币圈未来最有前景的币有哪些 币圈未来发展

① 谁会是最有潜力的数字货币你准备布局哪些数字货币迎接牛市

最近币圈很热闹,币安合约了OTC了,支付宝微信双双撇清与虚拟货币关系了;ETH2.0要来了,EOS的Voice据说要来了;一姐和九妹互撕了,杨永兴起诉徐明星了;联合国接受数字货币了,各国央行紧锣密鼓地布局数字货币了;Libra被多家企业劈腿了 ……



































EOSIO V1.8的升级又为EOS主网性能带来更加安全稳定个更好用户体验,Voice社交产品即将出世,各种利好在不断释放。目前EOS在DAPP、用户活跃等等数据上都稳居第一,其中公链DAPP单日活跃用户,EOS占到了61.73%。

















Cosmos和波卡曾被称为跨链双雄,一经推出便受到追捧,其代币ATOM一度突破了8美元,引来业界注目。不过,上次在Cosmos Hub 3分叉失败,让更多人失望的同时,也暴露了在治理等方面的一些问题。

今天,看到消息Cosmos重启Cosmos Hub 3硬分叉升级,目前正在测试。如果这次分叉成功,Cosmos还是比较有竞争力的一个项目。











另外币种排名前十里面的XRP、BC 等,还有比特金莱特银的LTC也都是值得关注的币种。






② dot和link哪个币更有未来


③ 下一个成为风口的“平台币”,有可能是谁




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WT (瓦特币)






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④ 十大交易所

1、币安对圈内人来说已经丝毫不陌生了,进入2018年以来,先是创始人赵长鹏登上福布斯封面,紧接着投票上币的事引起一波争议,随后就是轰动全球的“黑客攻击”事件,然后各种诸如“日本金融局警告币安”等琐碎消息不断,可谓赚足了眼球,虽然负面居多 币圈交易平台的发展史就是一部被攻击史,而币安在黑客事件中所采取的安全防范措施,以及后续处理在所有交易平台中已数上乘,至少,安全方面算是比较可靠的!
2、OKEX也是中国币圈知名的交易所,币安两个巨头赵长鹏和何一曾经都是OKEX的联合创始人,另立山头之后怒怼OKEX交易量造假!(猴爷小声悄悄地说,交易平台有几个数据不造假的) 而OKEX创始人徐明星相仿马云巴巴一句“未来随时准备上交给国家”在币圈也掀起了不小的风评,几乎都是一边倒嘲讽徐明星背离去中心化宗旨的。 但最震惊的还是“敌敌畏事件”,OKEX被指责靠暗箱操作,定点爆破等手段致使用户血本无归。走投无路的用户手拿敌敌畏冲进OKEX办公楼点名要徐明星给个说法,最后也不了了之了。
3、火币全球专业站,是火币集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产交易平台,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会,目前提供四十多种数字资产品类的交易及投资服务,总部位于新加坡,由火币全球专业站团队负责运营。 作为中国早期的虚拟币交易平台,拥有国内一流的专业团队,目前就国内来讲,相对的安全可靠。

⑤ 币圈崩溃,币圈的未来何去何从




⑥ 币圈崩盘,币圈未来会何去何从







⑦ 币圈集体崩盘,币圈的未来将何去何从





⑧ 稳健的十倍收益 - 浅谈币圈平台币估值逻辑



五花肉认为币圈最稳妥的投资有 2 种,一种是诸如 BTC、ETH、EOS 之类的主流币,共识强,技术过硬,团队踏实做事;另一种就是平台币了,有清晰的盈利模式,可以使用传统金融的估值方法来判断其价值。



平台币是币圈交易所发行的加密货币,通常具有抵扣交易手续费、享受分红等权利,有些交易所还会定期回购自己发行的平台币。目前市面上主要的平台币有币安发行的 BNB,火币发行的 HT、OKex发行的 OKB、畅思发行的 CET 等。五花肉发现,论区块链思维,中国人是贯彻最好的,发行平台币的多是具有中国背景的交易所。反观非中国的交易所,更偏向于传统融资。比如美国的 Coinbase,估值 80 亿美金。韩国 TOP2 交易所 Bithumb 2018 年 10 月刚以 3.5 亿美元的价格将 50% 股权出售给新加坡财团,整体估值约为 7 亿美金。


从盈利能力和交易额来说,币圈交易所完全可以和传统金融交易所媲美。但是估值却远不如传统交易所,传统交易所 PE在 20-30 区间,PV 在 0.07-0.1 区间,均为币圈交易所的 10 倍左右。币圈交易所的 PE 平均为 2-3,PV 平均为 0.005-0.007。所以按照传统估值理论,币圈平台的估值可以说是很低、很值得投资了。许多专家说 A 股处于估值的底部,它目前 PE 约为 12.94。而币圈的优秀企业的 PE 仅为 2 至 3。

值得注意的是,Coinbase 的估值走在了众兄弟的前面,Coinbase 作为最官方的币圈交易所,与传统金融联系也最为密切,所以估值最符合传统金融理论的定价。嗯,当中我选择了畅思交易所作为反面典型,无论是 PE、PV 都是极度高估的。



***币圈交易所交易额以近期每日交易额估算。币安/火币/OK/畅思年利润以回购或分红的金额估算。Coinbase 及Bithumb年利润以0.0025的利润交易额比(EV)推算。



⑨ 币圈将来会不会随着政策监管而消失币圈未来几年会怎么样发展


⑩ 币圈十大交易所

2、OKEXOKEX资产3535.06万美元,拥有635个交易对,24小时成交额60.79亿美元。OKEX是全球著名的数字资产国际站之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的现货和衍生品交易服务,隶属于OKEX Technology Company Limited。
3、ZBG。ZBG资产1.05亿美元,共有80个交易对,24小时成交额8.04亿美元。ZBG.com在2018年成立于香港,凭借创新、高效和全球化的运营,ZBG在短时间内迅速跻身行业世界前十,被誉为新一线国际站。 目前平台已支持七国语言访问,为全球180万加密资产投资者提供服务,平台日均活跃超过12万。
5、TSLA Global。TSLA Global是一家于2017年10月在阿拉伯联合酋长国注册的加密货币交易所。资产19.37亿美元,共有287个交易对,24小时成交额67.35亿美元。是世界上第一个使用P2P形式的全球加密货币交易平台。

① Who will be the most promising digital currency? Which digital currencies are you planning to prepare for the bull market?

The currency circle has been very lively recently. Binance has signed an OTC contract, and Alipay and WeChat have distanced themselves from each other. Virtual currencies are related; ETH2.0 is coming, and EOS Voice is said to be coming; Yijie and Jiumei are at odds with each other, Yang Yongxing sues Xu Mingxing; the United Nations accepts digital currencies, and central banks of various countries are intensively deploying digital currencies; Libra has been cheated by many companies...

Whether it is gossip or vigorous project changes, it seems that it has not changed the current situation of the blockchain! Regardless of whether the news is good or bad, it does not bring much strong emotional reaction, and of course we do not see much reaction from the market.

The bear market remains the same, fluctuating slightly up and down, indicating that these news have not had much direct impact on blockchain and digital currencies.

Although there are many interpretations of current events, overall, the long-term impact should be mainly positive. For example, the United Nations accepts digital currency, indicating the future development trend of digital currency, and the upgrade of ETH is also to a certain extent. It shows the potential for continued development, and EOS brings the expansion of public chain gameplay.

Judging from this information, the blockchain is still exploring new developments, but it does not allow people to see more new developments in terms of overall development direction, technological breakthroughs, and ecological expansion. Something appears.

Especially when the two big stars Polkadot and Cosmos suffered cross-chain setbacks some time ago, the blockchain seems to have encountered new difficulties. The previously optimistic estimate of the upcoming ecological era does not seem to be as easy to come as imagined, especially the obstruction of cross-chain, which has cast a shadow on the practical application of blockchain.

How does blockchain empower applications? It has become an important consideration in the current development of blockchain technology! In the final analysis, only when blockchain technology is truly applied to specific physical fields on a large scale can the true value of blockchain be reflected, and only then can the blockchain revolution change lives and change the world!

The bull market that people in the currency circle are looking forward to must be highly related to this. The overall development of the blockchain industry is the foundation for the market recovery. The so-called good things that are currently happening cannot see new breakthroughs in the development of the entire industry, and a single good thing is too weak to drive the sluggish bear market. In the absence of new strong consensus or technological breakthroughs, or in the absence of important social turmoil such as war, it is difficult to see a major reversal in the market. Therefore, although the current market will fluctuate slightly, there is a high probability that there will not be a sharp rise.

However, this situation is actually a good thing for those who are short of chips.

The lower the price, the more chips can be absorbed at the bottom, and more chips can be accumulated over time..

Judging from the acceptance of digital currencies by the United Nations and the deployment of digital currencies by central banks of various countries, the compliance status of digital currencies will become increasingly clear, and its development prospects will become increasingly clear, whether as a proxy Whether it is a currency, a security or a currency, digital currency can find corresponding corresponding points. Therefore, no matter whether supervision comes or not, digital currency can get a certain security guarantee. This should be the biggest benefit that can be seen at present. Perhaps the release of such news will attract the attention and entry of more people outside the currency circle. Once conditions are mature, digital currencies will inevitably usher in price feedback as the flow of people and funds increases.

In this context, it is particularly important to choose some more powerful projects and tokens as investment targets and make a reasonable layout.

If you want to seize the opportunity when the next bull market arrives, complete a counterattack, change your destiny, and realize your dream in the currency circle, planning in advance is necessary.

Regarding investment, there are many theories that need to be understood and learned, such as reasonable allocation of positions, learning to stop profits and losses, etc. But currency selection is the basis of investment operations.

A good investment target is the most important foundation for success. So, which project or token has development potential and will not only survive the bull market, but also show strong development value? In other words, which tokens are likely to become 100x coins and 1000x coins? Which tokens can achieve more stable and higher investment returns?

Judging from the current development of blockchain, I will classify tokens into three categories: public chain coins, cross-chain coins, and platform coins:

1. Public chain currency

As the lowest level construction of blockchain development, public chain has always been the focus of attention. Although the development of public chain currently encounters bottlenecks, as a foundation, Its development determines the current development of blockchain to a certain extent.

And from Ethereum to EOS, they are currently actively exploring and reforming, the launch of ETH2.0, the better main chain performance brought by the upgrade of the EOS main network, and what will be released soon Voice, and even the ecological expansion of Tron, Ripple, etc., all indicate the development of public chains. Moreover, cross-chain solutions will not only further develop the public chain, but also experience the ups and downs of the currency circle. Therefore, public chain tokens are still a key investment choice.


As the earliest representative of blockchain and digital currency, Bitcoin has gained stronger and stronger consensus. Its decentralization, anonymity, peer-to-peer and other characteristics have brought about a new way of understanding the world, and brought more convenient and efficient efficiency, which has been increasingly studied and applied.

After ten years of development, Bitcoin has been integrated in many countriesWith the official launch of Bakkt Bitcoin futures trading, Bitcoin is not only accepted and compliant in the United States, but also officially enters the traditional financial field, which will definitely bring new opportunities for the further development of Bitcoin.

With the penetration into the traditional financial field, Bitcoin will inevitably be recognized by more people, whether groups or individuals, thus bringing more traffic support and user holdings.

However, the total number of Bitcoins is only 21 million. However, due to personal, physical and other reasons, Bitcoins are constantly decreasing, and their scarcity is getting higher and higher.

In June this year, the value of Bitcoin exceeded US$13,000. In the last bull market, Bitcoin exceeded US$20,000 with the halving. The current price fluctuates up and down at US$8,500.

Bitcoin will usher in the halving next year, and it will surely usher in a new price increase. Many investors recommend a 50% holding ratio in Bitcoin.

Therefore, as the most stable digital currency investment, Bitcoin is the best choice!


As a representative of public chain 2.0, Ethereum has opened the era of smart contracts and brought a new era of application to the blockchain. However, with development, its TPS of only around 16 per second has become the biggest constraint on its development. Neither efficiency nor expansion can meet the needs of ecological development.

Despite the emergence of many new public chains such as EOS, Ethereum still maintains its top ranking in various data, especially its Defi ecosystem, which is much more prosperous than other public chains.

The most important thing is that Ethereum has recently launched the 2.0 upgrade. ETC2.0 will see important adjustments and applications in terms of consensus mechanism, sharding, eWASM virtual machine, zero-knowledge proof, etc.

It can be seen that the new Ethereum adopts the most advanced cross-chain related technologies, and also adopts the most widely used consensus mechanism, etc. The upgraded Ethereum has great advantages in scalability, efficiency, etc. There will be brand new performances in all aspects.

Therefore, ETH2.0 is worth looking forward to, and it is also an important consideration for investment layout.


Compared with other public chains, EOS has outstanding performance in all aspects. Not only does it have a latecomer advantage in technology, the PoS consensus mechanism has become the most popular one at present. With its extensive use mechanism, EOS is currently the fastest among public chains in terms of processing speed.

The upgrade of EOSIO V1.8 has brought more security, stability and better user experience to the performance of the EOS main network. Voice social products are about to be released, and various benefits are constantly being released. Currently, EOS is active in DAPPs, users, etc.It ranks first in terms of data, among which EOS accounts for 61.73% of the single-day active users of public chain DAPPs.

Moreover, EOS is currently the most widely held token in the currency circle, with the widest range of participation. Moreover, the current price of tokens fluctuates around $3. For low-priced and valuable tokens, the future growth rate is even more worth looking forward to.

In addition to the above mentioned public chain tokens, TRON and IOST, as one of the four major public chains, are also worthy of attention.

2. Cross-chain coins

As the best solution to the current bottleneck of public chain development, cross-chain bears the important responsibility of further advancing the blockchain. Therefore, cross-chain has become the most anticipated project in 2019. However, the failure of Polkadot and Cosmos mainnet to go online some time ago has cast a big shadow on cross-chain.

Even so, cross-chain technology is still the best solution to solve the current bottlenecks of blockchain compatibility, scalability and efficiency. And cross-chain technology is constantly making breakthroughs.


As a cross-chain, Ontology should be the most smoothly developed project so far, with both technology and ecology making steady progress.

Technically, Ontology sharding technology and multi-layer and multi-chain infrastructure have made breakthrough progress. The cross-chain of BTC and ETH has been completed, and it has been connected to the Korean Kakao public chain. Klaytn. It is also expected that this week, the NEO cross-chain Demo version will realize interoperability between Ontology and NEO smart contracts.

Ontology’s cross-chain era has arrived, and it has made great efforts in ecological layout, landing in tourism, film and television, entertainment, Defi, social networking, etc., and has communities in more than 170 languages, which also contributes to Ontology’s globalization Promote the provision of basic services.

Technology serves applications, and the next prosperity of blockchain will be the implementation of applications brought about by technology. And Ontology is ready from technology to ecology.

The current price of its token ONT is less than 1 US dollar.

The price is at the bottom, has never exploded, and has value as a strong support. Therefore, ONT, as the most potential token, deserves everyone's attention.


NEO, which is associated with ONT, is also worthy of everyone’s attention. This public chain project, established in 2014, has experienced the ups and downs of the blockchain, but it has always been tenacious. has survived and continues to develop, and has joined forces with Ontology to build a cross-chain open platform. While actively exploring public chain and cross-chain development, it also focuses on the open ecology.

From this point of view, Xiaoyi has broken through the current development limitations of public chains and activelyExploring new development directions, Xiaoyi is still a project worth looking forward to.


Cosmos and Polkadot were once known as the cross-chain duo. They were popular as soon as they were launched. Their token ATOM once exceeded $8, attracting the attention of the industry. . However, the last fork failed in Cosmos Hub 3, which disappointed more people and also exposed some problems in governance and other aspects.

Today, I saw the news that Cosmos has restarted the Cosmos Hub 3 hard fork upgrade, which is currently being tested. If this fork succeeds, Cosmos will still be a relatively competitive project.

3. Platform currency (exchange)

Platform currency can be said to be a new token direction created by Binance. As the largest blockchain ecological application, digital currency is indispensable to the promotion of trading platforms.


Although Binance was established in 2018, it has repeatedly created miracles. It only took half a year to rank among the top exchanges, occupying the top spot in terms of trading volume, which is even more dazzling. What's more, its token NNB created the legend of doubling in the bear market in two months and became a dazzling pearl in the bear market. In June this year, Binance used IEO and other methods to generate a wave of bull market, and Bitcoin also exceeded the $1,400 mark.

In addition to the wonderful history, Binance strives to develop a larger and more complete ecosystem, deploying public chains, decentralized exchanges, etc., while empowering the value of BNB, Binance is no longer It is just a simple exchange. In the future, BNB will not only be a platform currency.

Currently, Binance is entering the domestic market and has launched OTC channels and contracts to further improve the exchange’s gameplay. Binance, which is good at marketing advantages, has immeasurable future development prospects.


Huobi is by far the number one exchange, and its 24-hour trading volume has always topped the list. As one of the important exchanges in the domestic market, most users currently choose Huobi.

Huobi has been making continuous efforts in compliance. As an important step for Huobi, Tongcheng Holdings is an important step towards compliance. Compliance will be the best development path for exchanges to ensure safety.

Moreover, Huobi has also deployed a public chain, so its platform HT still has a very competitive advantage.

In addition, XRP, BC, etc. among the top ten currencies, as well as Bitcoin Gold, Lite Silver and LTC are also currencies worthy of attention.

Of course, there are many blockchain projects. Today’s analysis only starts from the current relatively stable andA simple summary from the perspective of development prospects. Many other altcoins and new project tokens are not included in this analysis.

Perhaps altcoins and new coins have more potential for development and substantial room for growth, but they are also relatively dangerous. If you are not an experienced roasted leek, it is not recommended as the main investment target.

Especially for novices like me, it is safer to look for projects that are relatively safe but have great potential and clear value development on a solid basis.

However, the one that suits you is the best! According to your actual situation, find investment projects that suit you, make a good layout, and welcome the better opportunities of blockchain!

This article is just a brief personal understanding and does not constitute investment advice!

②Which currency has better future, dot or link?

Link is an oracle machine. The opportunity for oracle machines lies in defi. If defi has no market, there will be no market for oracle machines. Currently In defi's de-bubble stage, link's performance will not be very good; dot is another ecosystem that can challenge eth, and there will still be room for appreciation in the future. The key depends on next year's parallel slot auction.
DOT is the native token of the Polkadot platform. It is mainly used for: management platform; operating network; creating a blockchain by bonding DOT; paying information transmission fees, etc. The currency circle boss speculates that Polkadot can reach 25 US dollars in 2021. Polkadot is a giant crowdfunding project in 2017. The main concept of the project is cross-chain, and it is one of the most eye-catching projects in the cross-chain sector.

③ Who might be the next "platform currency" to become popular?

Although the currency market is becoming more and more popular, and there are endless news every day, since the beginning of 2019, the currency circle has The market has been bad. Although it was short-lived due to the central government's voice, it was just a flash in the pan. Many tokens are in a broken state and have been on the verge of returning to zero. The intensity of supervision is also constantly upgrading. The future development of the currency circle has always been confusing. , many users also felt confused and even panicked.

However, in the author’s opinion, this is actually a normal fluctuation of the market. There is no market that only rises but never falls. The bubble in the early market was too big. After experiencing this plunge and cleaning, the market Will slowly become more rational.

This time the market fluctuations will clean up a number of air coins, and of course there will also be some high-quality coins. These high-quality coins will be the first choice for users to invest in the future. Top coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are undisputed high-quality coins, and another one that is currently more recognized is the "platform coin". Platform currency attracts users with its influence and application scenarios as a trading platform.

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So, what exactly is a platform currency and how does it work?What's so good about it? Today, the author will tell you about it with an extremely calm attitude and a very professional spirit:

The concept of "platform currency" appears in the concept of blockchain investors. There is no doubt that it is The positive influence and promotion effect of BNB, the author did not check carefully who is the mother of the platform currency, but the author believes that the father of the platform currency must be BNB. What is a platform currency? The so-called "platform currency" refers to the platform digital assets officially issued by the digital asset trading platform (hereinafter abbreviated as "platform"). Generally, platform coins are traded within their platform or as an independent trading area with other parts of the platform or all digital assets.

What is the use of platform currency?

(1) Discount for platform transaction fees

Many platforms have more than one trading area , as we all know, there are BTC trading area, ETH trading area, USDT trading area, as well as innovative trading areas such as BNB trading area, UT trading area, QC trading area, QTUM trading area, among which the BNB trading area is the platform currency trading area.

Use the platform currency to trade with other digital assets, resulting in 0 handling fees after the transaction or a 50% discount on the handling fees in other trading areas. This is very popular among short-term enthusiasts and is also the reason for the increase in the price of the platform currency. one of the reasons.

(2) The decentralized transaction "fuel" of digital asset trading platforms

In the future, the platform currency of digital asset trading platforms will be decentralized on-chain transactions Platform fuel. When using this decentralized trading platform, you need to use the platform’s platform currency.

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Why invest in platform coins?

(1) The exchange’s profitability is clear and sustainable

Platform trading is the central node in the digital currency field at this stage. In terms of the speed and ability to make money, no one in the industry can and. The huge user base and transaction volume of the trading platform are a strong guarantee behind the strength of the platform currency.

(2) The platform itself is its implemented project

The trading platform has already had substantial implementation applications, which is different from many white papers that describe the future for investors. Digital currency project. Therefore, platform currency can naturally be regarded as a very safe and high-quality asset for investors.

(3) The currency price is the face and advertisement of the platform

The trading platform obviously has stronger control than ordinary projects. The trading platform limits tokens through regular repurchase and destruction. coin flowThrough the total amount to maintain the value of the platform currency, its market value management ability is beyond doubt.

Summary of advantages:

Platform currency has dual value: it is not only the equity of the trading platform, but also the consumption point card or coupon within the platform. In other words, holding platform currency not only has the same investment value as other digital currencies, but also can enjoy handling fee discounts or voting rights when trading.

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What other platform coins are worth investing in?

If, as we just said, the platform currency we want to invest in, the platform must have considerable strength, and the platform must have a certain scale and users. Based on these two points, the author recommends a platform currency with relatively good value to you:

WT (Watt Coin)

WT is the WBF number The platform token of the asset exchange, Chinese name: Wattcoin, is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum, with a total issuance of 300 million coins.

At 10:00 on June 21, WBFex launched the trading pair between the platform token WT and the stable currency USDT, officially announcing the listing of WT. After 5 hours, the price of WT has increased from 0.15USDT to 0.45USDT, an increase of 300%, and the trading volume has reached 30 million. As of now, the increase of WT has reached 700%.

WT is a platform token issued by WBFex and is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum. The total issuance amount is constant at 300 million pieces, and the total circulation amount is 100 million pieces.

Since its official debut on May 10, WT has been attracting attention from the global blockchain field. WBFex exchange is the exchange that benchmarks Binance. Since its listing, Binance has risen from 1 yuan to 230 yuan in just half a year, which is called a "miracle". WBFex is 100% benchmarked against Binance. Judging from the current trend performance, WBFex has more potential for development.

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And WT’s platform WBFex also has a special position in the currency circle.

WBFex Digital Asset Exchange is based on the world and is committed to building a third-generation digital asset exchange. Following the first-generation "centralized cryptocurrency exchange" and the second-generation "platform-based digital asset exchange", WBFex Exchange took the lead in proposing the concept of the "third-generation digital asset exchange" and utilized multiple security protection technologies. Create a global digital financial comprehensive service platform, aiming to become a "third generation digital asset exchange"leader.

Currently WBFex has acquired a trading building in Singapore. Under such market conditions and under the eyes of the Singaporean government, WBFex can make such a big move. It is difficult not to make people speculate whether WBFex has become Singapore’s Appointed official partner?

WBFex is also a digital asset global station with a “ringing bell for currency listing” venue and ceremony. Its users come from 177 countries around the world and have branches in 13 cities including New York, London, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Seoul, and Tokyo. With media resources covering more than 4,000 companies around the world, we are committed to continuing to build a super "traffic empire" in the entire industry.

④ Top Ten Exchanges

The top ten exchanges are: Binance, OKEX, Huobi, zb.com, Bitstamp, Bithumb, Bitfinex, Bittrex, GDAX, HitBTC.
Extended information:
1. Binance is no stranger to people in the industry. Since entering 2018, founder Zhao Changpeng appeared on the cover of Forbes, and then the vote to list the currency caused a wave of controversy. , followed by the "hacker attack" incident that shocked the world, and then various trivial news such as "Japanese Financial Bureau warned Binance" and other trivial news continued, which can be said to have earned enough attention, although the development history of many currency trading platforms is one of being attacked. history, and the security precautions taken by Binance in the hacking incident and the subsequent processing are among the best among all trading platforms. At least, the security aspect is relatively reliable!
2. OKEX is also a well-known transaction in the Chinese currency circle Therefore, the two giants of Binance, Changpeng Zhao and He Yi, were both co-founders of OKEX. After setting up their own companies, they angrily criticized OKEX for falsifying its trading volume! (Monkey said in a low voice that there are several data on the trading platform that are not fake). OKEX founder Xu Mingxing's words similar to Jack Ma's "Be ready to hand over to the country at any time in the future" have also caused a lot of criticism in the currency circle. Almost all of them ridiculed Xu Mingxing for departing from the purpose of decentralization. But the most shocking thing was the "Dichlorvos incident". OKEX was accused of relying on black-box operations, fixed-point blasting and other means to cause users to lose their money. Desperate users rushed into the OKEX office building with dichlorvos in hand and asked Xu Mingxing to give an explanation, but in the end nothing happened.
3. Huobi Global Professional Station is an innovative digital asset trading platform under the Huobi Group that serves professional trading users around the world. It is committed to discovering high-quality innovative digital asset investment opportunities and currently provides more than 40 digital asset categories. Trading and investment services, headquartered in Singapore, are operated by the Huobi Global Professional Station team. As an early virtual currency trading platform in China, it has a first-class professional team in the country and is currently relatively safe and reliable domestically.
4. ZB Group was established in 2012 to provide leadership and a more stable environment for the development of blockchain. Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, ZB Group operates digital asset exchanges, e-wallets and, investment funds, research institutions and media including business networks. The group’s flagship platform is ZB.com, an industry-leading digital asset exchange. Since its launch in early 2013, the platform has led the way in innovation. ZB Group also owns ZBG, a global innovative cryptocurrency trading platform, and BW.com, the world's first mining pool-based exchange. Other businesses of ZB Group include BitBank, the leader in the wallet field, as well as ZBM, ZBX and Bithi exchanges. ZB Research Institute and ZB Capital are the embodiment of ZB Group's core values ​​and implement ZB Group's public welfare undertakings and industry leadership.

⑤ The currency circle collapses, and where will the future of the currency circle go?

The currency circle collapses, and the future of the currency circle will return to normal, and there will be no particularly inflated prices.

When inflation increased and people were worried about economic development, Bitcoin came into being. It was born to compete with the existing monetary system. Although there are many loopholes and problems in the development of Bitcoin, this new thing has provided us with great inspiration to reflect on the existing monetary system. Of course, the emergence of every new thing is always accompanied by advantages and disadvantages, which not only inspire us, but also bring many problems to society, such as money laundering, tax evasion and many other legal issues using Bitcoin. We'll just try to fix these issues to make the new Bitcoin thing better for us.

Investors who invest in Bitcoin mining machines should understand their production principles and distinguish whether platforms that can conduct Bitcoin transactions are normal. Any violation of the Bitcoin rules generated based on real Bitcoin mining algorithms is false advertising. Investments should be prudent, and staying rational and sober is the key.

⑥ If the currency circle collapses, where will the currency circle go in the future?

If the currency circle collapses, it will be difficult for the currency circle to return to its original hot scene in the future. There will not be too many people entering this market for speculation. , many cryptocurrencies will disappear.

After the birth of cryptocurrency, due to artificial hype, the price has been soaring, especially Bitcoin, which has risen to tens of thousands. Many people were seduced by the idea of ​​getting rich overnight and entered the cryptocurrency speculation market, buying a large amount of cryptocurrency in the hope that they would become rich overnight. However, before many people had time to get rich overnight, the crash came first, and the cryptocurrency industry suffered heavy losses overnight. Many people liquidated their positions and were eliminated, and the collapse of the currency circle became a hot topic.

The future of cryptocurrencies headed by Bitcoin has become a question on many people’s minds.

3. If cryptocurrencies plummet, the market will gradually shrink, and a large number of cryptocurrencies will disappear in the future.

After the popularity of cryptocurrency, many people issued various air coins in order to make money. These air coins were worthless and did not even have actual projects behind them. Therefore, when the currency circle plummeted, the price of this type of currency dropped all the way. , some cryptocurrencies have even been cleared. Many cryptocurrencies will disappear in the currency circle in the future, and people will no longer see them.

The collapse of the currency circle has led people to clearly realize that the currency circleIt is not suitable for investment and there will be no development in the currency circle in the future. If you have any other opinions on this, please leave a message for discussion.

⑦ The collective collapse of the currency circle, where will the future of the currency circle go?

Recently, a piece of news about the "collective collapse of the currency circle" has triggered heated discussions among netizens. There was a lot of commotion. So, where will the future of the currency circle go? I think there are three possibilities. The first possibility is to usher in strong supervision. Because the current virtual currency market is unregulated, this allows Musk to manipulate the market at will. Second, the bubble bursts. As the main rise begins to decline, people's enthusiasm for virtual currencies will be greatly reduced. The third is to continue to maintain the status quo. It should rise and fall, and continue to harvest leeks. So what is the specific situation? Let me share my opinion with you.

1. Strong supervision

The first possibility is to usher in strong supervision. This time virtual currency encountered a strong crackdown from the domestic government because it always experienced sharp rises and falls, which led to many people liquidating their positions and losing property. In order to prevent more people from liquidating their positions, the government has chosen to take decisive measures. In the future, fewer Chinese people will participate in virtual currency transactions. If Musk's behavior of manipulating the market were regulated, he would have been arrested and interrogated or even fined ten times.

The above are my opinions on this issue. They are purely personal opinions and are for reference only. If you have any different opinions, you can leave a message in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

⑧ Steady ten-fold income - A brief discussion on the valuation logic of platform coins in the currency circle

The currency circle has been bearish for a long time, and the hustle and bustle of the past has long disappeared. The community is deserted and the trading volume is sluggish. , currency value shrinks. Only by learning more in a bear market can you gain more in a bull market.

Both Buffett, the traditional investment guru, and Li Xiaolai, the currency guru, emphasize investing only in areas they are familiar with. Only by understanding your investment choices can you avoid being cut off.

Wu Lu believes that there are two types of safest investments in the currency circle. One is mainstream currencies such as BTC, ETH, and EOS, which have strong consensus, strong technology, and a team that works hard; the other is the platform. The currency has a clear profit model, and its value can be judged using traditional financial valuation methods.

Ordinary cryptocurrencies can be analyzed from the dimensions of technology, team, community, etc., while platform coins can be judged by traditional financial valuation analysis methods.

So today Pork Belly will take you to analyze the valuation logic of the platform currency.

Platform currency is a cryptocurrency issued by currency exchanges. It usually has the right to deduct transaction fees and enjoy dividends. Some exchanges will also regularly repurchase the platform currency issued by themselves. Currently, the main platform coins on the market include BNB issued by Binance, HT issued by Huobi, OKB issued by OKex,CET issued by Chaince, etc. Wu Belly found that when it comes to blockchain thinking, the Chinese are the best at implementing it, and most of the exchanges that issue platform coins are exchanges with Chinese backgrounds. On the other hand, non-Chinese exchanges prefer traditional financing. For example, Coinbase in the United States is valued at US$8 billion. South Korea's TOP2 exchange Bithumb just sold 50% of its shares to a Singaporean consortium for US$350 million in October 2018, with an overall valuation of approximately US$700 million.

Let’s compare traditional financial exchanges and currency exchanges.

In terms of profitability and transaction volume, currency exchanges are completely comparable to traditional financial exchanges. However, the valuation is far lower than that of traditional exchanges. The PE of traditional exchanges is in the 20-30 range, and the PV is in the 0.07-0.1 range, both of which are about 10 times that of currency exchanges. The average PE of currency exchanges is 2-3, and the average PV is 0.005-0.007. Therefore, according to traditional valuation theory, the valuation of the currency circle platform can be said to be very low and worthy of investment. Many experts say A-shares are at the bottom of their valuation, with its current PE of around 12.94. The PE of outstanding companies in the currency circle is only 2 to 3.

It is worth noting that Coinbase’s valuation is ahead of its brothers. As the most official currency exchange, Coinbase has the closest ties with traditional finance, so its valuation is most in line with traditional finance. Theoretical pricing. Well, among them, I chose Channel Exchange as a negative example. Both PE and PV are extremely overvalued.

*Data comes from the Internet.

**Traditional stock exchange data are for 2017, and market capitalization is the real-time price at the time of writing on October 13, 2018.

***The trading volume of currency exchanges is estimated based on the recent daily trading volume. The annual profits of Binance/Huobi/OK/Chance are estimated based on the amount of buybacks or dividends. The annual profits of Coinbase and Bithumb are calculated based on the profit transaction volume ratio (EV) of 0.0025.

The low valuation of currency exchanges may be due to the great uncertainty in the future. Due to unclear regulatory policies in various countries, it is still doubtful whether currency exchanges that are not endorsed or licensed by the state can exist in the long term. If these currency exchanges receive state support, their valuations will definitely be the same as traditional exchanges. On the other hand, the uncertainty of blockchain technology and the investment market also greatly affects valuations. If cryptocurrency investment can become the same investment option as stocks in the future, valuations will also increase significantly.

If you believe in the future of blockchain, PingThe Taiwan dollar is a relatively safe and profitable investment choice in the currency circle. In the long run, there may be 10 times the return.

⑨ Will the currency circle disappear in the future due to policy regulation? How will the currency circle develop in the next few years?

No, because the issuance of Bitcoin itself is going to Centralized, this is to facilitate some cross-border remittances or transactions. Plus its handling fee is relatively low. It has been more than ten years since Bitcoin was issued, and its development seems to be getting better and better. Everyone's acceptance of Bitcoin is also constantly increasing. In addition, the price of Bitcoin has also been turbulent recently. First, it experienced a drop of $40,000. After the mark, it quickly began to pull back, and it suddenly heated up rapidly. The price fluctuations were still very large. This requires a lot of psychological endurance to accept, so you need to be very strong mentally.

⑩ Top ten exchanges in the currency circle

1. Huobi. Huobi has assets of US$3.896 billion, 830 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$13.168 billion. Huobi.com is operated by Beijing Huobi Tianxia Network Technology Co., Ltd. and launched in September 2013. It is one of the world's leading Bitcoin trading platforms.
2. OKEX OKEX has assets of US$35.3506 million, 635 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$6.079 billion. OKEX is one of the world's famous international digital asset sites. It mainly provides spot and derivatives trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum to global users. It is affiliated to OKEX Technology Company Limited.
3. ZBG. ZBG has assets of US$105 million, a total of 80 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$804 million. ZBG.com was established in Hong Kong in 2018. With innovative, efficient and global operations, ZBG has quickly become one of the top ten in the industry in a short period of time and is known as the new first-line international station. Currently, the platform supports access in seven languages ​​and provides services to 1.8 million crypto asset investors around the world. The average daily activity on the platform exceeds 120,000.
4. Binance. Binance has US$2.794 billion in assets, 796 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$9.165 billion. Binance is a trading platform focusing on blockchain assets created by a group of digital asset enthusiasts led by former okcoin co-founder Changpeng Zhao (CZ). Founder Zhao Changpeng had constant disputes with his old employer Okcoin. He was not very optimistic about it at first, but later found that the platform's performance was quite impressive.
5. TSLA Global. TSLA Global is a cryptocurrency exchange registered in the United Arab Emirates in October 2017. Assets are US$1.937 billion, with a total of 287 trading pairs and a 24-hour turnover of US$6.735 billion. It is the world's first global cryptocurrency trading platform using P2P format.
6. Bitflyer. BitFlyer has assets of US$1.555 billion, a total of 4 trading pairs, and a 24-hour transaction volume of US$74.2085 million. BitFlyer was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Japan. Bitcoin trading volume ranks first in Japan.
7. BiKiBiKi has assets of US$12.8098 million, a total of 300 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$807 million. BiKi Group was established in 2018 and is headquartered in Singapore. It is a global blockchain digital asset trading service provider. Currently, the group's business includes spot trading, derivatives trading, digital banking, blockchain industry investment and other businesses. In China The market has more than 40% of the new market share of small currencies, and has operation centers in 7 countries including Singapore, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Russia, and Turkey.
8. KuCoin. KuCoin has assets of US$18.5676 million, a total of 301 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$123 million.
9. Poloniex. Poloniex has assets of US$115 million, a total of 173 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$35.6298 million.
Poloniex was established in 2014, commonly known as P network, and is one of the world's leading cryptocurrency international sites. The Poloniex platform offers a variety of altcoin services.
10. B network. Network B has assets of US$779 million, a total of 448 trading pairs, and a 24-hour transaction volume of US$896 million.
Bittrex, commonly known as B network, provides services for coins, US dollars and coins. Registration is very simple. Founded in 2015, Bittrex is an international Bitcoin site in the United States. It supports more than 200 trading pairs and has a daily trading volume of billions of yuan.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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