filecoin 冷钱包 冷钱包怎么挖矿

① 数字货币钱包大全,该用哪个钱包,看完这篇就够了



一、私钥种子层层加密 物理隔绝永不触网









② 近几个月投资比特币的朋友都说赚钱了,这个怎么投资的呀




③ web3钱包挖矿是骗局钱可以追回吗


④ 用库神冷钱包的人多吗好不好用







1、库神钱包采用分层确定性 (Hierarchical Deterministic,简称HD)技术方案,会根据用户所处环境随机生成种子密码,并设置有支付密码,双重密码防护,由种子密码联合支付密码共同生成不同币种的私钥。




⑤ 提币到冷钱包资产越多旷工费就越高吗



同样的也要转到trc20的usdt地址,但需要使用trx这个币作为能量费,所以你需要往持有该usdt的trc20地址充入10个trx可能多了,但是保险从imToken转账到imToken要扣手续费吗 比特币以太坊等钱包转账都需要支付矿工费,只不过;选Bitop钱包呢,我和我身边好几个朋友都在用,Bitop钱包有华语服务,支持上百款热门币种实时存储和转账。

imToken私钥自持,安全进一步保障不足imToken只支持基于ETH主链的数字货币,像BTCCTC这种自有公链的代币不能存放转账时只支持ETH作为手续费,存在一定局限性比特派 比特派钱包是由比太团队研发的新一代区块链资产综合;可以降低手续费USDT现在有三种,一种是基于Omni链的,一种是基于以太坊ETHERC20链的,还有一种是基于波场TRONTRC20链的目前较大的交易所都已经支持这三种格式的USDT的提现和充值,办法就在这里,使用这三种格式的USDT提。


你好,imtoken钱包互转要手续费的imtoken转账是用以太坊作为手续费的,因为以太坊有溢价,作为手续费对项目方更有利imtoken是数字货币的一种,数字货币简称DC,是一种电子货币形式的替代货币 数字金币和密码货币都属于。


一基础型在以太坊中, 你给出的矿工费越高, 交易打包的速度就越快, imToken 提供了可以快速调节矿工费的滑竿功能, 通过滑动滑竿, 可以快速设置矿工费 在以太坊转账界面点击”矿工费用”, 滑动滑竿调节矿工费即可im。







⑥ PoS挖矿设计的原理是什么解秘pos挖矿需不需要配专门挖矿的电脑



POW挖矿验证公式是:Hash(BlockHeader)< 全网难度目标










第三,虽然我们知道比特币BTC是一个永远不会通货膨胀的体系,因为它的货币总量表面看起来是固定的,但真实情况是: 比特币其实是一个通货紧缩的体系。因为,当我们重装了系统,或者忘记了钱包密钥时,我们会永远无法再拿回钱包里的钱,这意味着,每年都会有一些比特币随着钱包的丢失而永远被锁定,这就形成了实质上的通货紧缩,也许在五十年后,有效的比特币,将会只剩下一千万个。



⑦ 2018最新的挖矿教程谁有









⑧ 币圈的PoS挖矿和PoW挖矿有什么区别


⑨ POS挖矿收益利率是怎么样如何避免pos挖矿的风险





币龄=矿工质押的代币总金额 *代币持有时间








⑩ 无限币有没有冷钱包

1.两部没有 Root 刷机过,你认为非常安全的手机。

2.两部手机都要从 或者 App Store 上下载最新版的 imToken。

3. 将其中一部手机关闭 Wifi,并开启飞行模式,作为冷钱包。这部手机一定要断网, 因为是存有你私钥的设备。



注: 使用你的联网手机是热钱包,用来观察钱包,未联网手机作为冷钱包用作离线签名授权。

① A complete list of digital currency wallets, which wallet should be used, just read this article

In terms of storage and mining, I recommend and data The core advantages of hardware wallets and Jiajiabao smart home mining machines are only two words: security.

Take Heshu hardware wallet as an example. The advantages of Heshu hardware wallet are:

1. The private key seed is encrypted and physically isolated and never touches the Internet

First of all, when creating the wallet, the seed password is generated and stored in the local encryption chip. And it is mandatory to set a 10-digit payment password.

Then, the transaction is formed in the wallet. At this time, the user is required to enter the payment password to obtain the private key to digitally sign the transaction, and the transaction is completed. In addition, the private key seed is permanently stored in the chip and is physically isolated and never touches the Internet. I no longer have to worry about my password being stolen by hackers.

2. The bank system verifies the financial-grade motherboard and encryption chip

The bank system is used to verify the financial-grade motherboard, and the private key seed is stored in the chip. If the product is stolen or lost, or is damaged by malicious violence, the self-destruct circuit inside the chip will be triggered and all information in this area will be immediately and permanently deleted irrecoverably.

3. Support withdrawals from Bitcoin ATMs around the world, with instant payment, which is convenient and fast.

The reason why digital assets have attracted the attention of many areas around the world is that it is creating a global fast circulation, and the larger the circulation area, the wider the scope, and the higher its use value. The core of digital assets is that it acts as an intermediary between currencies of various countries. Heshu Wallet has built-in many of the world's mainstream exchanges, allowing you to trade digital assets anytime and anywhere. With one machine in hand, you can travel around the world without worrying about exchanging foreign currencies.

4. Multi-party co-signature management of assets

Unlike conventional digital wallets, multi-signature wallets require authorization from multiple key holders to transfer digital currencies, so Heshu Wallet The security is higher. Ordinary wallet: A wants to transfer a Bitcoin to X. A only needs his own signature (using a private key) to complete the transaction. Heshu Wallet: A wants to transfer a Bitcoin to key). Hope can help you. Thanks!

② Friends who have invested in Bitcoin in recent months have said that they have made money. How did you invest in this?

As a blockchain researcher, I often encounter many new people asking questions. to this question. In fact, there are currently two main ways to obtain Bitcoin. The first is to purchase it directly from the corresponding digital currency exchange; the second is to mine and obtain Bitcoin yourself.

Let’s talk about mining first. Mining is currently the main way to obtain Bitcoin, but the current threshold for mining is relatively high. If you choose to mine by yourself, you first need to understand certain technologies, then download the Bitcoin client and follow the instructions on the websiteUse the Bitcoin mining tutorial on the website to mine yourself.
However, please note that in theory, Bitcoin can still be mined using computers or graphics cards. However, due to the development of mining in recent years, the current computing power of Bitcoin’s entire network is extremely terrifying (exceeding supercomputers) , so if you want a computer or graphics card for mining, you basically can’t mine Bitcoin. If you want to mine Bitcoin, you still need to buy a mining machine. The better mainstream mining machines on the market now cost tens of thousands. Of course, there are also cheap second-hand mining machines, but these second-hand mining machines are obsolete mining machines, and the electricity cost for mining is relatively high.

As for the second direct purchase method, digital currency exchanges are places that specialize in Bitcoin transactions. If you want to own a Bitcoin, just use money to purchase it there. However, it should be noted that there are currently many digital currency exchanges on the market, and many small exchanges specialize in cutting off users and taking losses from them. Therefore, when choosing an exchange, it is best to focus on the top exchanges. For example, I have been using Hufu Exchange, one of the leading exchanges in China, for the past two years and it is still very stable and safe.

③ Is web3 wallet mining a scam? Can the money be recovered?

Yes. Web3 wallet mining is a scam and the money can be recovered. The money defrauded is more than 3,000 yuan and it is criminal fraud, constituting the crime of fraud. At the same time, if the other party's person and account are in China, it is very likely that the money can be recovered. Back. The web3 wallet is a digital wallet used to store digital assets such as tokens and NFTs. The encryption wallet and web3 wallet we often hear are the same thing, but they are called differently.

④ How many people use Kushen cold wallet? Is it easy to use?

Many people who are mining have bought a Kushen cold wallet. For safety, this product hardware and The software is combined, the hardware ensures safe storage, and the software can query real-time storage.

Kushen Wallet provides blockchain asset security solutions. The private keys of digital assets based on digital signatures do not touch the network, avoiding the risk of private keys being stolen by network hackers. Kushen Wallet needs to be used in conjunction with a hardware cold wallet. The two transmit information through QR code images or NFC functions.

However, some users said that if the Kushen wallet is lost or broken, and there is no backup of the mnemonic phrase, private key, or the seed password and payment password of the Kushen wallet, these Bitcoins will be equivalent to " Lost” because they can no longer be used. Decentralized wallets, while having absolute control over encrypted assets, also require users to bear the risk of losing or leaking mnemonic phrases, private keys or passwords.

Once there is a problem with the device, you need to contact customer service as soon as possible. When you get a new wallet device, you only need to import the private key, or mnemonic phrase, or related password, and you can restore the previous wallet. , got back the original assets. So, be sure to remember to back up more.

(4)FiiiPOS cold wallet mining extended reading

When using Kushen Wallet, you need to pay attention to the following issues:

1. Kushen Wallet adopts Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) technical solution, which will randomly generate seeds according to the user’s environment. Password, and set up a payment password, double password protection, the seed password and payment password jointly generate private keys of different currencies.

2. The seed password is not stored in plain text on the wallet device, but is encrypted and stored using the payment password. Therefore, even if the wallet hardware device is lost, others cannot directly obtain the private key. Based on this, it is recommended to set a strong Level payment password.

3. You must have both the seed password and the payment password to control the assets in the wallet. If you lose your seed password or forget your payment password, your assets will never be recovered.

4. Please be sure to back up the seed password and keep it properly. Do not show it to others, and do not enter it on any web page. It is recommended to copy it on paper, do not store it electronically, and do not copy it. to the clipboard (some software will access the clipboard), and do not save on an internet-connected device.

⑤ The more assets you withdraw to the cold wallet, the higher the absenteeism fee

You can choose a POS machine with a relatively low handling fee, and there are POS machines from different banks and different companies. The machine rates are all different, there are rates of 038%, 04%, 05%, 078%, 12% and other rates, and there are also capped machines with a cap of 253,035 yuan. The handling fee is stipulated by the central bank, and the fee implemented by UnionPay is generally divided into 038%

You can choose POS machines with relatively low handling fees. Different banks and different companies have different POS machine rates, including 038%, 04%, 05%, 078%, 12% and other rates, and 253,035 yuan. The capping machine 1 handling fee is stipulated by the central bank, and it is generally divided into 0.38% by UnionPay; Wan obtains 2 the sellable balance of the docked imtoken wallet 1 through market mining, and can withdraw coins to the imtoken wallet, the handling fee is 10%, the user TRC and imtoken can be transferred between users through imtoken.

Similarly, you need to transfer to the usdt address of trc20, but you need to use the trx currency as energy fee, so you need to deposit 10 trx to the trc20 address holding the usdt. It may be too much, but Is there a fee for transferring insurance from imToken to imToken? Mining fees are required for transfers from wallets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. However, if you choose the Bitop wallet, several friends and I are using it. The Bitop wallet has Chinese services and supports Real-time storage and transfer of hundreds of popular currencies.

imToken holds its own private key, which further provides insufficient security. imToken only supports digital currencies based on the ETH main chain. Tokens on its own public chain such as BTCCTC cannot be stored and only support ETH as a handling fee when making transfers. There are certain limitations thanSpecial Bitpie Wallet is a new generation of blockchain assets developed by the Bitpie team; it can reduce handling fees. There are now three types of USDT, one is based on the Omni chain, one is based on the Ethereum ETHERC20 chain, and the other is based on The current larger exchanges on the TRONTRC20 chain already support the withdrawal and recharge of these three formats of USDT. Here is the method, use these three formats of USDT to withdraw.

Is there a fee for imToken cold wallet transfer?
The fee for imToken is cheap. Bitcoin admits that it is just a currency system and cannot do anything else. Then at 600,000 yuan, the handling fee is also as high as 136 yuan. In other words, it is impossible to use it for payments below 10 yuan. The handling fee ratio is too high. If you still want to use it as a network disk, or there is an update on BSV.

Hello, imtoken transfers that require a handling fee when transferring between imtoken wallets use Ethereum as the handling fee. Because Ethereum has a premium, it is more beneficial to the project as a handling fee. Imtoken is a part of digital currency. Digital currency, referred to as DC, is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency. Both digital gold coins and cryptocurrencies belong to it.

Why do they set such high standards? After all, they need to make some profit before they can give you this software. If they don’t make a dime, how can they maintain a software?

Basic type In Ethereum, the higher the mining fee you give, the faster the transaction is packaged. imToken provides a slider function that can quickly adjust the mining fee. By sliding the slider, you can Quickly set the miner fee. Click "Miner Fee" on the Ethereum transfer interface and slide the slider to adjust the miner fee.

comxpagez0517hhjoz5html If the block is displayed successfully, it is recommended to search and add the token name, turn on the switch button and refresh the asset page. If you cannot search or it is still not displayed, please don’t worry. In addition, the assets are stored in the block and If it is not on the imToken server, just contact the imToken side in the app.

Personal online banking transfer fee 1 Our bank does not charge for long-distance transfers 2 Inter-bank transfers below 5,000 yuan include free of charge. Above 5,000 yuan do not include ordinary remittances. A 40% discount is charged at the counter standard. Above 5,000 yuan does not include real-time arrival. Account charges will be 20% higher than normal remittance charges, with a maximum limit of no more than 20%.

Different exchanges require different handling fees. Huobi and okex are 002% and 003% respectively, and QUBE is 001%. Generally, withdrawals from exchanges are made to the wallet, so the withdrawal address is Fill in your own wallet address. The wallet address can be viewed in the wallet you are using. Take the imToken wallet as an example and open the wallet.

imtoIs there any handling fee for transferring coins between ken wallets?
1. After mining NB in ​​TP Tron wallet, click to withdraw. You need to pay a mining fee of 10 Trx. After confirmation, the mined NB will be automatically transferred to you. Withdraw money from the wallet to the wallet successfully, then click on the wallet NB balance, click on transfer to transfer directly, or you can use the QR code to transfer, usually direct transfer is enough, and then enter the transfer.

2. Select the corresponding currency, click Transfer to enter the information, fill in the payee’s wallet address, fill in the deposit address obtained from the transaction, and fill in as many coins as you need to recharge for the transfer amount. Generally, miners do not need to fill in the remarks column. Fee = handling fee. The higher the miner fee is set, the faster the transfer speed will be, if everyone is in a hurry to get the money.

3. Coin withdrawal is the most frequent operation in digital transactions, such as ICO projects. Before participating in the project, many investors need to transfer money, that is, make an ETH between the exchange and the imtoken wallet. The transfer process is very simple. Just find a website that allows ETH transactions, send a withdrawal application, and click after receiving the relevant email.

⑥ What is the principle of PoS mining design? Demystifying whether POS mining requires a computer dedicated to mining

The POS mining process also essentially requires the generation of blocks. However, POW mining miners can only randomly obtain the difficulty value in the variable field (Nouce, Time, ExtraNouce) to match the difficulty target value, while the mining difficulty target value of POS mining depends on the miner's currency age, and the miner's currency age depends on Based on the number of tokens held and the holding period.

What is the principle of PoS mining design?

The POW mining verification formula is: Hash (BlockHeader) < Difficulty target of the entire network

The difficulty index of the entire POW mining network applies to all mining miners at the same time, so As the computing power of the entire network and the difficulty of the entire network increase, miners can only increase their computing power to increase their probability of block explosion.

POS mining verification formula: Hash (BlockHeader)
The probability of block explosion in POS mining is directly proportional to the miner's asset quantity and currency holding time. It can be seen that as long as POS mining users hold more coins and more time, the probability of block explosion increases a lot. Since the POS mining mechanism was proposed and continuously optimized and improved, four mining models have been developed.

The design concept of POS mining:

The design concept of POS explains whether POS mining requires a dedicated mining computer. Coming from thinking about the Bitcoin crisis, there are three reasons:

First, we all know that BitcoinThe output of Bitcoin blocks will be reduced by half every 4 years. In the near future, as the output of Bitcoin blocks becomes lower and lower, mining capacity will continue to decline, and the number of miners will become smaller and smaller. The entire Bitcoin network There may be a gradual paralysis (as everyone shortens the time required to run a Bitcoin client. Therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult to find P2P nodes to connect and synchronize network data).

POS solution: In the POS system, only by opening the wallet client program can you find the POS block and earn interest, which prompts many people to open the wallet client even if they do not want to mine. Helps P2P currency network data become powerful.

Secondly, after a few years, as the number of BTC mining miners continues to decline, Bitcoin BTC is very likely to be 51% mined by some people, teams, or centralized mining pools with high computing power. The attack caused the entire Bitcoin network to collapse. A 51% attack can be understood as: when you own more than 51% of the world's Bitcoin computing power, you will be able to forge any Bitcoin network data. For example, you can fake that you own 10,000 Bitcoins, but in fact you have not.

POS solution: In the POS system, even if you have 51% of the world's computing power, you may not be able to carry out a 51% attack, because some coins are not generated by mining, but It is generated by interest (interest is stored in the POS block), which requires the attacker to hold more than 51% of the world's currency. This greatly increases the difficulty of 51% attacks. (Extended reading: Can POS mining be mined by ordinary computers on desktops)

Third, although we know that Bitcoin BTC is a system that will never be inflationary, because its total monetary amount appears to be is fixed, but the real situation is: Bitcoin is actually a deflationary system. Because when we reinstall the system or forget the wallet key, we will never be able to get back the money in the wallet. This means that every year some Bitcoins will be locked forever as the wallet is lost. This has resulted in substantial deflation. Perhaps in fifty years, there will be only 10 million effective Bitcoins left.

POS solution: Provide a certain annual interest rate to ensure neither inflation nor deflation as much as possible.

From the above three points, we can see that the POS system is a newly constructed system based on POW, with very long-term insights and advanced concepts. Unexpectedly, PoS will be a hot topic in 2020. PoS interest represents that users want more coins. Will this be a symbol of the bull market? For more information, search: DDS distributed storage ecological community.

⑦ Who has the latest mining tutorial in 2018?

I will provide a mobile mining tutorial.



Mobile phone



Open the Tokenall wallet with your mobile phone. There are several options in the navigation bar. You can clearly see wallet, transaction, mining, application, etc. Here we Select Mining and jump to the Mining page.

Thank you, give the best

⑧ What is the difference between PoS mining and PoW mining in the currency circle

POW mining You need to buy a mining machine. The better the computer, the higher the computing power and the longer the mining time, the more currency you will get. POS mining can be understood as the income generated by the amount and time of holding coins. In layman's terms, it means lending money to the bank to generate interest. What distinguishes it from banks is that the coins are still in their own hands, just like the pledge mining of the CellETF platform ( Mine, put the coins in and the income and interest can be calculated on a daily basis, which is very labor-saving and convenient.

⑨ What is the interest rate of POS mining and how to avoid the risks of POS mining

When you deposit money in the bank, the interest is determined by the amount and time of the deposit, just like The same as the proof of interest mechanism (POS). Compared with POW mining, the advantages of POS mining are: lowering the entry threshold for investors, consistent interests of miners and token holders, short delay time, and fast confirmation speed. However, there are still some flaws in the design of privacy protection and voting governance mechanisms.

This will also lead to many short-term behavioral risks for individual players in POS mining.

What is POS mining? What is the interest rate for POS mining? Is the annualized return from POS mining currently exceeding 50%?

PoS (Proof-of-Stake), known as the proof-of-stake mechanism in Chinese, is also called the proof-of-stake mechanism. As the name suggests, the packaging probability of successful mining is determined based on the age of the coins held by investors. consensus mechanism.

Coin age = total amount of tokens pledged by miners * token holding time

Coin age can protect companies with low currency holding shares and long holding periods to a certain extent. The interests of miners (or investors) increase the cost of miners maliciously manipulating the packaging probability.

It can be easily understood that a PoS token economic ecology is like a listed company with the same shares but different rights. PoS mining is like the dividend payment decision of a listed company. Every miner (coin holder) ) are all shareholders of listed companies. The accounting rights that miners compete for are just like stock voting rights. The probability of miners obtaining accounting rights is similar to the share of shareholder voting rights (that is, the proportion of miners' voting rights to the overall voting rights). The number of tokens pledged by miners is the number of shares held by shareholders. (Searchable: DDS Distributed Storage Ecological Community)

Depending on the size of the pledged token shares, some miners are major shareholders, and some miners are "small shareholders" or "minority shareholders".

PosMining is also like depositing your staked tokens with a bank, where the bank pays interest based on the length of time and the deposit amount.

At present, digital currencies represented by EOS, Tezos, DDS ecological tokens, etc. use POS as the consensus mechanism, and ETH has changed from PoW (Proof-of-Work, workload proof mechanism) to PoS. planning and preparation.

How to avoid the risks of POS mining?

Pos mining still needs to be perfected and improved, which leads to high risks in pos mining. To effectively control evil behavior in POS mining, more than 2/3 of the nodes must be honest. Once the election is manipulated or the selected node is "blackened", the benefits of POS mining will be greatly reduced, and the risks and uncertainties will be great.

⑩ Is there a cold wallet for Infinity Coin

1. Two mobile phones that have not been rooted and which you think are very safe.

2. Both mobile phones must download the latest version of imToken from or App Store.

3. Turn off Wifi on one of the mobile phones and turn on airplane mode to serve as a cold wallet. This phone must be disconnected from the Internet because it is the device that stores your private key.

Observe the wallet:

If you want to use the cold wallet function, you must first observe the wallet.

Note: Use your internet-connected mobile phone as a hot wallet for observing the wallet, and an unconnected mobile phone as a cold wallet for offline signature authorization.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 如何把冷钱包的币转入到狗狗币手机钱包不能转的Q币不能充值或转账到财付通里,只能用财付通给QQ号充值Q币。财付通就好比一个虚拟银行比如:你用从银行卡里取钱,用这笔钱买了件衣服,但最后衣服是不能够存