币圈是真的吗 币圈是不是骗局

A. 币圈交易所真的很黑心吗

首先你要玩大的交易所,排名靠前的如火币 okex是很放心的,不会跑路;

B. 币圈年轻人现状:炒币挥金如土,生活缝缝补补







编辑: 九歌

监制: 景岁


——大鱼 成都 27岁 最高浮盈1000w



我们本金加起来3万块左右,从2017到现在,最高收益到过千万,但是炒币客的状态很相似:币圈挥金如土,平常缝缝补补。 我们连外面10来块的面条都觉得贵,平常的 娱乐 也就是外出看看电影, 到了生活层面的消费,对标的可就是自己的工资了。

币圈开始有不少屌丝,都是生活上不太如意的人。我们2017年在深圳工作,一线城市的房价真遥不可攀,凭工资想都不要想。当时我老公初进币圈正赶牛市,3万本金很快翻到200多万。但是币圈一天,人间十年,很快又跌到几十万,这几年做了10多趟过山车,起起伏伏大起大落,5.19那天我们利润回吐了大概200万,这样的经历算是习以为常了, 币圈挣的钱,像大风刮来的,会刮来也就意味着会刮走。


2019年我们回成都买了第一套房,当时还没在币圈套过现,首套房的钱就是东拼西凑,当时我们的心态就是什么也不想,便宜就行。后来套了300万左右,又在成都买了一套公寓和一套住宅,这时候就比较关注房子的品质和小区环境。 在大部分同龄人还在为首付发愁的时候,我们不到30岁在二线就有了这些资产,生活上会很从容,这个里面,有很大运气的成分。



金融市场是人性的修罗场。不少玩家尤其是新入局的嫩韭菜,手里的币涨了就认定这是经济领域的革命,跌了,币圈就成了庞氏骗局。 我们每天生活的状态就是工作、下班炒币、研究玩币的策略套路、读项目书,我可能挣一个亿也不会离场,它成了我生活的一部分。我们愿意和区块链的技术一起成长。当然,我们也不辞职,工作才是比较稳定的收入来源。

想入场的新人千万不要借钱炒币,更不能梭哈,最好先亏点钱,心态和技术都需要沉淀,这个圈子里有不少投机行为,但不要成为一个投机者。 如果这是一场赌局,赌到最后都是人心。



——左左 北京 30岁 最高浮盈50w

币圈是把人性放大了很多倍的修罗场 ,24*365不停歇地在路上狂奔,只要赌场还在开门,就一定有赌徒参与进来,狂欢永不眠。


时间不长,当年的9月4号,是币圈的一个标志性事件,七部委联合打击区块链泡沫,币灾从天而降,炒币客被连根拔起。 但过后不久,数字货币就开启了新一轮的蒙眼狂奔。 到12月份,涛哥已经积累了千万收益,潇洒地离开传统互联网,转身去了一家区块链公司。这时候我就想好好研究一下数字货币,最终我认为,这大概率就是个击鼓传花的郁金香骗局,可能是本世纪最大的经济泡沫,但即便泡沫破裂,也足以在世界金融史上留下传奇的一笔。


作为 科技 公司的年轻人,我决定要做一把时代的弄潮儿,于是就投了5万,成为了币圈切身的体验者。

最近狗狗币比较火了,经常在热搜上徘徊,其实4年前就已经有了,当时我还研究了它的白皮书和背景,和狗狗币的创始人一样,我觉得这个东西就是在 搞笑 。 那时候狗狗币一枚价格貌似就一两分钱,很多人不是买的,是挖矿的时候平台送的。 最近doge疯涨,当年的很多人才记起来自己还持有,不少人都忘了钱包密码。

币圈还是很有意思的,当时我买了一款公链的币,最高收益翻了10倍,但我们就觉得要看到1000倍,天空才是极限。币圈不像股市,可以分析一只股票的PB、PE值,从而推导出股价的合理区间。 炒币是基于共识,就像当有1000个人说玫瑰象征爱情,那玫瑰就真的和爱情产生了联系,共识是什么?有时候就是空气。



最近兴起了新一轮炒币风潮, 我们公司有个炒币群,我眼睁睁地看着它几天内从300人变成了两千人。 里面很多技术大佬,也有很多年轻人,不少新人来了就开合约,幻想暴富,结果被多空双爆,他们又嚷嚷着要把炒币群改名为“虚拟货币维权群”,给出各种奇奇怪怪的维权点。在我看来,这是一群心态不成熟的投机者、渴望不劳而获的赌徒,对他们来讲,币圈可能是一个黑洞。




——何文 深圳 26岁 最高浮盈百万





炒币是个心神不宁的生意,币圈波动性太大,会忍不住隔一会就看一眼平台。 要盯价格盯k线,研究是不是做的方向反了,会不会亏损,要不要止损止盈。可能睡觉的时候一个波动,单子就爆仓了。

以前我开单的时候,基本上晚上会醒两三次,3点醒一次,5点又醒一次,这是不需要闹钟的,是生理的应激反应。 这几年,就觉得头发白了不少,也掉了许多。


去年疫情,不少国家放水,大家为了抵抗通胀,不少人进了币圈,加上马斯克的喊单,和各种庄家的舆论博弈,市场情绪显得很浮躁。 作为一个老韭菜,还是想对打算入场的人聊点看法——

投资是挣的认知和认识边缘的钱。 如果你刚刚进场就翻了许多倍,千万不要觉得那就是你的能力了,你可能就是运气好。你不去了解这个行业,不去总结归纳这个行业的规则,不提升自己的认知水平,到手的钱一定会亏出去。就像我18年的时候,总体还是亏得挺惨的。

同时也希望每一个炒币客都能坦然地经历一次牛熊。 熊市来了也不要恐慌,这是一个非常好的买入时机,大部分的投资本身就是挣高买低卖的差价,事非经过不知难,切身走了这一个流程,你才能明白其中的一些规则。




C. 币圈是什么意思
























K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。



D. 币圈是什么


E. 币圈到底是干什么的




币圈应该是数字货币的一个交易交流的圈子吧,这样的圈子应该比较广泛不太好定义,包括金融 财经 虚拟货币交易,也有一些特定交易所,像网上抄的火热的比特币,虽然是虚拟货币但价钱从几千抄到几万美元,拆合人民币听说抄到13万一个比特币,涨幅比较大非常不稳定,但交易都是真金白银的交易,我这答案不知是否我要问的



F. 币圈真的要完蛋了吗


聊的话题也是完全不同,CX,盘子,土狗圈也许聊的只是买买买,冲冲冲,all in,开20倍,100倍合约,完全就是原来股票圈那一套“老师”忽悠韭菜的玩法,如果你长期处于这种类型的圈子,你的确经常会觉得币圈要完蛋了。因为这里只看币价,就像有些人炒股只看股价而根本不看公司干啥的一样


因为行业里还是有很多人是真的在认认真真研究新金融,新技术能为未来 社会 带来的价值与真实贡献,虽然这些人可能也喜欢炒币,炒期货,偶尔冲土狗。但他们经常聊的话题一定是价值与未来,所以才能在大波动中稳住,并对未来抱有希望。



G. 币圈真的凉了吗






5.21日,国务院金融稳定发展委员会召开第五十一次会议,会议表示坚决防控金融风险, 打击比特币挖矿和交易行为然后币圈又开始全线下跌。





所以说现在要冷静下来,不要盲目恐慌 ,币圈还有救。


H. 月赚百万的故事流传于各个币圈社群,事实也是如此吗





I. 进币圈你后悔吗






#进入币圈你后悔吗# 来币圈,后悔吗?呀!都是成年人,后悔有啥用了,难道你还能回到过去不成。反正我是不怎么后悔的,虽然我来到币圈,至今都还是在亏钱。但是我真的也学到了不少的知识,见识了各种各样的割韭菜的套路,有些套路真的太深了,让人防不胜防。要说后悔,我后悔自己进入的时间太晚了,一个暴涨的币都没有抓到,现在不要说是百倍币了,十倍币都没有看到过,错过了好多暴富的机会。币圈,一个天堂与地狱的地方,来了,就都要为自己的行为负责任。


更怕醋墨两相掺,半生苦涩半生酸 。

















J. 币圈交易所真的很黑心吗


A. Are currency exchanges really evil?

First of all, you have to play with a big exchange. Top-ranked exchanges such as Huobi OKEX are very reassuring and will not run away. ;
Secondly, you cannot play with contracts. If the exchange inserts pins at will, your position will be liquidated.

B. The current situation of young people in the currency circle: they spend money speculating like water and make a living.

One day in the currency circle, ten years in the world.

When a currency speculator stays in the currency circle for three or four years and becomes an old leek as promised, will he develop his own perspective on this circle?

The 5.19 earthquake in the currency world, some people are losing millions every day, why are there no waves in their hearts?

Musk calls for orders, various departments supervise, and new leeks come in randomly... 2021 is another year of frequent black swans in the currency circle. For young people Tell me, is this a wind outlet that can blow pigs into the sky? Or is it a black hole from which not even light can escape? Time gives different answers to different people.

This time we invited several currency speculators to talk about their experiences in currency speculation. We would also like to remind friends who want to enter the market first that if this is a new thing, please be respectful and skeptical about it.

The following is the oral account of the interviewees——

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Editor: Jiu Ge

Producer: Jing Sui

Earning nearly 10 million yuan from playing coins, eating more than 10 yuan of noodles is too expensive

——Big Fish Chengdu 27-year-old has the highest floating profit of 1000w

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Blockchain technology is spiraling, digital currency is just one of its manifestations, and our belief is blockchain.

I entered the market in 2019. My husband is two years ahead of me. He is considered a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) in this circle and likes to analyze currencies. He knows the technical aspects of the industry and some financial knowledge, so he is not a complete speculator.

Our total capital is about 30,000 yuan. From 2017 to now, the highest profit has been over 1,000 yuan.Thousands of dollars, but the status of currency speculators is very similar: they spend money like water in the currency circle and usually mend their ways. Even the 10 yuan or so noodles sold outside seem expensive to us. Our usual entertainment is to go out and watch movies. When it comes to daily consumption, the benchmark is our own salary.

There are many losers in the currency circle, and they are all people who are not very happy in life. We were working in Shenzhen in 2017. Housing prices in first-tier cities were so unattainable that we couldn’t even think about it based on our salary. At that time, my husband first entered the currency circle and was riding the bull market, and his principal of 30,000 yuan quickly increased to more than 2 million. But one day in the currency world, ten years in the world, soon dropped to hundreds of thousands. In the past few years, we have been on more than 10 roller coasters, with ups and downs. On May 19, we took back about 2 million in profit. This kind of experience is considered normal. , The money earned in the currency circle is like the wind blowing. If it blows in, it means it will be blown away.

Real estate certificate丨Photo provided by the interviewee

We will go back to Chengdu to buy in 2019 When we bought our first house, we had not yet tried to cash out in currency traps, so we had to scrape together money for the first house. At that time, our mentality was that we didn’t think about anything, as long as it was cheap. Later, I bought about 3 million yuan, and then bought an apartment and a house in Chengdu. At this time, I paid more attention to the quality of the house and the environment of the community. While most of our peers are still worrying about the down payment, we have these assets in the second tier before the age of 30, and our lives will be very calm. There is a lot of luck in this.

Income chart丨Photo provided by interviewees

At the beginning we were in the currency circle In the stage of hoarding coins, I mine on the platform’s mini program. Mining in the bull market is very profitable, and the principal of tens of thousands can be recovered in a day or two. Later, some big guys entered the mining industry with hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, and basically destroyed the mines, forming a kind of monopoly. The currency circle has actually developed very fast in the past few years. The financial gameplay accumulated on Wall Street for decades has been implemented in the currency circle in a few months. With the addition of national-level supervision, the circle is developing in a healthy way. The rules have been established and speculators It may become less.

The financial market is the shura field of human nature. Many players, especially those who are new to the game, believe that this is a revolution in the economic field when the coins in their hands rise. If they fall, the currency circle becomes a Ponzi scheme. The state of our daily life is to work, speculate in coins after get off work, study strategies and routines for playing coins, and read project books. I may make 100 million and still not leave. It has become a part of my life. We are willing to grow with blockchain technology. Of course, we don’t quit our jobs either. Work is a relatively stable source of income.

Newcomers who want to enter the market must not borrow money to speculate in coins, let alone stud. It is best to lose some money first. Both mentality and technology need to be settled. There are many speculations in this circle. Behave, but don't be a speculator. If this is a bet, the bet will be on people's hearts in the end.

The big brother who brought me into the circle,

During the bear market, I went to a fortune teller to ask about the ups and downs

——Zuo Zuo, a 30-year-old in Beijing, had the highest profit of 500,000

The currency circle is a Shura field that magnifies human nature many times. It is running on the road 24*365 non-stop. As long as the casino is still open, there will be gamblers participating, and the carnival will never sleep.

In 2017, at a wine party, Brother Tao talked to us about something called digital currency. At that time, it was still a new concept. Now everyone You may not be surprised to hear this term, but if you heard it 4 or 5 years ago, and someone told you that it could rise several times, you would undoubtedly think it was a scam.

Not long ago, September 4th of that year was a landmark event in the currency circle. Seven ministries and commissions jointly cracked down on the blockchain bubble, and the currency disaster fell from the sky. , the currency speculators were uprooted. But soon after, digital currencies started a new round of blindfolded madness. By December, Brother Tao had accumulated tens of millions of profits, left the traditional Internet in style, and turned to a blockchain company. At this time, I wanted to study digital currency. In the end, I thought that this was most likely a tulip scam. It might be the biggest economic bubble of this century, but even if the bubble bursts, it would be enough to leave a legend in the history of world finance. Pen.

Dialogue丨Photo provided by interviewee

As a young person in a technology company, I decided to be a trendsetter of the times, so I invested 50,000 and became a first-hand experiencer in the currency circle.

Dogecoin has become quite popular recently and is often found in hot searches. In fact, it existed 4 years ago, and I also studied its white paper at that time. And background, like the founder of Dogecoin, I think this thing is funny. At that time, the price of Dogecoin seemed to be only one or two cents. Many people did not buy it, but received it from the platform during mining. Doge has skyrocketed recently, and many people back thenOnly then did I remember that I still had it. Many people had forgotten their wallet password.

The currency circle is still very interesting. At that time, I bought a public chain currency, and the maximum income increased by 10 times, but we felt that we should see 1000 times, the sky is the limit. Unlike the stock market, the currency circle can analyze the PB and PE values ​​of a stock to deduce a reasonable range of stock prices. Coin speculation is based on consensus. Just like when 1,000 people say that roses symbolize love, then roses are really connected to love. What is the consensus? Sometimes it's just air.

During the bear market, the consensus broke down, and my minimum income of 500,000 was less than 10,000.

Brother Tao encountered a bear market, we went to Cambodia to ride a motorcycle to relax | Photo provided by the interviewee

Recently, a new wave of currency speculation has emerged. Our company has a currency speculation group, and I watched it grow from 300 people to 2,000 people in a few days. There are many technical tycoons, as well as many young people, and many newcomers opened contracts when they arrived, dreaming of getting rich, but ended up being bullied by both bulls and bears. They clamored to rename the currency speculation group "Virtual Currency Rights Protection Group" to give Come up with all kinds of weird rights protection points. In my opinion, this is a group of immature speculators and gamblers eager to get something for nothing. For them, the currency circle may be a black hole.

There are really all kinds of life in the currency circle. Brother Tao, who introduced me to the industry at that time, felt like he was prospering during the bull market, leaping across social classes, making various investments, and traveling around the world. During the bear market, the market was very depressed, and large-scale profits disappeared. I even went to a fortune teller to ask people in what direction the currency circle would develop. Some people chase the rise and kill the fall without knowing enough is enough, and even lose money without stopping; some people almost never stop. Just shouting orders can cause a shock in the currency circle.

This is a jungle infested by all kinds of poisonous snakes and beasts. People with a bad mentality cannot become the king of beasts.

I want to chat with a new currency speculator A chat

——He Wen, the 26-year-old in Shenzhen, has the highest floating profit of one million

Musk is an intruder in the currency circle. The bull market is closely related to last year’s COVID-19 epidemic.

When I first entered the industry, I was a speculator. In December 2017, the unit price of Bitcoin exceeded US$20,000Gold, I was really attracted by this price at that time, but the real speculation in gold began in March 2018. At that time, I deposited about 50,000 yuan. I had never touched Bitcoin when I first started playing. For small retail investors, its price was too high, and the increase and decrease were relatively stable. It increased by 10 points a day. It was not popular in the currency circle. I will be satisfied, and I will mainly buy altcoins.

We encountered a big bear market in the second half of 2018. At that time, all the three altcoins in our hands were cut in half, and some fell by 90%. At the worst time, only 4,000 yuan was left out of the 50,000 yuan principal. Later, I worked in a blockchain media company and chatted with some colleagues, and then I gradually understood some operations. This year, the highest floating profit was around one million. When the 5.19 currency circle was bloodbathed, I lost 200,000 in one day, which was actually quite uncomfortable.

This is the first time in 18 years that Bitcoin has risen by 10 points丨Photo provided by the interviewee

Currency speculation is a restless business. The currency circle is so volatile that you can’t help but glance at the platform every once in a while. You should keep an eye on the price and the K-line, and study whether the direction is reversed, whether there will be losses, and whether it is necessary to stop losses and take profits. Maybe there is a fluctuation while sleeping, and the order will be liquidated.

When I used to make orders, I would basically wake up two or three times at night, once at 3 o'clock and again at 5 o'clock. This does not require an alarm clock. , which is a physiological stress response. In the past few years, I feel that my hair has become a lot grayer and has fallen out a lot.

Coin speculators ridicule themselves丨Image Source Network

During the epidemic last year, many The country released water, and in order to fight inflation, many people entered the currency circle. Coupled with Musk's call for orders and the public opinion game with various bookmakers, the market sentiment became very impetuous. As an old leek, I still want to give some opinions to people who are planning to enter the market -

Investment is about making money at the edge of knowledge and knowledge. If you have doubled many times just after entering the market, don't think that is your ability. You may just be lucky. If you don’t understand this industry, summarize the rules of this industry, and improve your cognitive level, you will definitely lose the money you get. Just like when I was 18 years old, I still suffered quite a lot of losses overall.

At the same time, I also hope that every currency speculator can experience bulls and bears calmly. Don’t panic when the bear market comes. This is a very good time to buy. Most of the investment itself is to earn the price difference from buying high and selling low. Don’t know the hard way and walk through it yourself.Only through this process can you understand some of the rules.

The most important thing is, don’t touch any funds or MLM coins. These things are too harmful. The biggest platform is that you can run away at any time. To avoid risks, you must go through formal channels.

(At the request of the interviewee, the characters in the article use pseudonyms)

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C. What does currency circle mean?

The so-called currency circle is a naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation coins, mining, etc.

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-and-mortar, etc. The legal currency in the currency circle is legal tender, which is issued by the country and the government and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

1. Currency token:

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is the digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and a right. An inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the certificate are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to be used in a It flows in the network and can be verified anytime and anywhere.

2. Opening a position in the currency circle:

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

3. Coin Stud:

Coin Stud means investing all the principal.

4. Airdrop in the currency circle:

Airdrop is currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

5. Lock-up in the currency circle:

Lock-up generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a position opposite to their original position. The new position is also called locking, locking, or even euphemistically called butterflies flying together.

6. Coin Circle Candy:

Cryptocurrency candies are digital coins that are freely distributed to users when various digital currencies are first issued during ICO. They are a kind of momentum and promotion for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

7. The currency circle breaks:

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

8. Coin Circle Private Equity:

Coin Circle Private Equity is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

9. Views on currency circle K-line:

K-line chart (Candlestick Charts) is also called candle chart, Japanese line, Yin and Yang line, bar line, red and black line, etc. Commonly used sayings It is the "K line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

10. Brick trading in the currency circle:

Brick trading is to buy digital currencies from exchanges with low currency prices, and then sell them to exchanges with high prices.

D. What is the currency circle?

The 4-hour trend of OS is to shrink downward. At present, the currency price has fallen below the 10 moving average and the 50 moving average, driven by the decline of BTC, indicating that there will be a further downward trend in this range in the future. However, the short positions did not expand, indicating that EOS is still in a volatile market. Testing support in the lower zone 3.5 and upper zone 4. Today, the Huobi EOS exchange was officially put into operation, which has played a positive supporting role in the currency price.
The "currency circle" refers to a group of people who focus on speculation and encryption of digital currencies, and even issue their own digital currency fundraising (ICO for short). It is commonly known as "coin circle" in the industry.
Currency refers to digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. There are also circles, that is, trading circles, friend circles, and social circles. The issuance, trading, and everything related to digital currencies are currency circles.
Coin should be the trading circle in digital currency. Such a circle should be broad, including financial virtual currency transactions, as well as some specific exchanges, such as the hot Bitcoin copied online. Although it is a virtual currency, the price ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. It is said that the RMB has been copied to 130,000 Bitcoins. The increase is quite large and unstable, but the transactions are all real gold and silver transactions. I don’t know if this answer is what I want to ask.
The currency circle is mainly a small circle surrounding Bitcoin and digital currency, mainly including digital currency and digital currency miners, investors and traders. To trade digital currencies, you generally go to exchanges such as bitoffer, which provide digital currency trading services. Financial derivatives also have many new ways to play.
Coin is the gathering place for currency speculation, and the chain circle is the gathering place for various projects, one is investment and the other is financing! They are all about making money, but the money circle is based on individuals, and the chain circle is based on the team!

E. What is the currency circle doing?

The 4-hour trend of EOS has shrunk and gone down. The currency price is currently atDriven by the decline of BTC, it has fallen below the 10 moving average and the 50 moving average, indicating that there will be a further downward trend in this range in the future. However, the short volume has not expanded, indicating that EOS is still in a volatile market, testing the support of 3.5 in the lower range and the pressure of 4 above. In terms of news, Huobi EOS exchange was officially launched today, which has a positive supporting effect on currency prices.

The "currency circle" refers to a group of people who focus on speculating in encrypted digital currencies and even issue their own digital currency to raise funds (ICO for short). The industry is commonly known as the "currency circle".

Currency refers to digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. Circles are trading circles, friend circles, and social circles. The issuance, trading, and related aspects of digital currencies are considered currency circles.

The currency circle should be a trading and exchange circle for digital currency. Such a circle should be relatively broad and difficult to define, including financial and economic virtual currency transactions. There are also some specific exchanges, such as those copied online. Bitcoin is hot. Although it is a virtual currency, its price ranges from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. It is said that one Bitcoin can be bought for 130,000 when split into RMB. The increase is relatively large and very unstable, but the transactions are all real money transactions. , I don’t know if this answer is what I want to ask

The currency circle is mainly a small circle surrounding Bitcoin and a number of digital currencies, mainly including miners, digital currencies, digital currency investors and traders, etc. When trading digital currencies, you generally go to exchanges such as bitoffer, which provide digital currency trading services and a number of new ways to play financial derivatives. You can learn about them.

The currency circle is a gathering place for currency speculation, and the chain circle is a gathering place for various projects, one is investment and the other is financing! It's all about making money, but the currency circle is based on individuals, and the chain circle is based on teams!

F. Is the currency circle really going to end?

In fact, the currency circle blockchain industry is a very distinct and mixed industry. The upper levels include Goldman Sachs, JP, Top organizations and players such as A16Z, and at the lower level, there may be some communities where the vast majority of people have not graduated from elementary school.

The topics we talk about are also completely different. CX, market, and Tugou circle may just talk about buying, buying, buying, all in, opening 20 times, 100 times the contract, which is exactly like the original stock circle. A set of "teacher" tricks to fool leeks. If you have been in this type of circle for a long time, you will often feel that the currency circle is about to end. Because we only look at the currency price here, just like some people only look at the stock price when investing in stocks and don’t look at what the company does at all

So why is the currency circle never finished?

Because there are still many people in the industry who are really seriously studying new finance and the value and real contributions that new technologies can bring to future society, although these people may also like to speculate in currencies. Futures occasionally go against earth dogs. But the topic they often talk about must beValue and future, so we can be stable in the big fluctuations and have hope for the future.

From the perspective of general trends, blockchain technology can indeed optimize many links in all walks of life, and digital currency technology can indeed make finance more convenient, efficient, international, and speedy. Looking at it this way, after excluding bad factors such as crime, scammers, pyramid schemes, etc., from a good perspective, the whole thing is a benign trend. Under such a big trend, how can it be easily finished?

People’s Daily or Xinhua News Agency, it was said before that in the early days of the currency circle, a lot of highly educated people came in, but now many people don’t. In fact, the first half of this sentence is correct. Indeed, many highly educated people came in in the early days. Educational qualifications. However, there are definitely more highly educated talents coming in in the past two years than in the early days. This is just like the price and market value of Bitcoin. It rose a lot in the early days, but the total market value was also small. Now the market value is larger and the capacity is larger. In the same way, now that the reputation is high, more talents will be attracted, but there will also be a lot of leeks. Therefore, it is understandable that some people who have no experience in financial transactions are prone to operational problems without rational analysis

G. Is the currency circle really cool?

Coin Is the circle really cold? Why do you ask this?

On May 18, China’s three major associations collectively spoke out, and the currency circle ushered in heavy regulatory crackdowns. That night, the Internet Finance Association, the Banking Association, and the Payment and Clearing Association jointly issued the "Report on Preventing the Risks of Virtual Currency Speculation," requiring member institutions not to conduct virtual currency transactions, exchanges, and other related financial businesses.

On May 19, the Japanese currency circle was bloodbathed.

Bitcoin fell 14,000 points that day

“Cryptocurrency collapse” topped the third hot search

On May 21, the Financial Stability and Development Committee of the State Council held a meeting At the 51st meeting, the meeting stated that it would resolutely prevent and control financial risks and crack down on Bitcoin mining and trading activities. Then the currency circle began to decline across the board.

It’s so terrifying that the entire market is in a state of panic, which makes people wonder, is the currency circle really cold? Bo Ge thinks not yet! the news isThe news came out at about 10 o'clock last night, and the currency price also fell in response. Bo Ge was driving at that time, and the news had exploded.

Bo Ge thinks it is mainly because of the craziness of Animal Coin some time ago, which attracted a large wave of newbies to enter the market. Two consecutive waves of big bad news have caused the market to be in a panic-sensitive period. Retail investors sold a large number of the coins they held, and the market makers were unable to pull them back, causing the currency price to continue to fall, causing greater panic and a vicious cycle.

And judging from the news, the country just thinks that the currency circle is too crazy and needs to regulate the macroeconomics.

Immediately afterwards, the Federal Reserve issued a statement

So we need to calm down now and don’t panic blindly. The currency circle can still be saved.

The above are personal opinions and are for reference only.

H. The story of making millions a month with virtual currencies has been circulated in various currency circles. Is this true?

Recently, a piece of news about "making millions a month with virtual currencies" triggered It aroused heated discussions among netizens and caused a stir on the Internet. So, can the currency circle really make millions a month? The answer is yes. But there are differences in making millions a month, let’s take a look. The first type is those with high capital making millions per month. These are usually high-net-worth individual investors or institutions. They have large capital and it is very easy to make millions per month. The second type is for low-net-worth retail investors to earn millions per month through high leverage, which is equivalent to borrowing money to buy coins. Third, not only can you make millions a month, but you can also lose millions a month, or be liquidated, etc. So what is the specific situation? Let me share my opinion with you.

1. Earn a million a month with high capital

First of all, making a million a month basically happens in large numbers every month. The most common ones are not retail investors, but investors with high net worth or investment companies. Their capital is large, casually calculated in the hundreds of millions. If it is 100 million, then if they earn 1% a month, they already have 1 million. Some large bookmakers, with tens of billions of assets, make hundreds of millions a day.

The above are my opinions on this issue. They are purely personal opinions and are for reference only. If you have any different opinions, you can leave a message in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

I. Do you regret entering the currency circle?

I like to look up at the sky and enjoy the rolling clouds. Suddenly I stared at the road in surprise and discovered the New World without tying my shoelaces.

Hello everyone, I am Xiaopangchi. I am so close to you at the end of the world. Hello, I miss you dearly. The moon is shining brightly at the end of the world, and I miss you until I grow old.

Yesterday, Bihu was in trouble - Bihu topic launched the soul torture series "Do you regret entering the currency circle"?

To be honest, the currency circle is really a good place. People inside want to get out, and people outside want to come in. I don’t know if the people who went out made any money, but the people who came in definitely came here to make money.

Making money is all about living. It is easy to make a living, but life is really not easy. The world is in a panic, who would be willing to run around if it weren't for the few taels of broken silver, but it is the few taels of broken silver that have broken the shoulders and spines of the world; but it is the few taels of broken silver that have broken the people's shoulders , It has smoothed the backs of so many good men, broken the dreams of so many teenagers, and extinguished so many teenage madness. They all say that raising money is vulgar, but just a few taels of silver can solve the world's melancholy and make parents healthy. Protect the young ones from growing up.

#Do you regret entering the currency circle# Do you regret coming to the currency circle? ah! We are all adults, what's the use of regretting, can't you go back to the past? Anyway, I don’t regret it very much. Although I came to the currency circle, I am still losing money. But I really learned a lot of knowledge and saw all kinds of tricks for cutting leeks. Some of the tricks are really too deep and hard to guard against. To talk about regrets, I regret that I entered too late. I didn’t catch a single coin that skyrocketed. Now let alone a hundred-fold coin, I haven’t even seen a ten-fold coin. I missed many opportunities to get rich. The currency circle is a place of heaven and hell. Once you come, you must be responsible for your own actions.

Mistaking mature vinegar for ink, the half-raw paper will be sour;

I am even more afraid that vinegar and ink will mix together, resulting in half-raw bitterness and half-raw sourness.

The vinegar and ink are overtaken by the sugar, and the sourness has been exhausted. The sweetness is left.

The hardships in life only increase regrets. Look at the world of mortals with a smile like clouds of smoke.

Are there many ways to cut leeks in the currency circle? There are not many tricks, only you can think of them, and there is nothing he can’t do. The currency circle routines have the following characteristics:

Characteristic 1: Networking, “high-end”
< br />This kind of scam mainly conducts transactions and receives and disburses cash through the Internet or chat tools. Some scams are packaged in a "high-end" way to obtain investment quotas for high-quality overseas blockchain projects, claiming that they can invest on their behalf.

Feature 2: Claiming to “only go up but not down” and “high yield and low risk”

Some scams use concepts such as virtual currency and sharing economy to hype, and even invite celebrities to Its "platform" propaganda emphasizes that "currency value only rises, never falls" and "investment"They use various gimmicks to attract consumers' attention, such as "short investment cycle, high returns, low risks".

Some platforms are accustomed to using "downtime", "unplugging network cables", freezing assets and other means to suddenly stop transactions. , investors participating in leveraged trading were unable to take the initiative to close their positions, resulting in liquidation, and ultimately suffered heavy losses.

Feature 3: Lure investors into going offline

Lawless elements use "static "Profit" - profit from currency appreciation and "dynamic income" - profit from developing offline as bait, which not only attracts investors to invest funds, but also induces them to develop offline and induce more people to join. It has the characteristics of illegal fund-raising, pyramid schemes, Characteristics of illegal activities such as fraud.

How can you often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet? When walking in the currency circle, in addition to keeping your eyes open and looking carefully, you also have to use your brain and think carefully. Go feel the taste of leeks. Don’t be sold by others, you are still counting money for others.

Okay, let’s finish writing here today. I am the woman selected by Bihu - Xiao Fat Ruler is the number one doggerel author on Coinhu. Today is the 88th day of Little Fat Ruler’s debut. I hope you will support me. Those who have money will support their business, and those who have no money will support their own business. It is difficult for mountains to meet each other, and between people. People will meet each other. Today you and me are connected because of literature. Tomorrow you and me will be friends. Ever since you saw my generosity, you have made me your friend. Please take care of me.

Verse of doggerel

How difficult it is

Half a cup of turbid wine is sent to the sea, a journey of dust comforts the life,

The whole life is broken and now it is safe, a bowl of porridge is enough Food and drinks.

J. Are cryptocurrency exchanges really evil?

If you make money, you will have fun, if you lose, you blame the exchange. There are many investors, so don’t be surprised. . There are also malicious smear campaigns by opponents, blackmail by the media, and bad news by bookmakers. The worst hackers are Binance, ZB, and ZBG. They are obviously very powerful, but they are hacked. So don’t let yourself be hacked. If you cut yourself, it would be foolish to just listen to the wind and rain.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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