币圈量化交易视频教程下载 币圈量化交易视频教程全集

㈠ 币安怎么出币







㈡ 一文搞懂币圈量化套利策略




量化交易策略里面包含配币,配参,配机等一系列动作,这套配置好的量化交易策略包能够让客户手中的数字货币资产稳定增值。机械化操作,24 小时监控,程序自动化,根据事先制定好的策略严格执行,稳定盈利,不受市场涨跌影响。‍


UXBTC 量化基金



(三)收益表现 :以下为我们交易策略基于bitmex的BTC/USD交易对从2019年1月1日至今原始报价数据产生的回测结果.,历史数据基本维持在20个点左右每月。

(四) 合作模式:


(五) 亏损保护:


(六) 收费模式:

前期不收任何服务费,只会在客户盈利后我们会从盈利部分抽取 30%作为技术服务费用,除此之外没有任何隐藏费用。

    对新用户还可以免费测试一周,所得利润全都归客户。 等测试后正式合作后才和客户分成。

(七) 结算时间:每半月一结算。操作完后,客户需要将属于我们该得的利润转给我们,我们收到利润后才会帮客户继续操作。

目前支持操作的交易平台: BITMEX, OKEX  火币等主流平台。









4 :风险提示


㈢ 币圈交易收益率和账户收益率

2. 一般来说,在币圈,网格交易的年收益率在50%-200%左右。

㈣ 有没有python应用于量化交易的实战课


㈤ 火币网操作视频有没有












㈥ 币圈量化狗怎么样


㈦ 【币圈金马奖 笔记】:量化交易也不是想量化就可以量化











㈧ 币圈做量化会不会亏损

币价回调时,币圈的真假量化基金团队,都出现了跑路潮。 近期,阿尔法、熊猫量化两个打着“数字货币量化投资”旗号的资金盘都已跑路。其中,熊猫量化受害者上万,总亏损额过亿。 而真正的量化投资团队,日子也并不好过。 今年7月,某交易所举办了一场模拟量化大赛,前10名中,有8名亏损。更讽刺的是,冠军队伍的胜出原因,竟然是全程空仓,什么都没做。 业内人士称,目前95%以上的数字货币量化团队都在亏钱。有团队因无法向投资人交代,已经选择跑路。
“量化投资”,已经成了币圈中人避之唯恐不及的存在——此前,各种打着量化交易旗号的骗局,层出不穷。 今年8月,一家名为“阿尔法”的平台以跑路告终。 此前,这家平台对外宣称,可以通过数字货币量化交易,帮助投资者“稳定获利”“3分钟收益25%”。8月14日,经一个微信好友介绍,张璐注册了阿尔法平台。 让张璐没想到的是,打着量化交易旗号的阿尔法平台,竟然是一个陷阱。 投资者在该平台注册账号后,很快便会被拉入平台交流群内。 据张璐介绍,群主会定时指导投资者,在指定时间购买阿尔法平台上的数字货币,并称“只要按照我的策略购买,都可以赚钱”。在她注册4天后,平台突然关闭,群主退群失联。
1.“熊猫量化是一个典型的假量化平台,我们曾反编译过他们的代码,发现代码是他们从另一家公司买的,上面甚至还保留着原公司的信息。”广州某量化平台负责人吕鹏阳告诉一本区块链。 3个月揽财4亿元,在经历了短暂的疯狂后,熊猫量化终于跑路。 “在币圈,量化团队跑路已经成为常态。”吕鹏阳表示。 跑路者中,既有PlusToken、熊猫量化等打着量化旗号的资金盘骗局,也有真的将资金投入市场做量化的正规军。

㈠ How to withdraw coins from Binance

How to withdraw coins from Binance, click here to log in to the official Binance website, select [Trading] - [Margin Trading] in the navigation menu bar to enter the margin trading interface. Click [Isolated Margin] and select the trading pair (such as ZIL/BTC).

Coin Circle Secrets: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
Coin Circle Revealed: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
Note: You can refer to the "Margin Trading Steps" or "Leverage Tutorial" videos in the middle of the trading page to learn about margin trading.

Coin Circle Secrets: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
2. Transfer margin

In the trading panel, click [Transfer] on the right to transfer margin or transfer assets out.

Coin Circle Secrets: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
On the transfer page that pops up, confirm the transfer from "Spot Account" to "Isolated Margin Account" (such as ZILBTC Isolated Margin Account), select "Currency", "Quantity", and click [Confirm].

Coin Circle Secrets: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
Note: Click the switch button on the left to switch from "ZILBTC isolated account" to "spot account".

㈡ Understand the quantitative arbitrage strategy in the currency circle in one article

There are many ways to play in the currency circle, from early BTC mining, private equity, wool trading, currency speculation, playing futures leverage, and moving bricks , basically summarizes some of the gameplay of all currency circles. At the same time, the currency circle is a high-risk and high-yield financial investment. The above mentioned all have one thing in common, which is great risk and uncertainty. Is there still a product in the currency circle today that is relatively stable and has relatively stable returns, suitable for the majority of currency lovers to invest in?

Among them, manually moving bricks is considered a relatively stable investment among the above, but experienced investors know that there is almost no room for manual bricks now, and there is also the risk of breaking your feet. A large part of the reason is that the market has been taken away by the current hot automatic quantitative software robots. The robots trade 24 hours a day, repeatedly make swings, and earn a small price difference. The strategy adopted is the strategy of accumulating a little to make a lot.

(1) What is quantification?

The quantitative trading strategy includes a series of actions such as currency allocation, parameter allocation, and machine allocation. This set of configured quantitative trading strategy packages can steadily increase the value of digital currency assets in the hands of customers. Mechanized operation, 24-hour monitoring, program automation, strict execution according to pre-established strategies, stable profitability, and not affected by market fluctuations. ‍

(2) About us

UXBTC Quantitative Fund

Most of our team members come from the traditional financial stock industry, have many years of experience in traditional finance, and have also accumulated many years of experience in developing quantitative strategies. , committed to creating more considerable benefits for customers, partners and ourselves.

Advantages: Since 2016, in the field of digital currency, focusing from manual to quantitative, Youyi has always focused on the optimization of cryptocurrency arbitrage trading systems and strategies. In addition, including market research, strategy development, system testing, technology optimization, and risk control, Youyi provides comprehensive and diversified services.

(3) Income performance: The following are the backtest results of our trading strategy based on the original quotation data of bitmex's BTC/USD trading pair from January 1, 2019 to the present. The historical data has basically remained at Around 20 points per month.

(4) Cooperation model:

The currency is in the customer’s exchange, and there is no need to transfer the currency to us. The customer only opens the API trading permissions of the cryptocurrency exchange account, and we It is not possible to withdraw any assets from the customer's exchange account, and can only execute buy and sell transaction instructions, ensuring that the assets in the account are completely decided by the customer himself.

(5) Loss protection:

After one week of free testing (all profits belong to the customer), within three months of cooperation, due to our strategy, the user’s investment capital will be lost If there is a loss, we will fully compensate for the loss of investment principal. Within six months, we will protect 90% of the customer's funds, with a maximum drawdown of 10%.

(6) Charging model:

No service fee will be charged in the early stage. Only after the customer makes a profit, we will take 30% of the profit as technical service fee. In addition, There are no hidden fees.

New users can also test for free for one week, and all profits will go to the customer. It will be divided with the customer after formal cooperation after testing.

(7) Settlement time: every half month. After the operation is completed, the customer needs to transfer the profit that belongs to us to us. After we receive the profit, we will help the customer continue the operation.

Currently supported trading platforms: BITMEX, OKEX, Huobi and other mainstream platforms.

Supported currencies: BTC, ETH USDT, LTC EOS


1: How to know the current operation status?

The coins are always in the customer exchange. You can see the dynamics of your assets at any time in your backend to ensure the safety of customer assets.

2: What are the benefits of quantitative hedging?

Quantitative hedging is not affected by the rise or fall of the market. It does not bet on the direction of the market. Regardless of whether the market rises or falls, it aims to obtain absolute returns.

3: Does quantitative hedging make money every day?

Answer: This statement is incorrect. The number of coins every day is increasing, but with the fluctuation of currency prices, there is no guarantee of making money every day. Quantitative hedging is stable in the long term, and the retracement is very small. In the long term, Almost a straight line sloping upward.

4: Risk Warning

Answer: Losses caused by force majeure and unexpected events beyond Party A’s control or that cannot be reasonably foreseen, such as the bankruptcy of the exchange, the laws and regulations of sovereign countries and If policy changes lead to the delisting of digital currencies and other events such as issuers of intermediate currencies, payment defaults or bankruptcy, resulting in losses that cannot be avoided by Party A through reasonable and audit management, Party A does not need to bear breach of contract or compensation liability.

iii Currency trading rate of return and account rate of return

Grid trading is a type of quantitative trading, a stable and guaranteed trading method, and the rate of return has no Big ups and downs.
2. Generally speaking, in the currency circle, the annual return rate of grid trading is around 50%-200%.

㈣ Is there any practical course on applying Python to quantitative trading

"Quantitative Investment-Strategy and Technology" lectured by Ding Peng
Come to the Nuggets Quantitative Community when you have time , interact and learn with all quants

㈤ Is there any Huobi operation video?

Huobi leverage trading is to magnify the principal several times and make larger investments with small funds. , realize the goal of using small to achieve big results, and double the income. The first step in Huobi margin trading is to borrow coins. After borrowing coins, you will enter the investment transaction stage, that is, going long or short. Finally, you will return the borrowed interest. Therefore, this process mainly explains the three stages of borrowing coins, investment transactions, and returning the borrowed interest. part.

The Huobi.com margin trading operation process detailed graphic tutorial is as follows:

1. Borrowing coins

1. Log in to the Huobi Global account ( www.hbg.com), click [Margin Trading] on the top navigation bar to enter the [Margin Trading] interface

2. After entering the [Margin Trading] interface, the supported currencies will be displayed on the left side of the interface. You can choose the trading pair by yourself


Selecting the trading pair is to determine the currency and corresponding account to be used for leverage operations

Instructions :

Each trading pair account is an independent account with independent funds and cannot be interoperable with other trading pairs. That is to say, when there are multiple leverage transactions at the same time, one of the trading pairs will be liquidated and funds will be lost. If there is a shortage, if there are funds in other trading pairs, this account will not be automatically replenished. We need to do it ourselves.The position has been replenished.

3. After selecting the trading pair, you can transfer the borrowed currency principal to the trading pair account, select the currency to which the principal will be transferred in the trading panel, and the two currencies forming the trading pair will be equal. It can be transferred to become the principal. The following figure takes the XRP/USDT trading pair as an example:

4. Click the [Transfer] button in the transaction panel to open the transfer pop-up window. Please verify that you want to transfer The currency and transfer amount, confirm it is correct and click OK

㈥ How about the currency circle quantitative dog

It’s okay.
Quantitative Dog app is an automatic quantitative trading service application. The Quantitative Dog software is fully functional and easy to operate. You can obtain various common indicator market analysis data anytime and anywhere. It provides 24-hour automated technology. Comprehensive analysis of decision-making, quantitative dogs give you a scientific and stable win.
1. Provides performance indicators investment decision signals such as MACD, RSI, MA, EMA, SMA of popular currencies;
2. A variety of comprehensive decision-making tools for futures and spot trading.

㈦ [Notes from the Golden Horse Award in the Coin Circle]: Quantitative trading does not mean you can quantify it just because you want to quantify it

I hate the word quantitative trading, but I still take this Golden Horse course seriously. After listening, because when you don’t understand many things, it is easy to be self-righteous. After I finished listening to this lesson, I found that I was still a little self-righteous.

I think many people, like me, think that quantitative trading is about using very advanced software and using high frequency to arbitrage interest rates. In fact, this is not the case. The essence of quantitative trading is to establish a simple mathematical model through past experience, and then use a small amount of funds to test it. After the test is passed (it is a program that needs to be tested), relatively large funds can be used for actual operations.

The following is the most critical: mathematical models can be complex or simple. This is like investors who have their own profit ideas and organize their ideas into models. Some are very simple and some are very simple. complex. The point here is to use mathematical models, not the imagination of the human brain.

Transactions can be automatic or manual. In fact, this is not the point. Manual transactions are also quantitative transactions.

The biggest difference between quantitative trading and human trading is that quantitative trading can run 24 hours a day as long as the program is set up. People sometimes need to sleep and have fun, and may miss the prime time for trading. This is the biggest advantage of trading.

All products with price curves can be quantitatively traded, not only stocks, futures, and blockchain, such as real estate, but the cycle may be a bit long, so the various types are very different. Assets, elevated to the level of mathematics, are essentially the same, which are fluctuating curves, and the curves sometimes partially repeat.

Finish this sectionI have gained a lot from this class.

First, even if we don’t use quantitative trading, the exchange we choose must be among the top three or five in the world, because mainstream exchanges can survive to the end and will not run away. Mainstream exchanges are easier to trade as it has good enough depth.

Second, quantitative trading requires enough experience and a lot of training, and must not use leverage.

Third, quantitative trading also requires enough experience and data to summarize a set of algorithms, and different currencies will vary greatly. In fact, quantitative trading is an idea, not necessarily No matter how advanced computers and models are used, you can usually make a lot of summaries by yourself. As long as this summary is effective, this is your own quantitative trading formula or model.

㈧Will the currency circle lose money if it does quantification?

When the currency price corrected, real and fake quantitative fund teams in the currency circle all ran away. Recently, Alpha and Panda Quantitative, two capital markets under the banner of “digital currency quantitative investment”, have gone away. Among them, Panda quantified tens of thousands of victims, with a total loss of over 100 million. And the real quantitative investment team has a hard time. In July this year, an exchange held a simulated quantitative competition, and 8 of the top 10 people lost money. What’s even more ironic is that the reason why the champion team won was that they were short all the time and did nothing. Industry insiders say that currently more than 95% of digital currency quantification teams are losing money. Some teams have chosen to run away because they cannot explain to investors.
"Quantitative investment" has become an existence that people in the currency circle are afraid of avoiding - before, various scams under the banner of quantitative trading emerged in endlessly. In August this year, a platform called “Alfa” ended up running away. Previously, this platform claimed that it could help investors make "stable profits" and "earn 25% in 3 minutes" through quantitative transactions in digital currencies. On August 14, Zhang Lu registered on the Alpha platform after being introduced by a WeChat friend. What Zhang Lu didn't expect was that the Alpha platform, under the banner of quantitative trading, turned out to be a trap. After investors register an account on the platform, they will soon be drawn into the platform communication group. According to Zhang Lu, the group leader will regularly guide investors to purchase digital currencies on the Alpha platform at designated times, adding that "as long as you buy according to my strategy, you can make money." Four days after she registered, the platform suddenly shut down and the group owner left the group and lost contact.
1. "Panda Quantification is a typical fake quantification platform. We once decompiled their code and found that they bought the code from another company, and even retained the original company's information." A quantifier in Guangzhou Platform leader Lu Pengyang told a blockchain. After raking in 400 million yuan in three months, Panda Quantitative finally ran away after a brief period of madness. "In the currency circle, it has become normal for quantitative teams to run away." Lu Pengyang said. Among the runners, there are PlusToken, Panda Quantification, etc. in the name of quantification.There are also regular soldiers who actually put funds into the market for quantitative purposes.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 炒币合约机器人哪个好大家也不要去花各种冤枉钱了, 灰度量化交 易系统就挺不错的Ⅱ 手机炒币软件机器人靠谱吗炒币机器人靠谱。投资者可以使用量化机器人获得不菲的收益,无论是在牛市中还是熊市中。市面上的