitable for beginners to start with. It will not allow you to "break out overnight" but will allow you to steadily take advantage of the dividends of the development of the blockchain industry and slowly become rich!

This article took 20 hours to write, and it has so much useful information that it is second to none.

If you are short on time, it is recommended to save it first and read it slowly.

[This article only talks about practical information, and it is practical and effective by yourself. After reading it carefully, you can go from 0-1. It is recommended to save it and read it slowly]

1. Digital Currency investment recognitionTips on misunderstandings

Before you start investing in digital currencies, I have something to tell you.

The reason why many people are attracted by digital currency investment is because they see others getting high returns and "getting rich", which leads to the illusion that they are the center of the world and that others can, I That's ok too.

As a result, the risk was forgotten. The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the account was completely depleted with only two and a half yuan left.

This is not a joke, it is a real phenomenon for most novices entering the market. The 80/20 rule exists in any investment market, and only a few people will get rich.

Especially in the blockchain asset investment market, which is a global market, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, supervision is imperfect, and it is difficult to protect the rights and interests of investors. You may suffer a loss and be fooled. Go to the local area to seek justice.

Therefore, it is a prerequisite for us to participate in investment that we understand that digital currency investment is still a relatively volatile and high-risk niche investment market, and it is accompanied by some opportunities.

In addition, investment is a required course in life. A person's investment ability determines the amount of wealth a person has throughout his life. The earlier he starts learning and practicing deliberately, the greater the compound interest effect will be in the future.

We need to maintain confidence in the future development of blockchain and digital currencies, while maintaining patience with our own growth.

So how do we start our digital currency investment correctly?

Just two points, these two points are very important! It is the only way for anyone investing in blockchain assets.

1. Invest spare money and practice at a low cost

The biggest feeling of having coached 500+ students is that the most difficult guidance is not from strangers, but from the consultation of family and friends around you. Because the closer the person is to you, the less willing he is to patiently read your articles, study your courses, or even listen to your sincere words.

Therefore, it must be simple and crude for them to get started quickly.

For example:

What was the result?

Later, he came to see me and talked with me many times. He determined that he is more suitable to be an investor who earns trend dividends. Now, he will make allocations in a down-to-earth manner and make fixed investments with his spare money.

My goal was achieved.

The reason is this. Investment has an experience that you can gain as long as you start it. Only when you lose money will it trigger critical thinking and make more progress.

Therefore, only through trial and error at a low cost can you materialize the "emotional" things you originally thought, so that you will not be driven by emotions. After all, investment is a relatively "virtual" thing, plus you Your own wishful thinking "fantasy", fatal mistakes often occur when you are not aware of it.

And low-cost trial and error not only allows you to quickly accumulate experience, but also quickly knows your true level.

#BTC[超话]# #欧易OKEx# #digital currency#

⑥ There is no shortage of opportunities in the currency circle, it just depends on how you seize them

< p>The market situation at the beginning of July is not bad. I don’t know if it will be a fruitful month. It is estimated that several exchanges will open the withdrawal of EOS coins in the past two days, such as: Shangya Exchange; in fact, although it is said that in the first half of the year It is a bear market that currency prices have been falling, but in fact there are some good small opportunities almost every month, such as the initial public chain and super nodes of Shangya Exchange, World Cup predictions, these subsequent mining transactions, and subsequent RAM, etc. , so how to grasp it? The time window of many opportunities is very short. This may be the most critical issue we face.

1. Study more emerging things and keep an open mind

The big bull market is when you can make money from almost anything you buy. If you buy it with your eyes closed, even fools will make money. But when the overall market situation is not good, there will be a difference. The "air" that was hot before may be the worst fall. Look at these big guys in the currency circle recently. They often start to quarrel with each other. This is also because the market's money-making effect has diminished and the scale has declined. If you make money, I can't make money. Of course, if there is a chance, I will punish you.

At this time, there are often opportunities to find such things in some emerging markets and new models, and study it before most people are aware of it to see if it is an incremental market. If more funds are attracted to enter, such as fcoin mining, the first wave of people entering the market will get a lot of money, and the various similar models that emerge later may also be the first batch to be cut off.

At the same time, you really have to rely on yourself here. When I first started doing self-media, I thought my goal was to make friends who read the article profit from it, but Later I discovered that there is a paradox here, that is, the entire market complies with the 80/20 rule, and only 20% can be earned. If what you write is a potential money-making opportunity, it means that it will not be noticed by the public at the same time. It is impossible to maintain a few fans for a lifetime as a self-media business. You still need to increase the number of fans. However, those hot topics that are paid attention to by the public and mainstream media, although it is easier to bring about an increase in media, are actually already a fully gamed market. You If you enter the desperate game again, you will only make an average profit, but you will also take the risk of being cut in half.

Of course, Hot Wheels is still relatively small and publishes so many articles a week, so no matter what the boss says, I will still include some content from some new areas that I have explored in the currency circle. Exclusively for future tycoons in the currency circle. However, in the end, you must still rely on yourself and think independently. Do not trust any big V in the currency circle. Please only use our content as a reference.

2. Find your own opportunities

The currency circle seems small, but in fact it is very big. Look, how many people are supported by Bitcoin alone, including those who are mining and doing transactions? In all aspects, everyone's own situation is different. In fact, you can choose according to your own characteristics and preferences. You don’t have to rush for every opportunity, choose the one that suits you best.

For example, I have not participated in the current popular mining transactions because it is not cost-effective for me personally. First of all, I don’t have that much time to stare at it. Secondly, I have read their mechanism rules. Finally, I felt that personally the probability of making money was not that great, and the risk was relatively high.

If I don’t have enough confidence, I rarely speculate. I have made such a choice after experiencing "pitfalls" before. I also think everyone should have their own choice instead of watching. Whatever you want to make money, just rush into it, short-term and long-term, speculative investment, make your own strategy and be responsible for it.

3. There is no shortage of opportunities in the currency circle, be more patient

If you miss something, you will miss it. It’s okay. Who in the currency circle has not missed millions or thousands? Wan, he is still alive and well. The digital currency market is still a rising industry, and there are many opportunities. You don’t have to worry about not finding opportunities to make money. What you need to worry about is losing money once or twice, giving up hope, and waiting for the next wave to break your thigh.

When I met new people in the past, I often told them that if you stay in the currency circle for a long time, magical things will always happen. Most of my friends in the currency circle know that I mainly invest in the long term, and every time I invest, it will increase every year. I know that most people don’t have this patience. In fact, I didn’t have it either. I was also kicked when I first entered the currency circle. Beheaded, I really pretended to be dead and fought back. Maybe this is the case in the long term. There is a critical point, and you just have to fight it. The further you go, the more you will find that most people's cost lines are far above yours, and you won't panic no matter what happens. So, be patient and good things will happen.

Shangya Exchange is competitive not only in terms of price and efficiency, but also in terms of security. Since different exchanges have different pricing mechanisms, each currency can be traded on multiple exchanges. Whichever currency has higher pricing efficiency will flow to which platform, so there will not be many arbitrage opportunities. Relatively speaking, competition among virtual currency exchanges is more intense. It is very common for hackers to steal coins. If your wall is not strong enough, it will get in. Stealing coins is not bad, but there are also hackers who sell your coins directly and then short-sell and reap the benefits. In this case, the hacker not only steals things, but also gets deeply involved in financial operations and takes control of you. This is scary. Shangya Exchange has its own advantages in network security. It has its own management model and dedicated information maintenance personnel to monitor transaction schedules at any time. And now the virtualAs soon as something goes wrong in a pseudo-currency exchange, there will be various excuses and prevarications. However, if an accident occurs at Shangya Exchange, not only internal criticism must be reported internally, but also an explanation must be given to the outside world.

⑦ Take stock of the basic gameplay that novices need to know in the currency circle

The concept of blockchain seems to have spread all over the world overnight, and the currency circle that emerged with the blockchain is even more It has become a fertile ground for creating countless wealth myths. For a time, almost everyone, whether they were large investors or small investors, set their sights on this circle, pouring in with large amounts of capital, fearing that if they were slow, they would miss the opportunity. In fact, as an emerging industry, many investors have entered the market hastily without knowing almost anything about blockchain, and in the end they will naturally not escape the fate of being "harvested". Since we all enter the currency circle to make money, have you really thought about how to make money in the currency circle? In other words, how to make money more stably in the currency circle? Method One: Project Crowdfunding In the currency circle, project crowdfunding is undoubtedly the most exciting method for investors. In this way, the assets of many investors have increased dozens or even hundreds of times in a short period of time, and the space for imagination is infinite. However, today is different from the past. The number of crowdfunding projects on the market has increased sharply and the quality is mixed. The current crowdfunding projects have a great risk of failure. Once the investment fails, it is very likely that all investments will be lost. Method 2: Short-term currency speculation. Short-term currency speculation is also called swing. In the currency circle, short-term currency speculation is the most common way to play, and it is also the first step for most people to enter the currency circle to unlock. However, making short-term investments in the blockchain world is undoubtedly gambling on luck and is extremely risky. If you think you can succeed in the currency circle by following the K-line analysis of some "short-term masters", then congratulations, you are not far from being a qualified leek. If you don't lose money within three years, I will lose. Method 3: The so-called arbitrage of moving bricks. In fact, it is to take advantage of the different transaction prices of each currency on different platforms. Buy from the platform with a lower price, and then sell it to the platform with a higher price. The price difference in the middle is naturally the price difference between the two currencies. Profit from bricks. Speaking of which, do you think that moving bricks is a sure-fire way to make money? Too young too simple! Moving bricks is actually a technical job. Since different exchanges process currency withdrawals at different speeds, during the period of currency withdrawals, the prices of the two markets are very likely to reverse. In addition, it takes time to withdraw currency between different exchanges. As for handling fees, in fact, only the trading platform can make a profit without losing money.

Method 4: Receive airdrops and receive airdrops, also called harvesting wool. In order to allow potential investors to obtain token-related information, some project parties will regularly conduct airdrops and transfer coins to users' wallet addresses. Since airdrops are generally free of charge, this method is also popular among a considerable number of users. Airdrops seem to be a way to make money at zero cost. In fact, some fraud gangs often lure people with high airdrop rewards, then induce users to enter their private keys, and finally transfer all the tokens in the user's wallet address. It can be seen that airdrops are not absolutely guaranteed to make money without losing money.​Method 5: Invest in the Kssbtc platform for stable financial management.

The safest way is to join a blockchain company, invest in projects, and follow the team! KssBit's one-stop digital currency fund redemption platform KssBit integrates quantification, strategy, AI arbitrage, Defi, ETF and other comprehensive profit-making fund platforms. The platform supports BTC, USDT, and ETH currency-based financial management, providing sustained income and surviving bull and bear markets. At the same time, there are a variety of funds to choose from, which are robust and aggressive to meet the needs of different users. All funds can be deposited and withdrawn at any time, with real-time settlement. No lock-up, irregular period, flexible and convenient. This is the most stable and realistic way to "make sure you make money without losing money" at the moment!

⑧ Methods for stable arbitrage in currency contracts

Arbitrage (spreads): refers to buying and selling two futures contracts of different types at the same time. When traders buy, they think they are " Cheap "contracts" and sell "high-priced" contracts at the same time to gain from the changing relationship between the prices of the two contracts. Hedging refers to the principle that companies avoid foreign exchange risks, interest rate risks, and commodity price risks. The months are the same or similar. This principle requires investors to choose futures contracts when performing hedging operations.
Extended information
1. Blockchain is indeed the general trend. Investment in blockchain can be carried out from the following aspects: 1. Enter the blockchain industry. 2. Half born with the blockchain is the digital currency market, various digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.
2. The currency circle contract can be played, but the currency The circle does not recommend that newcomers to the currency circle play contracts, mainly because newcomers have not experienced the ups and downs of the currency circle and have limited psychological endurance.
When making contracts, first of all, you must have a stable mentality. After losing money, you must not be like a headless fly. You must learn to review the market and sum up the lessons; secondly, you must not be too greedy and know how to make a profit; you must know how to stop losses in time and do not reverse. potential operation. Fourth, watch more and move less when trading sideways. Find the correct position to enter the market. Here’s a little tip: if the index has been falling for a long time and is currently in a sideways market, and the index keeps falling and does not reach the previous low, it means that the previous low is a support level, which is an opportunity to go long; the same is true when it rises. If it keeps rising but cannot reach the previous high, it is an opportunity to go short.
3. Arbitrage is also called "interest arbitrage". There are two main forms:
(1) Arbitrage without selling and covering. That is to take advantage of the interest rate difference in the capital markets of the two countries to transfer short-term funds from the low-interest market to the high-interest market to obtain interest rate differentials.
(2) Cover arbitrage. That is, arbitrageurs use forward foreign exchange transactions to avoid the risk of exchange rate changes while transferring short-term funds from place A to place B for arbitrage. Arbitrage activities will change the supply and demand relationship in different capital markets, make the interest rates of short-term funds in various places consistent, narrow the difference between the currency's recent exchange rate and the forward exchange rate, and maintain the interest rate difference between the capital market and the foreign exchange market. balance, thereby objectively strengthening the integration of the international financial market.

⑨ The currency circle has plummeted, let’s have a little complaint

It’s been veryWhen newcomers in the multi-currency circle witnessed history

they learned a lot of terms: bargain hunting, stud

Connected: you think you are bargain hunting, but you are actually stud on the top of the mountain
Most people always think they can run faster than Gouzhuang.

There are three major illusions in life:

1: The phone vibrates.

2: I can fight back.

3: She likes me.

I feel that I have also found three major illusions in the currency circle:

1: I can escape from the top

2: I can buy the bottom

3: XX Coin 100 times

None of the three major illusions in life actually exist, especially the three major illusions in the currency circle. The final destination of every single coin is zero. In the past few years, I have seen countless bids for single coins, and most of them have the same slogan: "Bitcoin was also started by shouting orders."

Yes, this sentence does not What's wrong; it's just that times have obviously changed. Just like starting Taobao 10 years ago, writing a public account 5 years ago, and playing Douyin 2 years ago to make short videos. It’s not that it’s not necessarily impossible to do it now. Rather, the era of popularity and universal wealth has passed. Do you think it’s still possible to get rich by speculating on currencies now? I think it's still difficult. What can be done in each time period is fundamentally different.

Three years ago, PLUS wallet arbitrage was feasible. At that time, most people could not even find trading websites on the Internet. Most people’s transactions were even through Taobao. Completed with Xianyu. You can only buy it, and it’s very troublesome to sell it. Users who have access to certain exchange websites and VPN resources will definitely be able to obtain the price difference between off-site and internal trading.

However, there are also all kinds of weird risks. Such as exchange card currency, being cheated off-site, etc. All in all, everything that makes easy money is not easy.

Now, everyone can access exchanges, and there are even more exchanges than coins. There is no arbitrage at all. In the final analysis, cognition does not necessarily mean how much money you can make, but it can definitely determine how long you can live in this circle.

No one will get rich easily by speculating in currencies. The regular army enters the scene, and the opportunities left for everyone are actually getting narrower and narrower. Of course, it also prevents most people from going bankrupt due to insufficient self-awareness. This is a good thing and a bad thing.

To paraphrase: This is the best of times and the worst of times. Opportunities always come with liars. Looking at 2017 to the present, people who should be prosperous in this circle have already prospered.

In 2017, it can be said that currency is issued to all people.There are dozens of ICO projects launched every day, and there are too many projects to handle. Moreover, there are many new leeks taking over.

After 2018, high-position takeovers saw the market slump, and most of them had already cut their flesh and left the market, admitting their losses.

In fact, until now, there are still not enough new entrants into the market. I believe many people entered the market in 2017 and 2018.

Everyone knows the truth, but when seeing high profits, investors often forget about risks because they think that with their intelligence, they will be able to withdraw early. But those who are often tricked are those who are self-righteous. What you value is their interest, but what they value is your principal.

Every capital market model has a cycle. When the cycle comes, you will die. If you don't die, you will be half-dead. If you can't hold it down for the last time, there will be many factors and possibilities for the collapse of the project. Many times, the project will continue to move forward. The traders can't control it.

So, to sum up, players have two choices: ①: Either, don’t be greedy, make some money, and withdraw. Even if the project still runs normally for half a year after you withdraw, don’t regret it. That’s the best mentality. ②: Either follow your own intuition to invest, and keep a clear head when to withdraw capital and when to pursue capital. However, in this case, you will definitely lose money, so you must be mentally prepared in advance. After all: high returns and high risks coexist.

Having said so much, let me finally summarize the recent market.

From a short-term perspective, the sentiment trend of the currency circle is increasingly less affected by the global economy. If we persist for a while longer, we just won’t follow the decline. We are decentralized, and the plunge has washed away a wave of mine owners, institutions and contracts. Basically, they have to tear them down and start over. The longer the protracted war, the less impact it will have, and we will continue to reduce production. Keep playing!

The most important thing now is to keep your head clear! Before the market really reverses, control positions reasonably and make good layout and asset allocation. You must understand that the current forbearance and longer investment period are for certain victory.

⑩ One article to understand the quantitative arbitrage strategy in the currency circle

There are many ways to play in the currency circle, from early BTC mining, private equity, wool trading, currency speculation, playing futures leverage, and moving bricks , basically summarizes some of the gameplay of all currency circles. At the same time, the currency circle is a high-risk and high-yield financial investment. The above mentioned all have one thing in common, which is great risk and uncertainty. Is there still a product in the currency circle today that is relatively stable and has relatively stable returns, suitable for the majority of currency lovers to invest in?

Among them, manual brick moving is still a relatively stable investment among the above, but experienced investmentEveryone knows that there is almost no manual space now, and there is also the risk of smashing your feet. A large part of the reason is that the market has been taken away by the current hot automatic quantitative software robots. The robots trade 24 hours a day, repeatedly make swings, and earn a small price difference. The strategy adopted is the strategy of accumulating a little to make a lot.

(1) What is quantification?

The quantitative trading strategy includes a series of actions such as currency allocation, parameter allocation, and machine allocation. This set of configured quantitative trading strategy packages can steadily increase the value of digital currency assets in the hands of customers. Mechanized operation, 24-hour monitoring, program automation, strict execution according to pre-established strategies, stable profitability, and not affected by market fluctuations. ‍

(2) About Us

UXBTC Quantitative Fund

Most of our team members come from the traditional financial stock industry and have many years of experience in traditional finance. He has accumulated many years of experience in quantitative strategy development. , committed to creating more considerable benefits for customers, partners and ourselves.

Advantages: Since 2016, in the field of digital currency, focusing from manual to quantitative, Youyi has always focused on the optimization of cryptocurrency arbitrage trading systems and strategies. In addition, including market research, strategy development, system testing, technology optimization, and risk control, Youyi provides comprehensive and diversified services.

(3) Income performance: The following are the backtest results of our trading strategy based on the original quotation data of bitmex's BTC/USD trading pair from January 1, 2019 to the present. The historical data has basically remained at Around 20 points per month.

(4) Cooperation model:

The currency is in the customer’s exchange, and there is no need to transfer the currency to us. The customer only opens the API trading permissions of the cryptocurrency exchange account, and we It is not possible to withdraw any assets from the customer's exchange account, and can only execute buy and sell transaction instructions, ensuring that the assets in the account are completely decided by the customer himself.

(5) Loss protection:

After one week of free testing (all profits belong to the customer), within three months of cooperation, due to our strategy, the user’s investment capital will be lost If there is a loss, we will fully compensate for the loss of investment principal. Within six months, we will protect 90% of the customer's funds, with a maximum drawdown of 10%.

(6) Charging model:

No service fee will be charged in the early stage. Only after the customer makes a profit, we will take 30% of the profit as technical service fee. In addition, There are no hidden fees.

New users can also test for free for one week, and all profits will be returned to the customer.household. It will be divided with the customer after formal cooperation after testing.

(7) Settlement time: every half month. After the operation is completed, the customer needs to transfer the profit that belongs to us to us. After we receive the profit, we will help the customer continue the operation.

Currently supported trading platforms: BITMEX, OKEX, Huobi and other mainstream platforms.

Supported currencies: BTC, ETH USDT, LTC EOS


1: How to know the current operation status?

The coins are always in the customer exchange. You can see the dynamics of your assets at any time in your backend to ensure the safety of customer assets.

2: What are the benefits of quantitative hedging?

Quantitative hedging is not affected by the rise or fall of the market. It does not bet on the direction of the market. Regardless of whether the market rises or falls, it aims to obtain absolute returns.

3: Does quantitative hedging make money every day?

Answer: This statement is incorrect. The number of coins every day is increasing, but with the fluctuation of currency prices, there is no guarantee of making money every day. Quantitative hedging is stable in the long term, and the retracement is very small. In the long term, Almost a straight line sloping upward.

4: Risk Warning

Answer: Losses caused by force majeure and unexpected events beyond Party A’s control or that cannot be reasonably foreseen, such as the bankruptcy of the exchange, the laws and regulations of sovereign countries and If policy changes lead to the delisting of digital currencies and other events such as issuers of intermediate currencies, payment defaults or bankruptcy, resulting in losses that cannot be avoided by Party A through reasonable and audit management, Party A does not need to bear breach of contract or compensation liability.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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