如何入坑币圈赚钱 如何入门币圈

『壹』 新手如何入门虚拟货币市场

首先你要了解可以实现大陆交易的各个平台。想要入场的话,要将人民币买入代币才能进入场内交易 。

注意!!!!! 请了解清楚各个平台的手续费问题。 最近很多投资者充进去的钱取出来就是0, 因为被手续费吃掉啦·~


1. 点击注册账号


3. 认证完之后, 点击法币交易(即OTC场外交易市场)。

4. 依旧是注册, 认证,绑定银行卡或者支付宝

5. 都成功之后,我们就可以开始讲人民币转成币种啦~


6. 选择一个之后,进行交易。


7. 将买到的代币转到币币交易平台


在您买到代币的那一栏选择 资产互转,转到币币交易账户。







『贰』 普通人如何进入币圈一级市场












『叁』 小白进入币圈儿如何选币












以上投资逻辑,纯属是没得办法的办法,应用这种投资逻辑切记不要ALL IN,长期来说还是要遵守不懂不投的原则。但是不懂不投不要理解错了,真正的意思是不懂的情况下,不要投入太多,你一点儿都不投,你很难有动力去研究,那就永远就不会懂了。



『肆』 数字货币让很多人实现财务自由,我想知道币圈应该怎么入门


『伍』 小白怎么入门币圈


『陆』 炒币新手入门全教程


『柒』 新手在币圈需要注意的几点












『捌』 刚进入币圈的小白,特别想知道币圈是怎么玩的


『玖』 普通人怎样进入币圈


『拾』 盘点小白在币圈需要了解的基本玩法

区块链概念仿佛一夜之间火遍全球,伴随区块链而出现的币圈,更是成为造就无数财富神话的沃土。一时间,无论是大户还是小散,几乎所有人都把目光投向了这个圈子,带着大量资金前赴后继地涌进来,生怕慢人一步便会错失良机。 事实上,作为一个新兴行业,许多投资者在对区块链几乎是一无所知的情况下便贸贸然进了场,最终自然也就逃不过被“收割”的命运。既然我们进入币圈都是奔着赚钱而来,那你是否真的认真想过,怎样才能在币圈赚到钱?或者说,怎样在币圈更稳定地赚钱?方法一:项目众筹在币圈,项目众筹无疑是最让投资者感到兴奋的玩法。通过这种方式,许多投资者的资产在短时间内翻了数十倍乃至数百倍,想象空间无限巨大。然而今时不同往日,如今市面上出来众筹的项目数量急剧增加且良莠不齐,当前众筹的项目,破发风险极大,一旦投资失败,极有可能导致投资全部归零。方法二:短线炒币短线炒币,也叫做波段。在币圈,短线炒币是最普遍的玩法,也是大多数人进入币圈解锁的第一姿势。然而,在区块链世界做短线投资无疑就是在赌运气,风险极大。如果你以为跟着某些“短线大神”的K线分析就能在币圈无往而不利,那么恭喜,你离一个合格的韭菜已经不远了,三年之内不亏完算我输。方法三:搬砖套利所谓搬砖,其实就是利用各个币种在不同平台的交易价格不同,从价低的平台买入,再转到价高的平台卖出,这中间的差价,自然就是搬砖所得利润。讲到这里,你以为搬砖就是稳赚不赔的赚钱方法吗?Too young too simple!搬砖其实是一门技术活,由于不同交易所处理提币速度不同,在提币的这段时间,两个市场的价格极有可能发生反转,加上在不同交易所之间提币需要手续费,事实上稳赚不赔的只有交易平台。

方法四:领空投领空投,也叫薅羊毛。为了让潜在投资者获得代币相关信息,一些项目方会经常性地进行空投,往用户的钱包地址打币,由于空投一般是免费领取,这种方式也受到相当一部分用户的热捧。空投看似是一种零成本赚钱的方法,实际上,一些诈骗团伙经常会以高额的空投奖励诱惑人,再诱导用户输入私钥,最后把用户钱包地址上的代币全部转走。由此可见,空投也并非绝对的稳赚不赔。  方法五:投资Kssbtc平台,做稳定理财。


『一』How to get started with the virtual currency market for newbies

First of all, you need to understand the various platforms that can realize transactions in mainland China. If you want to enter the market, you must buy tokens in RMB to enter on-site trading.

Attention! ! ! ! ! Please understand clearly the handling fees of each platform. Recently, many investors have deposited money and withdraw it as 0, because it is eaten up by handling fees.~

The following is based on Huobi.com (https://www.huobi.pro/zh-cn/ ) as an example

1. Click to register an account

2. After registration, perform account security and identity authentication

3. After authentication , click on fiat currency trading (ie OTC over-the-counter market).

4. Still need to register, authenticate, and bind bank card or Alipay

5. After everything is successful, we can start converting RMB into currency~

On the left are the virtual currencies (BTC and USDT) that you can buy with RMB, and on the right are over-the-counter orders. In the price column, the upper number represents the bidder's bid for one token, and the lower column represents the minimum and maximum amount that the orderr can trade.

6. After selecting one, proceed with the transaction.

After confirming the purchase, you will see an interface similar to a chat window (without authentication, no screenshots will be taken). You can send a message to the person who placed the order. If there is no reply for a long time, cancel the transaction and change to another company. The person placing the order will usually reply with his or her bank card number or Alipay account number, and you can transfer the money (don’t forget to note the payment reference number in the right column). After completion, click Payment Completed on the right. Then your USDT or BTC will generally arrive within 10 minutes.

7. Transfer the purchased tokens to the currency trading platform

After completion, click on fund management at the top.

Select Asset Transfer in the column where you purchased the token and transfer it to the currency-to-crypto trading account.

Then click on the currency transaction at the top.

8. Start trading

Click on the asset to see the token you just transferred.

You can start buying and selling the coins you like now.

9. If you want to sell the coins in your hand and exchange them for life coins, please read item 1 from item 8.

Finally, I hope everyone can make a lot of money in the currency circle.

『二』How ordinary people enter the primary market of the currency circle

1. The information in the primary market is usually relatively closed and the threshold is high. Generally, currency friends suffer from the lack of channels to intervene, so needSome communication communities are used to capture market opportunities so as not to miss out on high-quality projects. So how to effectively participate in the primary market of the currency circle?

2. Check the background of the project team. Generally, there will be a project founding team to see if there is any relevant background in blockchain projects, so as to see if there is relevant technology and operations. As for the team's technical strength, it can be obtained from the project side's white paper, community, etc.

3. The investment institution of the project is also very important. It usually recognizes the project and can also attract the participation of well-known institutions in the circle.

4. If the project is planned to be listed on the exchange, if it can be issued on the exchange, it will also be a testimony to the strength of its own project, and the popularity will be high, which can serve the purpose of attracting traffic and expand the price. It's also ideal.

Therefore, the most effective way at present is to subscribe for primary market project tokens through the community. It is very difficult for individuals to enter the primary market. In addition, no matter how good the project is, one must have a sharp eye and have the ability to Risk awareness and rational participation.

How do ordinary people participate in the primary market of the currency circle?

1. The information in the primary market is usually relatively closed and the threshold is high. Generally, currency enthusiasts suffer from the lack of channels to intervene, so some communication communities are needed to capture market opportunities to avoid missing out on high-quality projects. So how to effectively participate in the primary market of the currency circle?

2. Check the background of the project team. Generally, there will be a project founding team to see if there is any relevant background in blockchain projects, so as to see if there is relevant technology and operations. As for the team's technical strength, it can be obtained from the project side's white paper, community, etc.

3. The investment institution of the project is also very important. It usually recognizes the project and can also attract the participation of well-known institutions in the circle.

4. If the project is planned to be listed on the exchange, if it can be issued on the exchange, it will also be a testimony to the strength of its own project, and the popularity will be high, which can serve the purpose of attracting traffic and expand the price. It's also ideal.

Therefore, the most effective way at present is to subscribe for primary market project tokens through the community. It is very difficult for individuals to enter the primary market. In addition, no matter how good the project is, one must have a sharp eye and have the ability to Risk awareness and rational participation.

『三』How does a novice choose coins when entering the currency circle?

How does a novice in blockchain investment make decisions when entering the currency circle? In the beginning, there was almost no good solution. Just listen to the big guys. It is impossible for you to understand it and then buy it in a short time. Prepare some spare money (money that won’t affect your life if it goes to zero), see what currencies the big guys recommend, and then invest some. Since you are asking others to help you make decisions (you still have to be responsible for the outcome), you must find someone you feel comfortable with.

The first investment logic is to follow the investment

Personal experience is that I only learned about blockchain after studying the column "The Road to Freedom of Wealth", so of course Li Xiaolai is relieved But even if it’s the currency he mentioned, you’d better find out why he invested in that currency. If you confirm that he invested in that currency because he thought it was valuable, and you followed suit, that’s okay, he will. You made a mistake in judgment, and you admit it (Mr. Xiaolai has reminded him more than once that some of his investments are social investments, which are investments made only after the relationship is established and there is no other way out; there are also some investments that are purely for fun, such as If you don’t invest any more coins, please don’t follow me). Therefore, even if you follow the investment, there must be a basic logic. What currencies did he mention? Needless to say, Bitcoin, followed by EOS, ZEC, Gongxinbao, Quantum Chain, Xin, SIA, etc., and other small currencies will not be listed one by one. As a newcomer, don’t buy so many varieties at once.

Jinma is a very down-to-earth person and will teach you the allocation ratios, BTC: 40%, EOS: 30%, ETH: 20%, ZEC: 5%, BCH: 5%. If you are a person who studies the column together, you must trust and understand Jinma. Since he said this, he must have allocated most of his funds in this way, because the people in the column, especially those who are good at it, value trust the most. . In addition, from the perspective of the person in charge, the allocation ratio currencies he recommended are all big white horses, and they are all implemented projects that have passed the test of time.

I know Lao Mao (known as Uncle Cat in the world) through Jinma. Why do I know him? If you are a person who has entered the Jinma community from the beginning, Jinma will recommend Uncle Mao’s official account and related information. Buy all the courses and read them all. Once you have a foundation, you can take them with you later. Later, someone in the circle directly copied all the articles on Uncle Cat's official account and printed them into a complete collection of Uncle Cat, which was more convenient. The complete collection of Uncle Cat basically records all of Uncle Cat’s experiences from entering the industry to now. After reading the entire process, you can also learn that some currencies are recommended by Uncle Cat. For example, BTC, ETH, ZEC, DGD (Uncle Mao calls him the retirement product, that is, if you buy it, don’t look at the price, and check it again after at least 3 years), Gongxinbao, Quantum Chain, and there are many articles in it that he is optimistic about The thinking logic of certain varieties and not being optimistic about certain varieties.

Then join some other communities, and from time to time you can participate in some online sharing (charged), get in touch with other people, and see which varieties they mention most. For example, at the end of last year, Mr. Bao Erye (who was born as a beef seller, and according to Mr. Xiaolai, he now lives in the largest house and drives the most expensive car in the United States) shared some of his own experiences, and finally taught Xiaobai how to judge the right choice. Which coins should I buy, BTC and ETH? Why? The reason is very simple. What coins are raised by so many ICO private sales? As far as I know there are only three types of BTC, ETH, and EOS.

The second investment logic is to look at the market

The logic of the Internet is that the strong will always be strong. If it exists for a long time and the price is high, it is worth investing in. In the long run, , there is a high probability that it will become more and more valuable (I am talking about high probability, everything is possible), such as BTC and ETH.

The third investment logic is to look at the depth of the transaction

I overheard this trick from a friend. He actually doesn’t understand blockchain, or even investment. One day I asked him, how do you choose coins? He said it depends on the depth of the transaction. I continued to ask, what do you think? He said that if you look at the exchange, which coins are traded the most, there are more people placing orders and more people buying them. Damn it, why have I never made such a choice, but later Mr. Xiaolai did say at an offline conference that trading depth can indeed be used as one of the judging criteria. However, the trading depth can be faked, and many platforms will fake orders. Therefore, when looking at the trading depth, it is also necessary to look at the depth of the exchange, such as the previous Yunbi and the current Bigone. If you don’t understand other exchanges, you can’t judge.

The currencies (BTC, ETH, EOS) selected through these three methods, personal experience (I started in July 2017) so far, are still very good. Even in the current bear market, the prices of these three currencies are still much higher than those in the 2017 bear market.

The above investment logic is purely a last resort. When applying this investment logic, remember not to ALL IN. In the long run, you still have to abide by the principle of not investing if you don’t understand. But don’t get it wrong if you don’t invest if you don’t understand. The real meaning is don’t invest too much if you don’t understand. If you don’t invest at all, it will be difficult for you to have the motivation to study, and you will never understand.

PS: When entering the currency circle, it actually takes a lot of time to familiarize yourself with various exchanges, operate various wallets, and learn to keep your own assets. I have experienced this once. When I signed up for Bigone, I forgot to record the Google verification key. I later learned that if I lost my phone, I would never be able to log in to my account, and the coins in it would be gone forever. Then I re-registered an account and transferred all the coins in this account to another account. The process was also very painful. Not to mention the handling fee, some currencies cannot be transferred and can only be transferred to other platforms, which is also very troublesome. Damn, if there are too many currencies, the handling fees will cost a lot. However, I realized over time that my worries were a bit unnecessary, and it could still be solved by submitting a work order. Now BigOne has also improved the function of unbinding Google verification. In short, before you truly learn to analyze the value of certain currencies, there are still many operational pitfalls waiting for you to step on. Just put the currency on the exchange. If it is stored in the wallet, many security measures will take a lot of time.

More content will be shared later.

『四』Digital currency has allowed many people to achieve financial freedom. I want to know how to get started in the currency circle

It is easy to get into the currency circle. Just find a large trading platform and open an account. I suggest you Go to OKEx exchange, the security is the best in the industry. After opening an account, first practice with a small amount of money to learn some basics, such as what is going on with fiat currency transactions, withdrawals and deposits. After you have a basic understanding, you can then go to various Bitcoin websites to slowly learn trading techniques and strategies.

『Wu』 How to get started in the currency circle for beginners

Be careful of MLM scams. Many virtual currencies are pyramid schemes and scam organizations. It is best to first understand whether the virtual currency you want to invest in is a pyramid scheme.

『Lu』 A complete tutorial for beginners in currency speculation

1 , Estimate the prospects and collect opinions
2. Open an electronic wallet for storage
3. Choose different transaction methods
4. Prepare documents and apply for account opening
5. The risk is extremely high and cannot be ignored
[Extended Information]
What are the techniques for currency speculation?
1. Use spare money for investment, and avoid borrowing money to speculate in coins—_Invest money + investment energy
2. Strictly screen value coins and make a realistic and reasonable fund allocation plan—_Yanyang Investment Strategy< br>3. Cover-up - It is normal for there to be a correction after entering the market, so funds should be allocated reasonably and intervene in batches.
4. Refuse to fill a full warehouse, allocate positions reasonably, and do not put eggs in one basket to effectively reduce risks.
5. Look in all directions - read more currency news, the latest financial news, know early, understand early, and make money early.
6. Think reversely, do not fight against the dealer or the market, just let nature take its course and follow the trend.
7. When opening a contract, if you are not satisfied with the position, the multiple is 20-50. Do not use 100 leverage easily. You do not seek to get rich overnight, but seek steady profits.
8. Control your own profits - managing your own positions is more important than anything else. If you are not sure, don't operate easily. If you don't operate, there will be no risk and you will not lose money. If you have nothing to do, take a closer look at your assets. Whether there is management and whether it is managed reasonably.
For investors, the most important thing when speculating in currencies is not to follow the trend. There are many novices in the currency circle who have just started speculating in currencies. When I saw in the group, some people said to sell, and if they don’t sell, the price will plummet. Follow the operation immediately. This operation is actually the stupidest, because many people either have no goods at all, or they are fooling newbies in the currency circle, creating panic and making you smash the market, that is, letting you ship at a low price. Some people can't stand the fear and quickly sell all the goods in their hands. After you sell, those people will pick up the goods at a low price. If you sell at a low price, you will lose money. The banker and the people who created panic will buy the goods at a low price. The one who accepts the goods at the lowest price will make money. What others give when speculating on stocks is always just advice. The key is to make your own judgment.

『撒』 Several points that novices need to pay attention to in the currency circle

The currency circle is the most testing place for human nature. Many people have said that investment is anti-human. Bi Lao agrees very much, and some people have said that the money you earn from investing is the money you can make for you.The reward for being anti-human, yes. All these experiences are also conveying a message. Investment in the currency circle is also a place that requires real money to grow. It is extremely difficult to become a qualified investor without stepping on a few big pitfalls and losing a little money. It is extremely difficult to make money. , just like when we were learning to swim when we were young, we couldn’t learn well without drinking a few sips of water. But we can strive to make fewer mistakes and lose less. If we make a mistake once, we will sum up our experience and never fall in the same place a second time. This is what a truly high-quality investor should do. Of course, the market will definitely reward you with a generous sum of money for this excellent investment behavior. Remuneration, of course, is all another matter.

1. The risk of sudden rise and fall in currency prices

Risks arise from rising prices.

The currency price rises and falls sharply, and people with a weak heart and poor ability to withstand stress are not recommended to come to the currency circle. For newcomers, it is basically the tail end of the bull market when they come in. It looks like it will be a bear market a year later. You can just invest a part of your income that you can afford to lose every month. Even if you are at the tail end of the bull market, you still need to reverse your losses. If you want to find a way to make money and accumulate chips in a bear market, you must also use this method.

In the bull market, when the price breaks the previous high, you can basically ship in batches. As long as you temporarily give up your IQ, believe in the market's choice, and make money in the cycle, you can avoid Such risks. If you have identified the general trend of digital currency, you can make money whether you choose Bitcoin or Litecoin.

2. Risks of currency custody

Regarding the issue of currency custody, I contact a person in the currency circle every week. The interview content includes such a question, what is your current situation? What is the custody method of digital assets? Most people choose to put it on the exchange.

When our digital assets have not reached a certain level, such as below 100,000, and we are relatively lazy, I think we can choose to put them in a few large and reliable transactions. Therefore, be careful to store them separately, not just in one or two stores. Binance, OKex, and Huobi store them selectively. Even if a certain company is hacked or runs away, you still have most of your assets and the risk is relatively low.

3. Transaction risk

The risk of transaction mainly comes from the money you receive from selling coins. If it involves money laundering, your bank card will be frozen by the judiciary.

In a bear market, you must learn to use a little money to operate short-term operations, including selling coins, and you must also learn various trials and errors. It is a very troublesome matter for a bank card to be frozen by the judiciary. It can take half a year or several years. If a large amount of your funds are on the card, the loss will be unimaginable. Because the currency price rises and falls so much, you put the money on the card. If you can't move, then you really give up.

『8』 A newbie who has just entered the currency circle, especially wants to know how the currency circle works

The currency circle andThe stock market is similar. If you dare to think and act, you can sell at a high price and earn at a low price. There are many projects in the currency circle now, and the risks are also very high. I hope you can think about it clearly

『九』How do ordinary people enter the currency circle


Ordinary people cannot enter the currency circle.
The currency circle has the characteristics of decentralization, globalization, and anonymity. Transferring Bitcoin to the other side of the world is as simple, low-cost and unrestricted as sending an email. Bitcoin is therefore used in cross-border trade, payment, remittance and other fields.
Different jurisdictions in the currency circle are considering what measures to take, and the methods are also different: some smaller countries, such as Zimbabwe, have just made some hasty statements, which will make people doubt the legality of Bitcoin.

『Shi』 Take stock of the basic gameplay that novices need to know in the currency circle

The concept of blockchain seems to have spread all over the world overnight, and the currency circle that emerged with the blockchain, It has become a fertile ground for creating countless wealth myths. For a time, almost everyone, whether they were large investors or small investors, set their sights on this circle, pouring in with large amounts of capital, fearing that if they were slow, they would miss the opportunity. In fact, as an emerging industry, many investors have entered the market hastily without knowing almost anything about blockchain, and in the end they will naturally not escape the fate of being "harvested". Since we all enter the currency circle to make money, have you really thought about how to make money in the currency circle? In other words, how to make money more stably in the currency circle? Method One: Project Crowdfunding In the currency circle, project crowdfunding is undoubtedly the most exciting method for investors. In this way, the assets of many investors have increased dozens or even hundreds of times in a short period of time, and the space for imagination is infinite. However, today is different from the past. The number of crowdfunding projects on the market has increased sharply and the quality is mixed. The current crowdfunding projects have a great risk of failure. Once the investment fails, it is very likely that all investments will be lost. Method 2: Short-term currency speculation. Short-term currency speculation is also called swing. In the currency circle, short-term currency speculation is the most common way to play, and it is also the first step for most people to enter the currency circle to unlock. However, making short-term investments in the blockchain world is undoubtedly gambling on luck and is extremely risky. If you think you can succeed in the currency circle by following the K-line analysis of some "short-term masters", then congratulations, you are not far from being a qualified leek. If you don't lose money within three years, I will lose. Method 3: The so-called arbitrage of moving bricks. In fact, it is to take advantage of the different transaction prices of each currency on different platforms. Buy from the platform with a lower price, and then sell it to the platform with a higher price. The price difference in the middle is naturally the price difference between the two currencies. Profit from bricks. Speaking of which, do you think that moving bricks is a sure-fire way to make money? Too young too simple! Moving bricks is actually a technical job. Since different exchanges process currency withdrawals at different speeds, during the period of currency withdrawals, the prices of the two markets are very likely to reverse. In addition, it takes time to withdraw currency between different exchanges. As for handling fees, in fact, only the trading platform can make a profit without losing money.

Method 4: Receive airdrops Receive airdrops, also called harvesting wool. In order to allow potential investors to obtain token-related information, some project parties will regularly conduct airdrops and transfer coins to users' wallet addresses. Since airdrops are generally free of charge, this method is also popular among a considerable number of users. Airdrops seem to be a way to make money at zero cost. In fact, some fraud gangs often lure people with high airdrop rewards, then induce users to enter their private keys, and finally transfer all the tokens in the user's wallet address. It can be seen that airdrops are not absolutely guaranteed to make money without losing money. Method 5: Invest in the Kssbtc platform for stable financial management.

The safest way is to join a blockchain company, invest in projects, and follow the team! KssBit's one-stop digital currency fund redemption platform KssBit integrates quantification, strategy, AI arbitrage, Defi, ETF and other comprehensive profit-making fund platforms. The platform supports BTC, USDT, and ETH currency-based financial management, providing sustained income and surviving bull and bear markets. At the same time, there are a variety of funds to choose from, which are robust and aggressive to meet the needs of different users. All funds can be deposited and withdrawn at any time, with real-time settlement. No lock-up, irregular period, flexible and convenient. This is the most stable and realistic way to "make sure you make money without losing money" at the moment!

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 比特币一天可以交易几次一天可以交易无数次的吧,只要你有钱。但是我没有试过,我最多就是一天操作三次,但是应该也要看平台的,有些平台可能会有规定一天不能操作多少次的,所以还是得看你选的是什么平台。Ⅱ