币圈怎么薅羊毛 币圈羊毛党怎么刷号

⑴ 区块链羊毛入门新手教程,币圈小白必看教程





区块链有点像是一个巨大的, 全球范围并且去中心化的记账簿.

它用来记录一个人给另一个人发送了多少货币, 以及跟踪所有账户的余额.


区块链中的区块是由许多笔交易记录组成的, 这些交易从比如Imtoken ,MetaMask, Exos, Mist, Geth, Parity等钱包类似的操作接口发送出来











当您在银行或者交易所注册一个账户的时候, 这些机构会在它们内部的系统为您新建一个账户.银行会密切跟踪您的个人信息, 记录您的账户密码, 余额, 交易记录并且完全掌控您的资金.银行在为您提供服务的同时会收取账户管理及服务费用, 比如帮您追回被盗刷的信用卡消费.银行允许您使用支票或者借记卡等预付款消费方式, 以及在线查看您的余额, 重置密码, 以及补办您遗失的借记卡卡片.当您使用银行或交易所的账户来交易时, 交易的数额, 转出地址都有可能受到这些机构的限制, 并且还存在审核流程. 带来这些限制的同时还会收取您额外的手续费用.


当您在任何钱包创建账户的时候, 实际上只是生成了一对具备密码学意义的数字串: 您账户的私钥和公钥(地址).生成这些密钥的整个过程都是发生在您本地电脑的浏览器或者手机内部.钱包文件绝不会转发, 接收或者保存您的私钥, 密码以及任何账户信息.钱包文件绝对不会收取任何手续费用.简单来说, 您只是使用本 操作接口 来 直接与区块链网络进行交互.如果您将 公钥(地址) 提供给别人, 那么对方就能给您发送代币.如果您将 私钥 提供给别人, 那么对方就完全掌控了您的账户和资金.


请积极地关注您账户私钥和密码的安全, 您的私钥有时也会以助记词(mnemonic phrase), keystore文件, UTC文件, JSON文件, 钱包文件等形式存在.请记住如果您不慎丢失了您的私钥或者密码, 没有任何人可以恢复它们.如果您在钓鱼网站录入了您的私钥 ,那么它们会盗取您所有的资金.不要相信或者点击那些在电子邮件, Slack, Reddit, Twitter等地方看到的网页链接.养成手动输入地址打开网站的好习惯, 不要通过邮件或者其它途径里链接来打开网站.将您的私钥或者密码做好备份, 最好不要将它们保存在电脑上, 手写或者打印到纸上保存.将私钥或密码的备份单独保存到安全的离线环境, 如果它们跟您电脑放在一起的话那么一场大火或者洪水就能轻易的将它们一并摧毁.千万不要将私钥存放到在线网盘, 带云同步的相册等在线环境中.如果您真正重视您的数字货币, 那您就应该买一个硬件钱包, 您的资产值得用更专业的设备来保护.


⑵ 褥羊毛是什么意思 褥羊毛指的是什么呢


⑶ 币圈:何谓 空投糖果”,“airdrop”,“薅羊毛”能做什麽呢 答客问

空投糖果教学区 手把手教学喔 www.buypower99.com













建议用翻译软件,来了解意思,如GOOGLE 翻译,都可以哟,喵喵就是这样子玩的,建议关键字要记得就差不多了

翻译网站-> 网络翻译





为什麽不能用交易所的地址呢?  (很重要)




IMtoken教学 来这


钱包是密钥的管理工具, 他只包含密钥而不是确切的某一个代币。钱包中包含成对的私钥和公钥。用户用私钥来签名交易, 从而证明该用户拥有交易的输出权。而输出的交易信息则存储在区块链中。

用户在使用 imToken 时, 你的 Keystore, 助记词, 明文私钥, 都是钱包, Keystore 是你加了"锁"的钱包, 而助记词和明文私钥是完全暴露在外的钱包, 没有任何安全性可言, 所以在使用助记词和明文私钥时, 一定要注意保密

⑷ 盘点小白在币圈需要了解的基本玩法

区块链概念仿佛一夜之间火遍全球,伴随区块链而出现的币圈,更是成为造就无数财富神话的沃土。一时间,无论是大户还是小散,几乎所有人都把目光投向了这个圈子,带着大量资金前赴后继地涌进来,生怕慢人一步便会错失良机。 事实上,作为一个新兴行业,许多投资者在对区块链几乎是一无所知的情况下便贸贸然进了场,最终自然也就逃不过被“收割”的命运。既然我们进入币圈都是奔着赚钱而来,那你是否真的认真想过,怎样才能在币圈赚到钱?或者说,怎样在币圈更稳定地赚钱?方法一:项目众筹在币圈,项目众筹无疑是最让投资者感到兴奋的玩法。通过这种方式,许多投资者的资产在短时间内翻了数十倍乃至数百倍,想象空间无限巨大。然而今时不同往日,如今市面上出来众筹的项目数量急剧增加且良莠不齐,当前众筹的项目,破发风险极大,一旦投资失败,极有可能导致投资全部归零。方法二:短线炒币短线炒币,也叫做波段。在币圈,短线炒币是最普遍的玩法,也是大多数人进入币圈解锁的第一姿势。然而,在区块链世界做短线投资无疑就是在赌运气,风险极大。如果你以为跟着某些“短线大神”的K线分析就能在币圈无往而不利,那么恭喜,你离一个合格的韭菜已经不远了,三年之内不亏完算我输。方法三:搬砖套利所谓搬砖,其实就是利用各个币种在不同平台的交易价格不同,从价低的平台买入,再转到价高的平台卖出,这中间的差价,自然就是搬砖所得利润。讲到这里,你以为搬砖就是稳赚不赔的赚钱方法吗?Too young too simple!搬砖其实是一门技术活,由于不同交易所处理提币速度不同,在提币的这段时间,两个市场的价格极有可能发生反转,加上在不同交易所之间提币需要手续费,事实上稳赚不赔的只有交易平台。

方法四:领空投领空投,也叫薅羊毛。为了让潜在投资者获得代币相关信息,一些项目方会经常性地进行空投,往用户的钱包地址打币,由于空投一般是免费领取,这种方式也受到相当一部分用户的热捧。空投看似是一种零成本赚钱的方法,实际上,一些诈骗团伙经常会以高额的空投奖励诱惑人,再诱导用户输入私钥,最后把用户钱包地址上的代币全部转走。由此可见,空投也并非绝对的稳赚不赔。  方法五:投资Kssbtc平台,做稳定理财。


⑸ 褥羊毛什么意思能不能说的通俗易懂点


⑹ 褥羊毛是啥意思









⑺ 美国是如何通过美元在全世界剪羊毛的









⑻ 如何薅羊毛














相关问答:运费险只管1公斤之内吗 运费险首重是一公斤。运费险免首重是快递公司规定的首重,一般规定都是以一公斤为标准。不超过一公斤就只收首重价格,超过就要收续重。退货(售中)运费险是一种运费保险。为解决买家在退货中由于运费支出产生的纠纷,保险公司针对网络交易的特征,适时推出退货运费险产品,也简称 “退运保险”。退货运费险(买家)现阶段仅针对淘宝网支持7天无理由退货的商品,买家可在购买商品时选择投保,当发生退货时,在退款完结后72小时内,保险公司将按约定对买家的退货运费进行赔付。

⑼ 到底如何撸羊毛啊


⑴ Tutorial for beginners on blockchain wool, a must-read tutorial for beginners in the currency circle

Explanation of terms:

Blockchain token

Based on a new business model created by blockchain technology, and token is the token of each project. We collectively call it "token". The token will generate value with the circulation of the project as the project progresses

(This value depends on the consensus of everyone)

The blockchain is a bit like a huge, global and decentralized accounting book.

It is used to Record how much currency one person sends to another person, and track the balances of all accounts.

It is recorded by thousands of people with special computers around the world (we also call them miners) and maintained.

Blocks in the blockchain are composed of many transaction records, which are sent from similar operation interfaces such as Imtoken, MetaMask, Exos, Mist, Geth, Parity and other wallets Come out

2. Airdrop

Each project will airdrop a certain proportion of tokens as a benefit for the start of community construction. In order to allow more future users to participate, airdrops are The most important part of the commercial application of blockchain (you can understand that previous Internet projects allowed everyone to take taxis, eat, etc. for free)

3. Wallet

Wallets are divided into 'light' Wallets, hardware wallets, Bitcoin wallets, Ethereum wallets, cold wallets, etc.

Blockchain technology solves different industry pain points in different fields, so the value generated is also very different
For example: Bitcoin has solved the problem of trust, so now its value is 50,000 yuan a piece

Ethereum has solved the problem of smart contracts, so it is now worth 4,000 yuan a piece. A

Ripple solves the problem of cross-border payments, so it currently ranks third in market value

4. Pain points solved by the wallet

Traditional banks

When you register an account at a bank or exchange, these institutions will create a new account for you in their internal systems. The bank will closely track your personal information and record your account password. Balances, transaction records and complete control of your funds. The bank will charge account management and service fees while providing services to you, such as helping you recover stolen credit card purchases. The bank allows you to use prepayment by check or debit card. consumption methods, and onlineCheck your balance, reset your password, and replace your lost debit card. When you use a bank or exchange account to trade, the transaction amount and transfer address may be restricted by these institutions, and also There is an audit process. These restrictions will also charge you additional handling fees.

Virtual Currency Wallet

When you create an account in any wallet, in fact It just generates a pair of cryptographically significant digital strings: the private key and the public key (address) of your account. The entire process of generating these keys occurs within the browser of your local computer or mobile phone. The wallet file does not Will forward, receive or save your private key, password and any account information. There will be absolutely no handling fees for wallet files. Simply put, you just use this operation interface to interact directly with the blockchain network. If you will If you provide the public key (address) to others, then the other party can send you tokens. If you provide the private key to others, then the other party has complete control of your account and funds.

5. Wallet Security

Please actively pay attention to the security of your account private key and password. Your private key may sometimes be stored in a mnemonic phrase, keystore file, UTC file, JSON file, or wallet file. There are other forms. Please remember that if you accidentally lose your private key or password, no one can recover them. If you enter your private key on a phishing website, then they will steal all your funds. Don't Believe or click on web links you see in email, Slack, Reddit, Twitter, etc. Make a good habit of manually entering the address to open the website, and do not open the website through links in emails or other channels. Send your private key or Make backup copies of your passwords. It is best not to save them on your computer, handwrite them or print them out on paper. Save backup copies of your private keys or passwords separately in a secure offline environment, if they are kept with your computer. Fire or flood can easily destroy them together. Never store private keys in online network disks, photo albums with cloud synchronization and other online environments. If you really value your digital currency, you should buy one Hardware wallet, your assets deserve to be protected with more professional equipment.

Please pay attention to subsequent updates and follow the blockchain currency circle (www.qkl808.com) which will lead you on the road to financial freedom. Road

⑵ What does mattress wool mean? What does mattress wool refer to?

1. Mattress wool should be piled wool. The piled wool originally followed Aunt Baiyun’s "gathering" in the Spring Festival Gala sketch. The practice of "Xiao Xun wool knitting sweaters" is defined as "sweeping wool". Now point to someUsers collect preferential information from various banks and other financial institutions and various merchants, and spread it on the Internet and among friends. This behavior is called harvesting (hāo) wool.
2. Now the definition of "harvesting" has gone beyond the definition of the financial industry and penetrated into other fields. Taxi-hailing and ride-sharing apps such as Didi Taxi provide vouchers, Meituan takeaways, and Ele.me ordering discounts Activities such as activity promotion, online wallet, and free phone calls and data recharge can all be called profit-making.

⑶ Coin Circle: What is "airdrop candy", "airdrop", what can "wool" do? Answer customer questions

The airdrop candy teaching area provides step-by-step teaching www.buypower99.com

Question: What is airdrop candy?

What is airdrop? Simply put, airdrop is a way for the development team to invite users to participate in an event. After the event is completed, will give you virtual currency. These free cryptocurrencies will be transferred directly to your wallet address, without the need for you to mine, buy, or hold the original currency before the fork. It can also be given away for free without any conditions. Your currency. Generally, there are some altcoins that use airdrops to issue coins, such as XNN, BTX, Stellar, OmiseGo, Byteball

Bytes, etc.

Rules for airdrops It is decided by the digital currency party. It can give you a certain number of coins when you register, or there are many distributed through snapshots. For example, the XNN coin is actually a blockchain copied from EOS, much like a fork. It is a currency but it is not, because it does not inherit the previous records of the original currency. Therefore, you cannot distribute candies through forks. Instead, you take a snapshot of the original currency and then airdrop the currency to you according to the address of the original currency.
< br />Why does the issuer want to airdrop coins? In fact, this is a marketing method to attract more users by giving away things. On the one hand, giving away coins can increase the enthusiasm of investors; Distribute chips, speed up circulation, and allow coins to spread further. The more people who hold digital currency, the higher the recognition and the more valuable it will be.

Question: Really? Is it free?

Answer: Basically it is free, so there are conditions to get it. You need to complete basic registration or invite friends to come together. As for what benefits they have, because When you come here and are optimistic about their projects, you may participate in their ICO and crowdfunding, and they will be able to get more funds to complete their projects. It is a bit like listed stocks, and a bit like Gambling, of course, we don’t have to participate in anything that costs money, and can only participate in airdrops. We will not recommend any projects that cost money, only participate in free ones

Question: Is it true to get airdrop candies? Can it be sold for money?

Answer: Not necessarily, because they are new projects and most of them have not yet been listed on the exchange, but many have been negotiated and will be listed on the exchange when the crowdfunding and airdrop are completed. However, airdrops that have just ended are usually cheaper, so it is recommended to just leave them alone. Bitcoin also lasted eight years before it rose sharply.

Question: Do you feel it’s not worth the money?

Answer: Because most of the projects are newly released and require popularity and promotion as well as crowdfunding money to complete. I got it. For small investors, the wait is worth it! 8 years ago, Bitcoin was also measured in cents... If you have money, of course you can play more, and if you have less money, of course you can play for free. You can earn more by playing both! Meow Meow itself has nothing to sell, but I will consider it in a year or two!

Question: What should I do if there are foreign websites? I can’t understand @@"

It is recommended to use translation software to understand the meaning, such as GOOGLE Translate, which is fine. Meow Meow is To play like this, just remember the recommended keywords

Translation website -> Internet translation

Google Translate

After entering, enter what you want Just enter the translated text...

Question: Do you feel like you don’t make much money?

Because you get it for free, you generally don’t make much money. I have time. It’s good to play for fun, or you can play seriously, but not every project has very little money, some are still very valuable. Invite friends to come together.

Why can’t I use the address of the exchange? (Very good. Important)

This is a mistake that newbies will make. Let me briefly explain it. The address of the currency on the exchange... They don’t know how to classify currencies, and Ethereum-specific wallets, such as imtoken, airdrop coins. When you drop it into your dedicated wallet, it will automatically classify it, automatically determine what currency it is, and put it in the correct location. And you will find that the exchange will tell you which currency you need to transfer to and which address you need to transfer it to. Wrong, it means that the money has disappeared. Be sure not to make this mistake. Remember that when we transfer any money, we must pay attention to whether it can be transferred, so as not to... lose everything.

Some wallets support There are multiple currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but their addresses are different. You have to check it in your wallet to find out. If you don’t want to send different money to the same place, it will be over. For example, Bitcoin remittance To the Ethereum address, your money... will say goodbye to you!! To play airdrop candy, you basically use the Ethereum wallet imtoken, which has only one address. When participating in the airdrop, they will call You enter the ETH address (ETH

address) and paste it, and you are right! You must not use the eth address of your exchange, which will not be received.! ! Remember

IMtoken tutorial is here

2 What is a wallet

A wallet is a key management tool. It only contains the key and not the exact specific key. a token. The wallet contains pairs of private and public keys. The user uses the private key to sign the transaction, thereby proving that the user has the right to output the transaction. The output transaction information is stored in the blockchain.

When a user uses imToken, your Keystore, mnemonic phrase, and plaintext private key are all wallets. Keystore is the wallet that you have added a "lock", and the mnemonic phrase and plaintext private key are A wallet that is completely exposed has no security at all, so when using mnemonics and plaintext private keys, be sure to keep them confidential

⑷ Take stock of the basic gameplay that novices need to know in the currency circle


The concept of blockchain seems to have spread all over the world overnight, and the currency circle that emerged with the blockchain has become a fertile ground for creating countless wealth myths. For a time, almost everyone, whether they were large investors or small investors, set their sights on this circle, pouring in with large amounts of capital, fearing that if they were slow, they would miss the opportunity. In fact, as an emerging industry, many investors have entered the market hastily without knowing almost anything about blockchain, and in the end they will naturally not escape the fate of being "harvested". Since we all enter the currency circle to make money, have you really thought about how to make money in the currency circle? In other words, how to make money more stably in the currency circle? Method One: Project Crowdfunding In the currency circle, project crowdfunding is undoubtedly the most exciting method for investors. In this way, the assets of many investors have increased dozens or even hundreds of times in a short period of time, and the space for imagination is infinite. However, today is different from the past. The number of crowdfunding projects on the market has increased sharply and the quality is mixed. The current crowdfunding projects have a great risk of failure. Once the investment fails, it is very likely that all investments will be lost. Method 2: Short-term currency speculation. Short-term currency speculation is also called swing. In the currency circle, short-term currency speculation is the most common way to play, and it is also the first step for most people to enter the currency circle to unlock. However, making short-term investments in the blockchain world is undoubtedly gambling on luck and is extremely risky. If you think you can succeed in the currency circle by following the K-line analysis of some "short-term masters", then congratulations, you are not far from being a qualified leek. If you don't lose money within three years, I will lose. Method 3: The so-called arbitrage of moving bricks. In fact, it is to take advantage of the different transaction prices of each currency on different platforms. Buy from the platform with a lower price, and then sell it to the platform with a higher price. The price difference in the middle is naturally the price difference between the two currencies. Profit from bricks. Speaking of which, do you think that moving bricks is a sure-fire way to make money? Too young too simple! Moving bricks is actually a technical job, because different exchanges process currency withdrawals at different speeds.At the same time, during the period of withdrawing coins, the prices in the two markets are very likely to reverse. In addition, there are handling fees for withdrawing coins between different exchanges. In fact, the only thing that can make a profit without losing money is the trading platform.

Method 4: Receive airdrops and receive airdrops, also called harvesting wool. In order to allow potential investors to obtain token-related information, some project parties will regularly conduct airdrops and transfer coins to users' wallet addresses. Since airdrops are generally free of charge, this method is also popular among a considerable number of users. Airdrops seem to be a way to make money at zero cost. In fact, some fraud gangs often lure people with high airdrop rewards, then induce users to enter their private keys, and finally transfer all the tokens in the user's wallet address. It can be seen that airdrops are not absolutely guaranteed to make money without losing money. Method 5: Invest in the Kssbtc platform for stable financial management.

The safest way is to join a blockchain company, invest in projects, and follow the team! KssBit's one-stop digital currency fund redemption platform KssBit integrates quantification, strategy, AI arbitrage, Defi, ETF and other comprehensive profit-making fund platforms. The platform supports BTC, USDT, and ETH currency-based financial management, providing sustained income and surviving bull and bear markets. At the same time, there are a variety of funds to choose from, which are robust and aggressive to meet the needs of different users. All funds can be deposited and withdrawn at any time, with real-time settlement. No lock-up, irregular period, flexible and convenient. This is the most stable and realistic way to "make sure you make money without losing money" at the moment!

⑸ Can you explain in a simpler way what the meaning of mattress wool is?

Mattress wool should be wool, which originally followed Aunt Baiyun’s “wool knitting sweater” in the Spring Festival Gala sketch. "The practice is defined as "sheeping wool". Now it refers to some users who collect preferential information from various banks and other financial institutions and various merchants, and spread it on the Internet and among friends. This behavior is called harvesting.
Gathering wool originally followed Aunt Baiyun’s practice of “gathering wool to knit a sweater” in the Spring Festival Gala sketch, and was defined as “gathering wool”. The so-called profiteering refers to online earning people using various online financial products or red envelope activities to promote offline sales to make money. It also generally refers to collecting preferential information from various banks and other financial institutions and various merchants to achieve the purpose of profit.
This type of behavior is called fleecing. For now, the definition of "scamming money" is not limited to the Internet financial field, but has penetrated into all areas of society. Many activities such as takeaway coupons, reductions and exemptions, free phone bills, and free data traffic can all be called Gathering wool.
Extended information:
The emerging urban residents, represented by those born in the 80s and 90s, have developed a strong interest in some preferential activities carried out by banks and other financial institutions and various merchants, and have specially appeared This group of people collects preferential information from various banks and other financial institutions and various merchants, and spreads it widely on the Internet and among friends. This behavior is called "harvesting" (hāo).
Currently, the definition of “harvesting” is becoming more and more broad, and it has gone beyond the financial industry.The definition has penetrated into various fields. Many activities such as Didi Taxi and other ride-hailing and ride-sharing apps giving vouchers, Meituan takeaways, Ele.me ordering discount activities, online wallets, free phone calls and recharging data, etc., can all be called "grabbing wool". .
In fact, the word wool harvesting is not inherently associated with P2P. According to online explanations, most of the people who collect wool are mainly people born in the 1980s. They are interested in some preferential activities carried out by banks and other financial institutions and various merchants, so as to obtain discounts and even monetary returns. It is also considered to be a common practice among financial management people. One of the techniques. In the past two years, there have been many cases of "snatching money" by paying attention to credit cards. On the Internet, "wool gangsters" are everywhere.
The so-called "Wool Party", an explanation often quoted online is that the "Yangliang Party" refers to those who specifically choose Internet companies' marketing activities to exchange for high rewards at low or even zero cost. people.

⑹ What does "wool" mean?

Interpretation: Nowadays, the Bihu people represented by the post-80s and 90s offer some discounts to banks and other financial institutions and various merchants. The activity aroused strong interest, and a group of people specifically appeared to collect preferential information from various banks and other financial institutions and various merchants, and spread it widely on the Internet and among friends. This behavior is called sheep hunting.

Currently, the definition of "grabbing" is becoming more and more widespread, penetrating into various fields. Taxi vouchers, takeout coupons, discounts, free phone calls, and many other activities can be called "grabbing". .

(6) How to expand reading in the currency circle


A bank credit card launched the following activities:



1. Weekly promotion; monthly promotion - successfully recommended 3 people to apply for a card and be awarded a 7-inch tablet, 6 people to apply for a card and be awarded a 10-inch tablet; 2015 Redtest Friday cheering event; 2015 Redtest Friday supermarket event; 10 times points for overseas consumption; 10 yuan credit card bonus for successfully binding the mobile terminal, etc.

2. The concept of "slathering wool" is proposed to lead cardholders to participate in the credit card activities while creating higher value consumption habits, allowing users to improve their quality of life while enjoying the benefits of "slathering wool" of happiness.

3. Cardholders can also check their harvesting results in real time through the official website of the credit card.

⑺ How the United States uses the U.S. dollar to shear its sheep around the world

The shearing is as follows:

Driven by interest rate hikes, the global U.S. dollar has further returned, and other The country's foreign exchange is plundered by the inflow and outflow of US dollars, which makes the currency supply insufficient to maintain operation. Inflation, debt crisis, monetary system turmoil or even collapse will occur.

At this time, since the economies of most countries around the world are already in difficulty or even collapsing, the United States has sufficient liquidity to develop new technologies, develop new economies, and reconstruct the economic ecosystem. As long as it gets stronger, it will always be the overlord.

Easy in the U.S. dollarUnder the austerity, although the U.S. economy has occasionally experienced recessions, it has generally been oscillating upward. Since there is a profit between the outflow and return of U.S. dollars, the returning U.S. dollars are greater than the outflow of U.S. dollars, and the difference between this is that other countries need to sell cheap labor and cheap resources in exchange for U.S. dollars.

In fact, the United States has done nothing. Through the loosening and tightening of the Fed's currency, in and out, it has successfully obtained cheap labor and products, and achieved a successful harvest. If a country fails to withstand the test, its entire economic system will be destroyed, and its work for the United States will basically be in vain.


Appeared after the passage of the United States Coinage Act of 1792. The current issuance of U.S. dollars is controlled by the U.S. Federal Reserve System. Since 1913, the United States has established the Federal Reserve System and issued Federal Reserve Notes. More than 99% of current banknotes in circulation are Federal Reserve notes.

The authority responsible for issuing U.S. dollars is Congress, and the specific issuance business is handled by the Federal Reserve Bank. After World War II, continental European countries reached an agreement with the United States and agreed to use U.S. dollars for international payments. Since then, the U.S. dollar has been widely used as a reserve currency in countries other than the United States and eventually became an international currency.

⑻ How to collect wool

When it comes to "freight insurance", anyone with online shopping experience is familiar with it. This service that facilitates customer returns has been "taken advantage of" by some people with ulterior motives. Recently, the Changning District Procuratorate handled an insurance fraud case involving fictitious transactions and frequent returns to defraud huge amounts of freight insurance.

Select free shipping insurance and place your order in the online store.

In March 2017, Xiao Hu, a young man born in the 1990s, accidentally discovered a loophole in the platform, 3354, while shopping online. After purchasing goods with freight insurance, he refused and then applied for a return to obtain freight insurance. This flaw made him overjoyed. Later, whenever his hands were a little tight, he would use this method to get some yarn every once in a while. In more than two years of inspection, Xiao Hu has placed more than 4,800 orders.

In order to defraud the insurance company, Xiao Hu racked his brains. He places orders exclusively at stores that offer shipping insurance and postage. At the same time, in order to obtain a higher amount of freight insurance compensation, he deliberately wrote the delivery address to remote areas such as Ningxia, Xinjiang, and Tibet, and fabricated the name and contact information of the recipient, resulting in the failure of the goods to be delivered smoothly, and the goods were shipped in the original way. Return to merchant.

After the product is returned to the merchant, Xiao Hu initiates the after-sales return process. After the merchant agrees, the insurance company that accepts transaction freight insurance will automatically make freight insurance claims. Freight insurance is generally 6 to 18 yuan per piece. Although the amount of freight insurance per order is not high, it is only an online operation with low threshold and zero cost. Over time, the income is still considerable.

Until May 2020, during an internal investigation, the platform discovered that there were abnormalities in multiple accounts registered by Xiao Hu, and subsequently reported the case to the public security agency.

Scammed 73,000 yuan out of freight insurance

Because I lost a lot of money in gambling, I thought about getting some freight insurance by returning goods online, but I didn’t expect the consequences to be so serious.

After Xiao Hu was captured and brought to justice, he truthfully confessed his crimefor.

The prosecutor in charge said that with the upgrade of the risk control system of e-commerce platforms, the number of times an account can pay freight insurance is limited. If the number of payment applications increases, the account will be detected by the system and enter the "blacklist" of the system. List". In order to frequently defraud insurance companies, Xiao Hu registered multiple platform accounts using multiple mobile phone numbers. From May 2017 to February 2020, Xiao Hu applied for insurance claims for more than 4,800 orders and defrauded freight insurance compensation of up to 73,000 yuan.

The Changning District Procuratorate reviewed this case and determined that the defendant Xiao Jiconghu deliberately caused insurance accidents and defrauded insurance money for the purpose of illegal possession, which amounted to a large amount. His behavior has violated Article 198, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, and he should be held criminally responsible for the crime of insurance fraud. Since Xiao Hu voluntarily pleads guilty and repentes, and withdraws all illegal gains, he may be given a lighter punishment according to law.

Recently, the court sentenced Xiao Hu to three years in prison, suspended for three years, and fined RMB 20,000 for insurance fraud. At present, the platform has released insurance claim risk control rules and early warning tips. And the loopholes were plugged in time.

Prosecutor’s statement: Don’t follow the scammers’ example. If the amount of insurance fraud reaches a certain amount, it constitutes a criminal offense and it is difficult to escape jail.

Related Q&A: Does freight insurance only cover items within 1 kilogram? The first weight of freight insurance is one kilogram. The first weight of freight insurance exemption is the first weight specified by the express company. Generally, the standard is one kilogram. If it does not exceed one kilogram, only the price of the first weight will be charged, and if it exceeds one kilogram, the additional weight will be charged. Return (on-sale) freight insurance is a type of freight insurance. In order to solve the disputes caused by buyers due to freight expenses during returns, insurance companies have timely launched return freight insurance products based on the characteristics of online transactions, also referred to as "return insurance". Return freight insurance (buyer) currently only supports 7-day no-reason return of goods on Taobao. Buyers can choose to insure when purchasing goods. When a return occurs, within 72 hours after the refund is completed, the insurance company will Agree to compensate the buyer for return shipping costs.

⑼ How to roll wool?

Do you know how to roll real wool?
1. The investment pattern determines how far you can go
Wool is a small bargain. Appropriate exposure is fine, but too much eagerness for quick success and instant benefit is always bad. People with a narrow investment pattern can only see petty profits on the ground but cannot see the waves in the distance. They can only see bits and pieces of debris around but cannot see the numerous fruits in the distance. In the matter of investment, it is difficult to make big money after all, and it is difficult to achieve great things in life in the future.
2. Investment ability is far more effective than magic skills
Investment is the loneliest required course in life. If you think about it carefully, how sad would it be if we spent our whole lives on speculative things like wool harvesting, just for the fragmented results? Investment is a long process, passing through various places, being baptized by risks, struggling with decisions, and maintaining a balanced mentality. Ability determines income!
3. Make full use of the rules to ensure maximum income
The real profit is not the petty profit in front of people with small vision, butIt is to use platform rules to rationally allocate funds under the guidance of scientific methods, and to increase one's returns on a large scale while keeping risks unchanged. Most investors may not have thought about this systematically.
For example, in order to deal with the tight supply of funds at the end of the year, many platforms will adopt an interest rate increase strategy. If funds are reasonably pooled and invested at this time, your annualized income can be greatly improved.
At the same time, we should also purposefully pay attention to high-quality platforms that are in the expansion period and celebrating their anniversaries. These platforms usually have lower returns, but they often have large interest rate discounts at these points, forming excellent investments. Chances are, your investment returns can often increase by two to three points.
The above is the technique for woolen wool. I would like to remind everyone that online loans are risky and you should be cautious when doing so.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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