币圈会不会消失 币圈会不会把钱跌没了

『壹』 人民币数字货币来袭!币圈的世纪骗局还能持续多久

编辑 | 娜美

作者 | 郑铠

来源 | 商业金英


历史 告诉我们,正规军进山,第一步就是先剿匪!

长期以来,顶着区块链,高 科技 的概念到处招摇撞骗的币圈,被称之为中产收割机!


















区块链技术比较复杂难懂,一般人难以理解,认为国家支持,高新技术,应该没问题!殊不知这正中下怀,打着高新技术的幌子,声称公司管理人员核心技术来自清华北大,硅谷中关村,营造大型跨国 科技 公司的声势,利用公众对于区块链技术的一知半解,大肆宣传虚拟币,以暴利为卖点,诱惑公众为“梦想窒息”。


币民轻飘飘,以为可以复制比特币造富神话,在数字货币没有股票涨跌幅度限制的情况下,部分炒币者选择了“赌博式”买卖, 涨了一夜暴富,爆仓倾家荡产。

实际上虚拟币的涨跌根本毫无依据! 由于缺乏国家主权信用做背书,任何风吹草动都能导致虚拟币暴跌,某些币种所谓的优质运用token不属于虚拟币本身的属性,难以支持虚拟币价格,例如Q币,依托的是腾讯公司的兑付信用,而不是Q币可以运用于购买 游戏 装备。

虚拟币市场依然存在庄家操盘。 开发团队通常囤积大部分数量虚拟币,足以利用市场风吹草动大肆打压虚拟币价格收割韭菜,循环收割。

更加血腥的是,某些虚拟币压根就只是交易平台上的一个模拟数字,价格变动可以在后台随意控制。 币民买入虚拟币所花的钱全部流入开发团队口袋,高兴就调高价格,吸引投资者进场,不高兴分分钟暴跌,让投资者血亏。


当然,多如牛毛的虚拟币不可能像主流币那样获得巨额的流量与关注度,因此衍生出了 旁氏骗局式的虚拟币 与 传销式虚拟币 。



以前阵子被公安机关一窝端的币圈最大骗局plus token为例,为了吸引客户,声称最低只要投入500美金,就可以每月为投资者提供10%-30%的收益,一年利润600%,如此明显的骗局, 仅仅只是披上高大上的区块链高新技术就可以大肆进行敛财,通过新进客户的本金兑付旧用户的收益,平台大肆扩张,达到一定就宣告倒闭,卷款跑路,手法与P2P如出一辙。

比P2P更狠的是,还有传销币骗局 ,不光骗投资者的钱,还要把投资者身边的亲人朋友同事客户一起拉下水。通过鼓励客户拉人头返佣,发展下线的方式形成病毒式传播,裂变,最终将受害者整个家族甚至是朋友圈一起拉下水!


更令人激愤的是,由于这种方式涉嫌互联网传销,即便平台破产倒闭,创始人被抓,投资者也无法追回任何损失! 依据法律规定,传销涉案资金将全部充公!参与传销的投资者不仅自己血本无归,甚至还要承担法律责任。




银监会主席郭树清说过: 高收益意味着高风险,收益率超过6%就要打问号,超过8%就很危险,10%以上就要准备损失全部本金!(指年化收益率!!)




『贰』 币圈真的要完蛋了吗












我认为这也是加密行业出现这些大规模繁荣和萧条周期的原因之一。最终,乐观和繁荣的时候到了,在经历了 3 年残酷的熊市之后,在 COMP 代币引发了收益农耕革命之后,人们集体决定是时候再次看涨了。

除了情绪看涨,没有其他的原因 _(ツ)_/



在过去的3个月里,加密市场上出现了大量的垃圾,例如Doggie币,号称10000%年化收益的流动性挖矿代币,到处在CX的ADA,喊着“to the moon”的狗狗币,对吗,伙计们?




游客们正在离开,而那些仍然在这里的人还在这里,因为他们知道事情还没有结束。与 2017/18 年不同的是,这个行业背后有很多我们以前从未有过的积极驱动因素,同时普通民众越来越接近使用加密资产作为他们日常财务的一部分。

所以现在是时候问问自己了:你在收拾行李吗? 还是在深入 探索 ?








所以,拿出你的铲子和斧头,建立自己的营地,深入 探索 。现在是时候让自己定位于长期的成功,而不是短期的快乐。



『叁』 币圈集体崩盘,币圈的未来将何去何从





『肆』 比特币是否能成为未来的世界货币








『伍』 区块链未来会跟互联网走过的历程一样,真正地可以改变这个世界

曾几何时加密货币在人们的眼里就是资金盘 游戏 ,不会产生任何的价值,甚至于有人把比特币誉为全世界最大的郁金香骗局。比如大家都熟知的陈思进。



比如我们看得到的现实:NFT与传统的艺术品结合,可以拍出6900万美金的天价;DEFI已经创造了超过万亿的去中心化金融市场;NFT 游戏 Axie Infinity 单日总收入突破 了4000 万美元,已经超过王者荣耀三倍,我不相信传统的 游戏 不垂涎三尺。还有非常值得期待的web3.0。

加密货币从DeFi—NFT—元宇宙— 游戏 再到现在的web3.0,每一步都让传统资本刮目相看。所以我们看到了一些非常欣喜的变化。




有人说 :用区块链技术革新互联网,可能是本轮牛市主题。




如果说因为加密货币更多地被应用让市场参与主体的心态与目标发生了转变,过去的 历史 可能会有一个改变。




当然江卓尔的观点除了来自于市场上面非常详尽的分析,还有大环境大气候的影响,比如比特币 社会 接受度大幅增加,新冠后的超放水时代,这两者决定了不会有2014/2018深熊,剩下的剧本无非是2013年双头牛市,还是2019年的猴市。实话实说虽然江卓尔无奈转换成了微博 情感 博主,但是其关于加密货币的长期价值投资观点个人是颇为欣赏的。而且多数人也反馈其预测市场的成功率也极高。











#比特币[超话]# #欧易OKEx# #数字货币#

『陆』 币圈将来会不会随着政策监管而消失币圈未来几年会怎么样发展


『柒』 币圈崩盘,币圈未来会何去何从







『捌』 主流国家为啥支持币圈


『玖』 疯狂币圈背后:10万瞬间清零,币圈未来会何去何从







『拾』 币圈崩溃,币圈的未来何去何从




『一』RMB digital currency is coming! How long can the scam of the century in the currency circle continue?

Editor | Nami

Author | Zheng Kai

Source | Business Jinying

However, as the official master of blockchain technology applications, the emergence of RMB digital currency will definitely bring a devastating blow to the wildly growing currency ecosystem!

History tells us that when regular troops enter the mountains, the first step is to suppress the bandits!

For a long time, the currency circle, which has been flaunting and deceiving people with blockchain and high-tech concepts, has been called the middle-class harvester!

It may take many times to win, but it only takes one to lose everything. Except for a very small number of founders who are making a lot of money and getting away with it, everything you look at is a green field of leeks!

In recent years, scams in the currency circle have continued to explode!

The plustoken scam, known as the world's largest cryptocurrency scam, was tragic. 3 million people lost their money and all 40 billion in funds were confiscated.

Zhang Jian, the founder of digital currency exchange FCoin, had 800 million yuan in his pocket and was unable to exchange it and ran away!

TRON founder Sun Yuchen cashed out 2 billion and fled to the United States to have lunch with Buffett. He is called the Jia Yueting of the currency circle.


The poor and fragile middle class thinks they are rich, but in fact they only have a little money. A serious illness, a thunderstorm, and everything can turn around in minutes and overnight. Until liberation!

Desperately pursuing high returns, dreaming of the dream of wealth and freedom, and ultimately becoming a stepping stone for others to achieve wealth and freedom!

1. Why is the development of blockchain encouraged by the country?

Is the currency circle a scam for nine out of ten coins?

First of all, let’s clarify what a blockchain is. Essentially, it is a shared database in which the data or information is stored. It has the characteristics of "unforgeable", "leaving traces throughout the entire process", "traceable", "open and transparent" and "collective maintenance".

Take Bitcoin as an example. Essentially, it is a series of encrypted data (rather than a specific "currency"). The data stored in various terminals are interlocked. When a Bitcoin (data) is transferred from When moving from one terminal to another, a stream of new encrypted data is generated and uploaded to the blockchain (different data endpoints).

Generating monetary value through data transactions. The more sought after the market is, the higher the attention, the greater the transaction value. Its value is more like a Dutch tulip. It only has trading value if someone recognizes it. Once no one cares about it, it may collapse at any time.

The essence of currency is credit endorsement. Sovereign countriesThe ability of domestic currencies to circulate in the market is based on people's trust in the comprehensive strength and exchange capabilities of sovereign countries.

Bitcoin, as the first pioneer in the market, is sought after by geeks all over the world and has set off a craze for virtual currency around the world. However, it is still difficult to circulate and exchange, and it can be called a tree without roots. Bitcoin is still at risk of collapse, so why can mass-produced cat and dog coins become so popular and harvest leeks?

2. There are thousands of deceptions in the world

The one thing that never changes is the greed that takes advantage of human nature!

Blockchain technology is relatively complex and difficult for ordinary people to understand. They think that with state support and high technology, there should be no problem! Little did they know that this was exactly what they wanted. Under the guise of high-tech, they claimed that the company’s management personnel’s core skills came from Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Zhongguancun in Silicon Valley, creating the momentum of a large multinational technology company. They took advantage of the public’s limited knowledge of blockchain technology to promote virtual currencies and use huge profits as a source of profit. Selling point, tempting the public to "suffocate on dreams".

Bitcoin surged 20 million times in 9 years, causing cheap altcoins that surpassed Bitcoin to begin to draw their own grand blueprint.

Coin people are frivolous, thinking that they can copy the myth of Bitcoin to create wealth. When there is no limit on the rise and fall of stocks in digital currency, some currency speculators choose "gamble-style" trading and become rich overnight. , bankrupted and bankrupted.

In fact, the rise and fall of virtual currencies have no basis at all! Due to the lack of national sovereign credit endorsement, any disturbance can cause virtual currencies to plummet. The so-called high-quality application tokens of some currencies are not attributes of the virtual currency itself, and it is difficult to support the price of virtual currencies. For example, Q Coin relies on Tencent’s Redeem credits instead of Q coins can be used to purchase game equipment.

There are still bookmakers operating in the virtual currency market. The development team usually hoards a large amount of virtual currency, which is enough to take advantage of market fluctuations to suppress the price of virtual currency and harvest leeks in a cycle.

What is even more bloody is that some virtual currencies are simply an analog number on the trading platform, and price changes can be controlled at will in the background. All the money spent by Binmin to buy virtual coins goes into the pockets of the development team. If they are happy, they will raise the price to attract investors to enter the market. If they are not happy, the price will plummet every minute, causing investors to lose blood.

Due to the lack of supervision, the rise and fall of currency value is completely controlled by the issuer, and the evil of human nature is infinitely magnified! Such a hugely profitable business has led to a flood of all kinds of virtual currencies. To say that investing in virtual currency is gambling is an insult to the casino’s intelligence.

Of course, there are so many virtual currencies that it is impossible to get as much traffic and attention as mainstream currencies, so Ponzi scheme-style virtual coins and pyramid scheme-style virtual coins have been derived.

3. It is almost certain that

All virtual currencies that promise guaranteed capital and high returns are scams!

Take plus token, the biggest scam in the currency circle that was caught up by the public security agencies a while ago, as an example. In order to attract customers, it claimed that with a minimum investment of 500 US dollars, you can earn money every month. It provides investors with 10%-30% income and a yearly profit of 600%. It is such an obvious scam. Just by covering it up with high-end blockchain technology, you can make money wantonly and redeem old customers through the principal of new customers. The platform expands wildly in terms of user income, and when it reaches a certain level, it declares bankruptcy and runs away with the money. The method is exactly the same as P2P.

Even more ruthless than P2P, there is also a pyramid scheme, which not only defrauds investors of their money, but also defrauds investors’ relatives, friends, colleagues, and customers. By encouraging customers to earn commissions and develop offline methods, viral spread and fission will eventually bring down the victim's entire family and even their circle of friends!

You think you have found a good investment and financial management project for your relatives and friends, but you don’t know that it was you who dragged them into a deep pit!

What is even more irritating is that because this method is suspected of Internet pyramid schemes, even if the platform goes bankrupt and the founder is arrested, investors will not be able to recover any losses! According to legal provisions, all funds involved in MLM cases will be confiscated! Investors who participate in pyramid schemes not only lose all their money, but also bear legal liability.

As of 2019, more than 200 virtual currency platforms have gone bankrupt. Due to the many characteristics of virtualized operations of capital interconnection, the probability of finally solving the case and getting the money back is very rare.

Most capitalists have escaped overseas with huge amounts of bloody harvests, and even changed their vests and re-activated in front of the public as successful people, shouting slogans about suffocating their dreams, while laughing and laughing in their hearts. It's a piece of green leek!


Guo Shuqing, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said: High returns mean high risks. If the rate of return exceeds 6%, there will be a question mark. If the rate of return exceeds 8%, it will be very dangerous. If the rate of return exceeds 10%, you will be prepared to lose all your principal! (Referring to the annualized rate of return!!)

The stock god Buffett has been in the capital market for most of his life, and the average annualized rate of return is only 20%! !

Are you still dreaming of getting rich overnight by investing?

If you don’t want to see your friends and family members being deceived by the same scam. Use your finger to repost to your circle of friends so that more people can see it! Let us work together to expose the biggest scam of the century in the currency circle and make the Internet clean! !

『二』 The currency circle is trueIs it going to be over?

Yes, encryption winter is coming. Should we pack our bags or continue to dig deeper?

When financial markets and paradigm-changing technology collide... things can get weird.

Time is warped. Markets are always trying to price the future, and when disruptive technologies emerge that promise to change everything we know about the world, humans will inadvertently price them in.

In 2017, when BTC rose from $1,000 to $20,000 and ETH rose from $10 to $1,440, people were pricing the future. Investors paying these new pricing believe that 3-5 years of ecological progress is being priced in...immediately.

But financial markets are not that simple. The market is a second-order chaotic market, unlike first-order systems (such as the weather or trajectories of planets and stars), which change their trajectories based on people's predictions about them.

In other words, the market responds to the predictions people give.

This makes the market both a self-fulfilling prophecy...

...and also dooms these people's answers to be wrong.

The market is emergent, born from the collective thinking of individual participants. Prices rise or fall based on the stories and narratives we share with each other.

When it comes to the intersection of financial markets and disruptive technologies, assets are priced based on the shared stories and narratives we tell ourselves.

Ultimately, this means that these markets are largely driven by narrative, and the stories we tell ourselves ultimately determine how these markets unfold.

I think this is one of the reasons why the crypto industry has these massive boom and bust cycles. Finally, the time for optimism and exuberance came, and after 3 years of a brutal bear market, after the COMP token sparked the yield farming revolution, people collectively decided it was time to be bullish again.

There is no other reason besides bullish sentiment_(ツ)_/

Optimism and exuberance propelled the price of Bitcoin into the stratosphere. Start with some basic, solid fundamentals, add a really good narrative, and also be in an industry known for exponential growth, and all of a sudden you have a lot of interested money, well beyond what we started with fundamentals.

It also works both ways. Starting with the fundamental negatives of the industry (Bitcoin energy waste), some concerns about inflation, and a garbage billionaire with a huge following on Twitter, and then, all the optimism and excitement about the future.The excitement has turned into fear of regulation and doubts about actual adoption rates.

In the past 3 months, there has been a lot of junk on the crypto market, such as Doggie Coin, Liquid mining tokens claiming 10,000% annualized returns, ADA everywhere in CX, Dogecoin shouting “to the moon”, right, guys?

These are crypto tourists, they are here just because the numbers are going up, they don’t know why they are going up, but they don’t care.

They come here for excitement and wealth.

It seems like a lot of crypto tourists have left. The supply of new stablecoins is flat, gas fees are at all-year lows, and high-yield liquidity mining is disappearing.

The tourists are leaving, and those who are still here are still here because they know it's not over yet. Unlike 2017/18, there are a lot of positive drivers behind the industry that we’ve never had before, while ordinary people are getting closer to using crypto assets as part of their everyday finances.

So now is the time to ask yourself: Are you packing? Or are you exploring in depth?

If you entered this industry because of the bull market, you may feel that you are late to the party. You feel behind because there is so much to learn, so much you don’t know, and everyone else knows it and you know nothing.

Quiet periods in crypto markets are times when things are being built, this is where value is created. This is your chance to build your knowledge, accumulate long-term positions in high-quality crypto assets with real-world foundations, and network with like-minded people in the industry.

If you enter this industry with the dream of becoming a cryptocurrency millionaire, then if you are quiet If you stay for a long time, this dream will become a reality.

You won't become a millionaire overnight, there is no such thing. But if you stick with it, do your homework, pay attention, and accumulate quality crypto assets, when the crypto tourists come back, you will be the crypto expert that everyone needs in their life.

If you decide to set up camp in the crypto industry, you will be able to see for yourself:

While we can best speculate what these things might beLooks like, but there is no substitute for seeing these things first hand. In order to excel in this industry and become the cryptocurrency millionaire you want to be, you have to experience these things for yourself.

You have to be there when things happen and see yourself when these things happen.

So get out your shovels and axes, build your own camp, and explore in depth. Now is the time to position yourself for long-term success rather than short-term happiness.

Wealth finds expression in periods of irrational exuberance.

And now that the boom has left the market, this is the time to build wealth.

『三』 The collective collapse of the currency circle, where will the future of the currency circle go?

Recently, a piece of news about the "collective collapse of the currency circle" has triggered heated discussions among netizens. There was a lot of commotion on the Internet. So, where will the future of the currency circle go? I think there are three possibilities. The first possibility is to usher in strong supervision. Because the current virtual currency market is unregulated, this allows Musk to manipulate the market at will. Second, the bubble bursts. As the main rise begins to decline, people's enthusiasm for virtual currencies will be greatly reduced. The third is to continue to maintain the status quo. It should rise and fall, and continue to harvest leeks. So what is the specific situation? Let me share my opinion with you.

1. Strong supervision

The first possibility is to usher in strong supervision. This time virtual currency encountered a strong crackdown from the domestic government because it always experienced sharp rises and falls, which led to many people liquidating their positions and losing property. In order to prevent more people from liquidating their positions, the government has chosen to take decisive measures. In the future, fewer Chinese people will participate in virtual currency transactions. If Musk's behavior of manipulating the market were regulated, he would have been arrested and interrogated or even fined ten times.

The above are my opinions on this issue. They are purely personal opinions and are for reference only. If you have any different opinions, you can leave a message in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

『四』Can Bitcoin become the world currency in the future?

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It has experienced nearly 9 years of controversy since its establishment in 2009. As the rain hits, the community is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are paying attention. Bitcoin itself has no value. It is the first and most successful application of blockchain, and it is valuable because it is widely used. Everyone in the currency circle regards it as currency. Bitcoin fully possesses the attributes of currency, facilitates circulation and value storage, and has low management costs.

The definition of currency on the Internet: The theory of currency believes that currency is a contract for the owner and the market for exchange rights, which is basically an agreement between the owner.I give what I have to the market in exchange for what I need, and currency is the agreement for this process. This theory can withstand strict falsification and logical argumentation, explain all currency-related economic phenomena, and has been tested by all economic practices, bringing an end to hundreds of years of debate over the nature of currency.

Currency serves as a medium of exchange, and value and storage have existed long before the emergence of the country, from barter exchange in primitive society to gold and silver jewelry as currency in ancient times to RMB and US dollars in modern society. Currencies such as the euro are backed by a powerful country. The central banks of various countries must serve each government unconditionally. The government is the important endorsement behind the central bank. The amount of currency issuance is also determined by the country. In the event of a metal crisis, the central bank will It needs the support of the government, and the government cannot let the banks go bankrupt. The government needs to maintain the security and stability of the entire country, protect the safety of most people's assets, and safeguard the interests of the country, ultimately forming a virtuous circle. The competition between currencies of various countries is essentially a competition of economic strength. Why is the U.S. dollar so strong? Why can the RMB enter the international market? It is because the country is strong and backed by strong economic strength that the U.S. dollar and the RMB are in the international market. It occupies an important position in the world. The stronger the country, the higher its currency's international status.

Back to Bitcoin, the underlying technology of Bitcoin is blockchain, which is not endorsed by any country. The operation of Bitcoin is essentially controlled by algorithms. People believe that Bitcoin is essentially Trust in the program, and because the price of Bitcoin is highly volatile and unstable, it is impossible to become a legal world currency in the future. If Bitcoin wants to become a world currency, it must meet one of the most basic conditions.

1. Pay taxes reasonably and get support from the government

It is definitely impossible for the government to make Bitcoin legal under normal circumstances, but there is a possibility that when Bitcoin has a big impact With large-scale applications, at least 80% of people are using Bitcoin for shopping and payment. At that time, the government may change its view on Bitcoin and may issue a Bitcoin bank license. We never know when this day will be. will come, and most likely it will never be legal. So far, Bitcoin is still an experiment, and it cannot be said to be 100% successful. It will take time to test what form Bitcoin will eventually develop into. Recently, Bitcoin forked and many new coins were born, such as Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, Super Bitcoin, etc. Will all of them have value? There is a big question mark here, and time will give the final result. Among the coins that have forked from Bitcoin, I think that if Super Bitcoin SBTC can successfully launch smart contracts, it will be an important milestone for Bitcoin and of great significance, because Bitcoin will fork due to different opinions from the community and will impact ratioThe overall market value of Bitcoin, so Bitcoin does not have scarcity, because the current Bitcoin cannot be expanded, there is no smart contract, and transaction fees are high. In the future, Bitcoin’s king status is likely to be replaced by Super Bitcoin, and SBTC belongs to a New experiments.

The future legal crypto digital currency will definitely replace existing banknotes because it is more convenient to circulate, improve the efficiency of space transactions, lower operating costs, and more conducive to storage of value. Big trends in the future. Society is developing rapidly. We should understand new technologies with an open mind, constantly learn new concepts, constantly improve our own understanding, insist on in-depth thinking, and constantly summarize. We must not follow others' opinions and be a better self.

『五』Blockchain will go through the same process as the Internet in the future and can truly change the world

Once upon a time, cryptocurrency was just a money game in people’s eyes. It will generate any value, and some people even hail Bitcoin as the world's largest tulip scam. For example, Chen Sijin is well known to everyone.

More radical people compare Bitcoin to being disgusting and contrary to human civilization. This is Munger’s exact words.

But with the implementation of cryptocurrency applications, facts have spoken louder than words.

For example, we can see the reality: NFT combined with traditional works of art can be auctioned for a sky-high price of 69 million US dollars; DEFI has created a decentralized financial market of more than one trillion dollars; NFT game Axie Infinity The total revenue in a single day has exceeded 40 million US dollars, which is three times more than Honor of Kings. I don’t believe that traditional games are not salivating. There is also web3.0 which is very worth looking forward to.

Every step of cryptocurrency from DeFi-NFT-Metaverse-Game to now web3.0 has impressed traditional capital. So we're seeing some very exciting changes.

I saw a report that after Alibaba, Tencent has also launched NFT, and will sell 300 digital collectible NFTs in the first phase.

Although facing policy restrictions, it may not be possible to trade, but it brings positive signals to the market. Blockchain technology is not air!

Do you still believe this is a complete scam?

Some people say: Using blockchain technology to revolutionize the Internet may be the theme of this bull market.

Decentralization allows the profits of Internet applications to be equally distributed and shared prosperity. I personally believe this with a high probability.

I believe that implementation and application are the ultimate goals of blockchain development. The development of technology canLet the cryptocurrency trading market get out of the traditional bull-bear cycle, and let this market truly bid farewell to the fate of harvesting leeks.

Because the mentality of currency speculation is abandoned, cryptocurrency can be used as a productive capital investment. I think this is the voice of some people in the currency circle, and it also includes many big guys.

If the mentality and goals of market participants have changed because of the greater application of cryptocurrency, there may be a change in the past history.

It is increasingly felt that the blockchain will follow the same journey as the Internet in the future and can truly change the world.

The market has been rising for several consecutive days. We say that there is no market that only rises but never falls. Now market confidence is slowly recovering. Investors will still worry whenever there is any disturbance.

Jiang Zhuoer's article "Do Not Support Deep Bears in the Era of Super Flooding" clearly stated that even if this round is a bear market, it is a short bear market, that is to say, it is not a bear market that lasts for more than a year.

Of course, Jiang Zhuoer’s views come not only from a very detailed analysis of the market, but also from the impact of the general environment and climate, such as the substantial increase in the social acceptance of Bitcoin and the post-COVID-19 era of excessive water release. Investors have decided that there will be no deep bear in 2014/2018, and the remaining script is nothing more than a double-headed bull market in 2013 or a monkey market in 2019. To be honest, although Jiang Zhuoer had no choice but to become an emotional blogger on Weibo, I personally admire his long-term value investment views on cryptocurrency. And most people also report that its success rate in predicting the market is extremely high.

From the data on the chain, both whales and retail investors are buying in large quantities.

Market confidence is also recovering, with the greed index returning to above 0.5.

If the bull market restarts in the second half of the year, every adjustment should be an opportunity for us to buy low.

Even if the worst happens, it will still be a short bear as Jiang Zhuoer said, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Maybe I'm a little optimistic.

Let’s take a look at the trends of Bitcoin and Ethereum

Bitcoin continued to fluctuate downward yesterday, with prices under pressure around 41,500 and 40,400 respectively. Although they rebounded in the future out, but the upward momentum is beginning to weaken. It fell below and moved downward again during the day. It is now close to the lower track of the support area mentioned yesterday. The trend has risen to the 40,000 line and is under pressure. The highs are constantly moving downwards. The early gains are giving up. If the lows are refreshed again in the future, the price will retrace within the day. 38,000 first-line risk.

Looking at the four-hour chart, the Bollinger Bands are open, the price is running in the middle and lower rail areas, the trend remains weak and volatile, and the moving averages are inIn the downward direction, the short-term range is constantly moving downwards. If the low of 38690 is refreshed in the future, the price is expected to test further downwards. I hope you will be prepared in advance. The current trend is fluctuating downward, so when the market does not break through and stabilize at 40,000 during the day, it is recommended that short orders are the main idea, and long orders are supplemented. The upper side suppresses and focuses on the vicinity of 40,000. The rebound allows short orders to be entered nearby, with stop loss at 404,500 and take profit at the 39,300-38,900 area. If it falls below the short-term support of 38690, you can consider short positions and take profit at about 400 points. Consider the 38,000 line for long orders during the day, stop loss at 37,700, and take profit at the 38,500-38,700 area.

Let’s take a look at Ethereum:

Affected by the market yesterday, the upward trend was interrupted, and the price came under pressure to the 2700 line. Although it rebounded many times in the future, No breakthrough has been made. When the trend rebounded to 3660 during the day and came under pressure, the bullish sentiment began to weaken, and the trend retreated into high consolidation. It is expected that the volatile market will continue for a period of time, and the range will focus on the 2500-2700 area.

Looking at the short-cycle hourly chart, the market is under pressure and has pulled back during the day. The current trend is fluctuating around the mid-track. The long and short sides are relatively stalemate. The short-term trend is relatively stalemate, and there is no sign of breaking, so the market is expected to fluctuate. It will continue, we can operate high and low during the day. The upper side suppresses and focuses on the vicinity of 2665, and allows short orders to enter the market. Stop loss is 2700, and take profit is below 2600. The support below will focus on the vicinity of 2560. If there are long orders nearby, consider entering the market. Take profit above 2620.

#BTC[超话]# #欧易OKEx# #digital currency#

『鲁』 Will the currency circle disappear in the future due to policy regulation? The future of the currency circle How will it develop in a few years?

No, because the issuance of Bitcoin itself is decentralized, which is to facilitate some cross-border remittances or transactions. Plus its handling fee is relatively low. It has been more than ten years since Bitcoin was issued, and its development seems to be getting better and better. Everyone's acceptance of Bitcoin is also constantly increasing. In addition, the price of Bitcoin has also been turbulent recently. First, it experienced a drop of $40,000. After the mark, it quickly began to pull back, and it suddenly heated up rapidly. The price fluctuations were still very large. This requires a lot of psychological endurance to accept, so you need to be very strong mentally.

『撒』 The currency circle collapsed, where will the currency circle go in the future?

The currency circle collapsed, and it will be difficult for the currency circle to return to its original hot scene in the future. People who enter this market for speculation will not Too many and a lot of cryptocurrencies will disappear.

After the birth of cryptocurrency, due to artificial hype, the price has been soaring, especially Bitcoin, which has risen to tens of thousands. Many people are seduced by the idea of ​​getting rich overnight and enter the cryptocurrency speculation market, buying large amounts of cryptocurrencies in the hope of becoming rich overnight. However, many peopleBefore people had time to get rich, the crash came first. The currency circle suffered heavy losses overnight. Many people were liquidated and out of business. The collapse of the currency circle became a hot topic.

The future of cryptocurrencies headed by Bitcoin has become a question on many people’s minds.

3. If cryptocurrencies plummet, the market will gradually shrink, and a large number of cryptocurrencies will disappear in the future.

After the popularity of cryptocurrency, many people issued various air coins in order to make money. These air coins were worthless and did not even have actual projects behind them. Therefore, when the currency circle plummeted, the price of this type of currency dropped all the way. , some cryptocurrencies have even been cleared. Many cryptocurrencies will disappear in the currency circle in the future, and people will no longer see them.

The collapse of the currency circle has led people to clearly realize that the currency circle is not suitable for investment and that the currency circle will not develop in the future. If you have any other opinions on this, please leave a message for discussion.

『8』Why mainstream countries support the currency circle

The main reasons why mainstream countries support the currency circle are as follows:
First, the advancement of currency circle technology and development, bringing new economic growth opportunities to mainstream countries and accelerating the pace of economic development.
The second is the development of currency circle technology, which provides more convenient, safe and efficient financial services, and provides new support for economic development and financial services.
Third, the currency circle can realize cross-border payments, provide fast financial services for cross-border trade, realize currency exchange more conveniently, and improve the trade competitiveness of mainstream countries.
Fourth, the currency circle can realize point-to-point payment and provide support for the economic development of mainstream countries.
Fifth, the currency circle can support the exchange and payment of multiple currencies, providing more stable support for the monetary policies of mainstream countries.

『九』 Behind the crazy currency circle: 100,000 was cleared instantly, where will the currency circle go in the future?

The currency circle will not develop much in the future, and the entire market will become calm. Many investors will not enter the currency circle to participate in speculation.

The cryptocurrency market is very hot. Many people have heard stories about people who bought coins and became rich overnight. However, the sudden wealth is accompanied by a sharp decline. Many people enter the cryptocurrency market and encounter problems before they make much money. When it plummets, you lose all your principal. Many people in the currency circle lost their money instantly, and countless people had their positions liquidated.

Behind the madness of the currency circle, there are the shadows of capital predators stirring up the situation. The plummeting prices are affected by regulatory authorities, and the future of the currency circle is very unclear.

3. Cryptocurrencies will fragment and many air coins will disappear.

Cryptocurrencies are divided into mainstream coins and air coins. Among them, mainstream coins are supported by various projects and have strong capital behind them. Air coins are pure money-making games. After many people buy them, the final outcome is to clear them up. zero. After the cryptocurrency plummets, this trend will become more obvious, and many air coins will disappear.

The currency circle will not become a mainstream investment market in the future, and fewer and fewer ordinary people will buy cryptocurrency. If you have any other opinions on this, please leave a commentDiscussion.

『Shi』The currency circle collapses, where will the future of the currency circle go?

The currency circle collapses, the future of the currency circle will return to normal, and there will be no particularly inflated prices.

When inflation increased and people were worried about economic development, Bitcoin came into being. It was born to compete with the existing monetary system. Although there are many loopholes and problems in the development of Bitcoin, this new thing has provided us with great inspiration to reflect on the existing monetary system. Of course, the emergence of every new thing is always accompanied by advantages and disadvantages, which not only inspire us, but also bring many problems to society, such as money laundering, tax evasion and many other legal issues using Bitcoin. We'll just try to fix these issues to make the new Bitcoin thing better for us.

Investors who invest in Bitcoin mining machines should understand their production principles and distinguish whether platforms that can conduct Bitcoin transactions are normal. Any violation of the Bitcoin rules generated based on real Bitcoin mining algorithms is false advertising. Investments should be prudent, and staying rational and sober is the key.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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