币圈土狗项目 币圈土狗啥意思

① 土狗币如何发行的


② 土狗币是什么币


③ 币圈大崩盘:一天之内6万人爆仓20亿!为何会出现这种情况


究其根源,LUNA基金会去买BTC这个操作我觉得就很迷,给了做空机构带节奏的大机会,而且DO KWON这个人很狂,平时没少败人品。所以人缘讨厌他的人特别多,好多人等着看他死不想救他,不过LUNA瞬间挂掉,是比超级暴雷,因为陆续收割比一次性收割狠太多了。


④ 2022年下半年百倍币会是j9吗







⑤ 这42个互联网项目要小心!谨防上当受骗
















8 、 HAM(Harvest)




宣称是蚁从 旅游 旗下 旅游 联盟链,蚁从 旅游 就是一个打着 旅游 旗号的资金盘而已。现在刚上线的 旅游 联盟链,小安认为可以参考原来的链信,就是二次收割而已,风险极高!




名字挺高大上,其实就是一个国内的团伙,找了个外国人站台宣传的资金盘。所谓的算法和之前的 雷达 很像,几乎就是照搬了,拉人头获取什么几把DAO算力,这个盘子可能就是之前在雷达的团队长搞的,操盘手法很不成熟,真正内核的东西也没用心,妥妥的圈钱短命盘。






这个项目就是个典型的 互助盘 而已,去年提醒过大家好几次,要你们当心赶紧撤,不知道多少听进去了。目前是彻底崩盘了,不少会员开始组织维权。










IH Gobal平台上的用户爆料说自己在平台上多次被套路:第一次说要交30000U才能交易,第二次是要缴个人所得税8800多U才能提现,这个用户真的是被洗脑了,被平台所宣传的高利润冲昏了头脑,才一次又一次的将资产往里投,现在到了要提现了,发现根本就取不出来,数字再好看也只是一串数字而已,才知道自己被骗了,希望其他人能够引以为戒。







23、 Elio International平台

成立于2021年的11月 , 就是一个黑平台,各种理由拒绝出金,即使缴纳了税金也无法出金!
















看广告给大米,这宣传是不是很吸引人?与蚁丛 旅游 的看广告给收益套路是一样的,其实里面的猫腻在后面,不要去参与投资。


应该是两天一轮 ,一轮收益在百分之五点五 ,扣除手续费百分之三点五,【操盘手变相的收手续费就能把盘子抽死就别说私下继续抽水了】 一轮利润在百分之2 ,日利润百分之1 月利润百分之三十。看到这就知道了,这就是完完整整的资金盘骗局 。最后的结局一定是崩盘跑路绝无其他可能 。





















⑥ 币圈土狗什么意思






⑦ 币圈真的要完蛋了吗


聊的话题也是完全不同,CX,盘子,土狗圈也许聊的只是买买买,冲冲冲,all in,开20倍,100倍合约,完全就是原来股票圈那一套“老师”忽悠韭菜的玩法,如果你长期处于这种类型的圈子,你的确经常会觉得币圈要完蛋了。因为这里只看币价,就像有些人炒股只看股价而根本不看公司干啥的一样


因为行业里还是有很多人是真的在认认真真研究新金融,新技术能为未来 社会 带来的价值与真实贡献,虽然这些人可能也喜欢炒币,炒期货,偶尔冲土狗。但他们经常聊的话题一定是价值与未来,所以才能在大波动中稳住,并对未来抱有希望。



① How is Dogecoin issued?

Dogecoin is also a dog concept coin. In late May, the price of Dogecoin fluctuated greatly.
Dogecoin is a newly issued coin. Now it is very easy to issue coins on Binance Smart Chain and Huobi Smart Chain. Therefore, since Dogecoin became popular, many people are issuing coins. Since coins are issued, there must be There are many scammers, and of course some of them have skyrocketed. Most of the coins are called stupid dogs, and the golden dog among them refers to the coins that have skyrocketed.

② What is Dogecoin?

Dogecoin is also a dog concept coin. In late May, the price of Dogecoin fluctuated greatly.

③ The currency crash: 60,000 people liquidated their positions by 2 billion in one day! Why did this happen

The currency industry collapsed: 60,000 people liquidated their positions by 2 billion in one day! Why does this happen? The risk is too great.

Looking at the root cause, I think the operation of LUNA Foundation to buy BTC It's very fascinating, and it gives short-selling institutions a great opportunity to set the pace. Moreover, DO KWON is a very crazy person, and he usually has a bad character. Therefore, there are a lot of people who hate him. Many people are waiting to see if he dies and don't want to save him. However, LUNA died in an instant, which is worse than a super thunderstorm, because successive harvests are much more cruel than one-time harvests.

You must be responsible for your own operations, and you must be responsible for every bit of mola.

④ Will the 100x currency be j9 in the second half of 2022?

The recent trend of Bitcoin is still relatively volatile. Every time Bitcoin has a large-scale retracement, it is an opportunity for fixed investment. It has always been It has not disappointed anyone. The decline of most altcoins has been 10 times from the highest point, and some have dropped more than 90%.

Recently, once Bitcoin has a correction of more than 5%, altcoins are basically 15- A 25% drop is normal, which shows that funds are still in the risk aversion stage, and we still have to look at Bitcoin. Only after stabilization can altcoins dare to surge upward

There will definitely be hundreds of times coins this year, and there will be more. Oh, looking back at the past, there were basically 100x coin projects every year. Capital is very aware of human nature. Without the wealth creation effect, it will not attract more people to enter the market. If no one enters the market, the market will shrink further, and at the same time, the market value of the entire crypto market will be reduced. It will also shrink, so it is necessary to establish several sample cases to further promote the market and allow funds to enter.

In terms of popularity, the crypto sports sector is the trend this year. BA sponsors Lazio, OK sponsors Manchester City, and CB is also deploying in the sports industry. Football is the biggest sport in the world. There are five major Premier Leagues, friendly matches, and various competitions throughout the year, plus NBA basketball and e-sports. It is more popular, more sticky, and has more transactions and faster destruction! J9 is currently the only project that has been implemented as a betting platform, with brand support, so be sure to pay attention to this project!


I wish everyone a lot of wealth! Be sure to pay attention to J9 Coin! ! ! Hope this helps you

⑤ Be careful with these 42 Internet projects! Beware of being deceived

1. Asia Yuan ACU/TACU

After shutting down the Internet, it is reported that it has now been renamed Yuanlefang. Don’t be deceived. This plate has already deceived many people. People, what’s very sad is that the person being deceived doesn’t even know who the liar is! Please stay away!

2. Cloud Mining APP

Recently, some users reported that they were deceived by the so-called "cloud mining" APP. This user saw that he often wrote about graphics cards and pushed a tweet to him, claiming that he could make money by renting graphics cards for "cloud mining" just by downloading an app called "Rui X Mineral Reserve" , and the daily income is 5%.

Currently there are many such apps on the market. In addition to "cloud mining", there are also "pet mining", "walking", etc. They "cut leeks" by inducing consumption.

3. Xinqi Gold

A gold-type fund project, but more naked, so be careful!

4. Pinba Life

According to the whistleblower, the platform currently blocks accounts at will. A team with more than 200,000 points will have all their accounts blocked. The reason for the suspension: It is said to be due to membership fraud. one! In fact, many members did not cheat on their orders, but were only accused of "unfounded" charges. In fact, it’s “killing the donkey”. After all, if some people have a large team, the platform will have to pay a lot of money, so the only solution is to ban the account.

5. Zen Tea Mall

At present, it is attracting people into the trap on a large scale on platforms such as Douyin. The trader is the previous trader of Lian Ruyun. His butt has not been wiped clean yet. It is recommended to stay away!

6. Zhenpin Higou

Zhenpin Higou is a fund disk suspected of pyramid schemes. From the perspective of investment income, the funds invested by users who come in later become the first investors. income, a Ponzi scheme that demolishes the east wall to pay for the west wall.

7. ME Mall

According to the promotion model of ME Mall, this is a mutual aid market to grab orders. In the end, it will either collapse and run away, or it will be cracked down by the government. It will not Have good results.

8. HAM (Harvest)

Recently there is an AI robot project called HAM Group (Harvest). HAM claims to have been established in 2017 and is strictly regulated by the Australian ASIC. AI robots conduct stock index trading. On the surface, it looks like that, but in fact, the packaging is full of loopholes! ! It is a project that was only launched around September last year.

This is a typical quantitative trading fund scam.Many similar projects have been exposed in previous articles, and most of them collapsed and ran away. Something will happen to this project too, so be careful!

9. Alliance Chain

Claimed to be a tourism alliance chain owned by Yicong Tourism, Yicong Tourism is just a fund bank under the banner of tourism. The tourism alliance chain that has just been launched now, Xiao An thinks that we can refer to the original chain letter, which is just a second harvest, and the risk is extremely high!

10. Leisure Farm

In terms of capital, the project party also makes money by letting members watch advertisements. Nowadays, the project party treats members as cattle and horses. After registration, they become the slaves of the project party. , watching advertisements every day helps the project team make money. This is something Mi Le has done to the extreme by restarting Pan Pai Gua Gua, and now it is still half dead!

11. Taylor Public Chain

The name is quite lofty, but it is actually a domestic gang that found a fund pool for foreigners to promote on the platform. The so-called algorithm is very similar to the previous Radar. It is almost copied. How many DAO computing power can be obtained by pulling people's heads? This dish may have been created by the team leader who worked at Radar before. The trading techniques are very immature and the real core things are not there. No care, just a short-lived money trap.

12. GEH Environmental Protection Classic

Recently, the anti-disaster of GEC environmental currency has come out, and the project party claims to be the first overseas code project. After a rough understanding, this is another capital market scam based on the concept of environmental protection. This trader seems to have not put much effort into promotion, and the APP is relatively rough and simple. It is not recommended to use it, so be careful!

13. Bolan Sharing

This project has been warned by many places, it is a rat crossing the street - everyone is shouting to beat it. Some netizens said that Bolan Sharing has started to lock down again. The warehouse and account have been banned! It’s just a bunch of scammers who continue to cheat.

14. General Star

This project is just a typical "mutual aid disk". I reminded everyone several times last year, asking you to be careful and withdraw quickly. I don't know how many of you listened to it. At present, it has completely collapsed, and many members have begun to organize rights protection.

15. CCB ecological digital pass

For virtual currencies, the country has made it clear that they are illegal finance. Be careful with these propagandas!

16. Go take pictures

It will be launched in November 2021. It is basically not popular now. This kind of wiring project is at its peak now that it is launched, and it has collapsed in three months. It has become a routine, there is no need to play!

17. "Search for the future"

A project similar to group buying, claiming to have a monthly income of 40%. This project is essentially just a pyramid scheme with dividends. Please be careful!

18. Shanhe Pavilion

In the name of auctioning calligraphy and painting, it is actually just a mutual aid market. It is reported that the traders are pumping more than 20 million in the background, and it is about to collapse and run away. , everyone, be careful!

19. IH GLOBAL platform

A user on the IH Gobal platform revealed that he had been tricked many times on the platform: the first time he was told that he had to pay 30,000U to trade; You have to pay a personal income tax of more than 8,800 U before you can withdraw cash. This user has really been brainwashed. He was dazzled by the high profits promoted by the platform, so he invested his assets in it again and again. Now it’s time to withdraw money, and he found that there is no fundamental reason. I couldn't get it out. No matter how beautiful the numbers were, they were just a series of numbers. Only then did I realize that I had been deceived. I hope others can learn from this.

20. GEC Environmental Coin

The price has fallen further. Many people who were previously trapped by high positions have no hope of getting their money back. After the five-year lock-up system is introduced, the environmental protection distance The final collapse is just a formality, and newcomers must stay away.

21. Good news on the list

In essence, it is also a mutual aid market to grab orders. This type of project usually lasts within two months, and it can be as fast as one week. You can open a few pump accounts and eat. Players who lose the first wave of payment will run away.

22. Star Power

Judging from the promotional materials, it is obviously unreliable! Please do not participate in all types of mining activities and projects. The current policy is severely cracking down! This type of project is a harvesting scam, please do not pay IQ tax!

23. Elio International platform

Founded in November 2021, it is a black platform. It refuses to withdraw money for various reasons, and even if the tax is paid, it is impossible to withdraw money!

24. ETH2.0 test currency

With the continuous improvement of ETH2.0, the Buterin team once again set June of this year as the launch date of 2.0, but it is false. The teacher has recently seen a lot of scams under the banner of ETH2.0, claiming to have test coins. Do not believe such advertisements, and do not touch such projects. It is a complete scam.

25. Shenmeng Community

The front leg of Pangu Community has just collapsed, and the so-called Shenmeng Community has come out again. It is also clamoring to replace Pangu as the leader. Porsche, Pangu and other The local dog scam is still fresh in my mind. The blood of the leeks has not yet dried, the scars have not yet healed, and the pain has not yet healed.I haven’t forgotten that this divine alliance wants to harvest another wave. If you are stupid and have a lot of money, you can try it. Normal people must stay away, stay away, stay away!

26. DoubleKing

The native dog project also directly touched Dogecoin and called itself the King of Dogs. It has been popular recently and there is not much innovation in the system model. , the circulation volume is also ridiculously high. The most important point is that out of the 10 local dogs now, 11 are direct money-making funds. The shorter life span is a few days or even hours, and the longer one cannot last even one. Yue, now it is no longer the stage of getting rich as a native dog before, but has entered the era of native dog scams. At this stage, try to stay away from all native dogs.

27. Lebo Agriculture

A project with the gimmick of agriculture is actually an out-and-out capital fund, and it also involves the "blockchain" The concept of "chain" and what the blockchain can have to do with agriculture. The fake teacher is really short of talent and knowledge. For this kind of small plate, you can add whatever fire you like. All kinds of popular things are stewed in the pot, and there are always a few leeks on the hook. At present, it is only in the stage of small-scale transmission. If you encounter it, you must stay away, and you must also remind the elderly at home.

28. Five Elements Member

Even though Zhang Jian has been imprisoned for many years, there are still people using his former "products" to defraud him. Recently, another "Five Elements Coin" plate has appeared on the market. It has only been open for more than 10 days. It is trying to attract people in the name of giving away, especially for the middle-aged and elderly people. If there are elderly people at home, they must inform them in advance and give them Install the national anti-fraud APP on your mobile phone.

29. Galaxy Shangpin

According to netizens, a project called "Galaxy Shangpin" is very suspicious and may be a pyramid scheme. At first glance, this project looks like a group-funding fund, so be careful!

30. CN Pass

The dish made by the so-called "blind man Li Moulong in the currency circle", after watching a lot of videos about Li Moulong, I feel that he is just a puppet That’s it. The real trader is probably behind the scenes, a bit similar to Xu Moulian who sits in a wheelchair and directs and brags in "African Mining AMBC".

31. Gravity Life

Look at the advertisement for Rice. Isn’t this promotion very attractive? It’s the same as the Yicon Travel formula for making money by watching ads. In fact, the trick is behind it, so don’t participate in the investment.

32. Gengzhijia

It should be one round every two days. The income in one round is 5.5%, deducting the handling fee of 3.5%, [Trader in disguise If you charge a handling fee, you can drain the market to death, let alone continue to pump water in private] The profit in one round is 2%, and the daily profit isThe profit in January was 30%. When you see this, you will know that this is a complete fund scam. The final outcome must be to collapse and run away, with no other possibility.

33. Zhonghe Wanjia

"Buy gold and get gold free" is an Internet project with a gimmick, a gold fund scam, please be careful!

34. Huaxing Chamber of Commerce

Another auction-style order grab. There are a lot of this kind of plates recently, and the Yunzhijia that was exposed yesterday is also like this. Basically, it is endorsed by some physical company. In fact, it is just a mutual aid scam.

35. Jiayun Yigou

Share profits with customers, so as to provide a better promotion platform, support customer groups, provide convenience to the people, and drive customer groups to start businesses and achieve common prosperity. Realize that everyone can be a boss, a shareholder of the company, and enjoy company dividends. Similar to many shopping mall apps, it is suspected of pyramid schemes.

36. Starlink Friendly Store

Starlink Friendly Store” is based on the slogan of “save money by purchasing by yourself, make money by sharing”, claiming to have “subverted the traditional e-commerce model” . "Xinglian Youdian" is suspected of "pulling people's heads" in the name of "blockchain".

37. Virgin Premium

Promote 4 ways to play, and most Like suspected pyramid schemes, beware of scams.

38. Yunliantao

Behind the high-sounding words, Liantao is still a naked fund scam.

39. Zhuyuan Yongbeida

Same model, pulling people’s heads, suspected of pyramid schemes.

40. Satoshi Nakamoto BTCs

Satoshi Nakamoto has disappeared for so many years Come out just in time for the end of the year, and then open a business for you to make money?

41. Integrated customers

Original stock investment actually does exist, but we can do it in life When exposed to such investment projects, they are 100% scams.

42. Luyun Swish

All e-commerce APP models are suspected of pyramid schemes.

⑥ What does Dogecoin mean?

Tugou is a newly issued coin. Now it is very easy to issue coins on Binance Smart Chain and Huobi Smart Chain. Therefore, since Dogecoin became popular, many Since people issue coins, there must be many scammers. Of course, there are also coins that have skyrocketed. Most coins are called stupid dogs, and the golden dogs among them refer to coins that have skyrocketed.

For example, Recently appeared htm, hodl, msp, grimace (I forgot the English name)), they are all relatively popular golden dogs recently. Of course, being a golden dog now means that it has been out for a while, so it is not yet known whether there are still golden dogs in good condition. I just say that these coins have not gone away. Lu, once popular, is also popular now, and the project side has never run away.

There are endless micro-innovations in the currency circle. Like the above model, it is not only a matter of dividends, but also a mechanism that if you sell, the dividend time will be postponed. In addition, there is a 12% handling fee for selling and buying.

It is 24% every time, so it is not easy to do swings. Another mechanism is to limit sales. If you sell coins, it will affect 0.1% of the overall currency price (it may also be 0.01% , can’t remember clearly), then it can’t be sold, which is the so-called restricted whale model.

But this model is very torturous. The currency price fluctuates too much. Unlike traditional exchange currencies, this fluctuation is just a fluctuation at 20%. After all, there is a 12% handling fee. , so if you want to watch the market or develop the habit of watching the market, then you will keep swiping your phone, every day, to see the price of coins. swiping your phone every day will wipe people out, so be careful.

⑦ Is the currency circle really going to end?

In fact, the currency circle blockchain industry is a very distinct and mixed industry. The upper levels include Goldman Sachs, JP, and A16Z. For top institutions and players, at the lower levels there may be some communities where the vast majority of people have not graduated from elementary school.

The topics we talk about are also completely different. CX, market, and Tugou circle may just talk about buying, buying, buying, all in, opening 20 times, 100 times the contract, which is exactly like the original stock circle. A set of "teacher" tricks to fool leeks. If you have been in this type of circle for a long time, you will often feel that the currency circle is about to end. Because we only look at the currency price here, just like some people only look at the stock price when investing in stocks and don’t look at what the company does at all

So why is the currency circle never finished?

Because there are still many people in the industry who are really seriously studying new finance and the value and real contributions that new technologies can bring to future society, although these people may also like to speculate in currencies. Futures occasionally go against earth dogs. But the topics they often talk about must be value and the future, so they can stay stable amid big fluctuations and have hope for the future.

From the perspective of general trends, blockchain technology can indeed optimize many links in all walks of life, and digital currency technology can indeed make finance more convenient, efficient, international, and speedy. Looking at it this way, after excluding bad factors such as crime, scammers, pyramid schemes, etc., from a good perspective, the whole thing is a benign trend. Under such a big trend, how can it be easily finished?

People’s Daily or Xinhua News Agency, it was said before that in the early days of the currency circle, there were a lot of highly educated people coming in, but now many people are not. In fact, the first half of this sentence is correct., it is true that many highly educated people came in early. However, there are definitely more highly educated talents coming in in the past two years than in the early days. This is just like the price and market value of Bitcoin. It rose a lot in the early days, but the total market value was also small. Now the market value is larger and the capacity is larger. In the same way, now that the reputation is high, more talents will be attracted, but there will also be a lot of leeks. Therefore, it is understandable that some people who have no experience in financial transactions are prone to operational problems without rational analysis

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

㈠ 币圈指标:天地成交量根据同花顺改编(源码、副图)总手=vol; draw(总手,color="white"); zz=ifelse(refBefore(close,1) > refBefo