比特币212年矿池多少吨 比特币212年矿池价格多少

1. 币印矿池怎么没有啦

币印矿池要终结了吗?还是暂时维护?这家总部在北京的大型矿池公司最近宣布:矿池暂停提币。公告发出之后,币印的算力减少了30% 到 40%。
优惠活动将从9 月 8 日持续到 12 月 7 日,余额超过 1 BTC 或 5 ETH矿工不参与活动。虽然有优惠的活动,但麻烦也才刚开始。平台表示:
将暂停比特币和以太坊提币。我们将在9 月 6 日对池中剩余的 BTC 和 ETH 余额进行盘点。
2022 年 9 月 6 日 比特币价格走势
也有一个原因,比特币支付方式从FPPS 换成了PPLNS,算法换了之后,矿工是否挖到区块都将会有奖励,币印运气比较差,这也许就是他们需要重新计算收益的原因。
还有一个可能就是他们与BlockFi 和三箭资本可能出现的融资。这些也会影响到Poolin 的业务。

2. 比特币矿池有哪些国内外比特币矿池地址及端口汇总

BitCoin.cz第一家大型矿池,Slush 的拥有自带中文教程!内容很详细,对于不懂外语、已经不了解比特币的朋友是一个非常好的选择哦~

3. 比特币矿池的协议stratum

转自: https://zhuanlan.hu.com/p/23558268





矿池通过getblocktemplate协议与网络节点交互,以获得区块链的最新信息,通过stratum协议与矿工交互。此外,为了让之前用getwork协议挖矿的软件也可以连接到矿池挖矿,矿池一般也支持getwork协议,通过阶层挖矿代理机制实现(Stratum mining proxy)。须知在矿池刚出现时,显卡挖矿还是主力,getwork用起来非常方便,另外早期的FPGA矿机有些是用getwork实现的,stratum与矿池采用TCP方式通信,数据使用JSON封装格式。












1. 矿工订阅任务



Extranonce1,和 Extranonce2对于挖矿很重要,增加的搜索空间就在这里,现在,我们至少有了8个字节的搜索空间,即nNonce的4个字节,以及 Extranonce2的4个字节。

2. 矿池授权

在矿池注册一个账号 ,添加矿工,矿池允许每个账号任意添加矿工数,并取不同名字以区分。矿工使用mining.authorize方法申请授权,只有被矿池授权的矿工才能收到矿池指派任务。

3. 矿池分配任务


有了以上信息,再加上之前拿到的Extranonce1 和Extranonce2_size,就可以挖矿了。

4. 挖矿

1) 构造coinbase交易

用到的信息包括Coinb1, Extranonce1, Extranonce2_size 以及Coinb2,构造很简单:

为啥可以这样,因为矿池帮矿工做了很多工作,矿池已经构建了coinbase交易,系列化后在指定位置分割成coinb1和coinb2,coinb1和coinb2包含指定信息,比如coinb1包含区块高度,coinb2包含了矿工的收益地址和收益额等信息,但是这些信息对于矿工来说无关紧要,矿工挖矿的地方只是Extranonce2 的4个字节。另外Extranonce1是矿池写入区块的指定信息,一般来说,每个矿池会写入自己矿池的信息,比如矿池名字或者域名,我们就是根据这个信息统计每个矿池在全网的算力比重。

2) 构建Merkleroot


3) 构建区块头

填充余下的5个字段,现在,矿池可以在nNonce和Extranonce2 里搜索进行挖矿,如果嫌搜索空间还不够,只要增加Extranonce2_size为多几个字节就可轻而易举解决。

5. 矿工提交工作量



6. 矿池给矿工调节难度



4. 一个时代结束!比特币矿场彻底告别国内历史舞台,再见了青春


这两天,比特币矿场最集中的地区,四川矿工向全世界播报: “我们关机了”。 继内蒙,青海,贵州之后,最后的希望四川也彻底告吹。 币圈迎来 历史 性的一天,比特币矿场在国内彻底成为了 历史 。 再见,四川。再见,CHINA。再见,无数人的青春。

6月20日0点,四川800万负荷,集体断电,集体关闭。比特币全网平均算力跌至126.83EH/s,相比 历史 最高点下降36%。 大批具有中国背景的比特币矿池,比如Huobi Pool、Binance、AntPool及Poolin,近24小时算力下降幅度高达36.64%、25.58%、22.17%、8.05%。

比特币挖矿十年,一个时代怆然结束! 十年间,比特币矿场从一个矿工开始,短时间可挖180多万枚比特币,到如今 千万矿场竞发,一币难求。 十年间,从中本聪, “宝二”,“江卓尔” ,比特币矿场默默无闻赚小钱,到疯狂赚大钱。十年间,比特币从1万枚换一个披萨饼到单枚价值几十万, 国内一直是比特币最大的矿池聚集地。 十年间,矿场曾经为西部发展奉献了自己的一份力,解决过剩的电力,带来GDP。 但是十年后,一切结束,并已成为 历史 。

犹记得去年这个时候,比特币减半刚出,又恰好处于国内解封期,圈里第一个大会就是 四川成都丰水期矿业大会。 到年底大涨,几多辉煌,几多风光。 而今天,时过境迁,盛夏吹起秋瑟风。 四月比特币 历史 新高的时候,还在帮一个算力交易平台做全网内容宣发。现在他们砍了很多业务线,之前的策划也无疾而终。从零散的算力交易到构建一个算力金融市场的愿景,随政策而止,随地域而迁。究竟什么时候能建成,还是一个未知数。从当年的矿业繁荣到今夜璀璨星河,不见绿光,清风虽细难吹我,明月何尝不照人。

5. 比特币矿池全球排名

ViaBTC(Viabtc Technology Limited)成立于2016年5月,是一家专注于数字货币领域的创新型技术服务公司。凭借强大的技术实力,我们研发了全球领先的比特币矿池,并推出了多个竞争币矿池以及云挖矿合约产品。ViaBTC的含义为“通过比特币”,我们的愿景是“通过比特币,让世界更美好”。

6. 2022年哪个矿池可以继续挖矿


7. 比特币矿池有哪些国内外比特币矿池地址及端口汇总


8. 比特币矿池:什么是比特币矿池

矿池是比特币(数字货币)等P2P密码学虚拟货币开采所必须的基础设施,一般是对外开放的团队开采服务器,其存在意义为提升比特币开采稳定性,使矿工薪酬趋于稳定。目前全球算力较大的矿池有鱼池(F2Pool)、蚁池(AntPool)、币网(BW Pool)、国池(BTCC Pool)、BitFury。除了BitFury,其余都来自中国。
















9. 每个月能挖出500元比特币的电脑(2021年)哈希值是多少,一般什么样的显卡能做到



10. 矿池排行

①随着整个比特币网络的计算水平持续指数级提升,单个设备或少量计算能力都无法获得比特币网络在比特币网络上提供的区块奖励。全网算力提升到一定程度后,获奖概率较低,促使《比特币谈话》上的一些极客想办法将少量算力结合在一起,这样搭建的网站被称为《矿池》。 在这一机制中,无论个别矿工能够使用多少算力,只要通过加入矿池参与挖掘活动,无论是否成功挖掘出有效数据块,都可以通过贡献矿池获得少量比特币奖励,即多人合作挖掘,比特币奖励也由多人根据贡献分享。
④如果单个矿池的计算能力达到50%以上,就很容易对比特币等类似虚拟数字货币发起51%的攻击,后果非常可怕: 垄断矿业权,可以使矿池颗粒剩余49%的计算能力无人收获,瞬间退出竞争和破产,矿池计算能力超过50%,如果发动51%的攻击,将轻易占据全网所有有效计算能力。 垄断记账权,通过51%的攻击可以进行双重支付,一笔钱可以多次使用,会直接破坏比特币等信用体系,让其信用化为乌有。 垄断分配权,由于单个(或可能是多个)矿池通过51%的攻击占用全网计算能力,会迅速挤占剩余矿池,导致其关闭。由于没有竞争,矿池可以自行分配收入,并向矿工收取过高的手续费等过高的税款和杂税。

1. Why is there no Biyin Mining Pool?

Is Biyin Mining Pool coming to an end? Or temporary maintenance? This large mining pool company headquartered in Beijing recently announced that the mining pool has suspended currency withdrawals. After the announcement, Biyin’s computing power decreased by 30% to 40%.
What does the announcement say?
Although there is no bad news yet. The coin printing after the suspension of currency withdrawals also provides preferential services to miners. Announcement of preferential activities:
Although the impact on Biyin will not be great, in order to stabilize liquidity and operations, we will provide preferential activities with no handling fees.
The promotion will last from September 8th to December 7th. Miners with a balance of more than 1 BTC or 5 ETH will not participate in the event. Although there are discounts, the trouble has just begun. The platform stated:
Withdrawals of Bitcoin and Ethereum will be suspended. We will take stock of the remaining BTC and ETH balances in the pool on September 6th.
Bitcoin price trend on September 6, 2022
Potential bankruptcy
Biyin’s external comments were also vague, and no reason was given except “some liquidity issues”. But they made it clear. Withdrawals will be suspended. It also promised that the coins mined after September 6 will be withdrawn normally.
Analysts pointed out that there are still 17,600 Bitcoins in the Biyin wallet. A mining pool with so many Bitcoins will not go bankrupt. It is also speculated that it is because of the ban on Bitcoin in the country. Previously, Biyin had moved the mine to Texas in the United States due to the ban on Bitcoin mining in the country.
There is also a reason. The Bitcoin payment method has been changed from FPPS to PPLNS. After the algorithm is changed, miners will be rewarded whether they dig blocks. Coinprint has poor luck. This may be because they need to recalculate their income. s reason.
Another possibility is their possible financing with BlockFi and Three Arrows Capital. These will also affect Poolin's business.

2. What are the Bitcoin mining pools? Summary of domestic and foreign Bitcoin mining pool addresses and ports

BitCoin.cz is the first large-scale mining pool, and Slush has its own Chinese tutorial! The content is very detailed. It is a very good choice for friends who do not understand foreign languages ​​and no longer understand Bitcoin~

3. The protocol stratum of the Bitcoin mining pool

Reprinted from: https ://zhuanlan.hu.com/p/23558268
The getblocktemplate protocol was born in mid-2012, when mining pools had already appeared. The mining pool uses the getblocktemplate protocol to interact with the node client, and the stratum protocol to interact with the miners. This is the most typical mining pool construction model.

Similar to getworkCompared with the getblocktemplate protocol, the biggest difference is that the getblocktemplate protocol allows miners to construct blocks by themselves. In this way, nodes and mining are completely separated. For getwork, the blockchain is dark. Getwork knows nothing about the blockchain. He only knows how to modify the 4 bytes of the data field. For getblocktemplate, the entire blockchain is transparent. getblocktemplate masters all information related to mining on the blockchain, including the transaction pool to be confirmed, and getblocktemplate can choose the transactions included in the block.

There are two ways to mine, one is called SOLO mining, and the other is to mine in a mining pool. As mentioned above, directly starting CPU mining on the node client, and relying on getwork+cgminer to drive the graphics card to directly connect to the node client for mining, are all SOLO mining. SOLO is like buying a lottery ticket on your own, it is not easy to win, but if you win, you will get all the benefits. Own it. Mining in a mining pool is like buying lottery tickets together. Everyone contributes money together to buy a bunch of lottery tickets. After winning, the income is distributed according to the investment ratio. Theoretically, miners can use the getblocktemplate protocol to link to the node client for SOLO mining, but in fact no miners have done that. At the time of writing this article, the computing power of the entire Bitcoin network is 1600P+, and the computing power of the most advanced mining machines currently is Around 10T, based on this calculation, the probability of a single mining machine SOLO mining a block is less than one in 160,000. Miners (people) invest real money to purchase mining machines and pay electricity bills, and will not make such high-risk investments. Obviously, it is more suitable to join a mining pool for group mining to reduce risks and obtain stable income. Therefore, the emergence of mining pools is inevitable and cannot be eliminated, regardless of whether it destroys the decentralization principle of the system.

The core job of the mining pool is to allocate tasks to miners, count the workload and distribute profits. The mining pool divides the block difficulty into many smaller tasks and sends them to the miners for calculation. After the miners complete a task, they submit the workload to the mining pool, which is called submitting a share. If the difficulty of the entire network block requires that the first 70 bits of the Hash operation result are all 0, then the task assigned to the miners by the mining pool may only require the first 30 bits to be 0 (adjusted according to the miner's computing power). After the miner completes the specified difficulty task Submit the share, and the mining pool will check again on the basis that the first 30 digits are 0, and see if by chance the first 70 digits are all 0.

The mining pool will allocate tasks of different difficulty according to each miner's computing power. How does the mining pool judge the size of the miner's computing power to allocate appropriate task difficulty? The adjustment idea is the same as that of Bitcoin block difficulty. The mining pool needs to rely on the share rate of the miners. The mining pool hopes to assign each miner enough tasks for the miners to calculate for a certain period of time, such as 1 second. If the miner completes it within one second If you have completed several tasks, it means that the difficulty currently provided by the mining pool is low and needs to be increased, and vice versa. Come down like this, pass throughAfter a period of adjustment, the mining pool can assign a reasonable difficulty to the miners and calculate the miners' computing power.

The mining pool interacts with network nodes through the getblocktemplate protocol to obtain the latest information on the blockchain, and interacts with miners through the stratum protocol. In addition, in order to allow software that used the getwork protocol to mine before, it can also connect to the mining pool for mining. The mining pool generally also supports the getwork protocol, which is implemented through the stratum mining proxy mechanism (Stratum mining proxy). It should be noted that when the mining pool first appeared, graphics card mining was still the main force, and getwork was very convenient to use. In addition, some early FPGA mining machines were implemented with getwork. Stratum communicated with the mining pool using TCP, and the data used JSON encapsulation format.

Let’s first talk about a few issues left over by getblocktemplate:

Miner driver: In the getblocktemplate protocol, miners still actively call the RPC interface through HTTP to apply for mining to the node. Data, this means that miners cannot be notified of the latest block changes in the network in a timely manner, resulting in a loss of computing power.

Data load: As mentioned above, a normal getblocktemplate call to the node will feedback about 1.5M of data. The main data is the transaction list. Miners and mining pools need to frequently interact with data, which obviously cannot be done every time. Allocating work requires so much information to be given to miners. Furthermore, the huge memory requirements will greatly affect the performance of the mining machine and increase the cost.

The Stratum protocol completely solves the above problems.

The Stratum protocol adopts an active task allocation method, which means that the mining pool can assign new tasks to miners at any time. For miners, if they receive a new task assigned by the mining pool, they should immediately and unconditionally Shift to new tasks; miners can also actively apply for new tasks from the mining pool.

The core issue now is how to allow miners to obtain a larger search space. If we refer to the getwork protocol and only allow miners to change the nNonce and nTime fields, the amount of interactive data will be very small, but this search There is definitely not enough space. If you want to increase the search space, you can only work on hashMerkleroot. If miners are allowed to construct coinbase by themselves, then the search space problem will be easily solved, but the price is that all transactions included in the block must be handed over to miners so that miners can construct the transaction list. Merkleroot, which puts more pressure on miners and requires higher bandwidth for mining pools.

The Stratum protocol cleverly solves this problem. Successful implementation can not only increase enough search space for miners, but also only require a small amount of data to be exchanged. This is also the most innovative aspect of the Stratum protocol.

Let’s review the six 80-byte fields of the block header. This is very critical. The three fields nVersion, nBits, and hashPrevBlock are fixed. The two fields nNonce and nTime can be changed by miners now. The only way to increase the search space is hashMerkleroot, which cannot be bypassed. The Stratum protocol allows miners to construct coinbase transactions themselves. The scriptSig field of coinbase has many bytes that miners can fill freely, and changes to coinbase mean changes to hashMerkleroot. Constructing hashMerkleroot from coinbase does not require all transactions,

As shown in the above figure, if the block will contain 13 transactions, the mining pool will first process these 13 transactions, and finally only need to remove the 4 black spots in the figure (Hash value) is delivered to the miner, and at the same time, the information required to construct coinbase is delivered to the miner, and the miner can construct hashMerkleroot by himself (the green dots in the figure are calculated by the miners themselves. When combining hashes in pairs, the next black dot represents The hash value is always placed on the right)

. In this way, if a block contains N transactions, the mining pool can condense it into log2(N) hash values ​​and deliver them to the miners, which greatly reduces the amount of data interacted between the mining pool and the miners.

The Stratum protocol strictly stipulates the interface data structure and interaction logic for miners and mining pools to interact, as follows:

1. Miners subscribe to tasks

Start mining Machine, use the mining.subscribe method to link to the mining pool

Returning data is very important. Miners need to record it locally, which is used throughout the mining process, including:

Extranonce1, and Extranonce2 Important for mining, the increased search space is here, now, we have at least 8 bytes of search space, which is 4 bytes for nNonce, and 4 bytes for Extranonce2.

2. Mining pool authorization

Register an account in the mining pool and add miners. The mining pool allows each account to add any number of miners and give them different names to distinguish them. Miners use the mining.authorize method to apply for authorization. Only miners authorized by the mining pool can receive tasks assigned by the mining pool.

3. Mining pool allocation tasks

Each of the above field information is essential, among which:

With the above information, plus the previously obtained After reaching Extranonce1 and Extranonce2_size, you can mine.

4. Mining

1) Construct coinbase transaction

The information used includes Coinb1, Extranonce1, Extranonce2_size and Coinb2. The structure is very simple:

Why is this possible? Because of the mining pool It has done a lot of work for the miners. The mining pool has constructed the coinbase transaction, and after serialization, it is divided into coinb1 and coinb2 at the specified location. Coinb1 and coinb2 contain specified information. For example, coinb1 contains the block height, and coinb2 contains the miner's income address and income. and other information, but this information is irrelevant to the miners. The place where the miners mine is only 4 bytes of Extranonce2. In addition, Extranonce1 is the designated information written by the mining pool into the block. Generally speaking, each mining pool will write its own mining pool information, such as the mining pool name or domain name. We use this information to count the performance of each mining pool in the entire network. proportion of computing power.

2) Construct Merkleroot

Use coinbase and merkle_branch to construct the hashMerkleroot field as shown above.

3) Build the block header

Fill in the remaining 5 fields. Now, the mining pool can search for mining in nNonce and Extranonce2. If the search space is not enough, just add more Extranonce2_size can be easily solved by a few more bytes.

5. Miners submit workload

When a miner finds a share that meets the difficulty, it is submitted to the mining pool. The amount of information submitted is very small, and they are all essential fields:

After the mining pool obtains the above five fields, it first finds out the information stored before assigning the task according to the task number ID (mainly the constructed coinbase transaction and the included transaction list, etc.), and then reconstructs the area block, then verify the difficulty of the shares, and then check whether the shares that meet the difficulty requirements meet the difficulty of the entire network.

6. The mining pool adjusts the difficulty for miners

The mining pool records the difficulty of each miner and continuously adjusts it according to the shares rate to specify the appropriate difficulty. The mining pool can send messages to miners to change the difficulty at any time through the mining.set_difficulty method.

As above, the core concept of the Stratum protocol is basically clearly explained. With the cooperation of the getblocktemplate protocol and the Stratum protocol, the mining pool can finally say loudly to the miners, let the computing power come more intensely.

4. The end of an era! Bitcoin mining farms completely bid farewell to the domestic historical stage, and will no longerMeet the youth

The website of Chahuli has also been controlled by the risk!

In the past two days, miners in Sichuan, the area with the highest concentration of Bitcoin mines, have broadcast to the world: "We have shut down." Following Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, and Guizhou, Sichuan, the last hope, also completely failed. The currency circle has ushered in a historic day, and Bitcoin mining has completely become history in the country. Goodbye, Sichuan. Goodbye, CHINA. Goodbye, the youth of countless people.

At 0:00 on June 20, Sichuan had a collective power outage and shutdown with 8 million loads. The average computing power of the entire Bitcoin network fell to 126.83EH/s, a 36% decrease from the historical high. A large number of Bitcoin mining pools with Chinese background, such as Huobi Pool, Binance, AntPool and Poolin, have seen their computing power drop by as much as 36.64%, 25.58%, 22.17% and 8.05% in the past 24 hours.

After ten years of Bitcoin mining, an era sadly ends! In the past ten years, the Bitcoin mine started with one miner and was able to mine more than 1.8 million Bitcoins in a short period of time. Nowadays, tens of millions of mines are competing for mines, and it is difficult to find even one coin. In the past ten years, Satoshi Nakamoto, "Bao Er", and "Jiang Zhuoer" have gone from making small money in obscurity in Bitcoin mines to making big money like crazy. In the past ten years, Bitcoin has gone from being worth 10,000 for a pizza to a single coin being worth hundreds of thousands. China has always been the largest gathering place for Bitcoin mining pools. In the past ten years, the mine has contributed to the development of the western region, solving excess electricity and bringing in GDP. But ten years later, it was over and has become history.

I still remember this time last year, when the Bitcoin halving had just come out and it happened to be during the country’s unblocking period. The first conference in the industry was the Sichuan Chengdu Flood Season Mining Conference. By the end of the year, there will be a huge rise, which will be so brilliant and glorious. Today, times have changed, and autumn winds are blowing in midsummer. In April, when Bitcoin's historical high reached a new high, I was still helping a computing power trading platform to publish content for the entire network. Now they have cut many business lines, and their previous plans have come to nothing. From scattered computing power transactions to the vision of building a computing power financial market, it stops with the policy and moves with the region. Exactly when it will be completed is still unknown. From the mining boom back then to the bright stars tonight, there is no green light. Even though the breeze is fine, it can't blow me, but the bright moon doesn't shine on me.

5. Global ranking of Bitcoin mining pools

1. Ant Mining Pool
Ant Mining Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool dedicated to providing miners with more user-friendly services. With complete functions, 67% more convenient use and Douqiu, Ant Pool provides mining services for multiple digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and supports PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO. and other payment methods.
2. Yuchi
F2Pool is the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool. Founded in Beijing in April 2013, it is the world's leading and China's earliest Bitcoin mining pool; FPool has developed into the world's largest Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Zero A comprehensive digital currency mining pool; the mining pool technology continues to maintain leadership, the income is open and transparent, and the original architecture is used to effectively prevent DDoS attacks.
3. BTC Mining Pool
BTC.com is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider and mining pool and wallet solution provider. Since 2015, the BTC.com team has started with industry infrastructure such as block browsers and is committed to establishing new standards in various subdivisions. The BTC.com brand can be seen in wallets, mining pools, market prices, information and other fields. figure.
4. ViaBTC
ViaBTC (Viabtc Technology Limited) was established in May 2016. It is an innovative technology service company focusing on the field of digital currency. With strong technical strength, we have developed the world's leading Bitcoin mining pool and launched multiple alternative currency mining pools and cloud mining contract products. ViaBTC means "via Bitcoin" and our vision is "making the world a better place through Bitcoin".
5. Dragon Pond
Dragon Pond. Known as the mining pool that knows miners best, it provides mining services for Bitcoin and Ethereum.
6. Huobi Mining Pool
Huobi Mining Pool creates a new model of POW and POS mechanisms in the blockchain field, providing users with main chain voting, information, and points financial management services.
7. Bixin Mining Pool
In Bixin Mining Pool, we achieve real-time data updates, reasonable market rates, and convenient and fast payments. Mining has never been so simple.
8. BW Mining Pool
BW Mining Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that is committed to providing miners with a friendlier interface, better functions, more convenient use and more transparent returns. The pool provides mining services for multiple digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS and PPLNS.
9. Biyin Mining Pool
Decentralization makes the world a better place. The technical output of the Biyin Mining Pool team serves more than 500,000 mining equipment and more than 100,000 independent miners around the world. .
10. Xingzhong Mining Pool
Open and transparent, efficient in income, stable and innovative comprehensive digital currency mining pool, Xingzhong Mining Pool - Bitcoin mining pool, Litecoin, Ethereum mining pool, the world's largest comprehensive Digital currency mining pool, high returns, top technical support and services

6. Which mining pool can continue mining in 2022

POW mining.
Bitcoin is the earliest blockchain project, which is exactly 10 years old this year. Its mining is based on workload as proof of computing power. English proofofwork, referred to as POW. The stronger the performance of the mining machine and the greater the number, the stronger the computing power and the higher the mining income. Bitcoin mining machine first mined from computer CPUMines have upgraded to graphics card mining, and now the performance of professional brand ASIC highly integrated circuit mining machines has soared. At the same time, the main network computing power and mining difficulty have increased explosively. ASIC mining machines include designated models for well-known currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, and Zcash. Manufacturers have developed various ASIC mining machines through technological cracks in currency algorithms. Several major brands have monopolized the entire industry.
BURST pioneered hard drive mining, using the size of the hard drive as proof of computing power. English proofofcapacity, referred to as POC. Translated as capacity proof or space proof. Refers to the storage capacity or space of a hard drive. The purpose is to create a new energy-saving and environmentally friendly mining model with low threshold that everyone can participate in. For example, Filecoin hard drive mining appeared before the bull market, and the "hot" hard drive mining CHIA, BZZ, PHA, etc. after the bull market.

7. What are the Bitcoin mining pools? A summary of domestic and foreign Bitcoin mining pool addresses and ports

There are many Bitcoin mining pools around the world. If you want to mine Bitcoin, you need to choose one first. Mining pool. It is very necessary to choose a stable mining pool. Otherwise, it is very likely that the Bitcoins you have worked so hard to mine will disappear. Abit Chinese mining pool has a friendly interface and a Chinese version of the user interface. It has a friendly interface and strong stability. I personally think it is a good Chinese mining pool.

8. Bitcoin Mining Pool: What is a Bitcoin Mining Pool?

A mining pool is the infrastructure necessary for the mining of P2P cryptographic virtual currencies such as Bitcoin (digital currency). Generally It is a team mining server that is open to the outside world. Its purpose of existence is to improve the stability of Bitcoin mining and stabilize miners' salaries. Currently, the mining pools with the largest computing power in the world include F2Pool, AntPool, BW Pool, BTCC Pool, and BitFury. Except for BitFury, the rest are from China.

As more and more people participate in mining, the computing power of the entire Bitcoin network continues to increase, and it is difficult for a single device or a small amount of computing power to mine Bitcoins. At this time, the mining pool was born.

How Bitcoin Mining Pools Work

Mining pools break through geographical limitations and connect the computing power of miners and mining farms scattered around the world to mine together.

The mining pool is responsible for information packaging, and the mines that are connected are responsible for competing for accounting rights.

Since the computing power of many miners is gathered together, the mining pool has a large proportion of computing power and the probability of mining Bitcoin is higher.

For example

Assume that 1 million people participate in Bitcoin mining, the entire network has 400P computing power, and 90% of the miners have less than 1P (1000T) computing power. If you invest in a A 1T mining machine will account for 1/400,000 of the entire network's computing power. In theory, it can mine one block every 400,000 10 minutes on average, which means it takes 7.6 years to mine a block and get 50 bits at once. currency.

So, if I find 9 more mining machines with 1T computing powerMiners, we have reached an agreement. There are 10 of us in total. If any one of them mines a block, it will be divided equally according to each person's proportion of computing power. Then we are a whole, with a total of 10T computing power, then it can be mined in an average of 0.76 years. To a block, and then the calculation in our hands is 5 Bitcoins mined in 0.76 years. What if we organize 100 people, 1,000 people, 10,000 people or even 100,000 people?

If there are 100,000 people, then one block can be mined in an average of 100 minutes. As a member of the team, my income will become stable.

This is the basic principle of the mining pool, that is, everyone forms a team to mine Bitcoin. You can refer to the joint buying in the lottery.

Of course, the above is just a simple description of the basic principles and properties of mining pools, and the actual situation will be very complicated.

The mining pool is a fully automatic mining platform, that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool - provides computing power - and obtains profits.

The Bitcoin rewards generated by mining in the mining pool will be distributed according to the proportion of computing power contributed by each miner.

Compared with mining alone, joining a mining pool can provide you with more stable income.

Hope this answer is helpful to you

9. What is the hash value of a computer that can mine 500 yuan of Bitcoins every month (in 2021), and what kind of graphics card is generally used? It can be done

The current computing power of the entire Bitcoin network reaches 2.36 trillion hash collisions per second, which is equivalent to more than 200,000 water droplets in a 50-meter-long standard swimming pool. Number of. But even with such a large amount of computing power, it takes about 10 minutes to collide with a hash value that meets the requirements.

In 2012, Bitcoin's output was halved for the first time. In July 2016, Bitcoin's output was halved for the second time. Currently, the reward for keeping a page of ledgers is 12.5 Bitcoins. The next halving will occur around 2020, and the total number of Bitcoins will not increase until 2040, with the total number being 21 million. In other words, the difficulty of mining Bitcoin is increasing, and the time required is increasing.

10. Mining pool ranking

Mining pool ranking: 1.SparkPool (Spark Pool), 2.Ethermine, 3.F2Pool, 4.FlexPool, 5.Hiveon, 6. Nanopoo
Extended information:
① As the computing level of the entire Bitcoin network continues to improve exponentially, no single device or a small amount of computing power can obtain the block rewards provided by the Bitcoin network on the Bitcoin network. After the computing power of the entire network increases to a certain level, the probability of winning is low, prompting some geeks on "Bitcoin Talk" to find ways to combine a small amount of computing power. The website built in this way is called "Mining Pool". In this mechanism, no matter how much computing power individual miners can use, as long as they participate in mining activities by joining the mining pool, regardless of whether they successfully mine valid data blocks, they can obtain a small amount of Bitcoin rewards by contributing to the mining pool, that is, multiple people canWith cooperative mining, Bitcoin rewards are also shared among multiple people based on their contributions.
②In the Bitcoin world described in Satoshi Nakamoto's paper, the entire network generates a block every 10 minutes on average, and each block contains 50 Bitcoins (now 12.5, and Bitcoin is halved every four years or so ), and a block can only be mined by some lucky people. Own 50 Bitcoins outright (now 12.5, Bitcoin halves every four years or so), while everyone else has nothing. The probability of mining is directly proportional to the computing power of the equipment invested by the miner. This is destined that if the number of Bitcoin mining participants is large and dispersed to a certain extent, the probability of discovering Bitcoin will be infinitely close to zero, similar to winning a lottery. Maybe a mining machine is put into mining, and it takes 5 to 10 years to mine a block. This puts Bitcoin mining in an embarrassing situation and makes it almost impossible for ordinary people to participate.
③The existence of mining pools reduces the difficulty of mining virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin, lowers the mining threshold, and truly realizes the concept of Bitcoin mining that everyone can participate in. But its shortcomings are also very obvious, because the computing power connected to the mining pool, as a mining pool, will have extremely huge computing resources. In the Bitcoin world, computing power represents accounting rights, and computing power is everything.
④ If the computing power of a single mining pool reaches more than 50%, it is easy to launch a 51% attack on Bitcoin and other similar virtual digital currencies. The consequences are very terrible: monopolizing mining rights can leave 49% of the mining pool particles remaining. No one can harvest the computing power, and it will instantly withdraw from the competition and go bankrupt. The computing power of the mining pool exceeds 50%. If a 51% attack is launched, it will easily occupy all the effective computing power of the entire network. Monopoly on accounting rights, double payment can be carried out through 51% attack, and a sum of money can be used multiple times, which will directly destroy credit systems such as Bitcoin and make its credit disappear. Monopoly distribution rights, because a single (or possibly multiple) mining pool occupies the computing power of the entire network through a 51% attack, it will quickly crowd out the remaining mining pools, causing them to close. Since there is no competition, mining pools can allocate their own revenue and charge miners exorbitant fees and other exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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