币圈312跌了多少 币圈312跌幅图片

Ⅰ 币圈312事件是什么意思


Ⅱ 币圈集体崩盘,有多少钱被蒸发掉了



Ⅲ 12月4日中午,比特币价格暴跌一万美元,发生了什么事






Ⅳ 币圈3.12事件是什么








链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

Ⅳ 币圈24小时惨案:57万人损失443亿,比特币何时止跌







Ⅵ 23年币圈反弹多久




Ⅶ 312事件是什么事件






Ⅷ 币圈还要大跌多久2022

这里有个前提,全球疫情导致资本大量释放。 在美国,综合多方数据来看,本轮疫情期间美联储放水总量已超过30万亿美元。如果你只看美联储的资产负债表,你无法得到这些数据。因为美联储的资产负债表才3万亿多美元,这次放水是史无前例的,对美元的信用或美元的根基产生了巨大的影响,但美元会被救市,所以崩盘比较难,因此2022年加息一定要雷厉风行,才能延缓美元危机的爆发。在加息的消息放出之前,资本市场发生的变化: 1,加密资产市场:冰糖橙从 6.9 万美元跌至 3 万美元(当然现在涨到了 4 万多美元)。 2,传统的资本市场:社交第一巨头meta(也就是之前的facebook),跌幅接近50%;腾讯下跌接近50%;元宇宙中最强大的谷歌,已经陷入滞涨六个月了;即便是数据库甲骨文也下跌了30%以上。 仅仅一些消息就大跌这在美国资本市场上是很少见的。 这些互联网巨头,它下跌有多个原因:一是传统互联网发展已到顶峰,业绩难以进一步增长。 二是这些传统互联网巨头获得了很多本不应该获得的权利(比如数据权) 三是美元加息预期十分明确。在过去的加息过程中,伴随着争议和对抗,而2022年的加息已经在全球资本市场基本形成共识,因此加息的格局几乎不会改变。 无论是传统资本市场还是我们的虚拟资产都是闻风先跌,这一轮跌势的威力都不容小觑,而现在世界对这些传统互联网的数据霸权非常警惕,并出台了各种限制数据的条款 这些巨头的霸权。

Ⅸ 币圈312事件是什么





Ⅹ 币圈牛市:有人操盘盈利过亿,有人失望清空离场 |非凡“疫”年



可在现实世界,我们是骑手、老师、空乘、编剧、金融人、 旅游 人……






过去的2020年,一定会在 历史 上留下重重一笔。


恐慌成为常态。2月3日,鼠年A股开市第一天,沪指跌幅8.73%,盘初两市超2900只个股跌停。海外市场也如是,3月,10天里美股经历4次熔断,美国国会甚至通过了2.3万亿美元的美国 历史 上最大规模的经济刺激计划。





























小雪接触数字货币是在2018年,当时进了一家 财经 媒体公司。“你恐怕真的难以想象2018年上半年的时候,这个圈子有多狂热,所有圈内的人谈论这件事情的时候,举手投足之间都会装一下X。”








时间从来不会因为任何事情而停止,币圈的故事仍在继续,对阿鲲来说,尽管成败有时,但浪潮未止,数字货币是钱眼里的机遇,更是 科技 带给人类的命运,他的眼光不只投向已经到来的2021年。

阿鲲说:“数字货币是一个大趋势,就像秦朝统一货币的意义一样巨大,也许未来的某一天全球都在使用同一种数字货币(BTC),全球流通,区块链技术也会是人类的未来,因为我坚信 科技 与技术是宇宙的最终奥秘。引用马斯克的话,人类会走出地球,定居火星,使用狗狗币(doge)。”

Ⅰ What does the 312 incident in the currency circle mean

On March 12, Bitcoin plummeted, with a daily drop of more than 40%, setting a new record in recent years and triggering a series of chain reactions. OK and Binance went down one after another, and the contract market suffered numerous liquidations. In short, it was equivalent to Black Friday in the currency circle.
I personally haven't been affected much. I don't like high-leverage products like contracts. The exchange I use is AEX, which has better technical strength. Although the currency price has been cut in half, I personally am. Coin-based players currently focus on investing in digital currency wealth management (AEX’s wealth management treasure).

II The collective collapse of the currency circle, how much money was evaporated

From the data point of view, trillions of dollars were evaporated in one trading day, and countless people were liquidated. During this period, something big happened again in the currency circle. Due to repeated negative news, the currency market was shaken, and the prices of various virtual currencies plummeted, with the highest currency falling by more than 30%. Platform data shows that on the day the currency circle plummeted, the entire virtual currency market evaporated by 2 trillion, and more than 200,000 people had liquidated their positions. It can also be seen from the exchanges in various currency circles that investors in the currency circle are crying. Many investors have lost almost all their wealth. Overnight, the currency circle changed from a myth of wealth creation to a place where leeks gather. But the good news is that the price of Bitcoin, the largest and most popular currency, has begun to recover.

This operation caused chaos in the currency circle, and the price of Bitcoin plummeted. In China, many official agencies have stated that they prohibit the trading of virtual currencies in the country, and define virtual currencies as virtual network commodities, not currency, and cannot be used for payment. Although there has long been no virtual currency trading platform in China, this policy will still have a considerable impact on Chinese people who invest in virtual currencies.

Ⅲ At noon on December 4, the price of Bitcoin plummeted by US$10,000. What happened?

In early December 2021, virtual currencies plummeted. Experts believe that the reasons for the plunge include interest rate hike expectations (surge in short-term interest rates), pessimistic expectations of stagflation, expectations of Taper acceleration, etc. In addition, risk factors include the continued spread of new variants of the Omicron strain of the new coronavirus mutated virus. From the night of December 1st to December 5th, more than 440 billion US dollars of virtual currency evaporated in just a few days, and the net worth of Zhao Changpeng, the founder of Nongfu Spring, evaporated tens of billions of yuan in one day.

1. What is virtual currency?

Virtual currency is a currency popular in the online world, but virtual currency is not issued by national authorities and is not protected by law in our country. Virtual currency can be divided into three types. One is game virtual currency, which is used for in-game transactions; the second is website service currency, which is used for service transactions within a certain platform; the third is investment currency, which is mainly used for Internet financial investment. It can also be used normally in daily life.


The collective decline of virtual currencies has caused the global financial market value to plummet, and the assets of Nongfu Spring founder Zhao Changpeng have been severely damaged.Chuang, the best solution that can correct the market value of virtual currencies is to prevent the spread of the epidemic and support medical research institutions around the world in researching vaccines for new coronavirus variants.

IV What is the 3.12 incident in the currency circle?

According to data from coinmarketcap.com,

On March 12, 2020, the trading volume of Bitcoin on the entire network reached 8.44 million;

On March 13, 2020, the transaction volume of Bitcoin on the entire network reached 14.91 million;

As of March 20, 2020, in the past In 9 days, the total transaction volume of Bitcoin on the entire network reached 77.5 million!


Some people may doubt the authenticity of this data, but according to statistics on the encryption network, on March 12th, China time By March 13, with only one company, the 24-hour trading volume on the entire network exceeded 230 billion yuan (over 30 billion U.S. dollars). Based on the average Bitcoin price of 6,000 U.S. dollars per coin, the trading volume also reached 5 million bitcoins. ).

As we all know, the total number of Bitcoins is only 21 million, and 18 million have been mined by miners. Among them, at least about 11 million Bitcoins have never been used for transactions, and 4 million have almost been lost, and the total number of Bitcoins used for transactions is only 4 million...

Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot workstation of the "Smart Learning Factory 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning and Construction Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. The professional base is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

IV 24-hour tragedy in the currency circle: 570,000 people lost 44.3 billion, when will Bitcoin stop falling

24-hour tragedy in the currency circle: 570,000 people lost 44.3 billion , no one knows when Bitcoin will stop falling.

1. It is normal for Bitcoin to plummet, because it is not recognized by any country or government at all;

2. Bitcoin is just a string of numbers, and its valuation is actually very high. Understand;

3. Bitcoin does not generate profits, but it has increased tens of thousands of times in more than ten years.

As an emerging industry, Bitcoin has made everyone feel the myth of wealth. The sharp decline of Bitcoin has also made everyone witness the risks of emerging industries. The sudden rise and fall may be a characteristic of emerging industries, which is high risk and high return. products, ordinary people should try not to participate. 24-hour tragedy in the currency circle: 570,000 people lost 44.3 billion. No one knows when Bitcoin will stop falling. Because Bitcoin does not generate any profits, but the price has increased tens of thousands of times in more than ten years, this is something that no one can understand; Bitcoin is completely a string of digital symbols, and actually has little value. The valuation is soGao is difficult to understand; the most important thing is that no country recognizes Bitcoin, which makes him full of risks.

570,000 people lost 44.3 billion. No one can give a clear answer when Bitcoin will stop falling, because Bitcoin is an emerging industry and will definitely be rejected by the market. Recognize it, and it will stabilize only when the long and short sides reach a balance.

VI How long will it take for the currency circle to rebound in 23 years?

Hello, you are asking about how long it will take for the currency circle to rebound in 23 years. First of all, we need to be clear about what does the currency rebound mean? The rebound in the currency circle refers to the rebound in the price of Bitcoin after a period of decline.

Judging from past trends, Bitcoin’s rebound generally takes a long time and may last for weeks or even months. For example, in June 2017, the price of Bitcoin began to fall from a high of $2,000 per Bitcoin. It was not until February 2018 that the price of Bitcoin began to rebound. The rebound period lasted for nearly 8 months.

Therefore, judging from past trends, the rebound in the currency circle in 2023 may take a long time, and may last for weeks or even months. However, due to the continuous changes in market conditions, the specific rebound time is still uncertain and can only be adjusted in real time according to changes in market conditions.

VII What is the 312 incident?

It refers to the sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin on March 12, 2020. At that time, it dropped from the opening price of more than 7,900 US dollars to the lowest of more than 4,100 US dollars. , closing at $4,900, with a maximum drop of 48% and a closing drop of 37%, which caused a lot of panic in the market. Most people were trapped, and many people were looking for opportunities to get off.

After the sharp drop in March 2020, the market continued to recover, rising from more than 4,900 US dollars to more than 29,000 US dollars at the end of 2020. Until now, in March 2021, the price of Bitcoin is already more than 58,000 US dollars. .


Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations by specific algorithms. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors.

The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself can ensure that the value of the currency cannot be artificially manipulated by mass production of Bitcoins. Design based on cryptography can ensure that Bitcoins can only be transferred or paid by real owners. This ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions.

Ⅷ How long will the currency circle continue to plummet in 2022

There is a premise here. The global epidemic has led to a large release of capital. In the United States, based on various data, the total amount of water released by the Federal Reserve during this epidemic has exceeded US$30 trillion. You can't get this data if you just look at the Fed's balance sheet. Because the Fed's balance sheet is only over 3 trillion US dollars, this release of water is unprecedented and has had a huge impact on the credibility of the US dollar or the foundation of the US dollar.However, the U.S. dollar will be rescued, so it is more difficult to collapse. Therefore, the interest rate hike in 2022 must be carried out vigorously and resolutely to delay the outbreak of the U.S. dollar crisis. Before the news of the interest rate hike was released, changes in the capital market: 1. Cryptoasset market: Bingtang Orange fell from US$69,000 to US$30,000 (of course it has now risen to more than US$40,000). 2. Traditional capital markets: Meta (formerly known as Facebook), the largest social networking giant, fell by nearly 50%; Tencent fell by nearly 50%; Google, the most powerful in the metaverse, has been stuck in stagflation for six months; even though The database Oracle also fell more than 30%. It is rare for stocks to fall sharply on just some news in the U.S. capital market. There are multiple reasons for the decline of these Internet giants: First, the development of the traditional Internet has reached its peak, and it is difficult to further grow its performance. Second, these traditional Internet giants have obtained many rights (such as data rights) that they should not have obtained. Third, the expectations of US dollar interest rate hikes are very clear. In the past, the process of raising interest rates was accompanied by controversy and confrontation, but the interest rate hike in 2022 has basically formed a consensus in the global capital market, so the pattern of interest rate hikes will hardly change. Both traditional capital markets and our virtual assets fell first after hearing the news. The power of this round of decline cannot be underestimated. Now the world is very wary of the data hegemony of these traditional Internet and has introduced various data restrictions. terms of the hegemony of these giants.

Ⅸ What is the 312 incident in the currency circle

It refers to the sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin on March 12, 2020.
At that time, The opening price was more than 7,900 US dollars, dropped to the lowest of more than 4,100 US dollars, and closed at 4,900 US dollars
The maximum drop was 48%, and the closing price dropped 37%
It caused a lot of panic in the market. Most people were trapped. Many people Looking for opportunities to get off the train

After the sharp drop in March 2020, the market continued to recover,
rising from more than 4,900 US dollars to more than 29,000 US dollars at the end of 2020
Until now In March 2021, the price of Bitcoin is already more than 58,000 US dollars

Bitcoin has risen and fallen beyond imagination, with sharp rises and falls, and huge market fluctuations
And it is non-stop 24 hours a day Trading

Bitcoin price in March 2020

Ⅹ Bull market in the currency circle: Some people make profits of over 100 million; Disappointed and left the scene | Extraordinary "epidemic" year

Editor's note

In the online world, we laugh at ourselves as workers. We have no names, only symbols.

But in the real world, we are riders, teachers, flight attendants, screenwriters, financiers, tourists...

In the past 2020, we were just a drop in the sea of ​​all living beings, and we were also the common people. The oneness of breathing.

WhenOrdinary life, encountering the extraordinary "epidemic" year, we are worried and confused together, but also moved and looking forward to it.

During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox, China Business Network specially launched the special topic "Extraordinary 'Epidemic' Year". These seemingly ordinary human journeys reflect the extraordinary changes of the "epidemic" year, and also describe the endless soul of craftsmen.

If every day without dancing is a failure of life, then every ordinary and extraordinary person among us is making life more passionate.

Text/Xun Shilin

The past 2020 will definitely leave a mark in history.

Since mid-January, the black swan of the new coronavirus epidemic has spread around the world. In this era of globalized capital flows, one issue that everyone is worried about, whether individuals or institutions, whether poor or rich, is what to do with their wealth.

Panic became the norm. On February 3, the first day the A-share market opened in the Year of the Rat, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 8.73%, and more than 2,900 stocks in the two cities fell by the limit at the beginning of the session. The same is true for overseas markets. In March, US stocks experienced circuit breakers four times in 10 days, and the US Congress even passed the largest economic stimulus plan in US history of US$2.3 trillion.

On the contrary, digital currency has experienced a year of headwinds. From the big rise at the beginning of the year to the March 12 tragedy, Bitcoin once fell to a price of less than $4,000. Over time, it recovered and re-entered the upward trend, entering the first year of DeFi. At the end of the year, Bitcoin ushered in a big explosion. By the beginning of 2021, the price reached US$40,000, pushing the currency circle further. It seems that even the old leeks began to shout that the bull market has arrived.

So, in 2020, have people in the currency circle really made money?

Trader born in 1998: Trading profit of over 100 million

"I would like to introduce you to a great guy, born in 1998." A senior practitioner in the currency circle This is the introduction to the author.

His name is Qingtian (pseudonym). He was born in 1998. He is 22 years old and has graduated from high school. For Qingtian, 2020 is a year of reorganization and a comeback. Three years after bidding farewell to the currency circle, he returned to the currency circle and reappeared on the trading platform of the crypto asset market.

As lucky as he was, he happened to catch up with the bull market. This year, Qingtian made a profit of more than 100 million yuan from trading in the crypto asset futures market. "Although my assets are only more than 10 million yuan, for me, it can be regarded as realizing the value of being a trader."

But now he suffers from severe insomnia and only does Sleeping four or five hours is very stressful. "You see, now we basically chat in the evening." At only 22 years old, he is more cautious and mature. "Although I had about 30 million yuan in assets at the time, I was very cautious in my operations this year because of previous failures."

Qingtian recalled the joys and sorrows of the time when he first entered the currency circle.

In 2017, he just turned from the stock market to the crypto asset market. At the end of 2016, digital currencies such as Bitcoin began to enter the public eye.

2017 can also be called the first round of bull market in the confidential asset market. However, unfortunately, it began to stagnate in the second half of 2018, and then another round of bull market occurred at the end of 2020, which happened to be a cycle on a sunny day.

"At the beginning of 2018, a lot of big things happened in the currency market, and the market was also crazy. I made my first million in my life."

Unfortunately, in 2018 In February of that year, Qingtian believed his friend's words and thought that Bitcoin would plummet, so he tried to go short, but his position was liquidated. In five or six days, Qingtian lost 20 to 30 million yuan.

The maximum profit from short selling is only 100%, but there is no upper limit for losses. In 2018, Qingtian not only suffered an investment failure, but was also deceived by his "partner", who simply took the money and ran away.

"That was when I was most broken down. I was bankrupt and even thought about committing suicide." Qingtian said.

But Qingtian did not give up. He kept reviewing his past experiences and opened Weibo to talk about his experiences. "One day, someone was suddenly willing to give me start-up capital. That was a turning point in my mentality."

Qingtian started to form his own paid group because a big investor in the group gave some good investment advice. "He gave me one Bitcoin, plus the other income I earned, and I had a chance to make a comeback. With this one Bitcoin, I later doubled my fortune dozens of times."

Looking back After making a comeback in 2020, Qingtian said: "For me, 2020 is a year to prove myself, and it is also a magical year. Looking forward to 2021, I think there will still be some opportunities in the currency circle. After all, the Federal Reserve is still going all out to print money. Banknote machine. My advice to people who are interested in the currency circle is that this market is full of risks and opportunities. Sometimes you think of heaven and sometimes you think of hell."

New media people who sit and watch the ups and downs: No money is made in the bull market

"Many things cannot be considered with hindsight from God's perspective. There are no what-ifs in this world. In 2018, everyone was very hesitant. At that time, many people even thought about whether this industry would disappear in the future. . The same is true for the bull market in 2020." Xiao Lizi (pseudonym) expressed his feelings about this year.

According to Xiao Lizi’s description, he also entered this circle in 2017. "I have been speculating on digital currencies for more than three years. I joined a blockchain company in December 2017 to take charge of the new media sector, and have been exposed to digital currencies since then."

Xiao Lizi also witnessed the popularity of the currency circle, Even crazy. “It started to get popular in 2017. At that time, ICO (initial coin offering) was very popular. To put it bluntly,Traditional companies have to reach a certain scale before they can go public, while ICOs in the currency circle only need to have an idea and write a white paper to raise funds in the market. ”

“By 2018, the Big Bear Market has been completely wiped out, and many projects have finally returned to zero. "

Xiao Lizi said that he did not make any money in 2020. "Maybe it is also related to the fact that I entered this industry in a bear market. I have never experienced a big bull market and my thinking is relatively conservative. When the big trend comes, I see it rising a little and think it can't go up anymore, and then I start going short against the trend, and the losses are very serious. "

Regarding the trend of digital currencies in 2021, Xiao Lizi does not have many ideas. He just believes that the bull market will not end so soon, because in the past bull markets were driven by the main force of Bitcoin. "They are purely In order to pursue profits, the cycle of opening a position, pulling orders, and shipping is like this. "

When talking about whether digital currency has collectible value, Xiao Lizi said: "I don't have much faith in digital currency. I regard it as a speculative product. However, I have kept some Bitcoins, and I will not sell them regardless of whether they rise or fall. I will just treat them as a collection and leave them to my children in the future. Maybe they are worth 1 million yuan each. "

The unemployed who are determined to leave: Just missed the so-called "bull market"

"Hey, I ran away before the bull market. Now I think, I may have to break my thigh. "

For Xiaoxue (pseudonym), the currency circle in 2020 is like a dream. She is 25 years old and originally worked in investment-related work in the primary market. "Later, my leader When I took myself into the currency circle, I felt that this thing was really magical. ”

Xiaoxue came into contact with digital currency in 2018, when she joined a financial media company. “I’m afraid it’s really hard for you to imagine how enthusiastic this circle was in the first half of 2018. All the people in the circle When talking about this matter, I would put an X in every gesture. "

According to Xiaoxue's description, when she first joined the company, the company gave employees FT (digital currency) ICO quota, and she got a quota of 4,000 yuan.

She said: "No What comes to mind is that FT has increased 100 times in two weeks, which is very crazy. But because the ICO quota was locked and required mining every day to unlock it, I didn’t completely sell it at that time. "

According to Xiaoxue's description, she had "lost her mind" because of the fierce rise at the time, and later invested in the new digital currency issued by Fcoin. "But there was basically no one in the new market. Take it, hahahahaha, I’ll pay you back. ”

Xiaoxue did not give up the idea of ​​getting rich in the currency circle, and then bought Ethereum and Bitcoin intermittently. “But there is no hope of getting rich suddenly, especially when Bitcoin plummeted in the first half of last year, I Just cleared it all and fled. ”

“However, what I didn’t expect wasWhat is surprising is that a big bull market ushered in after the big drop. Maybe, without faith, you can't make money in the currency circle. "She said.

When talking about her views on digital currencies in 2021, Xiaoxue felt that she might never return to this circle. "I don't believe in Bitcoin anymore, and I don't believe in other things either. Maybe the future trend will be more volatile, maybe it will rise, but I don’t care anymore, I have decided to invest in the stock market! "

Ah Kun (pseudonym), a senior practitioner in the currency circle, told the author that in fact, there are too many people with stories in the currency circle. "Every industry will have losses and profits, and it cannot be just because of one or two losses. Whether it's a bull market or a bear market, just draw conclusions. ”

Time never stops for anything, and the story of the currency circle continues. For Akun, although there are times of success and failure, the wave has not stopped. Digital currency is an opportunity in the eyes of money, and even more It is the destiny that technology brings to mankind. His eyes are not only focused on the year 2021 that has already arrived.

A Kun said: "Digital currency is a major trend, just like the significance of the unified currency of the Qin Dynasty. Maybe One day in the future, the whole world will be using the same digital currency (BTC), circulating globally, and blockchain technology will also be the future of mankind, because I firmly believe that technology and technology are the ultimate mysteries of the universe. To quote Musk, humans will walk off the earth, settle on Mars, and use doge. ”

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 虚拟币怎样拉盘和砸盘小币种很容易被控盘,有的小交易所甚至也参与控盘过程。主要包含吸筹、洗筹、拉升、出货四个步骤。第1步:吸筹。数字货币市场,庄家的筹码数量占比达到30%及以上,才有可能控盘。为了低