币圈创新区和主区的区别 交易所的考核区的币可以买吗

Ⅰ 抹茶下架考核区的币怎么办








Ⅱ 2020年过半,币圈环境大变化





















Compound(COMP)等应用一直在推动去中心化借贷的普及,用户在这里可以自由借入资产,也可以赚取存款利息。例如,在Maker DAO (MKR)里,用户可以抵押资产借出DAI(一种与美元挂钩的稳定货币)。通常,在以太坊上的比特币锚定币(例如WBTC)会被当做贷款的抵押品。






例如,Balancer (BAL),它是一种自动化的投资组合管理器,它通过自动做市商协议来提供资产的流动性。再比如Melon,它允许用户创建自己的投资基金,其他用户也可以参与到这只基金中,这种方式使得投资变得更大众化。










2020年稳定币的爆炸式增长是另一个证明我们正处于新的发展阶段的标志。USDC、 USDT、BUSD以及其他稳定币都有增长,这表明机构投资者对这方面的需求较多。




目前,比特币ETF推出的可能性仍然很小。正如DataTrek Research的创始人告诉CNBC的那样,“在比特币ETF之前,你会先看到央行的加密货币。”


































Ⅲ 到底什么是区块链什么是共识什么又是币圈

区块链是以分布式记帐和去中心化为核心的加密信息传导。分布式记帐意味着不可被消灭的生存权,去中心化意味着不可被篡改的独立传导权,两者加一块被清泉定义为 不可灭失 。




任何一个有一点经济学常识的人都清楚的知道一件事: 法币无价值 !事实上,自英镑从金属本位强制脱钩开始,至布雷顿森林体系倒塌,全世界任何一个国家的法币都是事实无价值。所谓法币的购买力是由行政强制力保证实施的,但这种行政强制力往往会被滥用,所以,我们曾经在教科书中看到的关金卷正在重新回到世界意义上的经济大潮,从美元QDI量化宽松到中国货币政策的“适当宽松”,其实际意义都是印钞机的加班回点。

但是,货币供给是与 社会 总供给总需求有要约的,在这个要约范围内,货币的票面价值尚有保障,一旦脱离开这个要约,那货币就需要“蓄水池”。我曾经说过,美国的股市与中国的房市在经济学意义里的概念是相同的,当然,还有那些不敢花的钱。

法币是必须贬值的。 这个概念涉及到更高深的经济学知识,在这里即使连开三十章也根本写不完。一定范围内的贬值对人类 社会 发展是有益的,但往往这个一定范围会被滥用,这来源于法币自身的弱点——行政强制力。但是行政强制力也打不过人性。



在区块链技术发展的过程中,出现了分片、加密、储存、运行速度和网络载体等各种各样的算法分歧,也就是我们现在看到的这些币。这种现象从本质上讲是 共识的分裂 ,但这是没有办法的事,因为BTC虽然是鼻祖,但他从赋值上来说并不是符合我们对区块链的需求的。他太慢、太老又太少,根本不足以抵抗法币的冲击。 现在的BTC在经济学意义上来说与其定义为数字货币倒不如定义为奢侈品,因为在研究他的价值投射曲线与经济大潮汐的匹配度时,被发现与奢侈品惊人的相似。

币圈是 区块链发展赋值与法币互溶形成 的花蕾,从本质上讲,币圈的存在是区块链共识放大的必然,币圈不是区块链的全部,只是一朵花,我们仍然期待果实。


当由于某种不可抗力导致法币效用失衡时,我们可以用区块链建立起来的独立体系进行价值互换 。但是很可惜,法币效用并没有失衡但是这种价值互换体系却过早的进入经济循环了,最臭名昭著的就是暗 网,还有无时无刻不缠在我们心头的“洗 黑 钱”,这给币圈笼罩上了一层悲情色彩。

必须指出的是,即使是上述价值互换也不是清泉所定义的价值互换,而是 在法币互通中利用区块链的共识而充当法币互通的媒介 ,区块链的底色远远不是这个样子的。

真正的区块链应该是在正常法币经济循环体系中的有益补充和调节,也应该是在正常法币经济循环体系失效情境下的替代。 尽管我们不愿意想那么多,但我真的不想看到背着一大袋子纸币换二斤土豆的情况出现。

但是,现在的币圈做好了相关准备了吗?还没有!现在的币圈只信奉四年一轮回却丢弃了区块链的本来模样,甚至有些人都把这些币、这些技术、这些共识作为欺骗和欺诈的工具了,这是整个人类 社会 的悲哀!


#比特币[超话]# #欧易OKEx# #数字货币#

Ⅳ 币圈是什么意思



























Ⅳ 下一个成为风口的“平台币”,有可能是谁




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[if !vml]




WT (瓦特币)






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Ⅵ 现在比特币还值不值得投资求大神分析
















香港数字货币交易所ZBG CMO Lizzie




不过,Lizzie Lo表示,在一轮暴跌之后,



BTC;EOS新增979万张爆仓单,约3607万 EOS;以太坊新增1050万张爆仓单,约65.2万 ETH。




根据ZBG平台3倍BTC做空指数,9月25日 3:30 做空盈利达到峰值,目前为止,该做空指数24小时的增长为33.5%。

Lizzie Lo指出,在凌晨3:30,3倍做空指数达到顶峰,这意味着那个时间点最多人做空。












Ⅶ 子航说币:币圈小白连“区块链”是什么都不知道



就像我们的手机能运行,底层是安卓或者ios系统作为支撑一样。那区块链是个什么技术呢?怎么那么厉害啊?可以让比特币那么值钱!区块链的英文叫block chain,block是块的意思,可以脑补一下摔倒或者撞到某个东西,就可能有一块块淤青是不是,区块链中的块,里边装的是一些交易信息的数据块,某个东西,就可能有一块块淤青是不是,区块链中的块,里边装的是一些交易信息的数据块,区块链中的链,连接的是数据块,这像一个大帐本,所有用这个区块链条账本的人,都可以直接查询到里边按顺序排列起来的任何交易信息,并且难以篡改。那它是怎么做到?






因为,最终的结论就是:这个技术构建了比特币的价值,那么这个技术逻辑也能用于很多其它的领域。也许某一天你会欣然发现——咦?我现在用的是某某区块链技术公司的产品!?就像很多年前,某一天你不知不觉用上了QQ开始学会上网看视频打 游戏 一样。那话说回来,所谓比特币是区块链早期的资产是什么意思呢?为什么会增值?按以上提到的场景,所谓代币,就是群里大家通过参与记账获得系统发放的代币。这些代币就是区块链资产。(大家参与记账的行为俗称——挖矿。)比特币本身就是比特币区块链网络系统的价值代币







Ⅷ 关于币圈,有哪些是需要我们了解的










Ⅸ 币圈是什么


Ⅹ 年底区块链战役打响最后一枪,Vpay或将成为币圈热土、顶级公链孵化器


























    Vpay app注册下截 http://t.cn/EzDJwwq

Ⅰ What should I do if the coins in the assessment area where Matcha is removed from the shelves?

How to handle the alarm for coins in the assessment area when Matcha is removed from the shelves.

The Matcha Exchange will remove mainland users before December 31. The main purpose of doing so: In order to respond to the requirements of Chinese supervision and protect the interests of more investors, the Matcha Exchange will remove the mainland users. .

The government has made it clear that virtual currencies are illegal in China and does not recognize their legality and will crack down severely; the Matcha Exchange removed mainland users in order to better ensure the safety of Chinese investors. There is nothing wrong with this.

There are also more and more virtual currencies. Various virtual currencies are growing and spreading like mushrooms after a rain. This has made many countries feel threatened. Virtual currencies have posed a serious challenge to traditional currencies. If not Carrying out a crackdown would threaten the security of the country. China and many other countries do not recognize the legality of virtual currencies and have severely cracked down on them.

The Matcha Exchange will remove mainland users before December 31. The main purpose is to respond to the regulatory requirements of the Chinese government and protect the interests of more investors, so it made such a decision.

Basic information

Matcha is one of the digital currency exchanges and one of the most controversial small and medium-sized trading platforms in the currency circle. It has always been known as "listing currency". Less difficult” and known for bold marketing.

II Halfway through 2020, the currency circle environment has changed greatly

The focus of the blockchain industry should be on the implementation of technology applications. At present, the large-scale application of blockchain is progressing very slowly. . After all, technological change is steadfast. We have concentrated on reviewing the most promising areas in the currency circle to facilitate everyone to measure our current position and do what we can to judge future trends.

The New York Times even wrote in a report in January 2020 that Bitcoin transactions in the black market reached an all-time high. However, this perception is changing as new advances in applications emerge.

The number of users using cryptocurrencies has grown significantly since 2013. Blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis found that consumers spent an average of $190 million in cryptocurrency per month in 2017, up from just $9.8 million in 2013.

Cryptocurrency wallet usage has also tripled in the past three years. The current environment appears to be setting the stage for cryptocurrency payments. In 2020, there are two main areas driving the popularity of cryptocurrency payments. Will Reeves, CEO of Fold, said: "If people don't think of Bitcoin as a currency yet, in this way, they will definitely understand that it is a better return."

COMP’s market capitalization soared to $500 million in just two weeks, forcing everyone in the industry to start taking DeFi seriously.

It is undeniable that DeFi has injected new vitality into the currency circle. It eliminates the middleman role of traditional finance and decentralizes the rights of the financial system. So specifically, how is DeFi helping to drive cryptocurrency adoption?

The ultimate goal of DeFi is to replace some of the “traditional” financial systems that are monopolized by a few entities. It provides a trustless environment for financial transactions. People do not need to trust anyone or companies when making transactions. This saves users a lot of money and time, and also gives everyone control over their financial assets.

The application of DeFi comes in many different forms, and it is precisely because this field is so broad that we have begun to redefine the entire financial system as we know it.

1. Lending

DeFi completely eliminates intermediary roles such as banks, making the lending process decentralized. ization, thereby lowering borrower costs.

Applications such as Compound (COMP) have been promoting the popularity of decentralized lending, where users can freely borrow assets and earn interest on deposits. For example, in Maker DAO (MKR), users can borrow DAI (a stable currency pegged to the US dollar) as collateral. Typically, Bitcoin-anchored coins on Ethereum (such as WBTC) are used as collateral for loans.

2. Asset management and trading

One of the important components of finance is asset management and trading . In the current financial system, asset management is very common and mature, but asset management middlemen will take a share of the pie and dominate the financial market through their decisions. This process is often not transparent enough, and DeFi provides a new alternative.

For example, Balancer (BAL), an automated portfolio manager that provides liquidity for assets through an automated market maker protocol. Another example is Melon, which allows users to create their own investment funds, and other users can also participate.In this fund, this approach makes investing more popular.

3. DeFi innovative products

Some new DeFi applications have emerged in 2020.

For example, insurance, which is a very early field, allows users to raise funds through smart contracts to provide insurance for individuals. Others, such as prediction markets, encrypted synthetic assets, decentralized derivatives trading, etc., have seen new growth in 2020.

Currently, lending and asset management users are the largest user groups of DeFi. As time goes by, it is expected that there will be more innovation in DeFi as more startups emerge.

The explosive growth of stablecoins in 2020 is another sign that we are in a new stage of development. USDC, USDT, BUSD, and other stablecoins have all grown, indicating that there is more demand from institutional investors.

In early June of this year, a Fidelity Digital Assets survey found that 80% of institutional investors considered cryptocurrencies to be an “attractive” asset class. 91% of respondents said they expect cryptocurrencies to account for at least 0.5% of investment portfolios in the next five years. In 2019, only 9% of U.S. respondents said they would invest in digital assets. Today, that number has risen to 22%.

At present, the possibility of a Bitcoin ETF being launched remains slim. As the founder of DataTrek Research told CNBC, “You’re going to see central bank cryptocurrencies before you have a Bitcoin ETF.”

In the world of hedge funds Here, there is still a lot of room for the development of cryptocurrency. The enthusiasm among institutional investors is a positive sign and proves that cryptocurrencies are slowly but surely becoming a part of the financial world.

4. IPFS|Filecon Ecological Track

After the Bitcoin halving this year, the development of the entire industry seems to have stagnated. Some voices say that IPFS&Filecoin is the next generation. An opportunity to lead the industry to a breaking point.

Indeed, recently, whether in the media,Judging from the high exposure of summits and communities, as well as the coverage of market expansion, IPFS & Filecoin has become the most noteworthy industry topic and entry trend this year.

So what is the current status of IPFS and Filecoin? To what extent has the ecosystem developed?

IPFS was launched in 2014. As an emerging network technology, it has been studied by a large number of technology enthusiasts and tried to be applied to daily life scenarios. According to data from the second half of 2019, the number of IPFS nodes worldwide has exceeded one million, and the number of data stored in the IPFS network has reached 10 billion.

It has been nearly 6 years since the IPFS protocol was released, and the technology has become more and more mature. As the next generation Internet underlying communication protocol, IPFS has been successfully used in data storage and file transfer. , online video, social media, decentralized transactions and other fields, which are reshaping the entire Internet.

At the 2019 ETHDenver Summit, 24 of the 52 participating projects submitted to the ETHDenver committee were built using IPFS!

This shows that IPFS has formed a wave in organizations that build product ecosystems based on Web3 ideas. Developers from all sides are studying how to decentralize their products. ization, or how to better replace existing centralized applications.

It is foreseeable that with the promotion of Filecoin, the capacity of the IPFS network will grow exponentially, whether it is the 1 million nodes just mentioned or tens of billions of data. will increase dramatically.

Of course, all of this requires the development of Filecoin.

So far, the number of miner nodes in the entire test network has reached a maximum of nearly 50,000. As of the time of publication, the number of active miners is also around 5,000, and the computing power of the entire network has reached 20P. The goal is to reach 100P before the mainnet goes online. Based on this growth trend, Filecoin is expected to reach the exabyte level within one year of its launch. This size far widens the distance between Filecoin and all other distributed storage projects in the world.

At present, Filecoin ecological practitioners have doubled compared to 2019, including cross-industry entry, veteran miners entry, and centralized storageentry, but these industry roles are inseparable from four fields:

Miners: This ecological miner is divided into storage miners and retrieval miners, which provide storage in the storage market. Services, providing retrieval services in the retrieval market, of course can also take into account both;

Users: The focus is on the cost of the required services. This cost will be higher than centralized storage in the early days, but as the network grows, , the cost of providing storage or retrieval services will be much lower than current cloud services;

Currency holders: paying attention to currency price fluctuations is a major driver of price increases;
< br /> Developers: Developers pay more attention to tools, software development kits, software libraries, developer incentive plans, specification documents, and DEMO.

They are compatible with each other and promote each other, and the relationships between multiple identity structures are complicated. More and more community-of-interest relationships make this ecosystem more robust.

The potential is there, but the concern that the penetration rate may be too "short-sighted". In fact, if blockchain technology proves to be able to scale and drive the next technological change, everything will be turned upside down.

Ⅲ What is blockchain, what is consensus, and what is currency circle

Blockchain is an encrypted information transmission with distributed accounting and decentralization as its core. Distributed accounting means the right to exist that cannot be destroyed, and decentralization means the right to independent transmission that cannot be tampered with. The two together are defined by Qingquan as "indestructible."

However, the blockchain has weak links, and it is heavily dependent on the network for its existence. Not just on a delivery level, but also on a recording level. The core layer of the blockchain is the physical layer, which is parasitic on the Internet system. If one day the Internet around the world is forcibly suspended, then the independent system of the blockchain will also fall into a state of suspended animation.

However, this kind of suspended animation is not real death, but requires some kind of systematic key to activate. Is there such a systematic key now? some.

Consensus comes from cognition.

Anyone with a little common sense in economics knows one thing clearly: legal currency is worthless! In fact, from the beginning of the forced decoupling of the British pound from the metal standard to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the legal currency of any country in the world is de facto valueless. The so-called purchasing power of legal currency is guaranteed by administrative coercion, but this administrative coercion is often abused. Therefore, the Guanjin volume we once saw in textbooks is returning to the world's economic tide, starting from the US dollar. The practical significance of QDI quantitative easing to the "appropriate easing" of China's monetary policy is that the money printing machine is working overtime.

However, money supply is subject to an offer with the total supply and demand of society. Within the scope of this offer, the face value of the currency is still guaranteed. Once it breaks away from this offer, the currency needs a "reservoir." I once said that the concepts of the U.S. stock market and China's real estate market are the same in the economic sense. Of course, there are also those who dare not spend money.

Legal currency must be devalued. This concept involves more advanced economic knowledge, and even thirty chapters cannot be completed here. Depreciation within a certain range is beneficial to the development of human society, but this certain range is often abused. This comes from the weakness of legal currency itself - administrative coercion. But administrative coercion cannot defeat human nature.

Therefore, since the emergence of the blockchain, people with foresight have begun to try to defeat the depreciation of legal currency by assigning value to the blockchain. As a result, we have also seen that from that piece of pizza until now, we are still seeking to assign value to the blockchain.

Is this all the consensus is? no.

In the process of the development of blockchain technology, various algorithm differences have emerged, such as sharding, encryption, storage, operating speed and network carriers, which are the coins we see now. This phenomenon is essentially a "split of consensus", but there is no way around it, because although BTC is the originator, it does not meet our needs for the blockchain in terms of value assignment. He is too slow, too old and too young to withstand the impact of legal currency. In the economic sense, BTC is now defined as a luxury product rather than a digital currency, because when studying the match between its value projection curve and the economic tide, it was found that it is surprisingly similar to luxury goods.

The currency circle is the bud formed by the mutual dissolution of blockchain development assignments and legal currency. In essence, the existence of the currency circle is the inevitable amplification of blockchain consensus. The currency circle is not the whole of the blockchain, it is just A flower for which we still expect fruit.

What is our ideal blockchain application?

When the utility of legal currency is unbalanced due to some kind of force majeure, we can use the independent system established by the blockchain for value exchange. But it is a pity that the utility of legal currency is not unbalanced, but this value exchange system has entered the economic cycle prematurely. The most notorious one is the dark web, and there is also the "money laundering" that haunts us all the time. This gives the currency The circle was shrouded in a layer of sadness.

It must be pointed out that even the above-mentioned value exchange is not the value exchange defined by Qingquan, but the consensus of the blockchain is used to act as a medium for legal currency interoperability. Blockchain The background is far awayIt's not like this.

The real blockchain should be a useful supplement and adjustment in the normal legal currency economic cycle system, and should also be a replacement when the normal legal currency economic cycle system fails. Although we don’t want to think about it that much, I really don’t want to see the situation of carrying a big bag of banknotes in exchange for two pounds of potatoes.

However, is the current currency circle ready for this? not yet! The current currency circle only believes in the four-year cycle but has abandoned the original appearance of the blockchain. Some people even use these coins, these technologies, and these consensuses as tools of deception and fraud. This is the tragedy of the entire human society!

Talking about trading, there have been countless cases of getting rich in the currency circle, so much so that it has given Leecai the illusion that "maybe that person will be me". Playing with spot products, I can't stand the loneliness and it is slow to make money, and playing with contracts is even more difficult. Needless to say, it is the same as gambling. Anyone who has been trading in this circle for huge profits has never seen anyone not losing money.

#BTC[超话]# #欧易OKEx# #digital currency#

IV What does the currency circle mean?


The so-called currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation coins, mining, etc.

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-and-mortar, etc. The legal currency in the currency circle is legal tender, which is issued by the country and the government and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

1. Currency token:

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is the digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and a right. An inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the certificate are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to be used in a It flows in the network and can be verified anytime and anywhere.

2. Opening a position in the currency circle:

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

3. Coin Stud:

Coin Stud means investing all the principal.

4. Airdrop in the currency circle:

Airdrop is currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to allow potential investors andPeople who are passionate about cryptocurrency get information about the token, and the token team will conduct airdrops regularly.

5. Lock-up in the currency circle:

Lock-up generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a position opposite to their original position. The new position is also called locking, locking, or even euphemistically called butterflies flying together.

6. Coin Circle Candy:

Coin Circle Candy is the digital currency that various digital currencies are issued for free to users when they are first issued in the ICO. It is the issuer of the virtual currency project. A kind of momentum building and publicity in itself.

7. The currency circle breaks:

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

8. Coin Circle Private Equity:

Coin Circle Private Equity is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

9. Views on currency circle K-line:

K-line chart (Candlestick Charts) is also called candle chart, Japanese line, Yin and Yang line, bar line, red and black line, etc. The commonly used saying is "K line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

10. Brick trading in the currency circle:

Brick trading is to buy digital currencies from exchanges with low currency prices, and then sell them to exchanges with high prices.

IV Who might be the next "platform currency" to become popular?

Although the currency market is becoming more and more popular, and there are endless news every day, since the beginning of 2019, the currency circle has The market has been bad. Although it was short-lived due to the central government's voice, it was just a flash in the pan. Many tokens are in a broken state and have been on the verge of returning to zero. The intensity of supervision is also constantly upgrading. The future development of the currency circle has always been confusing. , many users also felt confused and even panicked.

However, in the author’s opinion, this is actually a normal fluctuation of the market. There is no market that only rises but never falls. The bubble in the early market was too big. After experiencing this plunge and cleaning, the market Will slowly become more rational.

This time the market fluctuations will clean up a number of air coins, and of course there will also be some high-quality coins. These high-quality coins will be the first choice for users to invest in the future. Top coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are undisputed high-quality coins, and another one that is currently more recognized is the "platform coin". Platform currency attracts users with its influence and application scenarios as a trading platform.

[if !vml]


So, what is a platform currency, how is it generated, and what are its advantages? ? Today, the author will tell you about it with an extremely calm attitude and a very professional spirit:

The concept of "platform currency" appears in blockchain investmentAmong investors, there is no doubt that BNB has a positive influence and promotion effect. I did not check carefully who the mother of the platform currency is, but I think it must be BNB as the father of the platform currency. What is a platform currency? The so-called "platform currency" refers to the platform digital assets officially issued by the digital asset trading platform (hereinafter abbreviated as "platform"). Generally, platform coins are traded within their platform or as an independent trading area with other parts of the platform or all digital assets.

What is the use of platform currency?

(1) Discount for platform transaction fees

Many platforms have more than one trading area , as we all know, there are BTC trading area, ETH trading area, USDT trading area, as well as innovative trading areas such as BNB trading area, UT trading area, QC trading area, QTUM trading area, among which the BNB trading area is the platform currency trading area.

Use the platform currency to trade with other digital assets, resulting in 0 handling fees after the transaction or a 50% discount on the handling fees in other trading areas. This is very popular among short-term enthusiasts and is also the reason for the increase in the price of the platform currency. one of the reasons.

(2) The decentralized transaction "fuel" of digital asset trading platforms

In the future, the platform currency of digital asset trading platforms will be decentralized on-chain transactions Platform fuel. When using this decentralized trading platform, you need to use the platform’s platform currency.

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Why invest in platform coins?

(1) The exchange’s profitability is clear and sustainable

Platform trading is the central node in the digital currency field at this stage. In terms of the speed and ability to make money, no one in the industry can and. The huge user base and transaction volume of the trading platform are a strong guarantee behind the strength of the platform currency.

(2) The platform itself is its implemented project

The trading platform has already had substantial implementation applications, which is different from many white papers that describe the future for investors. Digital currency project. Therefore, platform currency can naturally be regarded as a very safe and high-quality asset for investors.

(3) The currency price is the face and advertisement of the platform

The trading platform obviously has stronger control than ordinary projects. The trading platform limits tokens through regular repurchase and destruction. The total amount of currency in circulation is used to maintain the value of the platform currency, and its market value management ability is beyond doubt.

Summary of advantages:

The platform currency has dual value: it is bothThe equity of the trading platform is also the consumption point card or coupon within the platform. In other words, holding platform currency not only has the same investment value as other digital currencies, but also can enjoy handling fee discounts or voting rights when trading.

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What other platform coins are worth investing in?

If, as we just said, the platform currency we want to invest in, the platform must have considerable strength, and the platform must have a certain scale and users. Based on these two points, the author recommends a platform currency with relatively good value to you:

WT (Watt Coin)

WT is the WBF number The platform token of the asset exchange, Chinese name: Wattcoin, is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum, with a total issuance of 300 million coins.

At 10:00 on June 21, WBFex launched the trading pair between the platform token WT and the stable currency USDT, officially announcing the listing of WT. After 5 hours, the price of WT has increased from 0.15USDT to 0.45USDT, an increase of 300%, and the trading volume has reached 30 million. As of now, the increase of WT has reached 700%.

WT is a platform token issued by WBFex and is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum. The total issuance amount is constant at 300 million pieces, and the total circulation amount is 100 million pieces.

Since its official debut on May 10, WT has been attracting attention from the global blockchain field. WBFex exchange is the exchange that benchmarks Binance. Since its listing, Binance has risen from 1 yuan to 230 yuan in just half a year, which is called a "miracle". WBFex is 100% benchmarked against Binance. Judging from the current trend performance, WBFex has more potential for development.

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And WT’s platform WBFex also has a special position in the currency circle.

WBFex Digital Asset Exchange is based on the world and is committed to building a third-generation digital asset exchange. Following the first-generation "centralized cryptocurrency exchange" and the second-generation "platform-based digital asset exchange", WBFex Exchange took the lead in proposing the concept of the "third-generation digital asset exchange" and utilized multiple security protection technologies. Create a global digital financial comprehensive service platform, aiming to become the leader of the "third generation digital asset exchange".

Currently WBFex has acquired a trading building in Singapore. Under such market conditions and under the eyes of the Singaporean government, how can WBFex make such a big move?It’s hard not to speculate whether WBFex has become an official partner appointed by Singapore?

WBFex is also a digital asset global station with a “ringing bell for currency listing” venue and ceremony. Its users come from 177 countries around the world and have branches in 13 cities including New York, London, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Seoul, and Tokyo. With media resources covering more than 4,000 companies around the world, we are committed to continuing to build a super "traffic empire" in the entire industry.

Ⅵ Is Bitcoin still worth investing in now? Ask an expert to analyze it

Last night’s Bitcoin is destined to be recorded in history.

At 2:00 in the morning, Bitcoin suddenly plummeted, rapidly falling by nearly 1,500 US dollars. At 3:45, Bitcoin quickly fell from $9,700 to a low of $7,998. This is the first time since mid-June that Bitcoin has fallen below $8,000 and its lowest level in four months.

The plummeting price of currency has brought tragedy to the contract market. The contract market was bleeding like a river last night.

According to Coin data statistics, in the past 24 hours, a total of 920 million USDT (approximately RMB 6.65 billion) in liquidation orders were added.

“Bitcoin plummet” also appeared on Weibo’s hot search list again after two months.

It is worth noting that there was news in the market recently that "the central bank of China will issue a digital currency within 80 days." At a press conference yesterday (September 24), People’s Bank of China Governor Yi Gang said that there is currently no timetable for the launch of digital currency. He said that in the future, the goal of digital currencies and electronic payments is to replace part of cash.

Bitcoin plunged more than 15% in 100 minutes

Falled below $8,000

Last night, Bitcoin’s plunge once again shocked investors.

At 2:00 in the morning, Bitcoin suddenly plummeted, rapidly falling by nearly 1,500 US dollars. At 3:45, Bitcoin fell to a low of $7,998, a drop of more than 15%. This is the first time since mid-June that Bitcoin has fallen below $8,000 and its lowest level in four months.

“This is a fairly rare event as far as Bitcoin is concerned,” said Qiao Wang, product director at Messari, a New York-based cryptocurrency-focused data and research firm.

At this point, Bitcoin has plummeted by nearly 35% from the year’s highest point of US$13,355.

This means that Bitcoin’s 2019 bull market is in trouble.

Since September 2, BTC has begun to collapse from a bearish descending triangle that has been noticed by much of the cryptocurrency Twitter community.

Some market participants said that part of the reason for Bitcoin's decline was technical factors, pointing to the fact that the digital currency has been trending lower in a triangle, which is a bearish sign.

Hong Kong Digital Currency Exchange ZBG CMO Lizzie
LoHe told the fund manager that the main reason is that a series of expectations have been digested, including the fact that the Baktt exchange that everyone was looking forward to was launched, but the transactions were flat. In addition, institutions will make corresponding strategic adjustments.
Several large institutions are shorting Bitcoin currency.

It is reported that Bakkt was one of the main catalysts for the sharp rise in Bitcoin prices earlier this year. However, he further added that it is still too early to have the long-term impact of this futures product on Bitcoin.

As of press time, the price of Bitcoin was US$8,651.53, down 11.08% in the past 24 hours.

The currency circle is also in mourning: EOS, Ethereum, etc. all fell by more than 10%.

However, Lizzie Lo said that after a round of slump,
she noticed that the stable currency usdt, which is a ticket for investment in the currency circle, has a substantial premium, which means that there is a large amount of funds entering the market to wait and see. From a mid- to long-term perspective, he believes in the consensus of Bitcoin, and the downward adjustment will only give opportunities to traditional funds that have not originally entered the market.

Investors were awakened by liquidation messages in the middle of the night

The overall plummet in the currency circle has brought tragedy to the contract market, and the contract market was bleeding like a river last night.

According to Coin data statistics, in the past 24 hours, a total of 920 million USDT (approximately RMB 6.65 billion) in liquidation orders were added. Among them, Bitcoin added 6.34 million liquidation orders, about 72,000
BTC; EOS added 9.79 million liquidation orders, about 36.07 million EOS; Ethereum added 10.5 million liquidation orders, about 65.2 10,000 ETH.

A Bitcoin investor said that he woke up in the middle of the night last night and received a liquidation text message, and then he could not sleep again...

The long-short ratio increased from 2:1 to 1 : 1

However, there are also those who make big money from short selling:

According to the 3x BTC short selling index on the ZBG platform, short selling profits reached the peak at 3:30 on September 25. So far, the short selling The index's 24-hour growth was 33.5%.

Lizzie Lo pointed out that at 3:30 in the morning, the 3x short-selling index reached its peak, which means that the most people were short at that time.

Under the crazy counterattack of the short sellers, the long-short ratio in the market was slaughtered from 2:1 to 1:1.

In addition, $30 billion was withdrawn from the market in 24 hours as investors sought to unwind their positions amid the frenzied sell-off. (approximately RMB 213.3 billion).

Yi Gang: There is currently no timetable for the launch

The goal is to replace part of M0

It is worth noting that there is news in the market a few days ago that "the People's Bank of China issued Digital currency will be implemented within 80 days.” At a press conference yesterday (September 24), People’s Bank of China Governor Yi Gang said that there is currently no timetable for the launch of digital currency.

Yi Gang said:

I would like to say a few points about digital currency. First,The People's Bank of China has been studying digital currency since 2014. We have a digital currency research institute with a dedicated team, and we have made positive progress so far. We combine the central bank's digital currency and electronic payment tools, so it is called a package plan of digital currency and electronic payment.

Second, what is the goal of digital currency and electronic payment in the future? The goal is to replace part of M0, which means replacing part of cash. It does not mean to replace M1 or broad money M2.

Third, the future framework of our digital currency will be a two-tier operation system of the central bank and commercial banks, without changing the current currency delivery path and system, which will fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the market.

Fourth, we will adhere to centralized management and do not preset technical routes in research and development work. We can compete fairly in the market to select the best. We can either consider blockchain technology or adopt existing solutions. The new technology evolved on the basis of electronic payment fully mobilizes the enthusiasm and creativity of the market. We have also established a mechanism that is compatible with the incentives of market institutions. As for your question about when it will be launched, we don’t have a timetable now. I think there will be a series of research, testing, pilots, evaluations and risk prevention, especially if digital currencies are used cross-border, there will also be anti-money laundering, A range of regulatory requirements include counter-terrorism financing, anti-tax havens and “know your customer”.

——For more data, please refer to the "In-depth Analysis Report on Business Model Innovation and Investment Opportunities in China's Blockchain Industry" released by the Qianzhan Industry Research Institute.

Ⅶ Zihang talks about currency: Newbies in the currency circle don’t even know what “blockchain” is

First of all, I believe that before everyone learns about blockchain, You’ve heard of Bitcoin first, right? Because we all know that the first people to hold Bitcoin made money!

But one point of view is wrong: What point of view? Many people believe that Bitcoin is the blockchain. In fact, Bitcoin is just a type of blockchain asset, and it is the earliest blockchain asset. The concept of blockchain comes from Bitcoin. The reason why Bitcoin can be so arrogant and exist independently without relying on any organizational structure is because the bottom layer is supported by blockchain technology.

Just like our mobile phones can run, the bottom layer is supported by Android or ios system. So what kind of technology is blockchain? Why is it so powerful? Can make Bitcoin so valuable! The English name of blockchain is block chain, and block means block. You can imagine that if you fall or bump into something, you may have bruises, right? The blocks in the blockchain contain some The data block of transaction information, something, may have a bruise, right? The block in the blockchain contains some data blocks of transaction information, and the chain in the blockchain connects the data blocks. , this is like a big ledger, and everyone who uses this blockchain ledger willYou can directly query any transaction information arranged in order, and it is difficult to tamper with. So how does it do it?

Let’s give a simple example using local materials: There are now a total of 100 readers who are linked through the Internet to form a blockchain network system. Please pay attention! We are not reading this article now, but a blockchain network system. In this system, I ask one of the people, say this person is called panda, to borrow 10 yuan, and then panda transfers the 10 yuan to me in the network system. Then my account or wallet increased by 10 yuan. As for panda, who lent money to Bibi, his account lost 10 yuan. After this transaction is completed, other people in our blockchain network system, after seeing it, will take a small notebook and record the matter. My account will increase by 10 yuan, and panda's account will decrease by 10 yuan.

That’s not right, then what are you doing when you are full and have nothing to do? Why should we record these small and medium-sized "bad things"? It’s because the network system will pay wages to those who participate in recording. As long as she records it once, the system will automatically reward tokens that are common in this network system. As long as there is money, everyone is willing to do anything. In reality, there are actually countless individuals in a blockchain system, which means that our group not only has only 13 people, but they don’t know each other yet, but they can all communicate with each other on the system chain and record them in the blockchain in order. For this transaction in the network, if one day I want to default on the debt and no longer plan to pay back 10 yuan to panda, then I must convince more than 51% of the people in the blockchain network system to delete this record or tamper.

If it were replaced by real-world computing power, it would be almost impossible and would require huge costs. This is the characteristic of blockchain technology - decentralized collaboration, transaction data is difficult to tamper with, and transaction information is transparent and queryable. Its main function is to solve two problems that are difficult to solve on the Internet - one is trust and the other is value transfer.

The so-called trust, according to the above scenario, is that I may default on the loan and take the money and run away; the value transfer is: my borrowing account should increase by 10 yuan, while the panda account becomes -10 Yuan money exchange. Then we may have questions again, isn't Alipay and WeChat payment solved now? Wouldn’t it be enough to just confirm the account and transfer the money directly and send a red envelope? Yes, Alibaba and Tencent exist based on solving these two problems. but! Thinking about it from another perspective, if a mere blockchain technology can solve these two problems now, can huge and complex institutions like Alibaba and Tencent be abandoned?

Rebuilding a new network system to apply it to more fields is on the way.

Because, the final resultThe theory is: this technology builds the value of Bitcoin, then this technical logic can also be used in many other fields. Maybe one day you will be happy to discover - Huh? I am now using a product from a certain blockchain technology company! ? Just like many years ago, one day you unknowingly used QQ and started to learn to watch videos and play games online. Having said that, what does it mean that Bitcoin is an early asset of the blockchain? Why does it add value? According to the scenario mentioned above, the so-called tokens are the tokens issued by the system to everyone in the group by participating in accounting. These tokens are blockchain assets. (The behavior of everyone participating in bookkeeping is commonly known as mining.) Bitcoin itself is the value token of the Bitcoin blockchain network system

Then why is it Will it add value? Because its quantity is limited, the number of issuances is determined at one time from the beginning of the establishment of the network system and will never be issued additionally.

So, in the future, the more people participate in accounting in a certain blockchain network, the number of people who get it will gradually decrease, and value-added will become inevitable. This is like Alibaba's early stocks. After the Alipay application is launched, the more people participate in using it, the more it is needed, and Alibaba's stocks will inevitably increase in value.

Of course, there are currently many projects applying blockchain technology, but most of them have not found a landing scenario. However, the more people believe that a project created using blockchain technology will be used in the future. If necessary, the price of the tokens of this project will be pushed up. Therefore, there are far more investment opportunities in blockchain assets than in the ordinary stock market. If you invest in a value project, then it may skyrocket like Bitcoin a few years ago, which skyrocketed from 130,000 per coin to a little over 40,000 now. In other words, you don’t need to consider any investment opportunities in other varieties. A few years ago, if you bought Bitcoin with your eyes closed and then ignored it and just went about your own business, the return on this investment would be 100 times in one year.

Profit! How much is that right? The opportunities in this industry are far more than these. Almost all currencies will have the opportunity to rise or fall sharply, but this range of rise and fall is not like the 10% daily limit in stocks. Blockchain assets disappear from trading around the world 24 hours a day, and It is T+0, and there is no limit on the increase or decrease. The price of any variety is completely affected by the limit on the increase or decrease and the pursuit of funds. Most varieties have experienced an increase of more than 100% throughout the year. High This kind of investment opportunity is also difficult to find in other markets.

The currency circle is like Tai Chi. Only when a person is in a state of tranquility can he feel the opponent's strength and intention in the push hand for the first time. What I felt at the time was that only by clearing myself could I receive information to the maximum extent and quickly, and make correct judgments and responses. The same is true in the currency circle.

This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute buying or selling advice. Buy and sell based on it at your own risk!

Ⅷ What do we need to know about the currency circle?

If you have just entered the currency circle and are about to buy digital currencies, don’t worry, calm down and take a look. I guess the following content will be helpful to you.

1. What is a digital currency wallet
Many people say that a digital currency wallet is used to store digital currency. Generally speaking, there is no problem with this understanding, but in fact, a digital currency wallet is used to store digital currencies. It is not a digital currency, but a tool for holding keys (private keys and public keys). With the key, you can have control over the digital currency at the corresponding address. You can accept the digital currency payment address generated in the wallet. When others transfer digital currency to you, you can also transfer the digital currency you own to others. Generally speaking, it can be understood as being used to store and trade digital currencies.

2. The structure of digital currency wallet
1. Address:
The wallet address is a string of characters used to transfer money. The wallet address can be understood as a bank card number. Tell anyone that anyone who knows your wallet address can transfer digital currency to your wallet address. Different digital currency addresses are also different. For example, the addresses of EOS and BTC are different.
2. Private key
The private key is a random number generated by the system through a cryptographic algorithm based on the random factors in the user environment. It can be thought of as a bank card password. For each transaction, the payer must issue a private key and the signature generated by the private key.
3. Public key
The public key is generated from the private key and appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address and is mainly used to generate the address.
4. Password
When creating a wallet, you need to set a password. The main uses of the password are: 1. The payment password when transferring money; 2. The password needs to be verified when importing the wallet. Passwords are actively set by users, but are much less secure than private keys. The password mainly plays the role of double protection.
5. Mnemonic phrase
The mnemonic phrase is another form of private key. Its function is equivalent to the private key. The mnemonic phrase is generally composed of 12-15 or more English words. The mnemonic phrase can be used to find the private key and restore the wallet, so the mnemonic phrase is very important. Most wallets will prompt users to back up the mnemonic phrase in order to restore the wallet.

3. Classification of digital currency wallets
Can be roughly divided into two categories, hot wallets (online wallets) and cold wallets (offline wallets)
(1) Hot wallets:
Also known as online wallet, it includes light wallet and heavy wallet (full node wallet). Wallets that need to be connected to the Internet can directly perform transaction operations.
1. Light wallet:
Does not store the complete blockchain, only saves data related to itself. It is small in size and can be run on mobile phones, computers, web pages, etc.
Advantages and disadvantages: Does not occupy memory, supports multiple digital assets, user experience is good, newbies can get started quickly, but transaction verification is slightly slow

2. Heavy wallet (full node wallet)
Maintains all blockchain data, is completely decentralized, and synchronizes all data. It has better privacy and can verify the validity of transaction data locally.
The advantages and disadvantages of hot wallets: better privacy and faster verification of information, but data needs to be synchronized before each use, takes up a lot of hard drive space, and does not support multiple digital currency transactions.
(2) Cold wallet:
A cold wallet is a wallet that is not connected to the Internet, also called an offline wallet; such as professional hardware equipment, or writing the private key (mnemonic phrase) on paper.
1. Hardware wallet
Hardware wallet uses professional hardware to store digital currency, and stores the private key of digital assets in a separate chip, which is isolated from the Internet and can be plugged and played.
2. Paper Wallet
Write the private key on paper and store it, then delete it

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cold Wallet: It is relatively safe, but it is very troublesome to create a wallet and make transactions. It is difficult for novices to operate, and wallet prices are relatively expensive, generally ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of yuan. If you don’t have a large amount of digital assets, you don’t need to consider it.

4. How to choose a digital currency wallet
Light wallets are simpler and more convenient to use, generally support multiple currencies, and are generally suitable for newbies in the currency circle or for transactions and storage. Not a big user. For example, geekwallet
Hardware wallets are not connected to the Internet and are more secure, but the operations are relatively complex and are generally suitable for users with large transactions and storage volumes.

5. Precautions when using digital currency wallets

1. Keep your password well. Once lost, it cannot be retrieved. However, you can reset your password through a mnemonic phrase (provided you keep the mnemonic phrase safely).
2. Keep the private key well. The owner of the private key is the real owner of Bitcoin.
3. Keep the mnemonic phrase well. Once someone else gets the mnemonic phrase, they can transfer all the blockchain assets in the wallet corresponding to the mnemonic phrase.

Ⅸ What is the currency circle?

The 4-hour trend of OS is to shrink downward. At present, the currency price has fallen below the 10 moving average and the 50 moving average, driven by the decline of BTC, indicating that there will be a further downward trend in this range in the future. However, the short positions did not expand, indicating that EOS is still in a volatile market. Testing support in the lower zone 3.5 and upper zone 4. Today, the Huobi EOS exchange was officially put into operation, which has played a positive supporting role in the currency price.
The "currency circle" refers to a group of people who focus on speculation and encryption of digital currencies, and even issue their own digital currency fundraising (ICO for short). It is commonly known as "coin circle" in the industry.
Currency refers to digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. There are also circles, that is, trading circles, friend circles, and social circles. The issuance and trading of digital currency, everything related to digital currencyIt's the currency circle.
Coin should be the trading circle in digital currency. Such a circle should be broad, including financial virtual currency transactions, as well as some specific exchanges, such as the hot Bitcoin copied online. Although it is a virtual currency, the price ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. It is said that the RMB has been copied to 130,000 Bitcoins. The increase is quite large and unstable, but the transactions are all real gold and silver transactions. I don’t know if this answer is what I want to ask.
The currency circle is mainly a small circle surrounding Bitcoin and digital currency, mainly including digital currency and digital currency miners, investors and traders. To trade digital currencies, you generally go to exchanges such as bitoffer, which provide digital currency trading services. Financial derivatives also have many new ways to play.
Coin is the gathering place for currency speculation, and the chain circle is the gathering place for various projects, one is investment and the other is financing! They are all about making money, but the money circle is based on individuals, and the chain circle is based on the team!

X The last shot of the blockchain battle is fired at the end of the year, Vpay may become a hot spot in the currency circle and a top public chain incubator

The application of blockchain technology, from abroad to domestic, never Recognition can lead to gradual application, and digital currency has also been accepted and adopted by various countries, and its development cannot be underestimated.

The application of digital assets in many blockchain projects requires a platform for circulation and communication. From scratch, the project needs strong support from technology research and development to widespread application rather than stillborn. There is a blockchain incubator. vpay has nearly 3 million users, with an increase of 20,000 people every day. Strong data support enables Many digital public chains and angel round crowdfunding came for this purpose.

vpay, mid-October, good things happen one after another.

On October 11, International E-Network officially opened up the digital sharing of 50 exchanges around the world, achieving synchronization of data from major exchanges around the world.

On October 13th, ABS chain crowdfunding opened a new encryption world.

On October 19, VTS Internet of Things public chain started crowdfunding.

On October 18, the ASX opened for registration; on October 22, VRT and the ASX (AOEX) over-the-counter trading area made a strong debut.

In October, there will be Vpay Cambodia study tour, V charity event, etc., all in one packageThe sub-activities allowed Vpay family members to enjoy a feast of wealth, and also led many people in the currency circle to lock Vpay and add vitality.

The great good news from the Cambodian business school, you don't know very much, let alone understand.

If you are still doubting the security, the feasibility, and the prospects of Vpay, then you may once again lose the opportunity to make big money. Keep up with the rhythm of the platform. Today next year will be the harvest season for everyone. You will make money you have never made before, not hundreds of thousands, but maybe millions, or even tens of millions.

1. Vpay cooperates with the National Bank of Vanuatu, a South Pacific island country, to issue Vpay bank cards, and the balance can be withdrawn directly through the bank card.

2. The Lao national government is preparing to use government actions to promote Vpay nationwide and regard Vpay as the "Alipay" of Laos.

3. At the end of October, E-Net and Australia-Net will open VRT transactions. Friends in the currency circle can enter Vpay from the capital market, exchange USDT for VRT, and then use VRT to increase the balance by five times, and then use it in reverse The balance is exchanged for Vpay coins to participate in crowdfunding. Old members can also use VRT to withdraw cash to their bank cards through the above two exchanges. E-Net Exchange is connected to the top 17 exchanges in the world, which means that as long as you log in to E-Net, you are logging into the 17 largest exchanges in the world.

4. At the end of October, 100,000 communities began to be formed. The tool is "WeChat", the participants are all members, and the qualifications are members who can obtain the right to operate super nodes. Super nodes can enjoy dividend rights for 14 years. Members at the big-name level have already started to make plans. Members who are not big-name but understand their belief in Vpay are preparing to spend more money to invest in dozens of VIPs, and then win the right to operate super nodes.

5. The platform has been upgraded from version 1.0 to version 2.0. From allowing members to join Vpay to manage their finances five times to allowing members to hold various Vpay crowdfunding chains, they will become multi-millionaires. If you can still speculate in coins in the currency circle, your wealth can reach another level.

6. The balance is currently consumed offline in 58 countries, and the balance can be converted into the legal currency of each country at any time.

7. The "SMTH", "IPC", "ABS" and "VTS" public chains crowdfunded on the Vpay platform have become the country's national strategic layout for building smart cities and smart societies. The prices of these public chains are expected to rise sharply soon. (All kinds of official media can find news reports such as the actual applications of these public chains.)

Finally, I solemnly remind them again.

Friends who are willing to believe in Vpay and are willing to follow the Vpay platform to earn millions of wealth, please understand the above content carefully.

Everyone has two paths to choose from. Which path you choose is up to you. Of course, you can also choose not to choose any path and just follow the old path step by step.

No matter you choose to share and promote members, or choose to invest additionally, the purpose of limiting this time is to enable you to participate in crowdfunding. Only by participating in crowdfunding can you buy the public chain of crowdfunding. Your wealth can grow exponentially.

There are no leeks in the currency circle, only players. Vpay is a place where merchants, consumers, investors, and entrepreneurs compete on the same stage to achieve financial freedom.

Seize the opportunity and wealth will belong to you.

Vpay app registration download http://t.cn/EzDJwwq

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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